Sunday, October 6, 2024

70 Evelyn Hone College students picked up by Police for rioting


Evelyn Hone College Students running away from Zambia Police riot squad
FILE: Evelyn Hone College Students running away from Zambia Police riot squad

70 students from Evelyn Hone College in Lusaka have been picked up by police following this morning’s demonstrations at the institution.

Police Province Police Chief Joyce Kasosa confirmed the development in an interview this morning.

Ms. Kasosa said the 70 are being kept in police cells at various police stations across the city.

She said the students are being held to help with investigations over the riot that erupted at the institution in the early hours of Thursday.

The students are said to have demonstrated against government’s failure to place them on bursary and improve the poor sanitation standards.

Ms. Kasosa revealed that police is investigating the students and is likely to charge them with malicious damage to property.

She said the students smashed windows to a number of mini buses packed inside the yard at Central Police as well as some college property.


    • iwe nostradumus… were where you,, i thought you were picked up to go and assist sata`s police force with passwords for those computers which were raided from the named former hone lecturer

  1. The difference between an African and a European protest is that in poor Africa we riot, thereby damaging property and deepening our poverty; while in Europe people protest without rioting, they do not damage property. In this way the economic loss is minimal because they care about nation building.

    • Really? You must not have heard of the Tottenham protests of 2011 that turned into riots. This spread through out London to Brixton, Croydon etc. Reasons, basically the youth feeling marginalised and unemployed. Is there any similarities with the Hone Students in that they feel marginalised by not being offered bursaries?

    • Or the recent Sweden protests where packed cars were burnt to ashes or the famous paris protests where almost all the shops where burnt in a certain street!

    • And again seems you did not hear about the student protests in the UK over the increase in collage fees, if am not mistaken happened in 2010 or 2011. A human is human my friend when they get unruly, England is actually the birth place of soccer hooligans. ever head of them

    • @mfumu forgive gundix he perhaps doesn’t read the local news, those riots are still fresh on people’s minds.

  2. @ Gundixy that’s a lie. But Hone students are
    very stupit. How are we going to rebuild the
    Infrastructure if it is damaged? The Management
    has worked over years to repair the place. Now
    it will start all over again. The anger should be at
    GRZ. Peaceful protest is what we want.

  3. This is getting out of hand now, does it mean that issues cant be ironed out maturely and diplomatically? sometimes media is to blame, people think that what is happenning in the middle east is good therefore, they resort to similar acts, believe me you, that is so barbaric, even if you succeed in something, there is no decency in rioting or coup, whatever happenned to ironing out differencies on the table! This kind of behaviour worsens issues and leads to nothing but extends the wounds by making it even huge, how can you solve problems with screaming, pangas, knives, stones or guns? hypothetically speaking ofcourse, You cant, please lets not copy what is happenning in other countries we should be able to emulate ourselves as peaceful Zambians, i hope we can be true to ourselves.

  4. Destroy and pay back for rebuilding or repairing. Individually they never destroy property from their home. But with mob psychic they don’t treasure what other people hold dear. They throw stones at anything and anyone! Wonder whether this is a sign intelligence wisdom or both. But I greatly doubt that. The college closes, one year behind, languishing in compounds, longing to go back to college, that thinking can be crazy, indeed. If I were a student in Zambia I would devise better ways of expression. What about lobbying MPs, appointment with ministers, National assembly, President, etc. Are there no nonviolent methods of pressing for solutions in the heads of students?

    • Nothing was destroyed ba pompwe imwe. Students were woken up at 04 hrs by invading Ukwa guard dogs who had been informed that students were planning a demonstration for payment of their long due allowances!

  5. last time involved myself in a riot was when i was at chamboli secondary chamsec in grade 10.

    dont arrest HH’s babes he wont spare you with ultimatum

  6. You are very selfish useful *****s! You denied many poor zambians to have maize and fuel subsidies and now you want the same money for subsidies to finance your education, you will not get it. The subsidy savings should go for health and education institution constraction and not financing your education, that is what you wanted so let it be so

  7. Can the police insure that those lazy and dull boys and girls pay for the damage.Why are they going 2 learn protest like humanbeing ?Don’t be lenient 2 dem please. Let dem face the full force of de law so dat dey learn 2 respect values of democracy.

    • There was no riot nor damage. The only damage is in your Ukwa infested head. Evelyn Hone College was invaded by PF Police to prevent a rumoured demonstration. Get that ugly head of yours from whatever orifice it is stuck in.

  8. What? The riots you refer to in England were not started by students at a learning institution, I should have said. The reason was different, etc.
    Students must be reasonable and use other ways to express their feelings.

    • A riot is a riot, don’t glory the Brits for their woes…we can learn from them yes but don’t make them look good simply because.

  9. Students must learn to safe-guard their property even in times of riots/demonstrations cos at the end of the day it’s them to suffer again.

    Ba Hone riot wisely as interllectuals…

    • This is a student demostration not a riot!!!!…

      Crazy!!! the whole armied forces should not be sent there,,, just ask the college admin to deal with it…

  10. PF under pressure! may the President should come out wherever he is to address the students. UNZA is also on the boil. I wouldn’t be surprised to see pupils at Burma Road and Mumuni Primary Schools joining in!

  11. Hone is a low caliber school and I have never heard of any CEO coming from there. Socialism is a cancer and for the fees that these students pay, they deserve average sanitation. If you want improved conditions, study hard and go to UNZA or go to ZCAS. Stop making stupid and senseless riots!

  12. Make them pay for the damage period. The boys and girls have to pay for their stu.pidity. There are peaceful ways of making your grievances heard than this dull and insipid barbaric method.

    Peace and Prosperity to Mother Zambia.

  13. Give them bursary and make them pay for whatever damage they have made at the institution. They are fools. How can they smash windows at the college. The same dull students will rise and say we need good infrastructure which they are damaging.

  14. Colonial origins of education in Zambia can explain riotous behavior by EHC students. When education is understood as a common good, then a riot becomes reundant. Throwing stones and torching a few cars is banditry, criminal and justiciable. It is time for students to treat infrastructure at schools and colleges, universities and institutes as public property intended for common good.

  15. @Chi daudi and chi ndobo you are still lunatics whose asses must be squeezed this year. U must be ,’John come and eat nsimas.’ln a democracy 0 must respect the values of democracy and not the way, u embaciles are behaving.POLICE HIT THEM HARD!

    • what law did we break sir??… are armied with your machine gun??….am shaking scared of you bwana!!!
      please dont shoot… we starting praising you sir and your PF even if you name that staduim Gabon disaster sata hero staduim,,,
      kekekekekek langhing silently…sshhiii so that i do not annoy the bwana and break the law

  16. My Alma mater – word of advise to these at Hone; you are right next to a police station. Make sure you demonstrate in peace.

    You are the grass crushed where an angry elephant is fighting itself.

    I hope it will not take 90 days for you to be free.


  17. ATI: “YOU KAMBWILI”! LOL Apparently that’s now an insult, if you are found to think like him, you are called that on the streets lol…
    Bus Operator: “Iwe! Iwe! Iwe! You Kambwili!” lol

    That’s what you get for naming sh***t like that…

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