THE Lusaka High Court has sentenced a Lusaka business woman Beatrice Hangwende, her elder brother John and two others to death for murdering her husband’s lover Monica Chabwera Phiri in cold blood six years ago.
Supreme Court Judge Gregory Phiri sitting as High Court Judge sentenced Beatrice the owner of Jasmine Beauty Palour and her elder brother to death on one count of murder and another life imprisonment in count two for attempted murder.
Immediately the verdict was pronounced, Beatrice wept uncontrollably until she was bundled into the prison van.
Beatrice’s accomplices Joseph Banda and Charles Mwanza have also been slapped with similar sentences while her nephew Jungwe Majula was sentenced to 15 years on both counts and another relative, Mary Moyo was acquitted.
The six were facing two counts, one of murder contrary to section 200 of the Penal Code and attempted murder of Benny Banda, Monica’s driver on April 22, 2007.
Delivering a six-hour judgment, Judge Phiri said his hands were tied and could not exercise leniency or extenuating circumstances because of the manner in which the victim was murdered and how they later planned to murder Benny.
“I find the four of you, Beatrice, John, Banda, and Mwanza, guilty of murdering the victim and robbing the victims of their properties which included cellular phones and damaging of the vehicle driven by Monica and I accordingly sentence you to death as this is the appropriate sentence for this offence,” said Mr Justice Phiri.
Ms Moyo was acquitted on grounds that the prosecutors failed to prove the charges against her while Majula was not involved in the whole action up to the murder of the victim.
Mr Justice Phiri advised the police to continue pursuing the other two accomplices, Febby and Gregory who are still on the run and are believed to be part of the gang that murdered Monica on the material day.
The Judge said there was overwhelming evidence in the matter especially from the police officers tasked to investigate the matter saying in fact, they deserved to be promoted because they executed their duties diligently.
He said he had never experienced such diligence executed by investigation officers in the matter who made his work easier after tracing all the mobile phone calls by the convicts and mapping their movements.
He said he would write to the Inspector General of police Stella Libongani to have the four police officers, Alfred Foloko, Henry Mulenga, Richard Banda and a Ms Besa to be elevated for their efforts during investigations,” he said.
Mr Justice Phiri observed that from the evidence adduced by the prosecution witnesses, Beatrice was the initiator of the murder as she had been planning the death of Monica way back before she engaged her relatives to help her by first abducting her from her lover’s house and later drove her to Chisamba area where her body was dumped.
“The cell-sites used showed all the movements of the gang from Rhodes Park where they abducted Monica and her driver Benny and continued to exchange phone calls until past midday after she was murdered,” he said.
He said from the caller identification analysed from the cell-site towers, there was no indication that Beatrice was making those continued calls from outside the country as she alleged in her defence.
Mr Justice Phiri said Beatrice only stopped phone calls to his accomplices after midnight as shown by the detailed electronic systems which indicated that the convict was suing the cell-site in Ibex Hills where she used to stay and was apprehended from.
Mr Justice Phiri rejected the alibi by Beatrice of having travelled to South Africa at the time of Monica’s murder on account that she failed to provide the air ticket used, flight number, flight used, electronic evidence and agent used to purchase her air ticket.
“Bringing the stamped passport alone is not enough to convince the prosecution that you were in South Africa and even after analysing the stamps in the passport, it was established that the date stamps from both countries were forged,” he said.
Love triangle gone awry.Hang the bitch she seems jovial and unconcerned at the loss of priceless human life.
When a husband cheats on you, he doesn’t love you anymore, walk away with dignity and half of his assets, murder has consequences.
Bear in mind that this sentence comes 7 years after the crime was committed. Our legal system is so warped it takes 7 years to arrive at a conviction.
Let us suppose the fat lady was found innocent – 7 wasted years?
Just me thinking – better stop – weekend is heya !!!!
ba nubian,pa zed ilyashi yama prenuptial agreements takwaba. when you divorce bakalamba kuyafye na ma tole chapwa. not ifyo ifya ku amelika kwenu.
Zambia should abolish the death penalty. It is primitive justice.
@ ANNA LYSER Some cases even go beyond 7 years,just appreciate your officers for solving this crime…you should be watching investigation discovery channel,there are interesting cases that go up to 20 years unresolved,some even go as mysteries…be thankful my friend
I fail to understand why people are so jealous and obsessed to the extent of killing either their spouses or their rivals. There is plenty fish in the sea. People should not forget that two strangers who make a deliberate decision to start making love and even marry. It is in the light that I find it equally logical for people in a sexual relationship to change their mind and make a another deliberate decision to find another lover. So its only prudent that when a lover changes their mind they should be tolerated and left alone to pursue their new found love. Causing harm will never change how they feel about their lover they cheat on.
Can’t take the heat leave instead of harming the other person.
Obsession not love makes jealous lovers to harm their spouses or their rivals…
Being in a sexual relationship does not stop either party from making decisions about their sexual feelings. Lovers should be able to exercise their freedom to change their mind and decide who to enjoy sex with . How ever the fact remains if you love some one you stick with them no matter what and you do not harm them or any third party for their sake. It is also possible to love more than one woman or man as long there is some understanding amongst the parties involved.
To me ,men and women who fight and harm their lovers because of jealous have no confidence in their sexual jewels. For men its either they come quickly(within a second) or they are too small for a woman to feel anything. For women its either they sleep like a log in during sex or their hygiene is questionable.
@allow us to be frank
Oh my God, do you watch ID too? I am obsessed!
That is how the police should behave – professionally. We need a professional police – not men and women in uniform but with a partisan political agenda. This case is evidence that the Zambia Police can work.
These were police officers in Levy’s time not now.Kaya mwandini
Great relief having been the first one to meet the survivor Benny, treat him gunshoot wound & inform victims, family and ZP. Madam u got what u deserve tho it has been a long wait & I salute ZP and DPP officers, Bravo guys.
Finally Monica’s justice has been saved on these heartless criminals. May her soul rest in eternal peace
Didnt monica knew that the man was married? The wages of sin is death but she didnt deserve to die such a death.
Sad for this big mama!
I don’t know if it is bad, but am happy about the sentence. Monica was not anyone I knew personally, but I was touched by her death. Any woman who kills another woman over a man deserves the hottest place in hell. married women when you husband cheats, deal with him, not the other woman! am sure Beatrice’s ex husband is now married ever after.
Well done Police Officers, excellent execution of due diligence and care. indeed they deserve promotion. i remember this case made headline in the Post Newspaper wen it was a professional tabloid way back in 06, now its full of riffraffs
Finally this case comes to an end with some justice prevailing.credit to the Police for the professionalism throughout the proceedings,at least we still have a few hard working officers.M.H.S.R.I.E.P
Life sentence could have been appropriate. I feel sorry for Beatrix children
They ll most likely appeal and the supreme court will reduce the sentences to life. Doesn’t make much difference though.
I actually had life without parole on my mind as most appropriate considering the interest of innocent members of the family and the fact that. I was based on vengeance, though premeditated.
Just give them life imprisonment.
Kanshi,Zambia also hangs
A christian nation that hangs people!! Might as well be hell on earth for some people.
3 more deaths, more funerals and loss of loved ones. Life Sentence fye.
Sad state of affairs. I am really sad Beatrice and ha family. Men, Men,Men be faithful to yo patners u see now wat unfaithfulness has lead Beatrice to. Now it has costed ha life. And the lady who was murdered paid her sin jst as well as Beatrice. The wages of sin is death and the gift of life is eternal peace. Do nt return evil for evil. I think these words speaks for both am tokin about Beti and da late.
I hope the promotion won’t take the officers high up to a level of incompetence: Up their pecks and privileges but leave them around the same job–their area of proven usefulness!
My thoughts too. Just like in hospitals or in schools, good doctors are promoted to administration leaving the wards or classrooms.
husbands, if you sleep around you do not only put your girl friend’s life in danger but your wives’ too. it is so sad that such matters can lead to loss of lives. I will ask people to be sensible in dealing with such cases. anger sometimes tend to control people but when you look back at everything ‘no man or woman is worth dying for’.
The reporting is poor. The account of the Crimes I.e. the murder and attempted murder should feature prominent ly
Welcome back ba Maria
Beatrice Ubufontini bwamulya.
Dear brothers & sisters..Take a leaf from this.
No man is powerful but death is powerful over Man which means ALL people are equal regardless of their social status because all people goes to the grave when they lose life.NEVER should you think you have money and can buy justice or life.WHAT you do to others shall be a full measure be it blessings or condemnation to you ALSO.
The officers involved do not need promotions but just commendation.Think of the doctors and nurses spread thoughout the country who are busy saving lives everyday with no proper facilities ,what do they get?Not even headlines in papers!
If only u knew how these officers worked to comeup with the valid evidence to convince the court. yes those good doctors must be rewarded but like the ZP officers only those doing their jobs diligently not like the doctors @ Maamba General Hospital who see the accident victim after two days no!
@ Ba Kolwe
That is so true…
The long arm of the law has finally caught up with Beatrice and crew. Monica remains 6 feet under…But where is the man for whom Beatrice killed Monica? was this love or obsession?
Sad ending indeed. Monica was involved in adultery and the result of it is death and she is dead. MHSRIP. Beatrice took law into her own hands and she is going to join Monica soon. Lessons for life indeed. Adultery is agree.
I really don’t understand this paragraph; “Mr Justice Phiri said Beatrice only stopped phone calls to his accomplices after midnight as shown by the detailed electronic systems which indicated that the convict was suing the cell-site in Ibex Hills where she used to stay and was apprehended from.”
‘His accomplices’ and ‘the convict was suing the cell-site in Ibex Hills…’ ??? Eeerhhh???
am pretty sure it was a typing error…”suing is supposed to be using”
beatrice waipa-íshye umwana wabene pa bukala ubwa muntu fye? Namatako yonse ayo bushe nga tawafwaile fye icikala cimbi? ifikala fyalisula impanga yonse. nomba icikala waleumfwila akaso chashala. wanya amafi! Kabiye shetani! Ichalo ukuwama ukwabula ifibanda fipaya abantu.
beatrice waipa-íshye umwana wabene pa bwamba bwa muntu fye? Namatako yonse ayo bushe nga tawafwaile fye icikala cimbi? ifikala fyalisula impanga yonse. nomba icikala waleumfwila akaso chashala. wanya amafi! Kabiye shetani! Ichalo ukuwama ukwabula ifibanda fipaya abantu.
Its very sad! kwati pali nakaume aka kufwila po! atase!
You are a hero Beatrice, you fought for your man and dealt with a husband snatcher who wanted to reap where she did not sow.
Agee entirely. Monica was a real bitch of a woman since she was a kid. What happened to her didn’t surprise me.
She is not a hero. She is a cold blooded murderer and she will get what’s coming to her. She is not the first woman to be cheated on nor will she be the last. She should have sorted out her husband or walked away with dignity like somebody said. She had her whole life waiting for her but she threw it away. Am sure she has regretted it but it’s too late now. Ladies just let the bugger go if he wants to.
lessons need to be drawn from this, life is life, you have it now, tomorrow might be a different story. several people gone in a puff of smoke, bad decisions we make in life. my heart goes out to the families involved, i dont know you personally but i can imagine the pain. Sad part is that they had a chance to retreat from this devious act, but they kept on, explains the hanging.
The Judge commended the police officers, that was right. Am also commending Justice Gregory Phiri, he has impressed me from the time i knew him when he was DPP of Zambia. He follows cases to the route without bias. One time when corrupt prisoners where buying their way out of the prison, Judge Phiri was very unpopular among criminals in prison and on the street. I knew that Hangwende was going to recive justice. May the Good Lord bless the Honourable mind.
Too sad Beatrice!!! Learn to control your anger. We know chilakalipa but not going to that extent of hiring people to kill your enemy. Actually, I’m sure it was your husband who proposed Monica (MHSRIP). The best was to take your husband to task or sue Monica if you had enough evidence. Kabiye walacimona nomba!!!! You are going to miss s.e.x in the prison.
You think prison waders will just look at that bokosi of hers?
Echo bakushilile mwandi Beatrice umoneka pamenso kwati litako lyaku left.
tonga women are not beautiful nowonder they too obsessed
check your facts because in Zambia there is no more lozi, tonga or bemba in every family there is some one from another tribe, even in your family there should be a lozi or a tonga married to your sister or brother. 1 Zambia 1 Nation.
@Hanyama, you are right ! My brother is married to a Tonga. My nephew is married to a Lozi and I am married to a Ngoni ! My daughter is engaged to an Irish man ! This actually actually goes beyond One Zambia, One Nation BUT ONE WORLD !!!! So wake up tribalists and racists because the world has moved on WITHOUT you !!!
Monica committed adultary with Emmanual mutati as well. She then had an HIV cncephalis and was admitted to St John’s Hospital after she started walking out with goods from supermarkets without paying. The Mwala jumped on her now Beatrice killed her and instead of the judge finding her guilty for manslaughter he finds her guilty of murder. This world is unfair your husband is sleeping with and HIV postive women and you react and you get sent to the gallows? that is why my boyfriend doesnt want me to come back to Zambia
She killed, you get that? she killed a human being, didnt the man know that he was married? maybe he didnt, he must have ended it long before this young woman came into picture, we were not with them indoors, no one knows if the marriage was ablaze, i for one believe it was long finished way back, are you going to justify murder because of your emotional inclination to Beatrice? what kind of a woman are you? shes a monster who killed someones sister, daughter. You killed are with your words for supporting beatrice’s act, get it in your head, SHE IS A KILLER, MURDERE…. she killed Get it?!
Your boyfriend doesnt want you to go back to Zambia coz he’s afraid you might end up in the same situation?
Ugly people are so jealous……. good for you, this should be a lesson to all you uglies!
You must be a man who thinks with his third leg….
women who kill. paula zahn should come and do a documentary on this one. mubili uyu uza sila mu jele
Another ID fan!
6 lives for 1. Sad that these people die because they couldn’t control their anger…
Are those 6 more important and deserving to live than has? think before you type.
I have followed this story from the start and its barely a week ago when I passed through the grave of MCP…these people deserve the judgement passed….MHSRIP
@ Mad Max,hahahaha! Wandepula kunseko (u hv made me laugh)!”…Beatrice umoneka pamenso kwati litako lyaku left.” (Beatrice’s face looks like her left buttock…) After looking @ Beatrice’s photo, I appreciate your authenticity. Yeah, she is ugly!
The victim turned into a villain! So sad!
Great relief after a long wait and bad memories having been the first to encounter the survivor Benny Banda, treat his gunshoot wound, inform the victims’ family & the ZP. Bravo ZP! Bravo DPP officers
Those sentences are juat death sentences on paper. They are life sentences cos no president in zambia has ever signed a death sentence since Kaunda. Only kaunda had the ball to actually hang people.
Monica was a specialist in dating married men and she made sure that the wives knew about it. Mrs Mutati was one of her victims. Even the pastor didn’t know what to say at her funeral. But thanks to Beatrice her legs are closed at last. Beatrice is actually a victim. In the US it’d have been a crime of passion and she would have been given life instead of death. But the good news is that she has repented while Monica had no chance, so who is the real loser?
The husband is having blood on his hands too. I don´t know who this Monica was, to be honest, you suffered with your husband who was a nothing,because of your sweat he becomes something, now he wants to walk behind each skirt he sees that is hearting breaking, I can understand her anger am not justifying what she did, but I do understand her…and the court should have put in consideration that the victim seems to have been a problem and had a life of no morals…men learn to live your machines in your pants….how many men have killed women…don´t make Bet.. to be an demon…she did what she did because she didn´t saw another way…we can all talk good here…”if men cheat, please women go your way” is easy said as done and heart pain is something only those who have been there who…
To be hang by the neck until pronounced dead! Eish….matters of the heart, waya ipaya sure! Divorce the cheater, you don’t deserve him…..move on to a better man, period!
The blood of the two women is on this cheating man. The girl friend and now the wife.
This is really cruel setence. but there is nothing the judge can do. We need these people drafting the constitution to be fast so that we can change some of the bad laws like hanging.
This woman forgot that a husband is never a blood relative. These are companions who come and go. Killing someone else for what you deem as yours,will get you here. Leave with dignity…who knows he was not your Mr. Right any way!
Right now that man is eyeing another woman and when you dead and gone, he will live his happily after. Shame. On. You.
Ladies who like fighting for men,take note.
Ati…his mine, his mine…iwe, his not a product!!!
Blood relatives can also cause you heartache my dear !
A tragidy of eros gone awary! God help all concerned. Pen down.
Abija makani aya !!…..Gosh Monica didn’t deserve to die the way she did…….no matter what a HULE she was ……Beatrice wachiboona ono……I feel sorry for your kids….;that husband of yours will move on !!…GOOD LUCK DEAR……Ndausa !!
@ Anonymous. You should go back to the old testament &read the law that God gave to his pipo wen one kills another man. He said ” a soul for soul” wat does that mean? God is the originator of life&he values the life of each individual.. he is the God merciful&slow 2 anger. We al sin b4 God in many wayz, some have commented very serious sins in their lives but God haz bin merciful to al of us. so why cnt we imitate him&learn to 4give others&above al learn to appreciate life. Its very true it hurts wen a partner cheats but taking another personz life is nt a solution. Abantu bambi tabakwata uluse surely waipaya & yo conscious allows u?Awe mwandi.. This sentence is a fair sentence according to Godz law. pipo should learn 2 appreciate life as God does…
@ Kavuyi. You are talking like that becoz u ve neva experienced anything like that i mean no relative of yoz haz bn murdered…. but remember God said ”soul for soul” meaning who ever kills a fellow human being should also be killed.Why? bcoz as the originator of life God appreciates it… So no one hz the right to take another personz life no matter wat… no one should tek the law in his/her hands… According to Godz law regarding life i think this is the fair judgement tho painful indeed.. Pipo should lerarn to forgive&respect life… U cnt jst kill yo fellow human being like that & u expect uluse, thingz dnt work like that….
Sentences are given quite well, but no executions. PF, can you do something to decongest Mukobeko!
dick sweet you know. power is in the zip, ask woman.
iye i know it hurts
but killing a man cant never
iye i know it hurts
but killing bcoz a man cant never
how I wish her death sentence was STONING or BURING her alive…..she is crazier than the devil oo sorry she was….
Fellow Zambian i strongly disagree and condemn Beatrice, Joseph Banda and Charles Mwanza action. Their act was unpredictable and understanding everyone would imagine. However, i don’t think the penalty would have ended up like this. And this is why i don’t support capital punishment. This is something Zambia should abolish just like any other western countries are trying to do. Life imprisonment could have been better than hanging someone to death. Sad for a murder but lets face it.
Only prayer can prevent such crimes.The blood of Jesus can mitigate & submisive to Him alone.The Son of man.Amen.
Beatrice is no different from the people who killed Ruth Mbandu and the ones killing cab drivers.
Zambian men are well-known for cheating on their wives !! They are responsible for pushing some of these poor wives (such as Beatrice) to the extent of becoming temporarily insane.
In that state of mind, (temporary insanity) the women have the ability to Kill or maim the person causing them to physically or emotionally hurt (in this case, either the husband or the other-woman). Zambian men, should learn vital lessons of life ! The rate of infidelity amongst Zambian guys (if a research was conducted) may be eligible to be recorded in the Guinness Book of Records !!! Some guys are so insecure about their sexuality that they go about collecting girlfriends as trophies just to prove their manhood!! This behavior has also contributed to the spread of the dreaded HI virus in Zambia! CHANGE !!!
Good you have noticed that the behaviour of alot of zambian men is more them f.o.o.l.i.s.h…. they need psychological help all of them…and some zambian women have no heart and respect for themselves…you sleep with a married man …remember you are hurting a sister…and once he does to your sister he will do the same to you…facto
appearance no mutima emo waya
thanks! in our family we have bemba, lozi, Nyanja, lenje, soli, lamba, etc wives & husband. i’m married to a bemba so I’m Tonga/Bemba! my children happily speak both tribes languages.
Yaba kwena this is agony, am sure she picked the boy from the streets, he was a kaponya , mistake she made was to clean up this ungrateful fool who then went on to satisfy is cheap ego. And now she is paying becoz her foolish husband could not keep that zipper of his jammed. Typical of some Zambian men, they are forever trying to feed their ” unquenchable sexual fixations”.
Yes, I would have also killed the bitch but covered my tracks. It was way too sloppy and she could have done better with it.
BaSata, please let this be the first death warrant you sign. Uyu sh.iti alitumpa. Kuti amada shani umunankwe pandubule?
The social commentaries on this page betray the callousness of people today. Perhaps it also hints of a depravity in that particular society. The law is meant to be just. If she must hang then the commentaries should simply say that. To call her “bit..h”, this or that is a transgression that the law, as I know it, does NOT permit. In some more civilized societies today calling a person a name is an offense that is punishable by the law.
she did it because of her heartach, i just control myself knowing that my kids can suffer otherwise i can kill some1. she is HIV postive y cant she leave him for me?