Monday, March 10, 2025

PF cadres attack HH in Kasama


UPND leader Hakainde Hichilema
UPND leader Hakainde Hichilema

UPND leader Hakainde Hichilema was this morning attacked by some PF cadres as he and his entourage entered the town to pay a courtesy call on newly installed Paramount Chief Chitimukulu.
Mr. Hichilema confirmed that his entourage was attacked by a group of pF cadres who arrived at a police check point on the edge of Kasama and started throwing stones and sticks in the presence of police officers.

“Our entourage has just been attacked in a savagely manner. It appears these people had prior information of our coming and decided to attack us just as we approached the police check point. They had all sorts of weapons in their vehicles and used them against us,” Mr. Hichilema revealed.

He said his entourage managed to flee the scene and rushed to Kasama Central Police to report the matter but was followed by the cadres who continued attacking them even at the police station.
“We are at the police station here to give a statement and the cadres had been here to attack us and the police just watched,” he said.

Mr. Hichilema who escaped unhurt said he was in Kasama at the invitation of the Bemba Royal Establishment adding that he wanted to use the visit to congratulate the new Chief Chitimukulu over his installation as Chief of the Bemba speaking people.


    • Please allow HH to visit freely. In as much as he is invited by the Bemba Chief as he claims votes come from people. We saw Sata being welcomed by a number of Chiefs in Southern Province but when time came they voted for their own. Even in Chipata where Mpezeni has so much influence and marketed Sata they still voted for their own.

    • In this day and age? Useless people!
      Otherwise, am happy that he is trying hard to open up, this is how civilised people in a civilised world live, in case it is not clear to some people… this is what evolution is all about, in the next Million years life will have evolved those gone before us and by then if they happen to find a way to catch a glimps will be in total confusion in a good way, for i believe there will be no Bemba, Tonga, Lozi,Tumbukha etc, yep, that is called Evolution.

    • @cindy
      100% agree with you!!! these powerful people and our politicians must not make careless tribal dividing statement,,, Paramount chief chitimulu can invite any zambian regardless of tribe…….
      Sad to note Most of our youths are poor and so desperate, they can do anything for a tin of chibuku… 40/50yrs of independence we should all be one zambia one nation,,, and can freely move from one corner of the country to the other without being stoned because one is bemba, lozi, tonga or whatever tribe name

    • Which home should he go back to. He is in his country, unlike you who is in the U.S. He is very free to be in Kasama. And as a bemba, I am very happy that he is spending more time in the northern part of the country.

    • ya too bad indeed. And congrats HH for starting to engage the Bembas. That is the way to go. Ba PF stop intimidating others – just argue with words. You have already done a lot for the people – as the president said, just show what you have done and you dont have to worry about the opposition any more.

  1. This sata and his cadres is an irritant,..but we all know he’s always been a demagogue all his life,nothing good or progressive can come out of ukwa’s brain,if at all he’s got any.Just how did this monkey become president of a country in the 21st century??

  2. Oho!

    The Bemba Royal Establishment invited Mr. Hichilema? Oho. It’s on!

    For the cadres using violence on fellow citizens, mwaba imititi mu ntweno. Naba mufyala cimo cine, bena mwasankana na amafina.

    Stop attacking People!!

    • @upnd vuvuzela
      You have cracked my rib with your truth about Sata being HH’s biggest fan. He really is HH’s biggest fan because each time he opens his mouth he sings HH. When he wakes up in the morning the first word he utters is HH. He has even called some of his assistants HH in confusion!

  3. ninshi ulefyaya ku mwesu te walelanda ati sata atwalafye ichuma kumwabo, mwamona ba hh chimitwala te.tabamponta nishi ni mwishiba ati mukayafya yako amavote.buleshiba u kulanda tata.mweiseni kulubemba nangula mwalitumpotele ku solwezi bt ivote tamwakalimyange lweka GBM NA SATA

  4. Now who will help the next President when all his followers are crying like him. Stop crying and talk to him although Halila Heka

  5. Does it mean Hali Heka in Kasama without supporters? UPND is the largest party in Zambia and am surprised that Party President is without supporters. Yaaaaaaaaa! Vuvuzela and gumu gumu go and help him because Hakhala Heka in Kasama.

    • Mature not only that the theorist ***** forgets that he is on Lusaka Times a more independent source.I really wonder if Sata sleeps peacefully at night.He has totally failed to provide leadership but succeeded in sorrounding himself with loud mouthed *****s.All the pipo with substance are quiet and he wonders why it is only the empty tins like Kabimba Kambwili GBM etc making noise.The reason is simple his leadership is a serious and undefeansible embarrasment.

  6. For the UPND entourage to be attacked at the KASAMA police check point means that the cadres had prior information of UPND entourage’s visit. I don’t think SATA is to blame…. its GBM, only GBM has got such disgusting manners of all the top officials in the PF. Shame on that repulsive elephant.

    • What happened to the intelligence HH was boasting about? Ati now we have OP on our side working with us. well, who gave you away then? You may want to rethink those people you say are working with you.

    • The morbidly obese hippo thinks that he is president material right????? He is dreaming if he thinks that Zambians can be duped twice in a row !!! This great big bag of maize (GBM) dreams of ascending to state house simply because he is owed campaign money that he had lent to his Uncle Chilu (MCS)???? No ways !!! We will pay him the money and send him off !! He already has the money, now he wants POWER to go with that money???? No ways !! I would rather vote for HH, or even Wynter Kabimba, or Mwansa Kapeya if GBM is forced onto the people as Presidential candidate !!!! Even Silvia the sl… can’t make a President !

    • What is your point? In a normal country that respects the rule of law attaching an opposition leader or anybody else for apparent reason should not occur. The fact that this attack happened confirms we are not living in a normal country and it the duty of each of us to stand up for what is right for our (only) country

    • LOL – “intelligency”? How about you, do you that?

      ….not to mention, why are you content for parts of Zambia to be “dangerous ground”?

    • Since when did any free Zambian need intelligency or caution to move in OUR country.

      That is the mentality of primitive thinking people and it is a pity the highest authorities are behind such atrocities.

    • Are you saying that HH is not free to travel on these roads without his life being in danger ???? You said it then….this ruling party, are mostly likely behind this type of intimidation and have their own reasons for doing so !!!! All we see is a ruling party that resembles ANIMAL FARM, every waking day, where all animals are equal, BUT others are MORE EQUAL than the others !!!!! What a shame !!! Scared of a little OPPOSITION are we?????? You imbeciles !!!!

    • Too bad….Let HH be free to move around the country.If a child cries for a machet just give.He will throw it aways he cuts his middle finger.

      PF govt are trying their best to develop the country…Come 2016 HH will not find anything to put in his manifesto because roads,bridges,schools,hospitals and employement would be completed.The COBRA’S successor will now talk about polices and UPND will be dead like MMD.There is only one opposition party currently which is very strong that is UNIP.So PF cadres stop Fighting wealth HH.why is Buffet or Bilgates not president of America.

  7. These are all GBM’s machinations. We know him. GBM is destroying PF. The President should do something about him before even himself begins getting hated by the general populace. The same violence he took to Mkaika is the same reason PF lost that seat. President Sata should tell GBM to tone down and behave like an adult. Being the Minister of Defence i don’t even know where he finds time to organise cadres – it means he is not doing his job. Some of us want PF to succeed so that the country develops. This is not what the people voted for.

  8. Ati UPND is Halaise Halaise
    Ati UPND is Habwela Habwela

    Watch the space and as the president is touring the country with the message of REAL CHANGE Compaign – HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH

    • Thanks bro. HH is on a country wide tour of duty.ZP give him police permits so that the jealousy will no longer accuse him of being tribal.

  9. Am convinced Sata is scared of HH.This could be seen on his daily attacks on the president in waiting. Am Bemba and very much happy with HH and his level of maturity.PF watch-out.2016 will be another turning point for the Zambian politics.Viva HH VIVA ZAMBIA.

    • We see his level of intelligence and tolerance for Sata, and we hail him for that!!! He will unite the Tongas, Lozis, Bembas, Chewas, Ngonis, Tumbukas, Namwangas, Mambwes, Kaluchazis, Kaondes, etc, etc. Haleisa Haleisa !!!! Viva !!!! I am Bemba and I love him to death !!!! He is not bad to look at either !!!! Techakutinishako abana, iyooo !!!

  10. HH is also a big liar, you guys you need to play mature politics not immature, we need the leader’s who inspired plz……MWEFIBAMWE ATASEEEE UKWAI

    • voersek! You’re just a bunch of selfish tribalists. Your true colours have come to the fore. There’s no more hiding for you. You’re very greedy, violent and tribal.

    • Think of all the lies that the PF has told to cover up other lies ????? HMMMMM ! Haleisa Haleisa !!!! Don’t Panic! Just wait patiently !!!

  11. Too bad for Hakaivotela Heka(HH)! Mr. Hakaivotela Heka, why don’t you forget about politics coz you gonna kill yourself after 2016.

  12. Anyway, sorry about that, it is not good and should not be repeated. But I hope HH learns not bring intelligency into political debates, he was bragging that he was working with the intelligence, how come they knew his movements and he was not informed by “his intelligence” team that he would be way laid????

    • Since when did any free Zambian need intelligency or caution to move in OUR country.

      That is the mentality of primitive thinking people and it is a pity the highest authorities are behind such atrocities.

  13. Zambians,politicians,parties,law enforcers respect freedom of speech,assembly,movement for a true reflection of a democratic country.Police protect Zambian citizens regardless of their political affiliations.Politicians love one another.

  14. fabio plse if you have nothing to wirte can’t you just stop,country men this very bad because pf they go to southern such things are not happening one zambia one nation please we should love one another.

  15. While I condemn people in the North for harassing HH PF should not be distracted by a few disgruntled elements.

    How many people in rural areas read online publications, it doesn’t matter what people say on these blogs people will vote for what they see, feel and touch. PF focus on the good projects you are doing by 2016 Zambia will be a different place and voters will vote with their eyes.

  16. This is what made MMD unpopular even those of us who are not into politics will start Simpasising with him. Remember Chanda C III, william banda’s irritating conduct against Sata.

  17. HH is penetrating even Northern Province after finishing Nrth-Western Province where is this Pastor Nevers Mumba who is full of pompous thinks he is already in state house while his friend HH is going round the country even in Northern which is suppose to be NEVERS stronghold. MMD should be very careful with NEVERS bcoz he seems not to have support from his own province MUCHINGA he is hiding in the name of winning election in eastern Province which is not his province, actually eastern is for RB so where is NEVERS stronghold? MMD should ask yourselves this question, which is NEVERS constituents, where does he draw his strong support? MMD should face this reality and ask NEVERS before it is to late for them to have a better ledaer who will win them election

  18. Zambia is not for one tribe, let all Zambian regardless of their political, religious affiliation enjoy the freedom of movement in the whole corners of the Republic of Zambia

  19. very unfotunate and unfair. and whom should we call a tribalist? GBM, SATA and every politician is free to visit southern province where HH hails but whats wrong HH visiting other places? he has been to other provinces and nothing of this nature has happened. its sad 4 zambia

  20. What proof do you have to show that its pf? PF are very peacefull pipo do not label us so negatively why are you behaving like the national team in Ghana kumasi iyo ill treatment brabrabra jst be strong as the party oppossing otherwise crying will not help you bwana HH.

  21. James mwewa, I felt pity for what happened to Hakaivotela Heka(HH). Hence, I suggested to him to quit politics (as some pipo in it make it dirty) because after 2016 Hakaivotela Heka may hung himself. Life is sacred. Surely, james, when I suggest to HH to stop politics would you say I don’t have anything to write despite your intelligece ignoring that I have written something. HH will be competing with Nevers Mumba if) won’t come in.

  22. Richard Kapita once comented all tongas vote fr HH to see him thru & win!wht kind of ethnic thnking is this?Now his Hichidisabled is in Kasama.Asking fr wht,votes?For him ths chap must be acepted across all regions!Wht of others?Others dont deserve?Is he a special person?No no! Myopic regional politician.

  23. Why are pF cadres allowed to harass anyone with the blessings of the police.They can gather,march whereever they want with the blessings of the police.2016 Stella Libongani will meet a tribunal to answer the questions Zambian people have.

  24. Way to go HH. Start visiting the areas you did badly in such as all the Bemba provinces, Copperbelt and Lusaka. Do not waste too much time on the converted such as NW, Western, Southern. Take the fight to these thugs’ own areas and show them you are whipping them hands down in 2016.

  25. GBM once said Kasama is for Bembas only during a by-election. Today HH is being stoned in front of the policemen. Doesn’t this give us the truth about which tribe is the most tribal in Zed? From now you’ll hear the same kolwestans say HH is concentrating on Southern province alone. Haleisa Haleisa Haleishilila!!!!!!!

    • Richard Kapita once said Tongas should vote for HH, So UPND is now reaping the fruit of their seeds of tribal politics they planted. Haleya!! Haleya!!! Haleililila!!!

  26. I wish I were RB I would cut HH off Radio, TV, and Newspapers. That’s what I miss MMD for they personalised the media and used it to their advantage.

  27. If True, WRONG! WRONG! WRONG! This Caveman Politics does Not belong to the modern ages. Don’t want any “Cavemen” attempting to convince me this is okay.

  28. @2016 Bring it on… You are 101% correct. People wll vote according to what they see(PF violence), feel(hunger because of removal of subsidies), touch(nothing tangible or to touch because of poverty).

    Bembas have been known for their violent nature and their lack of support for non Bembas. In 1991, Southern Provinces voted all their MPs on MMD ticket under a Bemba President. In 2001, Bembas overwhelmingly rejected Andy Mazoka. How come all of a sudden Tongas are tribal and Bembas non Tribal? Read your History.

  29. (1) Some of you were busy praising GBM kasaka kaunga that he has humble education and very rich. You were attacking degree holders on this blog that they have no money.

    (2) Can you now see what non degree holders can? The chap has humble education but he is not humble himslef. I have always said that he is a savage.

    (3) Can you now see what is happening. GBM is feared so much in Kasama. Ask some of us who have been victims on his buses. When you report to the police they are so terrified. There is real fear in Kasama.

    (4) Anyway in a country where you worship money instead of wisdom, these are the consequences.

  30. Freedom should be enjoyed everywhere in Zambia. There shouldn’t be physical no go areas for some individuals but electoral no go areas. Those who attacked HH should be condemned in no uncertain terms. But I doubt the story where it says HH’s convoy was attacked while the police were looking on. This is demeaning the duties of police officers. In any case, let him not be deterred. Let him proceed to Lubemba old village and if he wants let him ask for a land to establish a village there and wash the tribal tag in Kalungu river.

  31. Hakaivotele Heka in biggest PF strong hold Kasama, I bet Mr HH you expected that. Thus no go area for you, hence you were expected to go with some strong enforcement security with you. U luck those PF cadres in Kasama didn’t hate you.

  32. It ws said in plain aftr Mazoka demise UNDP is fr tongas!Thts how Chisanga left & so did Lubinda & Munkombwe.Pipo were not hapy with Hichidiabled’s mentality of regionalising his party fr tongas.Here we re seeing poor Kapita being abused in the name of crossection tribal asimilation by under 5.He has evn gone to Kasama to beg fr votes yet has no regardd fr others tribe & regional acceptance.Mupononeni mambala uko.Mutamfyeni alebepa fye amafi uyo!

  33. Imagine if it were GBM who had been attacked in Mongu or Choma; the tribalists would have been calling for treason charges! Honestly , are we going to survive with this violent, incompetent, dictatorial and tribal government of Ukwa? Lord free us from this evil!

  34. i long for a time when people will learn to respect divergent views just because hh has a different view calls for stoning, primitive at its best

  35. Its too early for campaigning.When is 2016?Next year?Come 2016 some of these guys will be dead, just saying.Hold your fire.Which manifesto are they using?Ordinary visits dont turn violent.Lets criticise and let the Govt work.Politics is about give and take.Hold your fire and halt the canvassing.GOD BLESS ZAMBIA.

  36. Foolish pf thugs! Have the plice reacted or acted? Long live HH! Never relent visit yo pipo in kasama, mbala, mansa, those are foolish rented thugs. Very foolish pf *****ic thugs!

  37. No one is allowed to go & see the Bemba king at this time according to the Bemba traditions.Pipo stopped him but insisted to go.The all thing looks stage managed 4 HH 2 play victim 2 win symphathy.De tribalism u are preaching will destroy u f o ols!

  38. Stop creating falsehood and hate in the nation, upnd. U will never put off the fire u are igniting.lf it were pf cadres does it include all Bembas and who tells you everyone in kasama is Bemba?lnstead u have stage managed this thing.

  39. The story is not balanced.This kind of hate u are preaching will bring untold conflicts in our nation.Stop hate for the Bembas,upnd.Be conscience please!Upnd,yours is tribalism period.But know this ,no one will sit idle and be insulted like this.

  40. Kasama is not a Bemba village where u may expect Bembas only or almost for u to declare war against all of is wrong to incite pipo in the nation to HATE Bembas. This is tribalism in this the education u brag about? ATASEE !

  41. The Wise say ” The Evil you do Remains with You. The Good you do comes back to you”. You can’t amass seven guns for nothing unless you are a poacher. Time is coming.

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