Monday, March 10, 2025

Zambia Police refutes media reports that HH was attacked in Kasama(updated)


UNITED Party for National Development (UPND) President Hakainde Hichilema at Kasama POlice Station when he and his entourage intended to pay a courtesy-call on Paramount Chief Chitimukulu  in Kasama(Picture coutesy ZANIS)
UNITED Party for National Development (UPND) President Hakainde Hichilema at Kasama POlice Station when he and his entourage intended to pay a courtesy-call on Paramount Chief Chitimukulu in Kasama(Picture coutesy ZANIS)

Pictures of PF cadres blocking HH

PF cadres at Kasama Police Station wishing to confront Hakainde Hichilema.Picture courtesy ZANIS
PF cadres at Kasama Police Station wishing to confront Hakainde Hichilema.Picture courtesy ZANIS
KASAMA Police officers persuading PF cadres to march off the Police station and not to disturb Hakainde Hichilema's movements. Picture coutesy ZANIS.
KASAMA Police officers persuading PF cadres to march off the Police station and not to disturb Hakainde Hichilema’s movements. Picture coutesy ZANIS.

Zambia Police Service refuted media reports that opposition Leader Mr Hakainde Hichilema was beaten in Kasama. In a statement released to the media, the Police said that Mr Hichelima refused to have a formal report recorded of the incident in Kasama, but was provided with security all the way to Mpika.
Below is the Zambia Police full statement.

zambiaPolicelogo PRESS STATEMENT

To: All Media
From: Public Relations Office
Date: 19th September, 2013

The Zambia Police Service wishes to dispel assertions that the opposition Leader Mr Hakainde Hichilema was beaten in Kasama. Mr Hichilema arrived in Kasama at about 10:00 hours on 18th September,2013 and was scheduled to have an indoor brief at Million Guest house with his party cardres. They had notified the police and we had no objection to the notification. However they decided not to go ahead with their planned brief.

We were aware that Mr Hichilema had a private programme to pay a courtesy call on the incoming Paramount Chief Chitimukulu.

Later Mr Hichilema arrived at Kasama police station with his entourage and stated that at around 12:00hours whilst driving along mungwi road they were blocked by persons chanting patriotic front slogans.

Efforts to have a formal report recorded from Mr Hichilema at the police station failed as Mr Hichilema refused to do so. However, when he decided to leave the police station he was escorted by the police to ensure his security up to Mpika.



    • The chap has no development agenda for Zambia and he has to resort to falsehoods to try and buy his relevance to the political agenda of the country.

      If he can lie like that when he is a provincial party leader, what would happen if he had support national wide?

      The boy is just a pathetic attention seeker

    • HH suffers from “a small penis syndrome” i.e tryng to show everyone that he is this strong hard core guy when in fact he is an empty suit

    • You PF supporters check the updated pictures and update comments on whether the police is telling the truth or not.

      If you dont believe ZANIS pictures of PF thugs arguing with the police.

      The question all those supporting the PF police lies should answer is; when has the police ever issued a statement to support the opposition when attacked by the PF thugs? Gary Nkombo was attacked , Andrew Banda and others were attacked in Mkaika, did the police issue a statement to say it was the PF thugs who attacked these people? No ,the police are under strict instructions not to act against any PF interest. For you people in Zambia , if the police stop you for a car offence, you just ward them off with a PF card and see how they will shake in their boots

    • But fi PF muli finkula.
      We said the PF cadres blocked us, not be beaten, and how can you PF beat us anyway? And we didn’t want to record any case, we just wanted Police to escort us. Just ifimakofi you like waving in the air, even your women sure fimakofi… “Tukafwa fye ku manga te kumakofi..”

    • So, if HH is a liar as you are putting it, Why didn’t the police investigate the matter since HH and his entourage reported the matter at the Police Station. Besides, if HH was not in danger, why did the Police escort him up to Mkushi. Rae Hamoonga, be professional for once. Lies have short legs. Analysing your statement shows a lot of inconsistencies.

    • What lies are you talking about. Why did PF cadres follow him at the police station since he is just a free zambian and a leader of the opposition. Since when did the leader of the oppsition be escorted by cadres from the ruling party. You guys let us be seroius the way you are treating such seroius issues which could plunge this country into chaos. Just because the oppsition leader is not Bemba then he is mobbed by cadres from the ruling party in Kasama. Its a shame

    • thats why i had earlier reserved my comment on this issue cos i have no trust in these politicians.
      they are very good at lying and twisting facts for political mileage.
      they are nothing but attention seekers.

    • It was Mmembe who lied m****** mwe ba PF, muli bachabechabe bashinka manyela baswaini…
      Ba HH just said we saw people waving fists, they look they want to beat somebody.

  1. Zambia Police aka PF militia. ZP is as credible as Sata , Mmembe, Chella or Kabimba. All these goons are stinking congenital liars. They are a bunch of chemical Alis.

  2. We saw Pictures of HH at the police station in Kasama and lots of callers to Mano Radio station confirmed HH was attacked…Mr Hamoonga, please bring bacK Kanjela



  4. If you have nothing to report,its better you remain quite.How many cases have been reported and cases which have happened in your presence and nothing has been done.Why even wasting time to report cases which are never followed up
    Banda was beaten in your presence in Mkaika,Mukombo was beaten in police office by Mwaliteta,Land is been grabled in Lusaka West by PF cadres you are quite.The list is long.
    In short,the Police Force has failed us.We can now simply say the Zambian Police is an extended hand of PF security wing.
    More than 2o cars with thugs were seen people on the ground,have told us and the Deputy Minister of Home affairs confirmed.
    No government stays in Power forever,time will come when you will be answerable to this inhumanity and God is watching.

  5. Ba PF Police, we dont expect you to attack your govenment. GBM has alredy appologised, he hails from that aera and must have had first hand information. LEAVE HH ALONE, HALEISA HALEISA mulefya ngatamulefyaya………………..

  6. I want to comment on to other chiefs in Zambia who are being used as PF cadres to also emulate to the way Bemba Chiefs are doing. The recent paramount chief was dethrone by the President but the Bemba Royal Establishment went ahead and enthroned him as Chitimukulu. Northwestern province teamed up to show the displeasure on some issues they saw was not right but the state threatened them for arrest and that came to an end. We are all Zambians and what we must understand is that before the so called government came in, we lived with our own chiefs and the government has taken away all the right from the Chiefdoms which is not right. Governments come and go, Chiefs have been here until Jesus comes.

    • There’s no such thing as the Bemba Royal Establishment (BRE). There’s only the Lubemba Traditional Council (LTC).

      BRE only refers to the Barotse Royal Establishment.

  7. Any objective person will see that this terse statement is economical on the truth and cannot stand up to close scrutiny. A prompt and comprehensive statement issued soon after the incident would have lent credence to the ZP’s version of the Kasama politically sponsored violence against the UPND President & his entourage. For now, we are still firm in our minds that the UPND account of the incident is true in substance and in fact.

  8. why is it that each time sata wants to come out public,there has to be a fatal acident?if the acident fails to ocur,then the folowing day the president wil sneak out of the country to unknown destination.(2)i hav also observed that a coperbelt conected acident kils more than 10 it because most votes came from this area or it is because of the chicken father walya kiled?lets pray for coperbelt! TODAY SATA COMES OUT PUBLIC TO OPEN PALIAMENT WITH BLOOD STAIN HANDS.

    • You are not just a ganja farmer, but I’m sure you also smoke it! How do you blame the president for such an unfortunate accident. For all I see you must be a semi-literate, if not a complete illiterate!

    • Such thinking is what had led to old people killed accusing them of witch craft. How does a mistake of an excited driver who fails to judge the distance while overtaking some cars gat to do with SATA. life is funny that you can convince yourself with answers which u want when u accept . I can also pose a question like why is it tht Everytime HH doesn’t wear a necktie, he is beaten by carders when I know he rarely puts on neck ties

    • so do u think that HH can rule the country who has never been a ward chairman before mind u business and leadership are two different things whose dealings are never the same. in business there’s sweet talk but in leadership there is wisdom that works.

    • i have always been warning this ‘ganja farmer’ thing to stop smoking the staff has its dangerous for one’s mental health but alas….
      now look at were its driving him to.
      proper madness.

  9. that is HH for you, he just realised he is not known in the province hence making up some alarming stories to make news.

    the police have released a press statement to all the media, let him contradict it he is not a baby he can talk.

  10. Hakainde may not be anywhere near winning the next general elections, but please as a Zambian he’s got his freedom of movement enshrined in the Constitution.

    Stop harassing opposition party leaders please.

  11. Blocking a free citizen like HH was an abuse by the brutal pf thugs the zp cud have interrogated or arrested the thugs. Those pf thugs are lawless and ZP shud arrest them in first place for breaching peace.

    • imagine, I was also just wondering how in this modern world of black berries, nokias sumsungs, etc, some people didn’t take photos showing HH being harassed. Please leave our Bemba brothers alone. HH should avoid telling lies when he travels to the north as this will just confirm what people have been saying about him being a tribalist.

  12. The report says HH was scheduled to have a meeting at a certain lodge n the police were informed meaning he was allowed. Now the same report says they saw HH coming to the station to report but at the same time refuese to give a statement n they were even aware of the meeting with The paramount Chief but did not bother to provide security at the time. In otherwords the police dont know anything at site n dont even have facts to convince us that HH said they were blocked coz the police were not there. Ba Police, professionalism is cardinal coz in that case people will not entirely believe. The logic doesnt sum up

  13. Most of the bloggers here sound like the PF thugs that went to harm HH in Kasama.Even simple and straight forward issues are so difficult for some of you to comprehend.Shame on us

    • you are right.
      in fact its me who hired a private jet to round them up from where ever they are (diaspora) in just under 30 minutes. LOL!

  14. I wish he was really clobbered, I can not wait for that day to come. This brat needs to be taught a lesson and told that he can only pee in his backyard not elsewhere in Zambia.

  15. Ubufi bubi ba bala n’gombe, All of you have camera phones and could have taken pictures and clips. Show us kaili. You cannot hoodwink us except your fellow gullible chaps.

  16. Ala HH is desperate to go to plot one & we have to show sympathy to him. Unfortunately Mr HH is still immature in politics…apologise to Sikota Wina for blocking him & stating that “UPND can’t be ruled by a non Tonga.” Hence, wherever I am (bus, theater,church, etc) I repeat his words:
    UPND can’t be ruled by a non tonga, UPND can’t be ruled by a non tonga, UPND can’t be ruled by a non tonga! Sikota Wina, Lubinda& many more left UPND becoz of the immaturity of HH. May the soul of Mazoka rest in peace.

    • Too late boss, we all now know the true/ real tribalists in word and action. You have been fooling people with your tribal chorus for sometime now and have got away with it. But now that song has become stale with UPND but very much alive with Pa-Fyamba. VIVA HH 2016 . . . . Team HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

    • You are living in the past bwana.Who is tribalistic between UPND and PF?Who chased Mazoka from MMD?Sata! Why? because tribe.The problem with you PF supporters is that you are too blinded by hatred of Tongas to see your own tribalistic nature.UPND leadership currently is more representatine than PF.Ah lets talk about the cabinet and diplomatic missions abroad.90% FROM THE nORTHERN PROVINCE!What do you call that?By the way Northerners are not the most intelligent at school.

    • @ZAMBIA4LIFE. Your grammar ,spellings and sentiments give your mental capacity away! Talk about a kettle calling a pot black! – if you see what I mean.

  17. Ladies and gentlemen, the police statement lacks credibility. Why did the Police escort HH if he was not in danger??Given that HH went to the Police Station, whose job is it to follow up on these matters????

  18. A normall 5 senses person can’t even believe what the police are saying in the first place why escorting him if he was not danger.

    • After reading some comments above, a word of advise to UPND and MMD: If your enemy moves two steps towards you, move three steps towards him. This means, do as you said yesterday on MUVI TV, meet them with full force and if it means bloodshed so be it. In law self-defence is justified even to the point of killing a human being. And when you do that you will be within the law. Because you don’t confront them but they do.
      Caution is; whenever you go anywhere for politics, ensure that you have enough weapons for self defence if attached by ANYONE. In court, the statement of plea for huilty or not guilty implies that, one shuold justify their actions whether one died as a result or not, one can justify their action. Reason why one is innocent untill proven guilty by compitent courts of law.

  19. It is the duty of every police officer to protect every citizen of this country. As a citizen, HH reported to the police station & the police escorted him up to Mpika. Other wise HH would fabricate…that was why HH refused to record him.

  20. What I fail to comprehend is that this Hakafilwa Hakafilwa always cries faul to say, “the Zambia police force is government controlled and hsa been compromised”.So if its contolled by your enermy( as per your wrong perception)why do you rash to report your cases to them when you know you won’t get any help from them?Ba HH improve on your campaign strategies.

    • I cannot get what you are saying my friend. “Cries faul, hsa been compromised, Zambia police force, so its contolled by your enermy, why do you rash” What are you saying?

  21. badala…looking kamushi kamushi, chabashani kanshi? Tongas whether educated or illiterate, rich or poor, they all look same same! urbanization inashupa….just saying…

    • What’s your definition of urbanisation? I thought Southern province is more urbanised that northern and luapula. Your comment shows you have pre – judged all people of southern province as backward. That kind of approach is the root of tribalism.

  22. James Mwewa, surely ignorance is expensive! Whether one tells a lie or truth as long as that person reports to the police station, police officers won’t assume everything to be ok,but to perform their duties. If HH felt that he was not safe even in Mpika, police officers of Mpika would escort HH up to Serenje…

  23. Ba Hamoonga,HH did not say he was beaten,he said some senior people with him were whipped,can you categori2lly deny this,and why did u not arrest the caders for conduct likely … labishi!

  24. Iwe gangster,dont insult the tonga nation,how does a clever person look? Have you read about Einstein! You are a tribalist moron,fuseki!

  25. Halelusa Halelusa has realy becom an opportunist. b4 chitimukulu is properly enthroned & settles down, he wants 2mak political capital by showg tht he cares thru a premature courtesy call.we r abl 2c thru ths trickery. sori tho tht u were barrd by cadres otherws Halelusa Halelusa shdnt b cry baby even wen hez nt beatn bt jus barrd he cries tht he hs bn beatn.

    • Zambia has been a free country and will remain to be free country even after the demise of PF.HH is free to move without restrictions.He is free to challenge for the highest post of the land and so are you.It is amazing how Zambians have lost morals and will support any wrong doing.If PF maintains peace,democracy,freedom of association and speech,I have no problem supporting them but at the moment am sorry.The party is full of thugs and ignorant thieves who think they will rule Zambia for ever and ever.

    • Who is a pathological liar between HH and Ukwa? Be real my friend. Does your family have more money in their pockets? What did Ukwa do to the economy in 90 days? He sung the ”90 days song” for 10 years while he was in opposition. Sata has been a pathological liar for 12 years then.

  26. Hichipuba Hapena wanting public attention wanyala.U frustrated yr colegues hijacked post tht Undp is fr tongas!Provincial party Hanyala Humwine Huluza Huwona.And there u re rushing Kasama seeking suport with lies being beaten!Hanyala Heka !U thouvht its easy state hse u ve to fight with isues.Not every day seeking public atention!

  27. What surprises me is how poor these cadres look. When they should be out there working to feed their families, they are out here being used for somebody else’s benefit. GBM is somewhere eating a whole chicken while they look like they didn’t even have breakfast. Not even porridge.

  28. After reading some comment above, a word of advise to UPND and MMD: If your enemy moves two steps towards you, move three steps towards him. This means, do as you said yesterday on MUVI TV, meet them with full force and if it means bloodshed so be it. In law self-defence is justified even to the point of killing a human being. And when you do that you will be within the law. Because you don’t confront them but they do.
    Caution is; whenever you go anywhere for politics, ensure that you have enough weapons for self defence if attached by ANYONE. In court, the statement of plea for huilty or not guilty implies that, one shuold justify their actions whether one died as a result or not, one can justify their action. Reason why one is innocent untill proven guilty by compitent courts of law.

  29. I feel alarmed at some comments of hatred by some bloggers. The major question here is, is Zambia for one tribe and that everyone who is not of that tribe is not Zambian ? Guys, be careful with some of these comments you make and which you are bringing to light here. Not everyday is the same because one day, you will be taken by great surprises in this country owing to the seeds of tribalism you are busy sowing in the name of a special tribe in Zambia.

    • You are very right my brother, those of us not belonging to that special tribe feel life foreigners in our country. What a shame.

  30. Which special tribe?And who initiated such?Hale Huluza started it.Rember he chased his fellows sayng Undp is fr tongas!Now reap yr own words with yr provincial party!Hale Hapena ve u seen yr own words has swalowed u.Go on provincial party seeker.

  31. @dada, the debate at hand is not a laughing matter – mark my words – it’ s a serious issue which one day will affect you adversely and you will live to regret.

  32. I dont know who is telling the truth….HH or police??? But HH camp had camera phones , why didn’t they shoot the whole ordeal? What I have observed is that HH likes seeking attention from Zambians insipidly.

    Peace and Prosperity to Mother Zambia.

  33. Bembas learn to feel for other tribes you insult every day. Yes Lozi, Tonga, Luvale, may not rule in Zambia for not being majority that does not give you passport to take turns raping who ever is their leaders with insults.

  34. James, our time will come when we shall have our own state. Any way, Zambia has never been ruled by a Bemba. Sata is a Bisa.

  35. All of us at some time suffer a personal loss. In business as in our daily lives, we encounter fraudsters and scoundrels. They unscrupulously extort money out of unsuspecting Zambians: Civil servant asks you to pay for services they are employed to perform, an individual sells a real estate property to two or more people, a politician allocates land to a relative, a police officer threatens to throw you in a jail cell if you don’t pay a bribe, a lawyer charges you for services they have not rendered, through sheer professional negligence a medical practitioner causes the death of a loved one.

    You have irrefutable evidence of such conduct, the court may have decided in your favor, and you want this rot to stop, but you do not want another Zambian to fall victim to the scoundrels. The…

  36. All of us at some time suffer a personal loss. In business as in our daily lives, we encounter fraudsters and scoundrels. They unscrupulously extort money out of unsuspecting Zambians: Civil servant asks you to pay for services they are employed to perform, an individual sells a real estate property to two or more people, a politician allocates land to a relative, a police officer threatens to throw you in a jail cell if you don’t pay a bribe, a lawyer charges you for services they have not rendered, through sheer professional negligence a medical practitioner causes the death of a loved one.

    • You have irrefutable evidence of such conduct, the court may have decided in your favor, and you want this rot to stop, but you do not want another Zambian to fall victim to the scoundrels.

      The MILONGA Report is designed to promote integrity in business and government.

      It is coming soon!

  37. This page is filed with very deem PF blind supporters, and now I understand how war breaks out. When there are so many dandaheds like we have in PF. The pictures can show that indeed PF aggression really did take place and here comes some one confidently saying HH is a lier. People of Zambia let’s be careful here. All of U who said bad things against the son of soil HH who was victimized by a few bad people in PF, god bless U for such thing will hapen to them also.













  39. Looking at pf comments here you can see how dull all these *****s are I m sure your mothers cry everytime they think that something so shallow and dull came out of her but any way its a trend in pf dullness is the order of the day in pf I m look at its leader

  40. We thought that the face of our police service would improve with female officers in charge. Unfortunately things have turned out for the worst!
    There is no professionalism left.
    Police today have become the worst offenders!
    My appeal to gender based NGOs is to observe this and not complain when we switch back to men in the next government!
    The girls don’t understand public order!

  41. Watch out for the promise one who will impart some sense in your heads guys. Dont just say things that you dont understand.

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