Thursday, February 27, 2025

60 year old man accused of practising witchcraft shot dead


A SUSPECTED wizard has been shot dead by unknown people in Muchinga Province’s Nakonde District.
Muchinga police chief Lemmy Kajoba identified the deceased as Simon Sichilongo of Chief Nawatwika’s area.

Mr Sichilongo, in his 60s, who died of gunshot wounds on his waist, was accused of being a wizard.
Mr Kajoba said relatives of the deceased said Mr Sichilongo was not liked by other family members who had been accused at several family meetings of practising witchcraft.

His body was taken to Nakonde District hospital mortuary.

Meanwhile, police in Chilubi said a man accused of attempting to axe his wife to death has been admitted to hospital after being lynched by an instant justice mob.

The mob was spurred by rumour accusing James Mpundu of having promised a named business a human heart in exchange for money.

Mpundu is alleged to have attempted to kill his wife with the axe with the intent of supplying her heart to the named business person.

Police however, declined to comment on the issue of the human heart saying they had received no such information.


  1. sad situation there is this belief growing that all old people are witches, I ve seen in mini buses even in churches there are churches for old & young where is this segregation coming from

  2. Not again! A poor pensioner is Murdered because of superstitious outdated ideas.
    As long as we have people who think its okay to brutalize the elderly on unfounded Cr*p, development shall always elude us.

    • What these murderous quacks forget is, they will one day be elderly, & when they get victimized im sure they won’t enjoy, similar to a politician I know who used dirty tricks against a colleague only to complain bitterly once he got the same VIP Treatment he’d dished out on others.

  3. Witchcraft is real. Even Haleisa Halenya is a witch.Ask bana Haleisa Halenya why she goes to India to for her non-stop P’s.

  4. Primitive f00ls. What is equally shocking is that in a country with a high density of religious folk, superstition and witchcraft allegations are rife.

  5. Both young and old do get involved in witchcraft. The young people are even more involved; hence their attempts to divert attention from themselves by harassing elderly people. To be old is a blessing.

  6. ……some chaps have AIDS and they develop psychosis or dementia related to AIDS while living in the village and want to accuse family members for witchcraft . All is the consequence of lack of education. Having said this though, witchcraft can be real.

    • No, I’m quite sure that most of these people who accuse others do not have psychosis or dementia (and it’s likely that those who do have psychosis or dementia are at risk of being accused themselves). This is human superstition, jealousy, and ignorance. I will grant that in a few cases, it is possible that the accused was attempting to practice witchcraft, although I doubt their efforts succeeded. In no cases should people be lynched or attacked. Mob justice isn’t justice.

  7. Where’s the Police in all this? There’s no fear of Law in Zambia. People are doing whatever without being afraid that ‘the book will be thrown at them’ all because of the hapless ZPF.

  8. “People believe in magic for all sorts of reasons” mostly they are in desperate situations or just primitive and backward!!

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