Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Government refutes media allegations that Sata has U-turned on the Constitution


Mwansa Kapeya
Mwansa Kapeya

Chief Government Spokesperson and Minister of Information and Broadcasting Services Mwansa Kapeya has refuted media allegation that President Michael Sata has U-turned on the delivery of the new constitution. His Statement follows allegations quoting the president saying that the current constitution only needs amendments and that Zambia did not need a new constitution.

Mr Kapeya said that the president’s statement in Mansa was supposed to be understood within the context that the road map for the constitutional making process will only be determined after the Technical Committee on drafting the Zambian Constitution hands over the final draft constitution and the constitutional Bill.

Below is the full statement

Republic of Zambia
Ministry of Information and Broadcasting Services


Government takes this opportunity to reaffirm its position on the constitution making process following His Excellency President Michael Sata’s statement in Mansa at the weekend regarding the constitution making process.

The road map for the constitutional making process will only be determined after the Technical Committee on drafting the Zambian Constitution hands over the final draft constitution and the constitutional Bill.

Therefore, the statement by His Excellency the President in Mansa should be understood within this context.

President Michael Sata’s commitment to deliver a people driven constitution remains unshakeable and that position has not changed and it will not change.

The Government has requested the Technical Committee on Drafting the Zambian constitution to ensure they hand over the draft Constitution and Constitution Bill on or before the 31st December, 2013.

There is, therefore, no need for some sections of society to interpret the President’s statement in Mansa as a change of position and lack of commitment to the constitution making process.

President Sata and the Patriotic Front Government still remain committed to ensuring that a people driven constitution is delivered to the satisfaction of all stakeholders.

Hon. Mwansa Kapeya, MP


2nd December, 2013

Meanwhile, the opposition MMD has lamented the Patriotic Front Government’s apparent u-turn on the new constitution following President Michael Sata’s statement that the current constitution only needs amendments.

Mr Simbao says it will be very unfortunate if President Michael Sata meant what he said by implying that there is no need for an entirely new constitution.

He notes that the need for a new constitution is a general requirement and that it is unfair for the Patriotic Front to u-turn on an agenda they pushed from the time they were in the opposition.

He adds that the government should stop riding on people’s mind but give the Zambian people a constitution that will stand a taste of time.

Mr. Simbao has since appealed to government to release the final draft constitution to the public than playing games which are not necessary.


  1. “President Sata and the Patriotic Front Government still remain committed to ensuring that a people driven constitution is delivered to the satisfaction of all stakeholders.”

    The statement is tricky one can easily manupulate .

    • Grow up!

      You don’t need to respond to all media allegations

      You are coming as a Shambolic government with mediocre spoke persons

      Grow up, you dont have to prove anything, you are doing just fine,

      97% of people on these tabloids supports you


    • The problem with F.OOLS is that they can not understand each other when they talk to the point of stupidity of what the other said means

    • @TheEngineer(Australia)

      I agree with you on this one. Its like people in a mental asylum who just mumble and grumble all the time. No one seems to know what to say except vomiting the confusion in their heads.

      Zambia needs serious leadership not these Pathetic F.o.olish jokers.

    • So far 74% of the bloggers don’t buy Kapeya’s lies. While only 26% believe the verbal diarrhoea coming out of Kapeya’s mouth as at 17:30 GMT.

    • But Sata wa bufi! I head him with my own ears on ZNBC yesterday! He said there is no need for a new constitution, we simply have to amend the existing one!

    • Is there any other picture you can use LT? This wrinkled faced having difficulties to read a 24 bold font speech irritates me.
      Having been irritated, so goes with his statement>

    • @1.1 — I’m not sure if your comments are sarcastic or if you actually believe what you write.
      If you are sarcastic, then you are very good, and very funny! LOL!!

      If you are serious, then I think you need a check up from the neck up.

      Sata has completely failed to run this country and I’m tempted to agree that shallow-minded people, vote for shallow-minded leaders.

      From the time PF came into power, all indicators are nose-diving, the Kwacha being a clear indicator; It is now K6 to a dollar.

      If you are still living in wonderland, I suggest you grow up and come out of the rabbit hole.


    • MMD should not pretend to be worried about this matter which failed to implement for twenty years in Govt but gobbled Billions on the exercise. Let other concerned Parties, NGOs, the Church and citizenry express their pre-mature apprehensions on this protracted constitutional making process because the Veep assured parliament and the nation that by this monthend the Draft copy will be in our hands. What the President was quoted to had said to me sounded like slip of the tongue because I am praying daily for God to use PF to give Zambia the desired people-driven constitution that will satisfy every Zambian into voting for PF again in 2016 without even campaigning!

  2. Dear Mwansa Kapeya,
    Unless you say president Sata was drunk when he spoke, ‘well’ there is o contex, in which you claim we should understand, but what you can say and admissible is the withdrawal of the his thoughts in totality. We all understand English so there is no need to go round.

    Shame on the PF. You know you hit the rock, and I have lost confidence in your governance.

    • Even if Sata talked sense my brother, you will still not be able to make any sense out of that.

      You hated this man long before he became President and so you will hate him up to your grave.

      Just as in the Bible love covers a mutlitude of sin, hatred also covers a multitude of good.

  3. you need to buy a lot of mopping cloth to mop out the rubbish that keep on accumulating as you journey on in your government. I personally head the alleged pronouncements on ZNBC Tv. was I dreaming? I dont know

    • so did i, and i went like: whaaaaaaaaaat!????!!!????

      then my wife came running into the lounge and i said listen for yourself…

      she said, mhu, he’s ‘mad’…

    • i knew it!!! mansa radio watchdog must have manufacture Sata`s in that interview in mansa,,, because the president was never in mansa

    • You are a gullible stupid *****. cant u see the fool is trying to sugar-coat excreta? you are indeed a useless *****.

    • @Saulosi

      Even you yourself are not a saint so who is Sata to be holier than thou? It like you are always in denial or probably worried that any negative publicity Sata gets might zero the chances of you holding the job he gave you. Too bad , be your own person. Don’t lean too much on these political fools.

    • So ZWD is so powerful. Thumbs ZWD, Sata thought by blocking you people would not know his filth.

      ZWD leads and LT and ZNBC follows.

      Ask Sata the first paper he reads every morning is ZWD.

    • @Zambiano
      iwe ka zambiano… kupusa monga muzungu opusa!! cant you see that from my comment, me, i dont believe mansa radio watchdog that the president has u-turned. And i know that the constitution which everyone is crying was done and delivered within 90days of president Sata in office.. its true!!! because he is man of action… today zambia kwacha is 1;1 with british pound( not US dollar),, so what can you tell me???.. zambia is a paradise today with alot great roads and universities

    • @ndobo so you are intelligent after all ? I’m happy that you have seen what the man of action can do.Sata ndye basankwa.

    • An excuse is like an anus, everyone has got one. Two years and counting, expect more gaffes in the next three years.

    • Actualy, MCS said it on ZNBC TV1 & 2 and Muvi Tv that Zambia Does not need a NEW CONSTITUTION but SOME amendements to the CURRENT one, SHAME. After appointing The Technical Committee to draft a new constitution and now he u-turns?
      This MaN is a JOKER in State House, and for Mwansa Fyabukaya Kapeya, somehow I doubt his Mental sanity and his academic & proffesional qualifications maybe he got his Diploma the Masumba way. There honestly nothing to defend here than apologising & retracting MCS’s statement PERIOD.
      And YOU Saulosi or Saul-Less, sometimes your support needs checks or ?????????

    • Sir the statement was on ZNBC and not ZWD. I heard the president very clearly. What my beloved minister should have said is it was the slip of the tongue.Otherwise it was very clear for anyone who has gone through an english class

  4. Sata always trying to re-invent the wheel and the truth.On this constitution Sata is just like the colonizers who came with a Bible but had more malicious intent with the gun.

  5. Glad the government has refuted this.The opposition had a field day the other day over this issue.They insulted Sata from Left,right and centre over this worthless rumour.

    • what rumour you gullible nums”kul and useles i*diot! what is here to refute. unless sata himself says he has changed what he said in Mansa, this refuting is a lamentable silly manoeuvring, an attept to sugar-coat excreta? you are indeed a useless F@ol

    • @Richwell Siamunene…and you decide to insult me because i don`t agree with your opinion ? Ha ha ha you deserve a medal my friend.Well done.

    • @Zebige
      How are you my brother?? how is Norge? and how are those other guys,, motain, sobelenge,, and that other guy who is doing his masters?

      @Richwell siamunene
      ba ndala, mwaba zì?,, why is insulting?… get used to different opinions,, must important get used to PF lies, otherwise you will commit suicide

    • @ndobo…hey bro ! Long time.Hvordan er Sverige ? Norway is fine though just a bit cold.Have a pleasant evening bro.I`m just getting ready to go home now.

    • @Zambiano..thanks bro.People who likes insults actually do it because they are enable to debate or have a rational discussion ,so they cover up their flaws through insults.Zebige doesn`t respond to such because it is not only pointless but it also reduces the person answering back to the same level with that person.

  6. Zambians can make u shed tears of laughter. So yo constitution is completely bad just to put in simple terms?l don’t so.Therefore even the amendment process can work. MMD shut up on this one! U are a culprite. let upnd and others talk.

    • You are the f”ool. How much money has been spent, since independence on this constitution? You want your satan to continue sloting draconian laws with impunity, through amendments. No wander he was noo, causing bye elections to have majority. so u can not see this? you are indeed gullible.

    • @Richwell Siamunene. Learn to control your hatred for PF. There are many bloggers who are not in support of current happenings but you can’t continue insulting everyone with different views from yours. There are a lot of people who do not like PF but there is still a lot of people who are staunch PF supporters.
      Let us learn to live side by side despite our political affiliations.
      You need Jesus.

    • Even if Sata talked sense my brother, you will still not be able to make any sense out of that.

      You hated this man long before he became President and so you will hate him up to your grave.

      Just as in the Bible love covers a mutlitude of sin, hatred also covers a multitude of good.

    • Do you honestly think panga fighters will leave power voluntarily if they lose in 2016 assuming that elections are held?

  7. Sata meant what he said in Mansa, but did not expect such a response from the people and am sure the international community as well. He was trying the waters and crocodiles have surfaced. This president is an opportunist who will look for any chance to dribble the zambian people to his advantage. I advise the Zambians never to trust the A-Team. The silence from Kabimba’s adversaries is deafening. They now know whose camp the president support. I urge the other camp to Jump ship and joint other parties. PF is a wasted project!

    • point of correction my brother, it is a ‘he’. she(he) is one of those economic refugees who got hooked to those that cherish hammering the butt and found himself in europe

  8. Explain the context Hon Minister. We all want to understand the context in which he said what he said on the constitution. Must be a tough job defending senseless rumbling from the boss. Each passing day it is getting clear that Zambia needs a fresh team in government. PF should not go beyond 2016 if we really love this country.

  9. IT WAS ON THE FLIPPIN’ NEWS FOR CRYING OUT LOUD! ZNBC, 19:00hrs when they showed this chap of a president ku Mansa, first item. I, together with a number of people blogging from Zambia, watched it because I make it a point NEVER to miss the 19:00hrs news no matter how nice whatever else I was watching on another channel. So am not really understanding where people are saying this was concocted by the ZWD. In short, even you tuma PF cadres were distressed when you first heard this story and are now clutching at anything that will exonerate your hopeless leader and in this case it is an equally hopeless statement from a radio comedian. YABA!!


    • Politics is not a dirty game. It is the spectators on this page who wear dirty glasses.

      Just look through this page. Do you suppose for one moment that there is anyone who is normal in the head? With this kind of attitude demonstrated on this page, obviuosly Willie Nsanda, Kambwili, GBM, William Banda, Chikwelete and Lusambo will rule over us forever.

  11. Sata thought that since he was talking in distant Kasama, somehow the Nation would not hear what he was saying. He forgets that as President whatever he says wherever he says it will be taken very seriuosly, very seriuosly. Sata’s friends in the A-Team are very upset with Sata’s uncontrolled mouth. He seems to blurt wrong things at every turn making the PF look very silly, eg his habit of insulting Ministers in public, his tantrums of abandoning project launches , his deviation from written speeches and the embarrassing rumblings he embarks on- the list is endless.
    Mwansa Kapeya attempt to put a gloss on Sata’s ill advised pronouncement wont do. Sata and PF now know just how seriuos Zambians are about the constitution. Dont dare us. Bassop!


    • You didn’t hear him say anything. Somebody reported that he said what you think you heard. It was part of the plan to refute the statement if opposition from Zambians become too much.

  13. Mr. Kapeya,
    You are fighting fire without water. Do you think everyone is so dull? Try using sand with a tea spoon and see how far you get!

  14. so which statement should we follow? the one from the president or one from the minister? no wonder press conferences have been banned otherwise it would be damage control every other day.

  15. Sata’s govt stinks and has no vision or purpose other than “eating”.Give us our katiba or if you fo.ols and if you don’t like it go govern North Korea.Mavi ya kuku.

  16. The incurable syndrome we have in Zambia is failure to deduct and elucidate characteristics of politicians in Zambia. This explains why we are where we are with this impoverished leadership in the country. We have ended up with Mr Sata play acting as president with high risk of sliding back 30 years back, if not worse comparing the level of today’s democratic governance in the world. We have Sata, Kabimba, Kambwili, Masumba, GB Bwalya, Kapeya etc all would not meet the mark in a sensible goverment.

  17. OK, Mr Minister. Let us have the constitution as soon as possible. Be for Zambians and not a few individuals just because we entrusted them with political leadership.

  18. Kapeys please you tell your president that he is pushing his luck of being in government far too much. As Zambians we are not happy with the deceit that pushed you into government. For example, why can’t your leader see that you’re surrounded by far too many old men who are not advising your president correctly? You have completely ignored the youth and just imagine ever since 2011 there has been no credible investment coming to Zambia due to the lawlessness that is going on. I thought ruling by the Biblical Ten Commandments your government was going to uphold the rule of law!! Mwafilwa ukuteka is the answer in the minds if most Zambians.

  19. I don’t usually blog but my mind baffles with all those people saying watchdog cooked up the rumor. Sata supporters please answer this question did Sata say Zambia did NOT need a new constitution and that just amendments to the current one are needed? As witnessed by millions on ZNBC, stop making excuses for the old man it came out of his mouth. Just say he guffed and didn’t mean what he said and let’s move on. What kind of adults are you.

  20. No wonder he is being restricted from public address. I now understand, it better for everyone. Let him just be a president in name.

  21. Some bloggers are so stupid, i heard the president on both ZNBC and MUVI TV saying the current constitution have defects only needs amendments. Some fools are refuting that he never attad such words. Go back to school and learn english. Nowanda, out of 72 languages spoken in zambia, some of u only know/speak one, hence this made u miss what exactly the president said. Go back to school fools. Burn those degrees of stupidity that you hold.

    • You didn’t hear him say anything. Somebody reported that he said what you think you heard. It was part of the plan to refute the statement if opposition from Zambians become too much.

  22. A new constitution is one that is totally different from the previous one. In all constitutional democracies subsequent constitutions, though usually referred to as ‘new’ are never new but embody changes made to previous versions.

    Our President is right. The Technical Team will arise with an amended constitution which they will call ‘new’.

  23. His Statement follows allegations quoting the president saying that the current constitution only needs amendments and that Zambia did not need a new constitution.

    Is being on record also called an allegation? Stop insulting people Mwansa, this is not ifyabukaya radio show.

    By the way, the 14 or 15 hire g.uns you are not making sense by voting against every statement disagreeing with your bufi establishment. It is easy to tell that you have been hired to disagree with most bloggers.

  24. @ Mushota, why are you off the script today? You have always managed to sway bloggers’ comments from the topic at hand to your own humorous themes, which in most cases are not related to topical issues! Today I have noticed that you have spared the minds of our bloggers here, they are keeping to the topic.

  25. Kapeya really struggled to clean Sata’s mess. In what context is he expecting us to understand what Sata said when it was so clear that he did not subscribe to Zambia holding a referendum? Sometimes it’s better to keep your mouth shut than uttering things that make to sense. Kapeya must just sh.ut up because Zambians are not We all heard it and nothing will change our thoughts. PF must be booted out.

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