Monday, March 10, 2025

President Michael Sata commissions the Kariba North Bank extension hydro power station


President Sata with First lady Dr Christine Kaseba Sata Tours ZESCO Kariba North bank Extension Power Project in Siavonga
President Sata with First lady Dr Christine Kaseba Sata Tours ZESCO Kariba North bank Extension Power Project in Siavonga

Republican President Michael Sata has commissioned the first Generator unit at the $278 million Kariba North Bank extension power station which is expected to generate 360 Mega Watts of power.

Speaking during the commission in Siavonga District today, President Sata said that the launch is the beginning of the fight against load shading in the country and shows the commitment of the government to end load shading.

Mr Sata said that the construction of the Kariba North Bank Extension Power station, the first of its kind in 36 years was the beginning of the fight against load shedding.

He commended the Chinese Government and Synohydro for extending the Kariba North Bank power station and urged them to do more.

“I am grateful to the Chinese Government because these are the things l begged for when l went to their country so my trip was worth it,” the President said

Mr Sata said that the commissioning of the extension power station would improve power supply and create a better Zambia for the people.

He said Government intended to exploit the power sector which was currently at 6000 Mega Watts.

“Government and ZESCO are working together to kill load shedding once and for all. As part of the power extension we want to supply reliable power to all Zambians,” he said.

He explained that electricity was not just meant for the rich but for all Zambians.

He said it was sad that the poor people of Siavonga who were displaced to pave way for the construction of the Kariba dam power station were still suffering without electricity.

President Sata has since urged ZESCO to ensure that all traditional leaders are connected to the electricity grid because of the pivotal role traditional leaders play in the social and economic development of the country.

He lamented that 49 years after independence Zambia still imports engineers from China to produce electricity wondering when Zambia will have such engineers.

He said that the Patriotic Front government is implementing so many projects across the country aimed at improving the electricity supply so that as many people can have access to electricity.

President Sata with Dr kaseba at The kariba Nrth banka Extension Power Station
President Sata with Dr kaseba at The kariba Nrth banka Extension Power Station

And speaking during the handover of Siavonga Secondary School which has been upgraded into an ultra-modern boarding school by ZESCO at a total cost of eighty point eight million dollars, President Sata urged Education Minister John Phiri to ensure that all schools in the country are connected to electricity.

Speaking earlier, Energy Minister, Christopher Yaluma applauded Sinohydro Corporation Limited of China,the contractor contracted to construct the Generator Unit as well as upgrading Siavonga Secondary school, for doing a quality job.

Mr. Yaluma said that the commissioning of the generator unit at Kariba north bank will address all the challenges the energy sector is facing such as load shading.

And Chinese Ambassador to Zambia, Zhou Yuxiao said that the Chinese Government appreciated the cordial relationship that China shares with Zambia and will continue to finance projects that will improve the living standards of the people.

Speaking earlier, Education Minister, John Phiri, said the PF government has so far built 113 schools since assuming office in 2011 and will continue to put in place policies aimed at improving the education sector in the country.

Dr. Phiri said that government remained committed to ensuring that children have access to quality education.

President Sata with Dr Christine Kaseba Sata in Siavonga
President Sata with Dr Christine Kaseba Sata in Siavonga


    • this is good, but dont forget that this was started a long time ago , i remember a few friends of mine who happen to be geomatic engineers working in kariba on this particular project. so dont give thanks to one person alone, but it might even be in the time of mwanawasa and banda that works were started. Dont be easily conned. Am not saying its bad, but give credit to the other presidents also as it was in their time that this was started as are many of the projects we are seeing in fruition today.

    • @Kolwe…we all know how hard you try to take away the credit from Sata every time he does something positive.This is his project.MMD had their own ideas when it comes to power generation but not this particular project.Stop chocking with envy.The man personally begged for this.

    • Yaba yavuta Basata ayi. Busy scavenging for glory on projects which where initiated by the MMD. Sata has initiated less than 10 projects. Most the projects going on at the moment were left at an advanced stage by MMD. Only f.o.ols think all these projects were started by Sata. MMD never went to the hills to shout about projects before planning was completed.

    • This project was proposed, negotiated and signed between the Banda administration and the Chinese Government. As such is Chinese moved on site to start construction in 2010 when Sata was still busy manufacturing lies and hot air. Check with the Chinese Embassy, Bank of China that has been disbursing project finance. Alternatively go to ministry of justice and Finance.

      Sata’s only project renaming of districts, de-gazetting chiefs and developing Muchinga province.

    • Governing is a continuation process.

      When RB went around the world looking for money for Project Infrastructures, he was called all sorts of names.

      This Kariba Project was initiated by MMD so are the many road projects that Sata has renamed to appear as if PF initiated the roadmaps.

      For example, PF is failing to pay the Chinese building the Isoka – Muyombe Road. MMD had secured funds for this project, however it appears like the funds have disappeared.

      PF welcome to the real world of governing and not just barking


    • This project started during Mwanawasa’s time. These kind of projects take long hence the inability of the sitting Government to commission them. This definitely is not PF project just like the Mwanawasa hospital, Mwanawasa Stadium, The lusaka stadium and the Lusaka urban road projects. These are MMD projects and I know that PF zealots will not understand this but this is true. Diaspora export dont show your ignorance on a public forum like this one. Just go back to your POST NEWSPAPERS of 2008 and see who started this project. Infact it is not even completed. Pyrons are just being erected and what the president has commissioned is just one generator


  1. Awesome ! Now this is development.Maybe we can after all put behind our chronic load-shedding problem. I know it is a long shot, but it is one step at a time ,just like Rome wasn’t built in a single day.Keep it up bane !

    • Nice outfit Madam Sata!

      But Please fix the healthcare problems in the country.

      Time & time again, karma has shown you that evacuating to South Africa doesn’t save sick people. You are the laughing stock of South Africa but they won’t tell you because your dumbness is making them Rich.

      Make UNZA state of the art so that doctors there are trained properly to be able to carry out advanced 21st century medicine. Unza trained doctors are half baked. They can operate at UTH but not anywhere else!

    • I am giving up, Sata anchimfya, this guy when he is in good healthy can be a man of action. Ever since Sata discarded Kabimba of his PF cadreship, we have seen so many launches.. WEEKLY!!
      I hope he is also doing same to MukaYama Kili.. she look happy. But I miss Charlotte, if it wasn’t of Nubian Princess come back kaya.

    • The people in the presidents entourage should be responsible. ninshi balelekela ba kateka to be carrying things in his pockets all the time. surely, even if they are secret papers, teti babika mu brief case and hand it to his bodyguard to move with. Baposeko amano, somebody will be fired. the president cant be carrying ifintu lyonse muma pocketi kwati tabaliko!!!!

  2. mukayama!! awe sure very beautiful and some great sense of humour unlike other people who always with a cold face!!!

    well done mukayama!!! you are a loveable mother

    • I love this woman. She is a true representation of Zambia. She is very intelligent and highly knowledgeable with authority.

    • MuYama is the happiest woman I have ever seen, apart from my family. I just wonder how she behaves ku kati. If Yama Sata alefwayako, MukaYama ene ni munseko…. emo bwachila.
      Mwandi MukaYama ichintu chintu umwene..

    • You call that beauty. You have poor choice my friend. Its just education and money otherwise beauty tapali. Look at her face, see the scars around her mouth and also look at her gams. Do you call that beauty? Moreover how can a beautiful girl go for an old married man? Remember she was Satas mai nini at some point. Imagine if Ms Kaseba was selling tomatoes at old Soweto market.

    • and very soon you will be voting for her. I wrote something on mind control some time back,i think am slowly being justified.

  3. OveralI you are a bad president. Of all presidents we have had, you are fairing last. We are yet to see the human part of you!

    • Teddy..Another half brained blogger without a meaningful contribution to the topic at hand.Hate it or love it this man is ruling you.I advice you to use your vote wisely in 2016 because if not you will continue hurting and hating.

    • @ ruff ryder
      he is not an eternal ruler,2013 nayo yapwa he only has 2014 and 15 to make more blunders and be hated more,thats why he is desperate to claim even what others started.ichi chishikulu
      i doubt even if he is going to last.he is a very big sham and let down

  4. “I am grateful to the Chinese Government because these are the things l begged for when l went to their country so my trip was worth it,” the President said. Beg for more mudala.Ni sebana wikute.

    • Ba Sata,for once try to be truthful.This Project was drawn by MMD through Mwanawasa and RB while you were busy opposing anything and everthing RB did.Infact Mr Sata ridiculed RB for his trips abroad.Mr Sata’ trip to China was just a month ago.How can he link such a trip to the completion of this Power Project?

    • ule kwatako insoni nokoh ichinyohh nangu teti tukwishibe.he was in china this year,when did he beg for this project?iwe nangu kabimba aisa pa nganda ati ntombeko abakashi bobe kuti wasumina,ati niba boss.bu cadre bwa bupuba

  5. The first pic has cracked my Ribs……for sure he looks more Chinese, that expression can only be detected on a china mans Face!

    • @cindy
      you should telling this people who miss that am around… ati missed you, me i get very angry na amakofi bad!!.. am even going to sleep because my heart is racing in anger.

    • @cindy

      After lying to the people that when gets into power he will chase all the Chinese. Instead the Chinese have become his masters. Its now a question of when a China coughs Sata jumps.

    • @ Spooks,
      Am so busy it Hurts I feel like a Zombie, cant wait for the Holidays, otherwise, I try to peep in on LT whenever I can.

  6. Sata is an entertainer. Most importantly, he even his wife gets entertained with his jokes. Other men do the opposite. Other men have never made their wives laugh. Sata is a great guy. I wish you good health, sir.

    • I think Sata is smarter than most of you PF zealots. He can smell the coffee better than you guys. He knows that he has messed up big time and 2016 won’t be easy for him.Thats why he is now trying hard to manipulate the constitution so that other political leaders can be barred from standing.

      Anyway to bad for him, because Zambians are like a lion stalking an impala. If he is not careful he will get the worst treatment than any former Zambian leader.

    • @ wanzelu you soso right, most of these PF overzealous carders will not think beyond party politics as long as they give them some chicken change.. one need to remember that soon or later sata will be history.. once this life line called sata is cut off for these retards , then they will know just how trivial all this is..

    • Please just refer to the links related to this article dating as far back as 2009 just below this selfsame article and see the overall cost of this project and the overcosts of this project which way behind schedule.
      Please wake up!!

  7. aba bene bamukaba Sata balisamwa!! moneni ka smile, kwati kaiche bapela sweet pa sunday kumushi! Sata can even bring down heaven on earth, I still cant vote for this man! to me whatever he is doing is routine staff! i for one will only priase a president who will bring real development not these things that still make us remain the developing countries nomatter how many of them we build! south Korea is now making vehicles, when we were at par with them in 1964! and some foolish Zambian could proudly say, ba Sata balebomba! wat has Sata done diffrent apart from wat Chiluba, Mwanawasa and RB did? same routine staff!! ifyabupuba!

  8. Please people of God, the construction of Kariba north bank extension power project and upgrading of Siavonga secondary school to ultra-morden boarding school were initiated by MMDN government and the Pf just went to cut the ribbon thats is all.Ati MMD never did anything when the President is bussy commissioning varous projects initiated my MMD. 2016 nafutinafuti

  9. Mlaka Malilo Sung a Song, ” Zachisoni zanja lelo lalemba koma, ufumu wanu ife tauyesa, ndipo warepera”
    Not all things looks fine but how many people are enjoying and how many people are crying for their choice they made by voting in what is happening today.

  10. Watile, niwe wayambile Kariba project…..Bufi! Watile niweyalombele fund frm china, Bufi! Read lusaka times post of January 13, 2011 it says “ZESCO Kariba north project cheers Veep (George Kunda mhsrip) according to the them md, the project was scheduled to complete in 2018. CNP decides to commission one generator to take credit. Bufi zoona, shame

  11. When I went to China this is what I begged for!Some politicians have no shame! This project started long before PF came into power.That statement should not have been in the speech,who advises this President?And some people are even believing this crap! Infact all the power expansion projects currently going on started before PF(Kafue gorge lower power station,Itezhi tezhi,Maamba thermal plant,etc)

  12. Make no mistake this is our project ba MMD which was planned and initiated by our papa RB and his govt.Now these jokers are taking credit for our work.En 2016 nosotros esta vencer este feo culo oportunistas.


  14. This project started in 2008, and I worked here in its early days. How did Sata then beg the Chinese infestors when he was not in government at a time and he was busy insulting them as non entities. Well, as a people, we should learn to have shame!

    • J Mwamba,

      Hatred has no medicine to cure it, the fact is Sata and PF are working and busy developing the country. MMD was in power for good 20 years with three presidents, the only visible developments were done in the first term of FTJ. Chiluba. Please continue with your negative complex but as for Sata and PF they continue developing our country.

    • Pio
      Where is hate in my post? Of those failed 20 years of MMD, Sata was Wynter of MMD for 10 years when FTJ that you are praising was busy stealing from his country. MMD became better during Levy’s rule, even Sata acknowledges this. I don’t know where you see hate in the post, maybe in your subconscious. What you should have done is discredit my statement if you knew better. I can still tell you that this project started in 2008. You may even check it with ZNBC FYI. Don’t just argue without facts. MMD was in government just as PF now. I have no need to glorify either. I’m not a political cadre of any party. The FACT sir/madam is that this project started in 2008. Maybe Sata was president then, in which case then you can forgive my ignorance. Thanks.

    • @J Mwamba

      Don’t trouble yourself at all. Sata is far smarter than most of his supporters. So what do you expect from them apart from rubbish.

    • Spot on….he is clearly prying on our ignorance; one only has to simply refer to Zesco’s website of 3 years ago to see for themselves. Unbelievable that someone can unashamedly tell lies like this its really scary.

  15. Your Excellency, Mr. MC Sata:
    Zambia stands proud as a result of these great undertakings. If I were your opponent, I would hate you to the bone.
    However, when I view just one of these mammoth undertakings you’ve embarked on, say that of power generation, I visualize industries running nonstop, day and night; I see students studying uninterrupted; hospitals light; homes bright; Zambia developed—for there can never be development without energy. This is joy to those that celebrate good deeds.
    I thank you sir.

  16. Blatantly telling lies to the masses this project started way before PF can to power and is more 12 months behind schedule.

  17. it really dose not take much to please Zambians, MCS is using a ka project here and there to appease, so you can forget about the constitution and you are busy clapping for him, SO SAD.. Zambians you better wake up.

  18. Only human beings give credit when fellows do good but demons don’t.So are these ones here that being negative. Even if RB and mmd left projects pf as a wise govt has a duty to implement them. U are sick!Bravo the Presido!

    • You know @Osmore, the credit to RB and MMD should have come from the President himself. That is what Chikwanda did when he presented his first budget. He thanked Musokotwane and MMD for leaving the country such a strong economy. The President by saying he got the money for the Kariba North Bank Extension, told a clear lie to so many people and it says something about his character. This is what concerns most people here. If the President can tell such lies, what other lies is he telling the country. This goes to the heart of governance. Can the President be trusted? Is he a true Christian, with values? What is it that he considers important in his life? Is it just popularity and winning elections? Can he kill in order to win an election? Is that the type of leader we should have?

  19. Hands on man HMCS, mukali kulila. MMD just talked ,talked and hang up geysers in Mandevu wich had no water.

    VIVA Sata tikali naye 2016.

    Mzimai waku Mawa.

  20. These Panga Foolz have no shame at all claiming a project from MMD as their own idea.Washenzi na wajinga wa PF bila mipango yao.

  21. Zambia will never manage to solve it’s load shedding problems with hydro. It’s only that Zambians like this thing they voted for don’t think. The country has sunshine all year round and yet they cannot take advantage of solar energy which can solve so many of its problems. How many experts does the country have in solar energy? It take’s someone from Alaska (who doesn’t have sunshine half of the year) to come and teach us how solar power works. How much investment in research or otherwise has govt put in solar energy?-Zero. All they continue doing is get stuck with hydro which is five times more expensive. Do you Zambians know that you can generate electricity using wind energy? Wake Up!

  22. The chap can not manage to go anywhere these days without her Advanced Life Support doctor ,just in case he kaputs!No need for those broad deceiving smiles you thieves.Christina be careful you are still very young ,you will have a lot to answer for.Well done MMD for initiating such projects as this one though the praise on on this PamaFi blog to the dunderhead.

  23. A power Station and an UTRA MODERN Secondary School in one GO.
    Ribbons on modern Universities are still waiting for you to be cut.



    • Please define ultramodern? Is it a self sufficient sustainable building? What is it thst makes it stand out….has it got ICT facilities for pupils?

  24. this guy, isn’t this the same suit he was wearing when he wrongly wore his shoes?what has happened?he is short of clothes just as he is short of brains.

  25. Busy trying to divert attention from the fired nurses.. Please people vote for proper learned leaders who have the interest of the country at heart..

  26. LT you should have mentioned that this project was negotiated and initiated by the MMD Gvt. Nothing wrong with completing projects left by previous government. Border scanners, mobile clinics , werent a bad idea after all.

  27. its like a husband leaves his wife pregnant and dies, and before she delivers another man marries her and you stupid zambians you start praising the man for the baby. that project was begged for zambians in his many trips by rupiah banda and at one time the fire even killed some people who where working there.

  28. Hits: 203

    President Visits 01On the 6th March 2009, the President of the Republic of Zambia His Excellency Mr Rupiah Bwezani Banda visited Siavonga to launch the start of the Kariba North Bank Power Station Extension Project. The Lake Kariba Dam was constructed in the late 1950’s to provide electricity generation to both Zambia and Zimbabwe. The full history of the building of the Dam can be seen on the web-site page
    “History of Lake Kariba”.
    Kariba North Bank Power Station which is owned and operated by the State owned electricity supply company ZESCO, was constructed in the mid 1970’s at a cost of almost 420 million US Dollars (in…

  29. He lamented that 49 years after independence Zambia still imports engineers from China to produce electricity wondering when Zambia will have such engineers

  30. Sata is a congenital liar. It runs in his DNA. Only his fellow liars wired at conception don’t see anything wrong with the rubbish that comes out of the man’s mouth!

  31. ZWD has provided more about this project… They have provided LINKS, just check them out! DON’T BE SO IGNORANT. Don’t be cheated the information is all there about who really started this project and when.

  32. Doesn’t matter who and when the project started! Some one like PABWATO should steer the project to reality and not mere waffling!

    • @Habukali
      Indeed who started the Project and who finished it off. It is Zambian people’s money. What matters is that a President who is expected to acknowlegde the contribution of his predecessors prefers to tell blue lies in order to win popularity from those who are ignorant. It is the President’s ultimate responsibility to ensure that people know the truth. What to foreigners Diplomats) think of us when they see such shameless lies from the man who is supposed to be the fountain of wisdom. Winning elections is important but it not everything. I do not expect anybody to admire some one who kills a person in order to win an election. If you show no integrity is such a public forum what do we expect from you when you have some secrecy to yourself?

  33. I am not PF but this is what I have to say: Whether it is the MMD who started the project or not doesn’t matter. And those who wish the president dead are dead wrong. It is God who has the final say about anyone’s life. The more you wish him dead, the more God prolongs his life. All I know is that Sata has successfully commissioned the project. The MMD ruled for 20yrs and what is there to show? Salaula, poverty, unfinished projects etc. Can some give a list of what the MMD commisioned for the past 20 years? There are many more projects to be commissioned by Sata: 1) The new improved airport 2) The Palabana, Chalimbana and Makasa Universities 3) Kitwe-Chingola Dual Carriage way 4) 8000 Link Zambia 4) Chongwe bridge 5) L400 6)The new airport 7) pave 2000 8) The new stadiums 9) and many…

    • @BBC. Sir every Zambian is entitled to belong to a Party of their choice and all of us Zambians should defend this right because it safeguards our freedom. If you belong to PF or MMD or any other Party for that matter, I have only admiration for you.
      But I think your assessment of the MMD achievements is rather unkind. You may wish to know that in 2011, Alex Chikwanda opened his Budget address with a very glowing account of what Musokotwane and MMD had achieved including the fact that PF had inherited a very strong economy from MMD with strong macro economic fundamentals. Chikwanda is a leader. He did not need to tell lies for the sake of politics or popularity.

  34. Mwanawasa started the ground work and negotiated funding. Its so disappointing how the Post, Times and Daily Mail have carried the story, making it appear MCS was the master mind behind the project. I have no problem with MCS commissioning as this is a national success story but when he begins to lie that he begged for this project then morality comes into question. Journalists would do well to sometimes give a brief background so that politicians don’t get credit for things they have no crew about.

  35. Flash Back: RB visits Siavonga to Launch the Kariba North Bank project
    December 5, 2013 | Filed under: Editor’s Choice | Posted by: ‘

    This is the 2009 visit by Rupiah Banda to launch the start of the Kariba extension power project in 2009 after the deal was concluded by late Levy Mwanawasa.


    President Visits the 6th March 2009, the President of the Republic of Zambia His Excellency Mr Rupiah Bwezani Banda visited Siavonga to launch the start of the Kariba North Bank Power Station Extension Project. The Lake Kariba Dam was constructed in the late 1950’s to provide electricity generation to both Zambia and Zimbabwe. The full history of…

  36. This woman must cut down on her stupid smiles. What is there to be happy about in Zamunbia right now? People are suffering and all she can do is show us her stupid teeth all the time. Ok she gets billions of tax payers money to run her invicible office…may be she has something to smile about, but really she does irritate me.

  37. I do not know why we have to argue about who started what. If it was MMD who started this project thumbs up to them and if it is PF who have finished it, thumbs up to them too. As for the roads, pipo must know that most of these road projrcts were started by UNIP and was discontinued by Chiluba in his quest to turn the economy around. We are just one. To me PF is doing a good job to enhance infrastructure development. Another party will further continue. Tell me, if UPND comes in power which project will they start which has never been touched by UNIP.MMD or PF?

  38. MMD ruled for 20 years and what is there to show? In 20 years of their rule, i never saw any tangible initiation or commissioning of projects. Now whatever Sata does, all they say is “it us who started that”. In infact some of the projects initiated by the MMD in their last days where merely done after they saw how much time they wasted (20yrs) and for aluring electorates to vote for them. They had 20 years to commission the projects. Why didn’t they initiate the projects say 15 or 10 years ago? It is a well known fact that every president who comes top power has something to initiate. RB did so what? If anything these initiation are done as a result of pressure from the citizens. Sata has done a lot and people are seeing things. That is what people want. To see with the naked eye.

  39. This is Patrick’s initiative which started under Banda’s govt. When did he go to China to ask this project? He only went to China for treatment. The dullest president on Earth. As dull as his followers.

    • You strong language just indicates that you cannot dabate issues objectivelly. Be civil in your language so that i can learn from you.

  40. We don’t care who started wat is importatant sata has done it,don’t be myopic u can imagine after 39 yrs,which means pipo were jst talking nt workin.Besides I don’t trust MMD maybe they would have used tht money 4 compains.ViVa Sata.

    • It wouldn’t have mattered if Sata did not categorically state that he went to China and begged for funds to start this project. That was a blatant lie and it is shameful that there was no advisor to remove that particular line from his speech. What does it say about your country when a head of state can lie like that with a straight face? What integrity then does such a man have? What would he have lost by just saying something like ‘We thank the previous governments for having started this project and we are now here to ensure its implementation…’ Love RB or hate him but he would not have stooped this low if it where him. He would have given due credit and would not have LIED. Your president is a LIAR and am ashamed to be led by him.

  41. most comments here show how badly zambians are informed. its like they dont keep records, they just flow in the wind. did sata beg for the kariba project. i expected him to say he ensured this project came to completion, and should also have paid tribute to his predecessors, and say he will do more. systems, systems brothers and sisters is what we need, not affilia sentimentalities

  42. i am just disappointed that the president is lying in his word. its a bit ironical, and bad enough that zambians can buy this. a president lying in public?

    zambian bred engineers supervised this project to ensure standards, but our president congratulates a contractor, not the owners, the supervisors.

    awe mwe

  43. Everton finally managed to beat Man utd at Old Traffold yesterday after 21 years, the team was assembled mainly by Moyes their former Manager.So who should get the credit,Martinez but Moyes?

  44. Everton finally managed to beat Man utd at Old Traffold yesterday after 21 years, the team was assembled mainly by Moyes their former Manager.So who should get the credit,Martinez or Moyes?

  45. Well done to ZESCO for the project. This is not a government issue and was instigated based on a survey in 2008.

  46. In some cultures a woman who always laughs out so loud to the extent of showing gums is assumed to be a whore trying to lure and attract men. What is there to be always the only one in the crowd to laugh about so wildly?

  47. ok for all who remember most of the projects nearing completion were started by the mwanawasa government RB tried to continue with them and run out of funds PF is implementing and expanding on some of them using borrowed money but magande will tell you that the mwanawasa governments plan was to use the funds raised using windfall tax. to finance this national development plan. so the question is when will government understand that this tax is the cheapest way to development for mother zambia mr president please stand up and be counted BRING BACK WINDFALL TAX!

  48. Awa amai, kodi adwala chityetyete? All the time laughing! Which part of Nurses strike and dismissal does she find funny? Or is she laughing at her husband for launching a project already launched by RB?

  49. First all someone should have told first lady that the hard hut is for protection when she is in a construction zone, Secondly everyone should at least thumb up GRZ for this extension, now why is this Sata wondering that there are no Zambian engineers to construct some of the infrastructure, am one of those in diaspora who would love to jump a such a chance to come home and do something, but looking at the way GRZ treats teachers, nurses and generally all GRZ why would engineers wanna come

  50. WEll done Big Boss . wheather initiated by the conn man Banda or who ever the beautiful thing is that PF and SATA Implemented and Accomlished the Project Well DONE GUYS Keep it UP PF.

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