Thursday, January 16, 2025

GBM described as a rare breed among Zambian Politicians


DEFENCE Minister Geoffrey Mwamba
Former DEFENCE Minister Geoffrey Mwamba

MMD Copperbelt province information and Publicity Secretary Yotam Mtayachalo has described former Defence Minister Geoffrey Mwamba as a rare breed in Zambian political arena.

MMD Copperbelt Information and Publicity Secretary Yotam Mtayachalo says the decision taken by Mr. Mwamba to take such a bold decision to resign after differing with the President on principle is a rare one in Zambian politics.

Mr. Mtayachalo notes that most politicians in the country lack such principles as exhibited by Mr Mwamba, as their interest is to protect their bellies.

He also notes Mr Mwamba’s immerse contribution to the Patriotic Front, adding that his resignation is the beginning of cracks in the ruling party.

And Mr Mtayachalo says Zambians are falling to understand what the President is trying to achieve by battling with the Bemba traditional leadership.

He says there is need to allow traditional leaders to operate independently without political interference.

And the National Restoration party (NAREP) has commended former Defence Minister Geoffrey Mwamba for what it has described as a principled decision over the deadlock surrounding the Chitimululu Chieftaincy.

NAREP National Chairman Joseph Mushalika notes that while the manner of the resignation is regrettable, the move is based on principle after President Sata gave Mr. Mwamba the option to choose between keeping his job or the Chitimukulu designate.

And the Foundation for Democratic Process (FODEP) has observed that the resignation of Defence Minister, Geoffrey Mwamba, speaks volumes that the Bemba speaking people are willing to fight for what is right for them regarding the installation of Henry Sosala as Paramount Chief Chitimukulu.

FODEP Executive Director, MacDonald Chipenzi, says there is need for President Michael Sata to allow the Bemba speaking people to choose their traditional leader and not impose sanctions on them.

Mr. Chipenzi says Mr. Mwamba did well to protect his kinsmen by not succumbing to threats from the head of State by siding with his people.

Mr. Chipenzi has told QFM News that the Bemba speaking people are united and want to protect their culture and not what is being imposed on them by the PF Government.

He says the move by government to dethrone Henry Kanyanta Sosala earlier this year as Senior Chief Mwamba and the subsequent refusal to recognize him as Chitimukulu has become a national matter and not a tribal issue.

Mr Chipenzi has since urged the Patriotic Front (PF) government to allow the Bemba Royal Establishment (BRE) do the correct thing by installing their preferred Paramount Chief without interference.


    • Happy new year mwe majoza
      Mushota, ndobo, nine chale, sr citizen saulosi etc etc good morning and happy Christmas iyepee

      Thank you all LT ADDICTS

    • happy xmas to you all. wish to call upon my 1diot colleagues in the diaspora, you should come home and bring those dollars to mother zambia during these festive seasons maybe our exchange rate may slightly stabilize

    • I really do not know why we Zambians are so shallow and always failing to analyse matters. When the story broke, a fellow blogger (WU) wrote: This can’t possibly the only reason GBM resigned, it’s infact a final nail in coffin. There has been frantic effort in recent past to frustrate him by the A-team which includes the cartel and KK. first KK publicly humiliated him for endorsing Sata as 2016 sole PF candidate even calling stupid minister.Second internal wrangles spilt onto the streets of Lusaka exploded in machete fights his and Kabimba’s supporters that resulted in his lieutenant badly hurt and hospitalised. Adding salt to injury no condemnation followed from Sata. Soon after at the regional defence ministers summit GBM was nowhere to be seen. Contrary to expectation Zambia sent Justic

    • Continued……. Contrary to expectation Zambia sent Justice minister as its representative and no explanation given. Tension has constantly been simmering below the surface. This has been coming! END now if you take this view, you begin to question where is this “glorifying” of GBM as a “Principled Man” coming from? The standoff between Sata and the BTC has been public knowledge from the time the former Chitimukulu passed on (MHSRIP) and GBM has never been moved by that whatsoever. Infact, he has been busy jostling for Party Presidency and endorsing the very same man at the centre of the standoff with his “Grandfather”. GBM has resigned because Sata has, through his actions, endorsed the Kabimba lead faction of the PF. And now the opposition are also at it… Baffles me.

    • Brave people and principled politicians are people like HH and a Certain Mwamba, a former PF SG. These two pointed out a long time ago that Sata is a very difficult stooge to work with that’s why they did not let him control them. The rest of the party leaders like NAREP, MMD et al are POLOTICIANS who can not survive without begging Sata for help while pretending to be opposed to his policies.
      Even Sata himself knows how easy it is to manipulate the rest of the party leaders (POLOTICIANS)apart from HH. HH is the only man Sata fears because he has never managed to control or give him instructions to follow.
      Chipimo and all the others have eaten Sata’s proton biscuits and he under his control.What ever they say does not worry Sata. Remember when he sponsored them to RIO in 2012?

    • All poloticians like Dr Mumba, Chipimo and Sata are not real in what they say. They get their way in life by promising people a good life in exchange for their money. They both have survived through generous donations from people who have believed their rhetoric. Sata has earned his money through political deception while Dr Mumba earned his through fanatic religious donations. Chipimo has failed to make his own money and survives on his father’s dwindling fortunes,thats why he resorted to politics to try and make a fortune like Sata and other Poloticians have done.
      This leaves only two heavy weights HH and GBM. These two are genuine because they have shown us how a fortune can be realised through genuine business acumen and hard work. How ever the two are different politically.

    • The difference between GBM and HH is that HH understands both Macroeconomic and microeconomics very well while GBM only understands how to make his personal fortunes what ever it takes. GBM is prepared to sink low as long as he benefits financially like he has done in PF. Therefore GBM can not be a good leader Zambia wants to restore sanity politically and economically.
      As things stand right now the only Leader who can replicate what the great leaders like Mwanawasa, and Banda have achieved for Zambia is HH. He seems to be the only genuine leader left out of the pack.Dr Mumba, Chipimo et al can not be trusted because people will only get promises from them and nothing else. They may seem to know what Zambian people want in their rhetoric but lack understanding of how to achieve it.

    • The statement below proves my point that NAREP is a full time extension of PF. NAREP regrets to have lost one of their own.

      “NAREP National Chairman Joseph Mushalika notes that while the manner of the resignation is regrettable, the move is based on principle after President Sata gave Mr. Mwamba the option to choose between keeping his job or the Chitimukulu designate.”

      Let us all rally behind UPND and HH to make sure that both political and economical sanity returns to Zambia once again. I miss the days when the Kwacha had appreciated genuinely under Mwanawasa. It was KR5 to £1. If such a leader had continued the Kwacha would have got even stronger today than it is under Sata and PF.

      Viva UPND!!!!!!!!!!!

    • What is admirable is GBM’s stance to refuse intimidation at the hands of Sata-(choose between your job so Henry Sosala). That’s precisely the reason why he has been showered with praises such as “principled politician and “person of integrity”.Of course we all know that the contexts in which the expressions have been used are somehow over the top.But it’s still a way to show him that we love your self-belief and wish more could stand to the dictator.Let’s face it, Sata has publicly ‘undressed’ everyone who has dared cross his path from Guy Scott,Alexander Chikwanda to a Gardener at state House.Stupidly they all shamelessly chosen to live through this barrage of reproach. Given the desperation displayed by these politicians,it’s refreshing to see GBM’s firm stand and he deserves…

    • Wanzelu, you come here trying to pretend ati ndiwe wanzelu and yet ndiwe chikopo. Bantu ba nzelu don’t go around talking negative about people in the name of politics. Banzelu put across the arguments across in an intelligent manner. Chipimo Jr didn’t fail to make money. He started his own law practice and made it into a big company that can’t be compared to many law practices in Zambia. Talk serious issues and not attacking characters.
      In Zambia, I am yet to see a politician who has a real heart to serve the Zambian people. I highly doubt HH want to serve Zambia. What has he done as a politician that can convince me that he really wants to serve Zambia? Does he have to wait to become president to do something. Why can’t we see something being done to help communities in the name HH.

    • Probably Ministry of Defence is too challenging to be headed by a civilian, because it is full of professional and other well trained disciplined personnel that a civil politician finds difficult to minipulate, ending up becoming bored, especially that the same Ministry in under control of the Commander in Chief the President. Even jailed Mr. Mpombo resigned from there. Civilian Ministers become too bored there. So it is not surprising for an enterprising person like GBM to resign from MoD. I think he became too bored and had no enterprise to do there. Therefore the excuse of entangling MwineLubemba ChitiMukulu as the reason GBM quit sounds like a scape-goat to me, otherwise he could have renounced even his Membership of Parliament.

    • Not only was he the closest friend and confidant of SataN, GBM had genuine best interests of Sata at heart.
      I hope Sata can say that Kambeba and Gay Sco.ttish also have Sata’s best interests at heart – which is very unlikely. Gay Sco.ttish’s loyalt to Sata is actually fake! Gay Sco.ttish thinks SataN is too uncivilised to be president and wants Kambeba to be president!

    • GBM has shown you that morden education of degrees (Bachelors,masters,PhDs) are not that is required to succeed. he has is a good business man and also reads politics well. Juts when he was to sink together with the titanic what does he ? chooses not to be on board.

    • It shows how unserious the cabinet is…. Where on earth does a cabinet minister/Defense minister resigns and u take things rightly open yo eyes Zambians and yo bukopo so called leaders atase. We were brain washed ati man of action kanshi bufi kuloleshafwe….

  1. Alot of ministers in Pf are just there to fufill Munkombwe’s principple to “eat”. HH will without doubt bring sanity in Zambia once allowed to govern.

    • PF/Ukwa are finished, GBM thought he would take over from Ukwa but alas Ukwa made a covenant with Kabimba, so the onle option for GBM is to leave as we indeed wait for the next capable government under HH/Dr Banda/Mr Kapita/ Mama Nalumango Mutale/ Mr Kakoma & the whole Upnd team. Viva political, economic, social revolution.

    • @3.1 kayombo
      Learn to be serious in your life. How can you outline that bunch of good for nothing scumbags as the ones to sort out problems in zambia. Leave those scumbags alone they ll never form grz.

      Youngman join the boat(pabwato) its sailing as long as HEMCS remains at helm.

    • Typical overzealous opposition thinkn this will win them votes.Why did GBM lost his seat under MMD? GBM wanted Sata to sideline Wynter Kabimba so as to succeed his egos.If he is really principled with a rare pot belly or breed whatever why was he endorsing Sata for presidency when the constitution allows him. If he is really principled with a rare pot belly or breed whatever why didn’t he resign when Sosala was dropped as Chief?Why does he insult/ beat wife & u turn in his decisions?..

  2. @kolwe
    People understand that everyone can make a mistake in spelling. maybe he was using a XT9 tablet in printing it predicts the words before you complete youra. quack

  3. He knows there is no future in the Paya Farmer party, he is leaving it the way he left MMD in search of another potential aprty to form government & he has already made his money in PF.


  5. FIRE ON THE MOUNTAIN!!! The exit of GBM from the sinking boat is just an iceberg of what is yet to strungle the party! How do you bite the finger that feeds you..? Much as GBM was arm-twisted to chose between his ‘grandpa’ and a job, all bembas will also have to choose between paramount chief chitimukulu and a handful of stuborn politicians. Am sure Mr. ‘Dullest Attorney’ is misleading the bigman. Even us in eastern zambia can now back any leader with principles like those of GBM! Come petauke central by-election, another 9-1 will shutter them

  6. He was the worst Defence monster zambia ever had, aleluya he has fired himself for defiling the chief commanders instruction. How can a soldier defy his superiors order for his grandfather? so if the grandfather is a rebel leader and Government thru. the commander asks his soldiers to crush the rebel , will the defence minister side with the rebel NO nO, he must go and shoot, so to me he is not a principled man but a coward dishonets man indeed he is great bag of matuvi GBM

  7. A rare breed indeed. GBM you have not only put Sata and his mentor in evil instigation KK to shame but endeared yourself to every Zambian. Your political mileage has just rocketed into strata-sphere and believe you me, all past allegation of corruption against you are instantly forgivable and forgotten in our eyes. Remember the DNA in your system is MMD, come back home.

  8. congratulations wynter for defeating gbm pants you can start eliminating his disciples like nkomaki,lubinda,chikwelete etc.continue mr wynter strategising like what sata did during third all the potential presidential material so that you remain the sole candidate in 2016.

  9. The gullibility of Zambians in general is being exposed over the GBM resignation. While I wouldn’t want to question his sincerity over the reasons he gave for his resignation, it is obvious Zambians can easily fall for a lion disguisedly dressed as sheep. No wonder we end up voting for the likes of Sata in the highest office. Indeed anyone can easily mask a bitter and poisoned bone by sugar coating it and Zambians will fall for it without questioning the motive – pure stuff of kids that can easily be enticed by candy.

    There’s nothing principled about GBM resignation here. The man has just been told or has realised for himself that there’s nothing for him in as far as PF leadership succession goes; that he would never be PF President and his ambitions were nothing but a lost…

    • ‘…nothing but a lost cause. If anything he is a clever politician, using the Sata and Bemba-Chitimukulu stand-off to his cunning advantage. Had Sata assured GBM that the PF presidency was his, no question he would have chosen the presidency of Chitimukulu. GBM can f00l some people but not me. There have been so many events in our country since the PF took over that called for principled politicians to resign and GBM happily endorsed them as he hoped the PF presidency would be his soon. It’s OK as long as his resignation motivates people to do good, then I guess people don’t need to see through what really motivated his resignation.

    • I can’t agree more with you on this…absolutely spot on!

    • Do not think loud you chap, the issue here is straight and is based on principle! Your PF leadership speculations and opinion keep it in yo small scope sphere, KID!

    • Maverick,
      You are one of the very few bloggers who have seen the Mwamba resignation for what it truly is. A sham and storm in a tea cup by a narcissistic self-aggrandizing politician .
      If Mwamba was truly principled, he could have resigned many months ago over economic mismanagement (rise in gasoline and mealie meal prices, erosion in the Kwacha value and incessant policy inconsistencies on issues such as the constitution) and blatant regionalism (read tribalism) displayed by this president.
      I am at pains to understand what those falling all over themselves over his resignation have seen. In my view, he resigned for the reasons you ably articulated and I wish many Zambians could wake up from the comatose phenomenon induced by PF to see reality for what it is.

    • You are weired fella who thrives on speculation and PURE LIES!
      It is a FACT that this is not the first time GBM has resigned…He had resigned as MP and from PF in opposition – this had nothing to do with Presidency but again Principle!! So why are twisting facts? He doesnt depend on politics for survival like other IDI.OTS including you, Kabimba and Gay Scottish!

      You cant actually deny the fact that Sata has been shaken by his loss of a valuable ally and confidant! That’s why he has not said a single word up to now – leaving everything to Chella….This has hurt Sata very much. Even in his wildest of dreams, SataN does not TRUST Kabimba and Scott.

    • @Chilyata “valuable ally and confidant” you say then why did Sata choose to listen to the intelligence sources instead? Do you honestly think Sata would let young Chella speak on his behalf without his approval or verification? This is a man who is very particular of letter writing etiquette of his own ministers and civil servants.

  10. Sad to say, but pf is not at work hence if it could have been possible, their president should be replaced by the guy who did the sign language thing at Madiba’s funeral cos he seemed to make a lot of sence. GBM is so different Summer.

  11. Maverick, you must be dull. You did not hear your Ukwa bag talking ABOUT collective responsibility to Isolate SOSALA as Mwinelubemba? Ukwa used Chellah’s phone to talk to GBM, next could have been ‘I have fired Mwamba’. Since GBM knows the Urine Bag very well, he resined before being embarrassed by UKWA. That is the issue. Wake up!

    • @Musonda
      So does resigning before you are fired make you a “Principled Man” or simply a clever one? Marvrick is simply right on this one and a principled man would have resigned from this PF madness long before now.

    • do you have to rush to the dictionary after posting a comment. if you are using a computer it will show that this word does not exist, what are you using? a Chinese phone, which records a missed call when an airplane passes over your head?

    • And if you want to know what Fred Membe said to Wynter and me yesterday….read the front page of the Post of today (Xmas)..’Good riddance”. Why do you think disgraced Father Luonde was called and led to say that comment? Fred uses people to ‘say’ his stuff. So it Fred 10 and GBM 0 as far as cabinet representation goes.

  12. ok now that i see my comment let me retype what i wanted to say: GBM is the worst defence minister we ever had, how could he hide in blood is thicker than water to defile the chief commanders order?? Once you are head of the military, the citizenry is treated equally, if ur grandfather or unlce is a rebel i would go and shoot him despite being related, will i say since he is my blood i declare interest?? oh no what a wicked soldier, indeed a great bag of matuvi GBM he is





  14. Really principled indeed. No wonder GBM is rich, he is pasionate about attaining substance. He has called a spade actually a spade. You can not dribble chieftainancy just like that! Why should presidency come in to derail a family tree? Whatever it is, govt and Sata are wrong on this issue. What procedure do they want to follow other than the actual succession procedure that has been there since the creation of the Bemba chiefdom. Hands off succession process. Well done GBM. You declared interest, I salute you.

  15. GBM is just a simple grade 7…..wonder why people are looking up to him. we had serious resignations before such as Christone Tembo, Miyanda, BY, Levy, Dean….not aya malabishi….it didnt even take a day before GBM was replaced by an educated Edgar Lungu….bitter opposition trying to console themselves, rather convince themselves that PF is GBM & vice-versa. did GBM win any election before he joined PF????? answer…..NO!!

    • At least he is a grade 7 who can make lots of money without licking Sata’s ass. Your Sata is a grade 3 who can not survive without being a polotician.

      GBM has now qualified to be a POLITICIAN while the rest in PF including Sata are tuma POLOTICIANS (BELLYTICIANS) who can not survive without licking their leader’s asses.

  16. @3.1 kayombo
    Learn to be serious in your life. How can you outline that bunch of good for nothing scumbags as the ones to sort out problems in zambia. Leave those scumbags alone they ll never form grz.

    Youngman join the boat(pabwato) its sailing as long as HEMCS remains at helm.

  17. Typical overzealous opposition thinkn this will win them votes.Why did GBM lost his seat under MMD? GBM wanted Sata to sideline Wynter Kabimba so as to succeed his egos.If he is really principled with a rare pot belly or breed whatever why was he endorsing Sata for presidency when the constitution allows him. If he is really principled with a rare pot belly or breed whatever why didn’t he resign when Sosala was dropped as Chief?Why does he insult/ beat wife & u turn in his decisions?

  18. I think GBM wouldnt have resigned if the president decided to give everyone a fair crack at the top job. GBM is championing any other coz.. but that of a principled man. Defeat is wat this is

  19. Sata put all his eggs buy formin a bemba cabinet. These are the same chaps to sink the boat since their loyalty goes to SHILUBEMBA.

  20. GBM resigned because the BISA using Sata, Prof Luo want to take over the Chitimukulu and become the bosses to the BEMBAs, He has realised that these subjects want to overthrow the Chitimukulu using govt machinery of not recognising the BREs tradition.

    By the way, Got=vt says Chanda Kanyata Sosala did not follow the procedure, is it a BISA procedure or BEMBA procedure? Who is the complainant in this case?? It all point to subject trying to become a KING..!! Viva GBM

  21. I almost fall into Mwamba’s rubbish but after some introspection i found him to be a danger to pf and the nation at large.He thought Sata would annoit him his successor.GBM,will soon dimish politically.l don’t see a principled person here.

    • Shallow thinking of a Low life cadre! Sata used GBM to fund his PF party and even used GBM when SataN was caught ready handed with a bag of money for money laundering in SA! Why did he not use Kabimba or that mean miserable white fool Gay Scottish. He instead used GBM to say the money was his!
      In fact GBM had resigned even in opposition! The man has principles unlike you little foot soldiers who eat SataN left overs!
      Like HH, GBM does not depend on SataN for his living – he doesnt not need the politics or presidency

    • @Chilyata: Wena silyangu tuwe Chilyata, why are you fond of insulting other people and using inflammatory language? U sitoto se si cwang’i wena ya sweli ku mbwasauka malasambwa inge kanyukuta ka kakusi ngulu ya mukali?

  22. Ba GBM job well done indeed blood is thickeer than water. Even those in PF they value their relatives than the party. So Ba GBM if things get to the worst just form your own plolitcal party. If others can what about you.

  23. ….he could have been more a darling had he quit immediately the chieftainship wrangles started or soon after seeing that his boss had put his foot down and was in no way back peddling on his decision…

    • @Scrutinizerer
      You are correct. His resignation wasn’t on principle but personal pride. I agree with you. If it was principles he was obeying he could have resigned at beginning of Sata’s attack on Bashi Lubemba. He waited until the very minute he was about to be humiliated. Not principled. His was a calculated fast move to avoid embarrassment.

  24. I wonder where his selfsame principles were when ACC was investigating him….if he was truly morally upright as people now seem claim. ..he would have stepped aside then. The term “principled” has been grossly misapplied here…l guess it’s probably because no cabinet minister has ever resigned in Zambia for quite a while.
    Wake up people!!

    • @Jay Jay: You are one of the low life Kabimba’s cadre!
      GBM’s selfsame principles were in the of Kabimba when he went beserk, mad, psycho, etc rioting at the ACC office!

      GBM never went there rioting with cadres! Get a life if you have any.

    • Your GBM and si1ly Kabimba are both kaponyas the only difference is that one is slightly educated and the other is rich.
      Please don’t come here telling us GBM didn’t need that position most of his companies having doubled in size due to GRZ contacts.
      Wake up and if you have been on this forum long enough you would no better than call me a cadre! !

  25. GBM is bemba. the lubemba tbrone has always been guided under the bemba traditional system. since when did a Bisa rule? this is the problem. GBM as a bemba, and one in the royal family, knows that sata wants to use political power to shift the throne to a bisa, who happens to be related to sata and nkandu luo. but this is not acceptable

  26. @ its a worry & maverick, I agree with u. GBM being principled! my foot! after all the atrocities the GBM VS KABIMBA have engineered in the country. There is absolutely nothing being principled about GBM’s rresignation. The Chitimukulu issue is just a cover up. Do not be deceived! alot is at play…!

  27. Any one opposed to the government will praise GBM as being principled. But the reason given for resigning is not a good one given that he was minister in charge of our defence forces. Imagine if he sent soldiers to put down a rebellion in one of our provinces and they also gave such a reason for not performing their duty?

  28. Have followed with keen interest opinions being expressed over GBM move to resign from his ministerial job. This has attracted a considerable thought that GBM is a wise man. What is forgotten is his ‘mens rea’ for ‘ratio decidendi’.
    GBM would have done well to sacrifice himself holistically by leaving PF govt all together(others may differ with this) to stump his boldness over his decision. As it is, GBM is playing ‘ball’ to rattle and dare Sata. Sata is a lame duck and incapable of a direct confrontation with Mwamba because of his financing the party in the past. Mwamba seem to have struck a right code by claiming to side with Bashilubemba than Sata. This has put Sata into a quagmare not to dare BRE openly whose consequences he can not conteplate. So Sata is a slave of…

  29. his own making. However, GBM has sins he has to atone for now that is not in the inner circle of PF. We all remember what Kabimba said about some PF ministers being corrupt and one of them was GBM. Mwamba is still remembered how he corruptly awarded himself contracts to supply the defense forces with his own or his relatives (daughters) companies. All army finance allocations was presided by GBM channeling huge sums to his companies. GBM is well known for a Bemba phrase ‘NINDALAMA SHABANOKO’ spewed in the face of any one who queried his corrupt tendencies. GBM is said to have peddled government trophies (ivory) out of the country with general Mihova using Chinese diplomats. Government customs officers witnesses are available. GBM has to brace for these battles now or in future.

  30. Imwe benangu mungo bwetuka for nothing! You can never resign , over your pitiful dead bodies,! Nangu bamituke shani! Uyu eve nkasako.

  31. Sata is standing on one foot by forming a cabinet from one region. It all exposes the chimbwi-no-plan syndrons at play. Its easy to conspire and bring down sata leaviing him with the A-team that view cobra as saviour.

  32. Zambians only has HH & the Upnd team for a better Zambia. When HH spoke against the evils of the CNP government, pf cadres called him alot of names e.g bitter, frustrated, jeoulous etc but he continued to speak for the voiceless & poor Zambians & alas HH is being vindicted now. Pf has no agenda for our beloved country period! HH we love you the great son of our Zambian soils.

  33. There are some i di ots that think when we support pf we are that type that are for crumbs.GBM,is using the Sosola issue to gain political support knowing that his ambitions were cutailed by those claverer than him.Tulemonako mu 2014.

    • Another stupid id.iot with a stupid comment in a very stupid language! Sesesesisisisi!
      Everything is sesesesisisi in that stupid language! A fo.ol’s language!

    • @Chilyata: Many countries in the world are multi-lingual and Zambia with its 73 tribes and languages is no exception. Civilized people learn to appreciate such diversity. Only i.d.i.o.t.s like yourself fail to accept this God-given and God-endowed diversity. The slogan: One Zambia One nation is meant to be accommodative. Your culture of insults stinks.

  34. “In matters of style,change with fashion.In matters of principles stand like a rock”-Thomas Jefferson .Thanks GBM for being a man of principles.

  35. Many people have said good things about GBM because of the bold move he took to stand up against Sata. That indeed was a bold and commendable move. But I hope this does not get to his head to let him start entertaining some grandiose ideas. The next few days, weeks or months will make or break GBM. Some of us have been here before or have witnessed something like what GBM has done before. Remember Kapwepwe when he stood up against Kaunda? Kapwepwe ended up as just being a tribal leader than a national leader at the end of it all. He emphasized two much bemba nationalism. I see the same mistake being done by GBM. He is already visiting Bemba chiefs in the name of wishing them Happy Christmas. Hope it just ends as that. And I hope he does not start thinking of forming a party because that…

  36. GBM is just proving that he is a good political tactician, he knows that politics are not his bed of roses,what he is doing is mobilise the bemba then later use his base to burgain with HH in exchange of business favours in 2016.he wants to kick membe and his cohorts in the teeth

  37. GBM a wife beater should not have been in that political position. In zambia women are degraded. That is why I left and I will stay away!

  38. The bad,the worst,the uglier,the good,the better and the best i wishing you a prosperious and Happy new year 2014…I wish the FTJ Institute was not demolished by Levy by now,we could have been talking about well learned politicians to continue the legacy of political engineering science not learning by doing system we do have thru PF n the rest in opposition.

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