Thursday, March 13, 2025

Another prayer rally for the constitution held


Kitwe Constitution

The Grand Coalition on the people driven constitution has taken its push for the constitution to Kitwe where it held its third in a series of meetings to push for the release of the final draft constitution.

The church service was held at St. Margaret UCZ Church and was attended by opposition leaders such as UPND’s Hakainde Hichilema, ABZ President Frank Bwalya, ADD Leader Charles Milupi, MMD Vice President Brian Chituwo and Lubanseshi Independent MP Patrick Mucheleka and some clergymen and women.

The prayer meeting was held under the theme “rescuing the constitution from the PF government”.

Addressing the gathering, Council of Churches in Zambia Copperbelt representative Reverend Patrick Chulu called for unity among Zambians in pushing for the release of the final draft constitution.

Reverend Chulu said there is need for government to come up with a legal framework that will protect the adoption process of the new constitution.

And Coalition representative, Lewis Mwape from the Zambia Council for Social Development said the PF government has no option but to deliver a people driven constitution now.

Mr. Mwape said CSOs will not entertain any more lies from the government on the constitution making process.

NGOCC Copperbelt Representative Mable Mugala warned that any attempt by the PF government to tamper with the content of the final draft constitution will be received with resistance by all Zambians.

MMD Vice President Brian Chituwo said in his message of solidarity that his party is not ashamed of having failed to deliver a people driven constitution because it was not deliberate.

Dr. Chituwo said that the MMD will support the Civil Society Organization’s quest in fighting for the release of the final draft constitution.

And UPND Leader Hakainde Hichilema urged Zambians to stop pleading but demand for the release of the final document.


    • It’s not disturbing but seeking divine intervention.Mr Bwalya do you mean those prayers the PF used to disturb God? of course not. Prayers are Prayers Bbwanna.

  1. Where are the light skinned Zambians? All I can see are a bunch of Lozis in that picture!

    • Is this the same !diot on twitter@ZambianSwag. My dear you’ve gone too far! You’re now doubling down on your anti Lozi campaign on all social media to do with Zambia. Uka zumiwa inge nja ya mutanganyo!

  2. I have read the “leaked” constitution. I like it so much, especially the bit about dual citizenship. Once it is passed, I am heading to Zed because what was holding me here in the diaspora was the fear of losing my acquired citizenship where I am. With dual citizenship put in place in Zed, i will be both a Diasporan and a Zedian! What a wonderful prospect…Please let’s continue pushing until our LORD answers our prayers. Never give up on a good thing!!!

  3. Lesa tapokelela amapepo ya mbifi,ababembu, bakafimfiti, bamyalumyalu, bashikafutuka, abakalumwa, abakaso, abamiponto, ababule cishinka mumitima yabo, abapondamishi, abalwinso, bakatubi, bacakolwa abapumbukila kumwangashi uwatapata, abaciwowo, ababututulume, abafilumba abaibika apobashaba, ababumbimunda, abalubuli, abacite miosoka, abasumyo mulopa wamuntu, abalengo kumanama ku bantu……………………………….

  4. A fool and his constitution are soon parted!
    If you keep praying only you will get Zero, 0.
    Do something never done before in Zambia, may be……..Chapwa Twawina

  5. Ladies and Gentlemen, the ordinary Zambians who are the majority of voters are not interested in political church gatherings being championed by power hungry wolves masquerading as politicians seeking a good constitution. Have you ever seen this group of people enter a churc to pray for rain or hunger striken peasants, never. The price of cement is now 60 pin and its an opportunity the Zambian to build more houses and become landlords. That’s what Zambians are looking for, bread n butter not wasting time following people who already have wealth though stolen.

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