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Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Slyvia Masebo opposes Government’s decision to allow mining in Lower Zambezi National Park


Tourism and Arts Minister Sylvia Masebo
Tourism and Arts Minister Sylvia Masebo

The Tourism and Arts Minister Slyvia Masebo has opposed Government’s decision to allow mining in the Lower Zambezi National Park.

Mrs Masebo said her Ministry is against the decision by the Ministry of Lands, Environment and Natural Resources to issue a mining licence to an Australian investor, Mwembeshi Resources under the parent name of Zambezi Resources in the Lower Zambezi.

In her submissions to the Parliamentary Committee on Tourism and Arts held in camera last week, Mrs Masebo said her Ministry feels that the mine project should not go ahead because it will put the existence of the Lower Zambezi National Park at risk.

She said the mine which will occupy about 25 percent will also reduce the tourism earnings which benefit government and the local people in the area.

“Government risks losing safari fees amounting to over K 84 million and photographic revenue amounting to over K 9 million if the mine is allowed to exist,” Mrs Masebo said.

She said the Ministry of Tourism and Arts follows a policy of sustainable tourism and granting of mining rights to Zambezi Resources goes against the principle of sustainable tourism.

“The Ministry’s considered view is that the Ministry of Lands, Natural Resources and Environmental Protection reconsiders its decision to allow mining activities in the Lower Zambezi National Park,” she said.

Mrs Masebo further says the important steps were ignored in that the basis for the issuance of the 25 years mining licence is not clearly known and the licence was issued before the environmental impact assessment process was completed.

She said plans to declare the Lower Zambezi as a world heritage site may not materialize and this might lead to an unprecedented campaign against Zambia’s tourism which is a key sector in diversifying the economy.

Journalists were prevented from covering Mrs Masebo’s submission to Parliament last week after she requested to have her session held in camera.


  1. Welcome back madam Masebo….SATA can buy you, but not your brains. U too smart for these FULLS. Please continue speaking 4the pipo. We hear u!

    • Sylvia, leaders don’t lead from the back.The power of NGOs alongside private citizens proves that we can’t wait for ideologically consumed and politically blinded Job-seekers like you.Your public position on the matter is long overdue. Just a piece of advice, don’t allow another ministry encroach on your turf,make plans on it while you the custodian sit on the fence waiting to see “what’s in it for me”.Let me tell you this,wildlife can be as lucrative as mining if managed with a touch of care.Kenya depends on it and it does it with style and passion.Visit to the Serengeti, Masaimara and similar national reserves, you will never want to see anything that distorts the ecological balance in the visinity. And more to the point, look at Kankoyo in Mufulira to how devastating mining can…

    • Masebo’s oppinion is based on “PRINCIPLE”, she is now tangananad, one foot in GBM’s politics and other foot in Kabimba’s bedroom.
      :chimbwi awile ntanganinino”.

    • Silvia is just doing what she is supposed to do as a tourism minister. It would be interesting to see her reaction if she swapped her roles with Kalaba. Remember what happened between Yamfwa Mukanga and Yaluma concerning the fibre optic of ZESCO when Zamtel wanted to grab it. What will matter in this case is the cabinet decision. The issue should be looked at from a birds eye view. BIGGER PICTURE (If you catch my drift)

    • are those monetary figures for per annum or life? There shall be very few African countries that would have to depend on tourism, and Zambia surely would not be among them for life, i can assert and if wrong, well I am human. It is not about roads, communication nor color of people that would attract tourism to Zambia. Zambia has one of the best tourism settings as it is now, for anybody, be it a president or kangwa from mangalande. Cage those animals and put them in parks and show case, while those areas that have been terrorized by those animals be given to human beings for development. Who are trying to invite to come and see those animals? and why do you think there have been few forth coming, and how long do u want to wait? come Silvia, you better than that. All trees down,house up

  2. Thanks you madam Masebo for your patriotic voice. Every well meaning Zambian cannot disagree with your correct position. What benefit will that mine bring to Zambia when all current evidence points to the meagre, if anything, contribution to the national cake from the mining sector. Let’s not forego all the benefits highlighted in the artcle just so some few selfish pockets can enrich themselves! God forbid!

  3. thats our woman, my masebo, she is correct and very right. bu if there was no journalist, which ‘journalist’ got the story?

  4. Well done to state her opposition. apart form the well discussed factors about the proposed mine it should be realised that by allowing mining in one of Zambia’s most famous National Park there will be an inevitable decrease in tourist numbers and more troubling it is likely to reduce investor confidence in the tourism sector. How many large investors will be willing to risk their money by investing in our National Parks if there is a risk that a mine might open next door! The possible negative effects of this mine are far reaching for Zambia as a whole, not just LZNP.

  5. how much money will the mine give Zambia and job creation. If the revenue from ZAWA is low let us mine, there will be less poaching and may be the animals will even flee to neighbouring countries.

    • @Disgruntled so in your logic, you prefer polluted rivers, polluted air, polluted soil, polluted plants, all meaning we can’t breathe properly for many yeaRS, also ,meaning all ho come in contact with such will live shorter live over hunting animals, a tranquil environment, contributing to clean air! Digruntled you also have to bear in mind that these Australian crooks will no doubt join the ranks of all other exploiters of our soil, whereby we only earn a meagre 2% from all our mineral wealth. Meaning 98% goes to develop places like London, America-Jew York, Sydney, Beijing etc if you still up for this mining crup, then you are truly are a disgruntled but tock… The New Zambian doesn’t want to be part of an exploited people, a slave people content with giving away their wealth like…

  6. Sense!!! Well said Madam Masebo sometimes we all have to do what is right, what good have the mines and most of these mining investors (most not all) really brought for us Zambians apart from 2 year contractual jobs and filling the thick pockets of ama suppliers? At the expense of stripping the wealth of this country, wealth which can not be replaced..tourism and agriculture are the key..let’s not depend on mining it only brings misery and wars.

  7. Good move honourable minister. But just wondering how this government works, no coordination. Two opposing sides in one govt at top level, no policy coordination. May The Lord God help Zambia!

    • It is not unusual for leaders to have varying opinions in governments. It is actually a sign of open democracy amongst the leadership. If they are all thinking alike, then someone is not thinking.
      Here in Germany, for instance, matters such as the one at hand will undergo an extensive debate process in parliament with a lot of opposition before any final decision can be made.

  8. At least something sensible coming from PF leadership. But I’m afraid her stance will soon change when he boss reads this.

  9. Sylvia Masebo this is brilliant coming from you. I have always seen you as a cadre especially when you make comments about MMD – a party you were part of for several years. I hope you can pump some sense into useless Kalaba.

  10. what if minerals were discovered at STATE HOUSE, is it reasonable to start mining and relocate the state house/president?
    let’s respect nature.

    • Good Question. What we have is a President that does not respect nature. Recall when he just became President, he withdrew all funding to ZAWA arguing that he cant protect animals at the expense of human beings. If Gold were to be discovered below Nkwazi House, I would be the first to recommend that he moves back to his 3 bedroomed house in Rhodes Park and pave way for mining in his bedroom at State House.

  11. Thats right Honourable Masebo to do, after 25 yrs then the investors leave wholes on our land and go back to live in confort in their countries. But if we promote tourism the investors will be coming and leaving FOREX without destroying or disturbing much in the national park. Tourism is better form of investment than mining. There is something to mine (gold, copper dimond etc) even on the land STATE HOUSE occupies, so do we need to mine everywhere? No, leave that land for tourism too much mining and too many mines in Zambia.

  12. I am very happy that she has now out openly against the mine project. We are with you, Hon. Masebo I do wish you the following
    >that you will have the energy, wisdom and power to fight this fight
    >your zeal to protect Zambians will not faint
    >that in the midest of fools you will remain wise
    > to be in good health
    I always say,’yo curent behavior is the prophecy of yo future’

    • How is she out in the open has she made an offical statement she is playing both sides like a piano by sitting on the fencing either way she is in a win win situation.
      Wake up!!

  13. This is good. Where was she all along and only to object after stakeholders disagreed with the govt’s decision to allow the project proceed as it was a HOT issue?
    Ms Masebo, next be on TOP of issues from the beginning, that way, people can judge who is genuine and not.
    There is no smoke without fire. Well done anyways.

    • There is a case in court filed by Pamela Chisanga on behalf of the Community Based Natural Resources Management (CBNRM) Forum and ActionAid. In order to present a stronger case in court, the CBNRM should subpoena Masebo so that she adds weight to the Environmental case. So strictly speaking, Silvia is not late. The ball is very much for the community to play.

  14. No coordination at State House. The initial and objective position of Harry Kalaba before he was bribed or coerced by State House was that Section 29(1) of the Environmental Management Act No. 12 of 2011 forbids any person to undertake any project that may have an effect on the environment without the written approval of ZEMA and that:
    1. The proposed Kangaluwi Large Scale Mining project located in the Lower Zambezi National Park in Luangwa District be rejected;

    2. The various existing legislation on mining, forest, wild life, land and environment be harmonised in order to address the potential conflicts of interests that may arise;

    3. Government communicates a clear policy regarding the conflict of interests that exists between exploration of minerals in protected areas.

  15. I do not know whether to applaud her as there is no proof that she made that statement; what’s stopping her refuting those utterances, its not like one of the committees members will come forward and say it as it was off the record.
    This why we need to televise these committee hearings for transparency’s sake. It works in the UK…when are they going to stop treating us as kids.

  16. Now thats a perfect example of what leaders ought to be.Hats off Masebo,keep it up and i am so proud to be under your ministry.Leaders should be selfless and future focused.Again keep it up dear lady.

  17. Thats the way to go Sylvia, well done, this is the kind of politics we want not following the wind. These investors are looters, they destroy our environment and they take our minerals. Bravo!

    • What principle she is merely covering her back….if she was truly “principled” she would have threatened to resign.Just the mere thought of a second cabinet minister resigning would have been hard to stomach for Sata and this decision about LZNP would have been reversed.

    • Always negative mwe na mwe,, it’s not easy to go againest collective agreements,give credit where it’s due.Encourage her to stand by her words for results..

  18. Fellow Bloggers,
    Please watch Dockland: Rise of the Continents, I felt so proud and a sense of belonging just to know that I come from that part of the world were Life might have began! Upto now I feel goose bumps each time I watch it.
    I hope miss Masebo stand her ground and help sort out this miserable issue!

  19. Silvia is just doing what she is supposed to do as a tourism minister. It would be interesting to see her reaction if she swapped her roles with Kalaba. Remember what happened between Yamfwa Mukanga and Yaluma concerning the fibre optic of ZESCO when Zamtel wanted to grab it. What will matter in this case is the cabinet decision. The issue should be looked at from a birds eye view. BIGGER PICTURE (If you catch my drift)

  20. But why hide in camera if she is genuine with her submission? Come out in the open you coward! Kalaba come out in the open with his nonsense,but why are you making hiden submissions that make sense,start preparing to live off taxpayers money maybe you will have the courage to find your voice!

  21. What is this?

    Cabinet divided? If the matter was approved by Cabinet, then Hon. Masebo is clearly defying her boss, the President, exactly the position the former Minister of Defence, Hon. G B Mwamba found himself in. Hon. Masebo should kiss goodbye to her Ministerial position. These are facts. The issue is which opposition political party is she eyeing this time?

    As for the mining in the Park, that is out of the question. The very idea is sour. What are the findings of the cost-benefit analysis if at all one was done, and by who?

  22. Good decision taken.No collective responsibility.Hon Kalala did not consult Hon.Masebo

    In my opinion i support Hon.Masebo 100%.Let us promote tourism.Too much of mining in Zambia.Let us reserve mining for our future generation to come as well.We should not finish our minerals at the same time.

  23. Thanks my honorable Sweetheart. This is the way to go. Stand your ground and don’t let anyone intimidate you on this one. Biodiversity is vital in an environment and hence the need to protect our ecosystem. You have really outdone Kalaba on this one and I challenge him to do more research pros and corns of mining vs environmental protection and biodiversity. Silvia this is good news keep talking and challenging government on this one.

  24. Bravo! Honourable Masebo on this one,with you in the fore front we can save the Lower zambezi national park.Am behind you and God bless.

  25. These are just mere words from our minister,let the whole thing be revoked that’s wen I ll believe she means wat she’s saying.

  26. Zambia needs political mavericks sometime and i think at this decision masebo she has shown an independent mind on the matter- welldone and thank you HON masebo.


  27. Let us be serious as we debate this issue. It is common knowledge that whatever mineral (s) to be mined in the lower Zambezi area is waste asset, meaning that after a number of years there will be no more mining. What will happen to the environment that would have been depleted and natural habitats displaced or even exterminated? Let us think of long term effects and things that will sustain the lives of many in the nation. A mine is short lived and I don’t think that is the better choice to put in a protected area. Remember, more people will get closer to the animal area and for that matter expect alot of poaching. Then what next???

  28. So Tourism and Lands disagree – but who gets the final word? I believe it is Lands unless the law has changed. Interesting

  29. Her sentiments may make good reading- but is the timing correct?

    She would have been a major influence if she had spoken earlier, and publicly.

    All the same it’s good to have her on the people’s side.

    Madam Masebo, we the people of Zambia,welcome you.

    Peace to all Zedians.

  30. …for some reason, I feel someone is out there to hoodwink us. Such important issues are discussed during a cabinet meetings of which both ministries were represented. If the media had captured this opposing view at that time, I could have given it the credit.
    Earlier she said she wouldn’t comment until she talks to the president, after an uproar from civil society then this….nep. Its just a good timing to try and suppress to ‘noise’ against the motion

  31. masebo is risking to be fired for failing to adhere to collective agreements. remember GBM’s issue of collective agreements over paramount chief chitimukulu of the Bemba. otherwise she has a point 100%

    • Iwe Pio!
      You must be a member of the “Family forest” not qualified, but probably sitting in a foreign mission, bogging rather than working.
      African mines owned by foreigners have NEVER benefited, or enriched the local people, as all the profits have been siphoned fraudulently to the West.
      The office block You currently work as a Cleaner, was probably built by cash swindled from Zambian’s, by European mine owners.
      Please have an analytical mind, read more & research. These issues appear to be way beyond your grasp!

  32. I wish to support the Minister on the stance she has taken. Mining for mining’s sake has not benefited any of us. All we get are ugly ditches and holes. Keep our land for future generations. They may find better ways of using it.

    • @Amayama. You FULL!!!! The opposition and the people are already ahead of Masebo. She should be the one to support the opposition not the other way round. Do you reason properly? By the way, s.p.e.r.m bank could be thinking ahead to 2016 or eve before to retain her parliamentary seat. Start pretending to be in support of the people and thus woodwink them and secure another 5 years of milking parliament coffers. If Chumbu survives the grave, she would rather be elected into parley than risk waiting to be appointed by Chumbu. However, if Chumbu does not make it to 2016, summer and the past newspaper may not make it to plot 1. She has seen the tidal change of power and after PF, only 3 parties can accept her joining: narep, ABZ, and Nawakwis 5 man party, in that order. UPND is no GO area !

  33. Well done Minister Masebo of Tourism & Arts – in charge of the Zambia Wildlife Authority! The Ministry of Mines which illegally issued the mining licences, supposedly with the agreement of ZAWA, was always bound by the Mines and Minerals Development Act of 2008, which, under Part IX: section 115, directs that the Director of Mines or the Director of Geological Surveys, ‘in the matter of a mining right shall take into account the need to conserve and protect a) air, water, soil, flora, fauna, fish, fisheries and scenic attractions and b) to ensure any mining activity prevents adverse socio-economic impacts or harm to human health’. And it goes without saying that the Ministry of Lands, Natural Resources and Environmental Protection has gone ‘walkabout’ – an Australian custom. The mining…

  34. The mining licences should never have been issued, the ZEMA decision never overturned, requiring a public inquiry into the matter. We should now expect that the Cheowa mine – near the Kangaluwi mass mining concession – in the Chiawa Game Management Area, will also be vetoed. Then there is the Road Development Agency highway under some form of construction linking Chirundu, Feira and Luangwa Bridge, posing a grave threat to the park, its narrow alluvial band the Coronation jewel in the crown. No public hearings or EIAs have been carried out so far, something the Public Accounts Committee of Parliament has commented on.

  35. Honourable Minister of Tourism is correct with her decisions about revoking that mining license. Sustainable development does not support contra views -check the spheres of sustainable development. It will land Zambian in disinvestment drive including those airports being upgraded i.e. their impact will be least on the overall economy. Tourism and air travel are in tandem.

  36. Did the minister of mines think he had balls, or was it just his belly? Sanity is the better ally. Good job Madam Masebo.

  37. This is the problem we have with the current constitution in Zambia.
    The President has WAY TOO MUCH POWER, hence his reluctance to change, & let us have have a New people- friendly constitution.
    Sata we all know has given the go ahead for the “Mining Activities” in the Lower Zambezi, & Ministers / officials who oppose this are Petrified to say so, as they know what happens when You oppose an “Emperor” no matter how Unsavoury & unethical his decisions are. A lot of these politicians are also tainted, & compromised by Graft, so they fear losing the overlord’s protection, ask G.B.M.
    If Zambia had a proper New constitution, where the Emperors absolute powers were curtailed, Masebo would NOT be speaking behind closed doors, as Shes done.

    • The Consititution Britain gave to Zambia in 1964 had no safeguards against excessive executive powers. This is what a new Constitution is supposed to rectify, which is why Sata has stalled process.

  38. are those monetary figures for per annum or life? There shall be very few African countries that would have to depend on tourism, and Zambia surely would not be among them for life, i can assert and if wrong, well I am human. It is not about roads, communication nor color of people that would attract tourism to Zambia. Zambia has one of the best tourism settings as it is now, for anybody, be it a president or kangwa from mangalande. Cage those animals and put them in parks and show case, while those areas that have been terrorized by those animals be given to human beings for development. Who are trying to invite to come and see those animals? and why do you think there have been few forth coming, and how long do u want to wait? come Silvia, you better than that. All trees down,house up

  39. Aint these the kicks of a dying horse? Doesn’t the PF have cabinet meetings where issues of this nature are supposed to be discussed? There’s what is called collective responsibility. Masebo cannot differ with her friend like that especially if this issue was discussed at cabinet level. Isn’t Masebo getting ready to resign especially now that the tribunal has been set up. She is not Kabimba, so Sata needs to fire her to allow the tribunal work independently without influence. Masewelo imwe mu PF!

  40. Are you sure Sylvia that is how things are supposed to be handled by Cabinet Ministers? You have been in Cabinet long enough to know how to rebut a fellow cabinet minister’s position or policy announcement. Not long ago, you referred to a Cabinet Booklet and to only talk about the purchase of those coffin-carrying black vehicles for the Local Authorities country-wide only after the President had given you a go ahead – remember that? It looks like you do not discuss such important things like investment areas in your cabinet or is it that you are just fed-up with this animal called “Collective Responsibility”? This also brings me to an issue of whether Environmental Protection should be in the Ministry of Tourism or Lands. To me tourism should just be in Lands as a Department – Kwamana!

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