Thursday, March 13, 2025

Dangote Cement factory to be ready in June


CEMENT production in Zambia is expected to reach above 2.5 million tonnes per annum when Dangote Limited commissions its cement factory in Ndola at a cost of US$400 million this year.

The Dangote Cement plant is expected to produce between one million and 1.2 million tonnes of cement per annum.
This will add to the over 1.5 million tonnes of cement that the country is currently producing per annum from the Lafarge in Lusaka and Ndola plants as well as Zambezi Portland also in Ndola.

Senior general manager for Dangote Projects, Anand Kameshwar said during a recent tour of the cement factory in Ndola that, the facility would start operating by July this year.

Mr Kameshwar said installation of major equipment at the plant by Sinoma Engineering of China was nearly complete.

“Most of the major equipment has been installed and the project is on course and should be complete by July,” Mr Kameshwar said.

He added that, cement was an essential commodity in the construction industry hence the decision by one of Africa’s largest conglomerates to invest towards production of the same in Zambia.

Mr Kameshwar said Dangote would contribute significantly in mitigating cement shortages that have resulted from high demand of the commodity due to construction activities.

Dangote was also constructing a 30 Megawatt power substation that would start functioning in May this year.
“This facility will provide electricity to the cement plant which is expected to consume 25 Megawatts of power per day,” he said.

Mr Kameshwar said the cement factory will open up other avenues for Dangote to increase its investments in Zambia.

He said once operational, the cement factory would create 700 new jobs for Zambians.

“At the moment, our focus is to complete the project and supplement cement production in Zambia but we are certain that this project will definitely open up room for others to follow,” he added.


  1. What sort of power station will this be?? Coal??? We have enough pollution from the cement production, we really don’t need further coal pollution.

    Have we had an Impact assessment of both components of this development??
    Decisions made by poverty stricken govts led by poverty stricken individuals, will always get us another Kabwe disaster!

    • Did you read the article? Not a Power Station. It said a substation. Please, we should read before we write unnecessary comments. A substation is a part of an electrical generation, transmission, and distribution system. Substations transform voltage from high to low, or the reverse, or perform any of several other important functions. Between the generating station and consumer, electric power may flow through several substations at different voltage levels.
      Substations may be owned and operated by an electrical utility, or may be owned by a large industrial or commercial customer. Generally substations are unattended, relying on SCADA for remote supervision and control.

    • @Maikalange, sometimes its important to keep quiet if you know nothing about a project rather than exposing your uselessness and stup1dity. Ubupuba bubi. The article said substation, where did it say power station? They will use power supplied by ZESCO.
      This is a viable project and Zambia needs such investment for employment creation and provide competition to other existing cement manufacturers which is healthy to the economy. Rather than just politicking, GBM, Sata, HH, Kabimba, Nevers, ka Chipimo etc, to hell with such people. The above news is what we want to hear.

    • @Mopao Mokonzi Wa Zabanga, its good for Maikalange to expose his ignorance so that you, Mr. Know it all, can teach him a thing or two. The struggle continues!

    • Coal, in it’s entirety is measured in calories. Every coal has a calorific value (or CV) expressed in units of kilo-calories/kg or mega-joules/kg. After the coal is burnt and transformed into electrical energy, thats when we can talk about mega-watts.

    • correct. the coal in itself cant generate the electricity, but is used just the same way we use water to generate electricity here in zambia. their will be huge boilers that will create steam which will inturn turn the turbines, and these will now generate the electricity. If there is enough room, they can even supply the electricity to nearby farms

  2. This is what real rich men do. Invest in new areas and increase their portfolios. Our own rich men with no visible and tangible projects busy insulting and boasting. I hear some Zambian Company has a stake in Power generation in Nigeria. Elyashi ili.

  3. these are the type of articles you will not see the likes of nostradamaus, ndobo , dobo, ibange and all the likes of the dagga.

  4. But where are Zambians who can open companies rather than letting FOREIGNERS open the companies. Its shameful Zambia.
    I am dissappointed.

    • which Bank would give a ZAMBIAN such a huge loan to set up such an industry: USD400m?? thats exclusive of running costs which can be high in the initial stages. By the way, The richest zambian is worth how much??

    • if am not correct, the last time HH declared his assets, he was worth a mere $8 Million (K41 Billion at the time) but this Aliko Alhaj Dangote is worth $21 Billion

  5. Gents, i have the imformation on the ground. A substation cant generate 30MW, a substation uses power. The one being talked about is actually a GENERATING station, and it can either be diesel or coal operated. Most likely, it will be a coal operated plant. Of its capacity, the plant will consume 25MW. thats what the article is saying. With latest technology, there is a possibility of reducing the air pollution by the capturing of the gases.
    in short, they are constructing a POWER STATION to be self reliant and avoid the many faults ZESCO introduces in the existing system.

    • This is Zambian journalism for you always lacking in important details. ..this is a good cost saving strategy in the long-term as zesco is unreliable and this company is probably looking at tapping into DRC and East African market.

  6. Its a good move which MMD started.
    1. If truly 700 employees will be employed, then on average, 2800 people will benefit(4 per family).
    2. Then the nations GDPs contribution through tax will also increase.
    3. It would also mean our coal mines will have markets for the commodity, hence create more employment which comes with the rise in demand.
    4. With the availability of cement on the market, we may see a reduction in the price of cement, which will inturn benefit zambain builders and also make government projects cheaper to finish.
    5. The rural area around the plant will also have a facelift, with new accupants, and hence somebit of activity……

  7. Dangote is a mega rich Nigerian billionaire! The wealthiest man in Africa and probably in the top ten worldwide.
    Thank you for investing in our country and especially in Zima-Ndola Sir.
    This is what it is to be the son of the soil and investing your money in Africa to empower fellow Africans rather than have your ill-gotten loot locked up in a Swiss account.
    It pays to be a peace loving nation as that creates the ambience for investors to come in their droves to do business with us and empower our people through employment.

    Africa has a lot to offer and more especially our country Zambia. Yes we are governed by politics yes but let’s form consortiums and open meaningful businesses in our rich and God favoured land. Like noble eagles in their flight over looking the Zambezi. I…

  8. Good investment. I anticipate the price of cement to drop in the second half of the year & boost more construction activities. The cartel of Lafarge & Zambezi Portland in fixing prices is killing the construction industry especially individuals who are into construction. It is criminal to buy cement at K85.00 as the case was last year.
    We need more of such investment to stiffen competition & possibly lower prices of goods & services.

    • It only we could the same with the telecomms sector where there is need for another player…a new network provider is needed.

  9. good investment but we just hope you guys will not be part of the cement cartel.

    Peace and Prosperity to Mother Zambia.

  10. This the difference between a rich person (Zambians) and a wealthy person. They create and build longterm wealth noy sponging of taxpayer’s for govt contracts.

  11. Yes Mr chinyama this how real business with the acumen invest.thers politicians in zambia after making money in the private sector,they re wasting it in the name of actually why the so called rich zambians don’t come up with projects of this magnititude.

  12. Coal Quantity
    Since coal has a heat value of 20,000 kJ/kg, for producing one we require (10765 / 20000) 0.538 kg of coal. This translates to (0.538 x 100 x 1,000) 53800 kg/hr (53.8 T/hr) of coal for an output of 100 MW. simple with good educations background. with love sckers

  13. This is great news. An investment from a Nigerian Businessman is not bad. We will look to add more jobs to Zambia and increase our tax revenue for the government. This is a great thing and im certainly happy to see Dangote in Zambia.

  14. I cannot contact Dangote Ndola Zambia. I am in Zimbabwe I would want to know the price of cement 42.5 bulk landed Harare. I use cement for my production.

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