Friday, March 14, 2025

Man loses parts of his body to a hyena hoping he will be rich


A MALAWIAN national has been admitted to Chipata General Hospital after losing his manhood including three toes to hyena in bizarre circumstances.

Chamangeni Zulu of Njenjewa Village Chief Mulonyeni is currently admitted to Ward B after losing parts of his body to hyena for wanting to become rich.

The unfortunate story of Mr Zulu who was, between 20 to 24 of age, is allegedly to have happened at Makungwa Lufu area in Chipata District.

Mr Zulu narrated at his hospital bed yesterday that he was told to sacrifice parts of his body to hyena in order to become rich.

“I came from Malawi and when I arrived in Chipata I met some business persons who told me that the best way to become rich is to sacrifice parts of my body. It was on 24th March 2014 around 04:00 hours in my naked way a hyena came to me and started eating my toes and eventually my manhood was eaten as well,” He said in his deep Chewa dialect.

Mr Zulu said after he lost his manhood and toes he got crawled to the nearby road where police officers picked him up.

“Even if I lost my parts of the body but I want to get rich,” he said.

He claimed that he had stayed in Zambia for four months as he was doing piecework at a named person.

Hospital acting medical superintendent Dr Humphrey Chanda described the condition of the patient as stable.

Dr Chanda said the patient was brought to the hospital on Tuesday by uniformed police officers.

“Yes, it is true that he lost his manhood and three toes after being beaten by the hyena but his condition is stable,” he said.

When reached for a comment, Eastern Police Division Criminal Investigation Officer (DCIO) Patrick Bili also confirmed of police receiving a report on what transpired in the night of 23rd March this year.

But according to sources, Mr Zulu is allegedly to have visited a traditional doctor where he got charms to enable him become rich.


  1. A Hyena and wealthy? No Mr Zulu … were lied to. A Hyena is a scavenger . And you Sir will forever be scavenger. You should have set that bait on a Lion or Leopard. These cats are not scavengers….they kill their own food. I would have believed you if you had said a bite from a Hyena in Liuwa National Park would make you rich. That’s the only park in Zambia were Hyenas kill their own prey.

    • Goncalves you know nothing about wildlife. People like you spread myth as if it’s the truth. Unfortunately on our continent we rely too much on myth. A third of my family is in wildlife. Hyenas, lions, leopards, predators are all scavengers when it suits them. Hyenas do hunt and very well. Plenty of studies show hyenas making kills then being chased away by lions who take over. Of course some times it happens vice versa but because the lions look more graceful than hyenas you don’t wanna tell an ugly hyena’s heroics. You can watch these on plenty of tv or internet wildlife shows

    • Please I have no interest in your web claims about your family. I do not know you and neither do I know you.. The number one scavenger of all wildlife carnivores in Zambia which depends almost entirely on other animals’ killed prey is the Hyena. Leopards, Lions, Cheetahs, and wild dogs in the main catch their on prey. Once in a while they might nick another carnivores prey….but mostly they are hunters. Anybody who has followed wildlife programmes will know that unlike in other African or Zambian national parks the Hyena in Liuwa has to hunt for all his food. Hyenas are in the main scavengers. The majority of its food are steals.

    • Ba Google Dr Dolittle is very right. Ubo bufi, Hyenas hunt. In Luangwa and Kafue there are plenty of documentaries on hyenas hunting in packs.

    • Google who i think is goncalves needs to observe and read . Having spent a long time at Nyamaluma and Treetops I know hyenas are hunters. Yes they have a reputation for scavenging because most times the observers arrive on the scene late: after the kill has been stolen by the cats

    • From Wikipedia: Although long reputed to be cowardly scavengers, hyenas, especially spotted hyenas, kill as much as 95% of the food they eat, and have been known to drive off leopards or lionesses from their kills.

  2. What’s the use if having money when evenactually you won’t be able to bang. I’d be broke and still have se.x than have loads of cash but can’t hammer.

  3. Eish! Is a fling with cash worth a lifetime without a fcuk!? This is living proof that a people perish for a lack of knowledge…

  4. The unfortunate story of Mr Zulu who was, between 20 to 24 of age!!!!!!.
    Has his age changed within a space of 4 days?

    • Come on! these guys are born at home with no birth certificates from very illiterate parents. Is that so strange or may be you were born in 2000?

  5. What is the use of having riches if you cant even bonk? Anyway maybe can get involved in philanthropic activities. After a hard day you come back home to regret about your lack of a bonking life.

  6. “Even if I lost my parts of the body but I want to get rich,” he said.

    I am surprised that in this era there are people who believe in getting rich through ifyabupuba. Next they will tell you to become you must wake a sleeping lion and you will believe. What are you going to do now that your poverty minus manhood and toes will increase? Uluse ine.

  7. But aZulu zona, why didnt you cover your manhood with your hands, at least you should have sacrified your hand or leg which like oscar pistorus can buy an artificial one when you become rich. Science is not yet advanced to make artificial manhoods…..

  8. Mwandi Zulu you just did well. You now need to do one last step, loose both your eyes and you will be stinking rich in a second! Try it now!

  9. The storyteller is pathetic. This story is a mishmarsh of what could have happened. Just goes to show the writer is not suited for the job. Are there no journalism schools in Zed?

  10. Riches for what? to feed who and educate who without a manhood means no children and no wife . Unless there will be other charms to grow your manhood otherwise forget about happiness with yo riches.

  11. mmmm a Zulu but iliko bad sure….. being happy without nanizi??? Hmmm sure these guy is a misfit. So ninshi imwe tamwa kula doda?? Poor man Zulu.

  12. Was he beaten or bitten by the Hyena! Chizungu basa! Any vipuba will never learn ! Money will never grow anywhere !

  13. People…… he can always get a penis construction what are you saying! You folks have no idea what money can buy, I for one have refused to be poor, but Zulu is as dull as thick mad!

  14. The man who told him what to do is the one who turned himself into ahyena through magic.I know people from chipata and Malawi nindoshi and balichetela mufyabupuba.Nomba tawakaletomba nga wakwata ifyuma ulefwaya?Ubupuba

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