Sunday, March 16, 2025

President Sata to officially open National Heroes Stadium this Sunday



The newly constructed Heroes Stadium in Lusaka will be commissioned on Sunday, May 25 by President Michael Sata.

Sports Minister Chishimba Kambwili told a media briefing that the handover of the facility will coincide with the African Freedom Day celebrations.

Kambwili said all those that are due for awards on Africa Freedom Day will be awarded shortly after the opening ceremony.

The National Heroes Stadium is a 50, 000 capacity stadium and is one of the stadia Zambia wants to use for its 2019 Africa Cup bid.


    • No sprinklers on the pitch, its a disaster. And why not that a Zambian is holding a water nose, and the Chinese pulling the horse-pipe?

  1. The nation should brace itself with a ‘cat in the bag’ by by Mr Sata renaming the stadium with a different name. Since then he has forgotten the accepted agreed name. Better left the king sleep in statehouse or will share his dreams.

    • We be more than happy with Sata can rename the stadium to Denise Liwewe.
      I would even mind if can use his powers to name after himself. Because that Kambwili’s name of Disaster Stadium is simply an agony.

    • Nostradamus must be very behind. Its called “NATIONAL HEROES STADIUM”. And has underground watering system. The men you see in picture were planting grass.

  2. Ba LT there is a typo in your headline…President Sata to officially open National Heroes Stadium to this Sunday? edit it b4 abasungu think we can’t write proper english

  3. We will always think of this stadium as Heroes Gabon National DISASTER Stadium, despite the name change, thanks to Mr. Sata and Mr. Kambwili. “Disaster” will be impossible to exorcise from our brains. We will never be able to mention the stadium without the brain automatically adding “DISASTER” against our will. We might as well get used to the original name.

  4. Well done bane!

    Clearly Zambia is rising – although most of us Zambians don’t want to think of ourselves in a positive way. We like looking ourselves down and over self criticize. We suffer from collective national inferiority complex!

  5. Modern state of the art stadium, it is better than Stamford bridge in the UK. VIVA PF, pali PF nshilala utulo.

    • @Kwasila, simple is always better when you have limited resources. Just because your neighbour has a pretty wife doesn’t mean you should go chasing for one. You’ll end up with alone and in a lot of debt.

  6. Oh what a beautiful stadium to be opened by the lunatic. I wonder what he knows about football for him to talk about!

  7. I fear for vandalism to this stadium it being near matero and mandevu,Hope mindset of pipo in that area has changed,We will have writtings to say ,”chite was here”.Let them learn from us in ndola on how we have learnt to look after the stadium ourselves with having any1 to instruct us.

  8. Thanks for the stadium. However we need a divert road urgently. On Kabwe road at ten miles there must be a road going all the way to Silverest on Great East road and the other from ten miles going to touch Nampundwe turn off on Mongu road and this should continue to touch Kafue Road at Chilanga. Let us reduce the traffic flow passing through the stadium and put up a strong bid for the 2019 Africa cup.

  9. I agree with Kingsley, we need to decongest the area around the stadium otherwise it will be a total nightmare to enter or exit the stadium for drivers. The road around the stadium is already very congested even now, I shudder to think what would happen if there is a march. Please put a land mark ring road around Lusaka touching Great East road between Lusaka and Chongwe, Chilanga, Mumbwa road West wood police and indeed ten miles. This will stop people passing through congested Lusaka town from which ever direction they are coming from. This is urgent bane

  10. The issue of the roads is urgent for Lusaka and especially around the new stadium. It needs to be addressed now and In English they call it forward planning. Why is that if you are coming from the Copperbelt and going to Livingstone, you have to pass through a congested Lusaka. They must be some road by passing town somehow, Make the roads now please, with buildings coming up in Lusaka daily. You might not find space to make roads in future.

  11. If Zambian politicians become reasonable and sincere to themselves and to their citizens, Zambia will be a better place for all of us. Not long ago Sata condemned everything that LPM initiated, later on condemned all that Banda did. It is RB who did the groundbreaking ceremony for this stadium (Heroes). It is the same Sata to commission the stadium because it is a good thing to do. We are glad that Sata has now seen the need for a new airport terminal as earlier envisaged by RB. It is however, saddening to note that upon entry into statehouse he discredited his predecessor’s (RB) Idea of improving the state house (A National symbol), he (Sata) decided to increase his salary three times -a personal reward for messing up the economy.

    • Your president is a LOSER and a LUNATIC. how i wish he can voluntarily step down and save us from these embarrassments. Am sure tomorrow will be full of comedy. Am glad i never voted for him because every thinking Citizen who works hard for their money to pay taxes should be in agony by now.

  12. It seems presidents in Zambia do not have things to do. Why cant the minister and his convoy to the opening. There is a lot issues at hand that Sata should attend to,like explaining why we do not have more money in our pockets(far fetched dream). Isn’t it the reason he choose Kambwili.

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