Chibolya market, with suspected illicit drug dealers
A PLATOON of security personnel has raided the notorious Chibolya Township to crush an illicit drugs cache during a well-planned and executed operation that netted hundreds of suspects.
The team of police and Drug Enforcement Commission (DEC) officers combed the crime-prone township and arrested hundreds of residents found with cannabis and other drugs in an operation that lasted from midnight on Wednesday to late yesterday.
The operation, led by Lusaka Province Commissioner of Police Lemmy Kajoba, was aimed at ridding Chibolya of illicit activities.
“We want to rid this township of illegal activities and bring sanity,” Mr Kajoba said in a post-raid interview.
Those arrested were taken to Lusaka’s Edwin Imboela Stadium for screening.
Police in riot gear sealed off the township, searched homes and hauled bags full of dagga.
The officers, armed with teargas canisters, batons and rifles, swept through the dreaded “Gazza” street of Chibolya, where they faced minimum resistance under the cover of the night.
With the aid of search lights, the police officers went into targeted homes and seized the drugs.
DEC public relations officer Theresa Katongo told the Daily Mail team which went to the township at 06:00 hours that the operation would be extended to other towns.
In one house, a man in an intoxicated state was found with a 90kg bag full of dagga.
When asked by police about the bag, he said: “I cannot see any bag. You guys must be crazy!”
At dawn, a few residents mobilised themselves and started throwing stones at the officers but the resistance was quickly quelled.
And police razed makeshift structures which were being used for selling illicit drugs.
Mr Kajoba said police sourced two bulldozers from Lusaka City Council (LCC) to raze the structures.
“All the illegal structures which were being used for smoking and trafficking in drugs have been razed. We want sanity in this city,” he said.
A man in his early 20s caused laughter amongst police officers as he was being led to the holding vehicle when he claimed that he is a schoolboy.
“I am innocent, I am a Grade Seven pupil and I was going to school,” said the man, who was not in a school uniform as police shoved him into the vehicle.
He told the police that he was 24 years old and this triggered laughter among the police, who wondered what a man that age would be doing in Grade Seven.
Some residents told the Daily Mail that they were happy that the police had made such a thorough operation.
“The police have really done well to arrest these thugs because when they run out of money, they come here to harass us at this market,” said Jainta Mweemba, a charcoal trader.
Ms Mweemba was proud of the police for the operation.
Motorists in the vicinity cheered each time police led suspects to holding vehicles.
“Boma ni boma,” said Douglas Mulenga, a taxi driver, touting Government’s extensive authority.
“These thugs here thought they were untouchable but today they have felt the weight of boma [authority],” said Mr Mulenga, who briefly abandoned his business to witness the police action, albeit at a safe distance.
Mr Mulenga said the thugs in Chibolya forced motorists to pay “fines” each time they drove through the township.
“This is a lesson that you cannot outwit the government. I hear the cops came in when most of them were asleep and combed through houses,” he said.
Thirteen suspected dangerous criminals escaped from Chibolya Police Post about two weeks ago, days after police had retreated in a battle with residents suspected to be drug dealers.
But in yesterday’s operation, the suspects meekly submitted as police officers bundled them into pick-ups and ferried them to Imboela Stadium for screening.
I`m told that the police also stole some goats from the residents during the operation.
As much as I applaud the police for busting drug rings I am appalled by the inhumane treatment police are giving suspects. Why should 3-4 police kick those men for no reason.why make them do frog jumps.I see the hang ups of acting like our colonial masters.This is against human rights.And those men are innocent till proven guilty.Isn’t that the law or are police above the law?
This is good job. We will see where the UPND cadres will now be getting the” stuff”.
@Ex-moma, that “brutality” can’t exceed the USA police, who usually just shoot, even for just traffic violation. Those are drug-dealer suspects, you need to show some “authority”, they know where to kick, legs. Frog-jump is to make them tired, better than beat them. I am applaud ZP for not killing none.
Ex-Moma, the same thoughts crossed my mind. Nostradamus, just because America is phucked up is no excuse for us to accept this nonsense. Besides, America is not the moral champion. In Scandinavia these cops would be fired instantly with evidence like this. Just because your neighbour beats his wife, would that inspire you to slap your own? (inless you’re already a wife-beater of course.)
@ The equalizer,
its because in scandinavian countries you wont find chibolya,hence the difference in the way discipline is meted
A chloroquin, So what do frog jumps have to do with it? Is this not just the mentality that we are used to a certain amount of barbaric behavior from our so-called authorities so we think its normal? Kicking a man who is down, who has not shown aggressive behavious, who is completely surrounded and un-armed? Awe mudala.
@nostradumus only a weak man would show authority by brutalising another. Those men were cornered they were not going to run anywhere.Besides the police should be arresting the suppliers not the users.
fantastic news. this is what we need . those drug dealers should be jailed
Hahaha! This is what the police are supposed to be doing for the money i pay them, not chasing after Nevers Mumba wherever he goes. Kajoba has my stamp of approval!
Job well done. If I had my way I would raze down chibolya and relocate the residents to a rural place, say manyika. Chibolya is just messing up our city.
Great job by the officers BUT their physical fitness is terrible especially looking at those trying to kick the suspects and that other one who tried to kick the door open! My goodness! Serious weakness indeed! Very comical and quite worrying and at the same time. Most of these guys cant much up with me! Do they seriously do physical combat?
Action in futility.The drug lords don’t live there, Chibolya is just a warehouse indigenous Chibolya residents are just everyday people and poor. It’s a rich man who lives in New Kasama, Kabulonga, ibex, Roma, Olympia Rhodespark, Makeni and Northmead who used Chibolya as a trading place. Who in Chibolya can afford Heroin or Cocain yet it’s found there ? This is nothing but sugar coating the real drug dealers.
Much as we appreciate the raid, it’s not in order for police to start beating up suspects who are defenceless. Watching the clip, you can see police breaking into the house and find two youths sleeping and they start kicking them. Our police should change the way they handle suspects. If suspects can be roughed up like that in full view of the general public, you wonder what amount of torture goes on behind those cells.
Thats the best treatment the Chbolya thugs deserves. Those guys are notorious. Chibolya is a no go area be it police man or any common man. If you dont reside there they would identify you and you’re in trouble. They known they own. I had my own experience. Mistakenly I passed through there with my vehicle it was terrible. In broad day light they demand for money, phone and any valuables no one came to my aid.
No more chamba for UPND cadres. Let there be PEACE in country.
Thumbs up police ! There must be law and order in any given society
More stronger illicit drugs are hidden and other money laundering activities are going on in our cities. Its time to manifest your ability to protect the innocent and inflict a lesson on the non law abiding citizens.looking at chibolya alone as a culprit is in itself a laughable failure on the part of the police to fail to understand the extent of vices being committed in their midst.Go through all compounds , why should people forget there is boma indeed?coupled to that too, check illegal foreign nationals , there is literally no immigration officer doing the right thing for the country . Yes, crack down time is now. we need sanity, law and order to prevail.
Next stop,rubbish jerabos
We appeal to HH to intervene with such useless police raids. How else does the party expect us to demonstrate for them without”dobo”.
If we do not get any support from the party, we shall defect to the GREEN Party. They are probably the only party w aligned to our aspirations. Legalise it!!
I wonder how Garry Nkhombo will be debating in the Chambers, since he only debate under the influence of daggar. Your supply has been cat
Sad for Garry , first it was …………….. that has been disrupt with someone else’s……….. now this.
Imwe naimwe ba equalizer, Zambia and Scandinavian are two different regions with different conditions. Your comparisons are off the line and out of touch with reality. Your little knowledge should be kept in your pocket. Europe was not developed over night. Read history very well. France, Scotland and England for instance had the worst human violations during the 15-18th centuries. Be advised that public decapitation was the order of the day in Europe during that time. King Charles vII of England was executed in front of a huge public that included his family. Philosophers and many other critics were executed humanely.
At last peace and secure no more Drugs mu Ghetto”
Very good job. Anyone political party sympathaising with these thugs will have no vote from me. Chibolya nonse is long overdue. Teach them a lesson. We can’t have a small compound with thugs declaring wall with the entire government.
300 suspects just means there was no plan. Police arrested everyone they knew could not take them to court. A well worked out raid would have known who to go for
0:48 – 0:51 clip is very interesting, akabwali BOMA!