Friday, March 7, 2025

Homosexuals need Jesus Christ and church should pray for them-Archbishop of Canterbury


WORLD leader of the Anglican Church Justin Welby
WORLD leader of the Anglican Church Justin Welby

THE Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby says homosexuals need Jesus Christ and that the church should pray for them.

He told journalists in Kitwe yesterday that ‘gay people need the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ just like anyone else. The Church should therefore pray for them’.

Bishop Welby, who is head of the Anglican church, did not give his church’s specific position on homosexuals but said the church is still consulting on the matter.
The Anglican Church has been split on the issue of ordaining gay priests.

He said the church has an obligation to pray for homosexuals and that prayer is important to a Christian.

“We are trying to listen to what God is telling us on this matter as a church,” Bishop Welby said.

He, however, said there is need to treat everyone with respect and dignity.

“Homosexuality is a global issue, we need to treat others with respect and dignity. It is a human rights issue,” the bishop said.

Bishop Welby also said it is sad that evil-minded people use poverty, unemployment and religion to cause conflict in Africa.

And speaking at a church service at Cathedral of St Michael and All Angels Church in Kitwe, Bishop Welby called on the Church to pray hard so that it can have a positive impact on society.

He said reconciliation is a gift from God for Christians to live in harmony.

“Prayer is what renews our hope as Christians. Reconciliation is important; we need to learn how to love one another.

“We must be a church that loves one another, a church that reconciles with one another, we must be peacemakers. The church should be the unifying factor in communities,” he said.

Bishop Welby urged members of the Anglican Church in Zambia to be faithful witnesses of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to lead by example in their daily lives.

“Going to church does not make you a Christian. Being in church does not make you a Christian, otherwise even benches were going to be Christian. It is knowing and loving Jesus Christ that makes us Christians,” he said.


  1. All humans need to be saved why do we amplify one sin and ignore more athers , I for one don’t see anything special about one abomination ,also the Lord said let one who is willing come to me I will not cast him away , and who ever calls up on the name of the Lord will be saved , repentance is key to salvation no one can saveanother

    • Even our friends from the South need Jesus to help them stop “eating” the goats, pigs and chickens.

    • Bishop you are wrong.
      This has nothing to do with Jesus.They just need their back holes blocked with cement. Then they will look for the right ones.

    • Bishop you are a hypocrite.
      You know very well that most of these gay people are bishops, priests, pastors, apostles and deacons. They are the ones that stand in front to preach the gospel OF JESUS and the church allows them.
      The biggest problem now is the church!!!

    • Yes they need Jesus Christ ,but why can’t you say terrorists,boko haram,rapists also need Jesus Christ unless homos need “special jesus xst”…Again in which way do they need Jesus Christ? To bless their homo habit? If gays were born that way why do they use lotion & lubricants instead of natural way & why the asss is not equivalent to the ddick unless its forced on the asss to fit?

    • Kwena chachine why dont Christians crusade against theft of public funds the same way as they campaign against homosexuals?

  2. Iwe Bishop, don’t use the pulpit to promote ifya kumatako, the pulpit is Holy, its for spreading the gospel of the Almight God, who clearly says ” A man shall leave his father and mother and cleve to his Wife and the 1 shall b 1”. God never ever said shall leave his father and father and cleve to another man… Muzungu opusa naba 2.
    Don’t use yo status of bishop to deceive innocent pipo.
    No to homos, no one was born that way

  3. You can easily identify false Christians by their warped beliefs. The Almighty God’s position on homosexual relations is clear and needs no interpretation, and the action he took in the past against such repugnant practices is documented in the Bible. Whoever ignores what the Bible teaches about homosexuality is a worshiper of Satan the devil.

    • and that is why the bible is an id!otic book. it seems god is more annoyed about sexual acts than about people murdering each other. in fact, if we are to follow the bible, he actually encourages murder and pillaging, sending his tuma faithfuls to wipe out whole cities and smash baby’s heads against stone and kill all women who had known a man and take the virgins for themselves. Stup!d book.

    • Wantashi & Others…..

      Which scriptures are you using? There is no contradiction between the Old and New Testaments. If that is what you are saying, then you have nothing to do with the Gospel, the teaching of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. JESUS CAME FOR THE LOST (Luke 19 -9-10. The Worshippers of the Devil are those who reject the teaching of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. They are the ones who stick to the Law of Moses and reject the teachings of the Gospel as the Pharisees and teachers of the law and non-believers did . Read the Gospel of John about whom Jesus calls the children of the Devil in John 8:42 – 47. Bishop Welby is preaching love, forgiveness and intercession. Wantashi and others condemning the Bishop are ANTI-CHRIST. Christianity is not talibanism and Islam.

    • Homosexuals, and those who advocate that sin, are fundamentally committed to overturning the lordship of Christ in this world. Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals, nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers, will inherit the kingdom of God” (1 Corinthians 6:9-10; cf. Galatians 5:19-21).

    • @Dudelove
      There was a reason for the extermination of the Canaanites and other heathens. The land was polluted with paganism that involved child sacrifices. They had to be wiped out to cleanse and purify the land and prepare it for pure worship. Those pagans had a choice to side with Israel and make adjustments to their evil way of life but instead they choice to fight a war they couldn’t possibly win.

      @Let me say this
      Both the old and new testament are in agreement that homosexual practices are abominable, obscene and unnatural. Harsh judgement is reserved for those engaging in this filthy lifestyle. The perverts need to be told what they do is repugnant and against God.

    • Wantanshi, well put and may God bless you for that.
      There is a reason Romans 1:26 calls homosexual desire a “degrading passion.” It is a lust that destroys the physical body, ruins relationships, and brings perpetual suffering to the soul–and its ultimate end is death (Romans 7:5).

    • Dudelove is the only one who has written sensible things here. Why are africans so much into the bible. They called you heathens because you prayed to different gods and that why they justify the evils they did to our ancestors using the same bible and words such as heathens and yet we still follow them. Dont just read the bible alone. read also the history of how the bible came about, which books were written by whom, in which century they were written, how the translations were done, what criteria was used to compile the so called gospels, how were the books like mark later edited to conform with the messiah they had created etc. Please dont just accept things given to you as gospel truth, research more please.

    • @wantashi – and so when the muslim comes to you and kills you because you are an infidel, dont complain. kaili their god is also telling them ati you are heathens because you have practices unacceptable to them like claiming that Jesus christ is also part of the divine deity God. This religion is all nonsense. Wake up and do some real reading and studying. You are christian because you were born in zambia, what if you were born in Jordan or saudi arabia? You would now be saying Bin ladden is a hero who struck the infidels because their ways are unacceptable to our God. Wake up man and smell the flowers.

  4. Its true they need Jesus Christ. But its up to them to know that there living in sin so that they can change for the better. Just like every sin needs repentance and not a way back to it through justifiying ones self.
    God’s condemnation of homosexuality is abundantly clear–He opposes it in every age.
    In the patriarchs (Genesis 19:1-28)
    In the Law of Moses (Leviticus 18:22; 20:13)
    In the Prophets (Ezekiel 16:46-50)
    In the New Testament (Romans 1:18-27; 1 Corinthians 6:9-10; Jude 7-8)
    Why does God condemn homosexuality? Because it overturns God’s fundamental design for human relationships–a design that pictures the complementary relationship between a man and a woman (Genesis 2:18-25; Matthew 19:4-6; Ephesians 5:22-33)

    • WMM……

      Good. You know what you are talking about and you are scriptural. However, you at the same time you are falsely accusing Bishop Welby of supporting the act of homosexuality or gayism. Bishop never said that-false accusation/witnessing is a sin-perjury in Zambian law. The most important trait/character and guiding principle of true followers of Christ is -What Would Jesus Have Done or Said (WWJhDs) regarding the two homosexuals of Kapiri whom man’s law put in jail for a long time WITHOUT trial? If you are not a Christian, WWJhDs means nothing to you. Zambia claims to be a Christian nation and as such our laws are expected to be based on the principles of WWJhD. If you are not a Christian, then please, consider this principle in your religion.

    • “Every sin needs repentance”. ..what foolishness is this…you think about it and why your oppressor or slavemaster added that. Think…use your head for “godsakes”.

  5. which jesus is he talking about? The GAY jesus, The BLACK jesus, or the MUZUNGU jesus, which one exactly??

    • Ann Lee (1736-1784), the founder and leader of the Shakers. Lee’s followers referred to her as “Mother,” believing that she was the female incarnation of Christ on Earth

  6. John Nichols Thom (1799–1838), a Cornish tax rebel who claimed to be the “saviour of the world” and the reincarnation of Jesus Christ and his body the temple of the Holy Ghost..

    • Arnold Potter (1804–1872), Schismatic Latter Day Saint leader; he claimed the spirit of Jesus Christ entered into his body and he became “Potter Christ” Son of the living God. He died in an attempt to “ascend into heaven” by jumping off a cliff. His body was later retrieved and buried by his followers.

  7. Find a welcoming church home near you using our mapping application! Search the largest gay affirming Christian Church directory in the world with 7551 entries.

  8. As a Christian, you must not compromise what the Bible says about homosexuality–ever. No matter how much you desire to be compassionate to the homosexual, your first sympathies belong to the Lord and to the exaltation of His righteousness. Homosexuals stand in defiant rebellion against the will of their Creator who from the beginning “made them male and female” (Matthew 19:4).

  9. Yes they need Jesus Christ ,but why can’t you say terrorists,boko haram,rapists also need Jesus Christ unless homos need “special jesus xst”…Again in which way do they need Jesus Christ? To bless their homo habit? If gays were born that way why do they use lotion & lubricants instead of natural way & why the asss is not equivalent to the ddick unless it is forced on the asss to fit?

  10. ….in a way he is right. Any-one who breaks the law of the land need to be prayed for but only after the law has been applied accordingly….

    • Spot on…religions make you think what they want to you….hence you read Zombies on this thread blindly quoting from the biggest fraud in history called the bible.

    • I dont know how we can save our brothers and sisters from this religious fraud as you correctly put it.The bible is has some wise parts,but it is not the book christians or itself claims to be.It is a plagiarised book based on myth.Why wont our people just get past the bible.Read some history of the bible itself and you will see the fraud book for what it really is.People please listen,just think critically about what the bible writes sometimes and you will see it for what it is.A God who always loves a blood sacrifice,ati he smelled a sweet savor from the offering.what kind of nonsense is this?Omniscient but yet did not realise that adam would be lonely without a woman when he/it created him,omniscient yet repented when men became sinful,didnt he know they would turn out this way?

    • Spot on. …what our people don’t relies is that practising a foreign religion like we have in Africa eg Christianity, Islam etc is only a means to self distraction. The Great African nationalists like Patrice Lumumba and Thomas Sankara discouraged these religions for a reason. ..these religions are not African; we are a far superior people than this.
      Our people need to wake up and do some simple basoc reasearch in these things the believe in.

    • ‘God works in mysterious ways’ that is the answer you are bound to get from a christian who you corner with facts. No one has yet explained to me who this woman Cain met after he killed Abel. Where did she come from if, according to the bible, at that point there was only Adam, Eve, Cain and Abel? Maybe Mars lent us some women when they saw we were in need of a population. You know what I do when i want to have a good laugh? I tune in to either TBN or Emmanuel TV and watch people act like morons jumping up and down and fitting from the power of the holy spirit! Goodness!!

  11. WMM……

    Good. You know what you are talking about and you are scriptural. However, you at the same time you are falsely accusing Bishop Welby of supporting the act of homosexuality or gayism. Bishop never said that-false accusation/witnessing is a sin-perjury in Zambian law. The most important trait/character and guiding principle of true followers of Christ is -What Would Jesus Have Done or Said (WWJhDs) regarding the two homosexuals of Kapiri whom man’s law put in jail for a long time WITHOUT trial? If you are not a Christian, WWJhDs means nothing to you. Zambia claims to be a Christian nation and as such our laws are expected to be based on the principles of WWJhD. If you are not a Christian, then please, consider this principle in your religion.

  12. This man is a hypocrite …I dare him to say this England. I feel sorry for our lost people who follow these religions….our ancestors are turning in their graves.
    Wake up… embrace spirituality and African consciousness! !

    • we are the only group of people on the planet who pray to a God who looks nothing like us.Religion is culture.If you dont practice your culture,you will not advance in any known human activities like economy, science etc.All people who practice their culture e.g in religion are developing very fast.All cultures who have gods looking like them are doing ok:asians,japanese,chinese, koreans=buddha= high development;Indians=krishna =relatively high development,europeans=white jesus=high development;Africans,black people,=white jewish jesus=problems everywhere.why is this so, because we cant even recognise or see ourselves in a God deity at a subconcious level.And we dont realise this.we just follow blindly.African,zambian you are a great people,just claim it by following your own culture

  13. Wantanshi, well put and may God bless you for that.
    There is a reason Romans 1:26 calls homosexual desire a “degrading passion.” It is a lust that destroys the physical body, ruins relationships, and brings perpetual suffering to the soul–and its ultimate end is death (Romans 7:5).

  14. Here is something I hope will be easy and reasonable enough…Jesus came to save humanity FROM their sin, not IN their sin.

    • thats why he said, go and sin no more, where’s today people are advocating the principle of continue in sin and you will be saved anyway…

    • that’s very true,when you know you have sinned you have to seek repentance and under no circumstances do you repeat the sin that’s what God expects from us.

  15. ‘“Homosexuality is a global issue, we need to treat others with respect and dignity. It is a human rights issue,”.’ What human rights issue?

    Again, ‘And speaking at a church service at Cathedral of St Michael and All Angels Church in Kitwe, Bishop Welby called on the Church to pray hard so that it can have a positive impact on society.’

    The Church in Zambia prays like no one else prays. Its impact on society is unquestionable. The Bishop should have had words to commend the Church on these points, and should have asked the Zambian Church to pray for the Church in Britain.

    With due respect, the Bishop was arrogant and exhibiting an archaic colonial mentality. This is true. I live in Britain and minister among Churches in Britain.

    The Church in Zambia must pray for us.

  16. I read the article until i read the Bishop saying ““We are trying to listen to what God is telling us on this matter as a church,” Bishop Welby said.” Then i said WTF is this…………… sorry for the language!

    • @Pondani

      “We are trying to listen to what God is telling us on this matter as a church,”

      Did you hear that? God spoke and acted against homos thousands of years ago but supposedly this man of god hasn’t got it yet. How slow can a mind get?

  17. “Gay people need the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ just like anyone else.”
    Ask him if that includes Muslims as well, and see what he answers.

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