The Evangelical Fellowship of Zambia (EFZ) has observed that much as the church is willing to offer spiritual help to Homosexuals, those practising it should also be willing to get help.
Visiting Anglican Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby has advised the Church to pray for homosexual saying they need Jesus Christ.
But EFZ Executive Director Pukuta Mwanza says those practicing Homosexuality should be willing to get spiritual help and prayers stating that if they think what they are doing is right it becomes difficult to help them.
Reverend Mwanza says the church is ready to offer spiritual help, counseling and prayers to those in need, but that those committing wrongs should acknowledge them and show willingness to listen to the gospel.
He notes that not only those practicing homosexuality need prayers and spiritual counseling but everybody who is still living in sin and need the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Reverend Mwanza further states that the church will not relent in reaching out to those that need help and prayers so that the country can be an example to other countries especially that it is a Christian nation.
Why the talk about Homosexuals? there are so many other people who need Jesus too. Besides, we should not force people to embrace what we believe in- It is not necessary to believe or obligatory to believe in God or Allah or Bahaula or whatever- I care less about people’s faith or their sexual orientations. It is non of my business to poke my nose in other people’s private affairs or whether they believe on not-
Rev, Sex is a natural act, why should one seek spiritual help over it?
Can they offer spiritual help to the homophobes too?
This may be true but what of the following who need serious spiritual help:
-Corrupt government officials who number thousands
-The daily reports of child defilement which is in the papers
-The ‘fat cat’ politicians who are super rich while people in rural areas suffer
-Rampant prostitution in Zambia
My point is that the media are diverting attention away from the issues by such things…
I don’t care what a man and women, a women and women or what ever do behind closed doors…
“I don’t care what a man and women, ……or what ever do behind closed doors…”
That’s fine, minding your own business and being considerate of others. The problem, however, with the homosexuals is, instead of practicing their perverted and obscene lifestyle in private, they actually demand to be accepted as normal humans. You see why it’s doubly difficult to help them out of their warped way of thinking. Furthermore they have an extremely insensitive and cruel disregard for the feelings of others. They never consider the fact most people are also horrified and traumatized at the abominable and unnatural act of a man having sex with another man. They are wrong when they promote and market their filth as normal and acceptable. It isn’t and will never.
I do not know about other Christians but for me it took a lot of prayer and patience on the part of the people who brought the Word of salvation to me. I resisted so much and believed that there was nothing wrong with the life I was leading. Had they given up and condemned me as we are doing with the 2 homosexuals in jail in our country, I would have been lost. Have the two homosexuals been evangelised or we are treating them like Zaccheus until the Lord went to his house and ate with him? We Christians have to really deal with hypocrisy if more sinners are to be converted. How can sinners repent when Christians are in the forefront of condemning them? My Bishop, do not join the world in condemning the lost. Heed lessons from the prodigal son, lost sheep and coin & Ephesians 6:10-12.
R.U.B.B.I.S.H-You have seriously been brainwashed and you cant think outside the box (Bible) which is very damaging for you free spirit. You have been indoctrinated and avoid centring your life on imaginations- there is no life after death bwana, once you die it is over and your life is just like that of a mosquito or butterfly- we are all in the cosmos to die at some stage- some one came up with an idea of believing in something to make life meaningful but once you start questioning your faith you land into serious problems difficult to explain and only says God knows- r.u.b.b.is.h…
@let me say this ..I hear you.We should love the homosexuals and not condemn them.Jesus came to save the world and not condemn the world.Bible bashing people won’t bring them closer to Christ…..
Lest I be misunderstood, my comments above are directed at believers in the Lord Jesus Christ- born again as in John 3.
With regard to those who do not yet believe as I was 19 years ago, my message to them is that mortal life is very short compared to eternity. My advice is that the spiritual world is real just as the spirits who dwell in them. Just reflect on the complexity of creation seriously and you will find that it is not a result of spontaneity but deliberate planning & design. Accepting this fact gives you peace & a free mind for further social/scientific research into the mysteries of existence and order of things and life. Why are humans superior to other creastions? The answer lays in Genesis 3 verses 26 – 28. Do not be bound in ignorance by the devil. Feel free to…
You have seriously been brainwashed and you cant think outside the box (Bible) which is very damaging for you free spirit. You have been indoctrinated and avoid centring your life on imaginations- there is no life after death bwana, once you die it is over and your life is just like that of a mosquito or butterfly- we are all in the cosmos to die at some stage- some one came up with an idea of believing in something to make life meaningful but once you start questioning your faith you land into serious problems difficult to explain and only says God knows- r.u.b.b.is.h.
Feel free to explore. When you are in Christ you are free indeed. Christianity or modern christian faith and way of life frees you from all kinds of legalism, myths and beliefs associated with the religious life of the Old Testament. That does not mean being free to sin because even the laws of our land does not allow us to do so. We shall be arrested if we do so. If you are in Church and you deliberately sin, you will be placed under church discipline…not condemnation. Oh!! I love Christianity. I could never be freer than this. So for those still undecided in your hearts about God, try Christian faith – go to a Bible believing brother/sister and talk about your thoughts and s/he will share the Gospel with you and lead you to Christ. No sin cannot be forgiven under genuine repentance.
…..You have seriously been brainwashed and you cant think outside the box (Bible) which is very damaging for you free spirit. You have been indoctrinated and avoid centring your life on imaginations- there is no life after death bwana, once you die it is over and your life is just like that of a mosquito or butterfly- we are all in the cosmos to die at some stage- some one came up with an idea of believing in something to make life meaningful but once you start questioning your faith you land into serious problems difficult to explain and only says God knows- r.u.b.b.is.h….
The Bishop is giving timely advice. You don’t help anyone by throwing them in prison or making them societies outcasts. Prayer and any other forms of rehabilitation is what is required. Society must also accept that as much as we don’t condone what they do this is a human reality we have to deal with, with caution without causing other people pain and unnecessary suffering
Today, two men accused of sodomy in May 2013 were finally acquitted by Magistrate John Mbuzi in the Kapiri Mposhi Magistrates Court, Zambia. “The men are innocent and the court’s decision has confirmed this,” stated Anneke Meerkotter, lawyer at the Southern Africa Litigation Centre (SALC), which supported the case.
“The case should send a message to police, prosecutors and communities that it is not acceptable to witch-hunt people. Actions driven by stigma and prejudice can cause immense suffering, not just of the people who were arrested, but also of their families.”
The men were represented by Sunday Nkonde of SBN Legal. I hope the young men sue for unlawful detention before applying for guaranteed asylum in the EU or America.
The bible is clear that the fallowing types of marriages are not allowed by God no matter what man will say to support them:. Polygamy involving a mother and her daughter or a sister and her sister : Leviticus 18:-17-18 Thou shalt not uncover the nakedness of a woman and her daughter, neither shalt thou take her son’s daughter, or her daughter’s daughter, to uncover her nakedness; for they are her near kinswomen: it is wickedness. 18. Neither shalt thou take a wife to her sister, to vex her, to uncover her nakedness, beside the other in her life time. Monogamy marriage of same sex or with an animal is not allowed; Leviticus 18:22-23: Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination. 23 Neither shalt thou lie with any beast to defile thyself ..it is confusion.
Dominic, I do not believe in the evangelical interpretation of the bible. Some people do not even believe in the bible or God; give us a sensible or demonstrate some original thought in your argument.
No wonder we never develop, people waste too much time and resources on trivial matters. Why should we care so much about what two adults are doing in their private life anyway? If your neighbor is homosexual, bisexual or what you want to call it, how does that affect your life (individually). People should leave this homo nonsense and concentrate on important things that affect daily life. Better pray for the corrupt leaders like one has already mentioned, and Sata too who is sick in Israel!
Development in any community, society or nation is based on the individuals, families and local communities. The basic cell is the individual and the way they think and reason. A summation of this will give you insight into a nation’s way of doing things. It is therefore important that we care about what individuals do in their private life because this is what ultimately translated as an national pattern of thinking. Do not be deceived, what you do privately is important to the family/community you live in
Please stop misleading yourself and those close to you! Why do you think it is called private life? It is not to be brought pachintu bwingi. What you do with your partner in the bedroom is nobody’s business but yours. So in which way does your private life contribute to development?
Frankly speaking Homosexual people cause less harm to our country than say all ministers and MP’s and those pastors who pretend to be holier than thou yet involved in illicit relationships or prostitutes, yest we don’t see any of these chaps dragged to jail for just being any of those things.
Our Christian faith especially the new Pentecostal version seriously lacks balance and human empathy and is ruining the country and its moral bearing in many ways that we imagine to the extent that we have lost focus on what human actions should be punished by law (those causing harm to others) and those that God should punish. Maybe we should have jail sentences stipulated for everything the Bible does seem to condemn and see who will remain on the outside
What is the logic of locking up homosexuals? Is it for them to continue with the acts in jail or to prevent them being homosexuals? I honestly dont see the logic. Their acts do not affect any one economically, so why should we spend so much time and resources on them?. The Ministers and other Government Officials who are spending a lot of resources in schemes that are killing our children and poor people are the ones we should worry about. In any case some of the money we are getting from donors is from hard working homosexuals. Will Uganda develop because Gays will be locked up for life? Will Zambia develop because its a fundamentalist Christian Country? Is homosexuality worse than corruption being practised by those ruling us? I need answers.
My Names is Sarah phil ,AM from United states .i never believed in love spells or magic until i met this spell caster once when i went to Africa in June last year on a business summit i meet a man called Dr Malawi King, is powerful he could help you cast a spells to bring back my love s gone misbehaving lover looking for some one to love you bring back lost money and magic money spell or spell for a good job i m now happy & a living testimony cos the man i had wanted to marry left me 4weeks before our wedding and my life was upside down cos our relationship has been on for 3 year i really loved him, but his mother was against me and he had no good paying job so when i met this spell caster, i told him what happened and explained the situation of things to him at first i was…
Paxton Reid is my name, i am just so happy and don’t know What more i can say in this life? how will i thank high priest KAKUTA enough for the good job which he just did for me.i have been searching for long a real spell caster, for me to get who will help me get back my wife back but i have been scammed so many times by a lot of people who claim they are spell casters and are not, so i was tired of searching then one morning i visited a neighbor and she introduced me to this priest high priest ozigididon and i contacted him and he make a spell for me in the night and after the spell he tells me what to do and i did it and immediately the thing was done he gave me assurance that my wife will start looking for me and pleading for me to accept her back and i was kind of not sure and what…