Sunday, February 23, 2025

President Sata has left the country for medical Check up-State House


FILE: President Sata and First Lady Dr Christine Kaseba alight from the Aircraft on arrival at  JFK International Airport in New York  for the 69th UN General Assembly  on September 20 ,2014 -Picture by THOMAS NSAMA
FILE: President Sata and First Lady Dr Christine Kaseba alight from the Aircraft on arrival at JFK International Airport in New York for the 69th UN General Assembly on September 20 ,2014 -Picture by THOMAS NSAMA

State House has announced that Republican President Michael Sata last night left the country for medical check up abroad.

This is according  to a press statement released by  State House to the media today.

According to the statement, which did not specify the final destination of the head of state,  the president has been accompanied by First Lady Dr Christine Kaseba, some family members.

Below is full statement

Media Statement

For Immediate Release


LUSAKA, Monday, October 20, 2014 – STATE HOUSE- His Excellency, Mr. Michael Chilufya Sata, President of the Republic of Zambia, last night left for a medical check- up abroad.

First Lady Dr Christine Kaseba, some family members and his press aide have accompanied the Head of State.

Issued by:



    • Thank you for telling us this time. .. 50 YEARS we are not able to have equipped hospitals? Private or Military to conduct Medical check-up on our president? It is embarrassing. So what is the Jubilee about?? To celebrate our freedom “thank you” but with all failed Economic developments? Young Zambians, let us take over our Country and show these OLD papas that we can change the Country, For our parents / leaders not to leave the country for such medical checkups. E.G. Did you see Mandela leave SA? To go to London, Israel or USA for Medication???? Our Friends think for tomorrow and have hospitals. Imagine the cost of this Trip and what the cash can do for Zambians???? Let us Wake up and Think.

    • We wish you well Mr. President and please recover quickly.
      But again I am just thinking; for them to now say that, it’s kind of very serious now.

    • Too bad for Mr Sata zoona. After fighting for presidency for 10 years in the opposition, only to come and fall sick after winning the presidency sure.

    • Jubilee celebration is around the corner. When is my beloved head of state coming back? Are we going to postpone independence if he does not come by Thursday?

    • He has just reminded me. I too have to go for check up next week These things are important and should not just be a preserve of privileged people like Sata and Hikainde alone. Learn to go to your GP to have your blood pressure, prostate, bcr-1 gene (breast cancer) and sugar levels checked.

    • Check up just days before 50 years celebrations ? Its serious this time no jokes. He is definitely going to miss independence celebrations. Good thing his presence is not mandatory. Get well soon.

    • Get well soon Bo Sata,

      We the people of western province love you too and are already missing you. We received your message from Edgar Lungu, thanks.

    • Very good PF, now you are growing-up by stop hiding the patient.
      Ba Sata was/is ill, and he has gone for medical check up. FAIR enough.
      And of course we need to be stronger, because coming Friday and Saturday has jam packed program of 50th of

    • Also I think this press statement looks hurried and looks like an SMS. Something is fishy here!!

      So who is the Acting President now that the president is away. If this statement was thought through, that information would have been included in the release. Am sure the president didn’t have time and strength to hand over power. I’m curiously watching this space.

    • @Nostradamus and all,
      Lets get the FACTS right, before people start praising and throwing wild statements over this. The statement from State House says he has left the country for a “MEDICAL CHECK UP”, and that does not suggest that they are “growing up” and revealing the best known secret. State House has never acknowledged Sata’s illness and this statement does not do that either. Anyone, fit or otherwise, can have a medical check up and that is the position Govt is trying to “play with” here. Friday will tell its own story though.

    • Folks,

      The truth of the matter is Sata collapsed in the evening and doctors were unable to resuscitate him so they decided to ship him to South Africa before taking him to Israel again. He might not make it to Israel. He has only less than 20% chances of survival.

      Sata is in a critical condition thats why the family and PF decided to tell the nation the truth after seeing that his situation is worse and hopeless.

      This is not mare speculation folks, its based on inside info from a friend at Sate house.

      We should pray hard so he comes back and officiate the grand celebration.

    • @Nostradamus
      Sata is not a patient,,, he is going for a medical check up in preparartion jubilee celebration… kekekekekeke

    • Point of Correct Mr Chellah??? Treatment or Check-up, if checkup, then the timing is wrong?? why now when we only have 4 days to our jubilee celebration?? Why family members?? I bet our president will not be BACK.…… Oooh sorry on TIME for the Independence Celebrations. We wish you well Sir, though just step DOWN to rest. No one is forcing him to hold the position. I think state House is Sweet as Chiluba said. Mmmmm kufwila pachipuna….

    • Iwe ci MMD chief boolicker you still alive? Just dropped by to wish our President quickest recovery but I also wish he could do the most honorable thing by stepping aside and avoid unnecessary public scrutiny on his health. LONG LIVE SATA, LONG LIVE MSANA and LONG LIVE ZAMBIA.

    • We always knew it, the PF had something up their sleeves to disguise Sata’s disappearance on or around the independence celebrations. It is simple, the president is not in a position, health wise, to officiate at this function.

    • Finally the baboon is kicking the bucket to leave us in peace to celebrate our nice country…

      You better forward that cargo to Tunduma. Not needed in Zambia

    • @Saulosi
      I believe you meant to say BRCA1 and not Bcr1. This is one of the master control gene in female breast cancer and is itself thought to be regulated by estradiol-17 beta (a.ka.. estrogen). All the same, your message was clear about the need to have regular checkups for things like blood glucose, blood pressure and some such other parameters with underlying genetic basis and likely to affect cell, organ and organism function.

    • Uuuh! “Medical check up”?

      The “fit and health” now going for a check up? Uuhh! I resonate with @ Dalitso above that, what a wrong timing of going for a “medical check up” abroad when independence 3 days away. Preferring a check up than be at the Cathedral Church with his fellow countrymen and women!

      The Cyborg is being made in trying to avoid malfunctions, and now PF are facing reality. Check Kambwili is taking it out on the innocent youths, soccer referees and non PF people.

      2 days left for the “Cyborg ” to finally finish the programming of memory retardation recall. 22 of October, the news will reach climax enjoyment and the celebrations will be at “huha mdala”! Time has become clear that these days are truly numbered.
      There is only one unknown destination,…

  1. Not agaain!! The citizenry deserves to KNOW where their president goes. He’s using tax payer’s money, so why all this secrecy and letting people dwell on speculation. Tell us the truth!

    • sata is a big chicala who is wasting our money. the pig can rather join his fellow piglets; evans mfula at evaduco reporting live from lusaka

  2. Ok, if it is a mdecial Check up, please have the decency of telling us which country he has gone to and when he is expected back. For goodness sake , we are footing his bills. By the way this message is not for MR Sata or his family members by his handlers.

    Having said that, I think this could be something serious that has happened to the president to necesisate medical evauation during Zambia’s big week. I will be praying for him and his family and wish his handlers can do the honourable thing and give the man some medical sabitical so that he deals with his health away from the public eyes. He is entitled to medical leave, please use that and let him deal with his health privately. We all fall ill at some point

    • He is already on medical leave. For the past 4 -5 months Sata has not been performing his presidential duties and others have been doing this for him. Every where he has gone, be it Britain, India, Israel or NewYork, he has been given the same bady news and that is “that this sickness is unto Death.” This is old age sickness conpounded by a life of smoking and drinking. His body has gone through a lot of abuse and it is now failing him. He is in pain and his desire to live is waning. I should feel sorry for a human being like that. I should feel sorry!!

    • Nice that State house is finally admitting it houses a patient.I’m wondering why family members went along? Who is paying their airfare and hotel accomodation?

    • @Akamuntu
      Why do you people like to assume things and make wild statements? The “official statement” from State House is that he has gone for a “MEDICAL CHECK UP”. Even a a fit and hard working person can have a medical check up at any time. There is a big difference between medical check up and seeking medical treatment.

    • @..worry,
      yes, the difference is that a medical check up can easily be conducted in Zed and treatment….anywhere with advanced/befitting Eqpt, medical experts and conducive environment

    • Saulosi, yesterday you said Sata would be present for the Presidential awards in your sparring with your opponent, Wanzelu.

      The President is NOT off for a check up but out for medical care. If indeed its a medical check up, he will be back before Friday for the Jubilee investure ceremony. If NOT, then as Wanzelu might say, ‘folks lets brace for tough times ahead.’

    • @Siamanengo
      Wanzelu is just a pessimistic and myopic individual. He has been preaching that ever since he first appeared on this blog. His desire to see Sata dead always clouds his rationality. I would steer off people with a mindset like his if i were you.

    • @Saulosi

      To the contrary, I do not wish Sata to be dead. All I want is PF to tell the nation the truth about whats happening to Sata. If they play hide and seek games, then they leave room for some us to speculate the obvious in the absence of truth.

      This time around, the whole nation is amazed that PF for the first time they have told half truth about the reasons why Sata has been sneaked out again. Unfortunately the whole truth is grim out there.

      I will not be surprised if he does not come back soon for golden jubilee because his condition is critical.

      Any lets pray for his soul folks and wish him quick recovery.

  3. ….I’m inclined to think that this time around…the situation must be ‘serious’…to be told point blank..??
    My prayer are with him….

  4. For once the muppets have said
    something true. However, I still
    note some lies. A medical check
    up? I think medical treatment is
    what he’s gone for. Another thing
    why carry his clan just for a
    medical check up? Who’s paying
    for the “excess luggage” referred
    to as family members?

  5. I appeal to the government to put on hold the 50th Anniversary festivities until the father of the nation returns. Wish you quick recovery sir.

    • @Lasani, Correction Sir. He is not the father of the nation. He is the current leader of the nation. There is a big difference. This is a democracy. We do not elect fathers. We elect leaders.

    • @NKOLE WA MAPEMBE UMFWE MILANDU very well said! @Lesani, why are you wishing him quick recovery? I thought he has gone for a Medical Checkup and not a Diagnosis for ill-health?? I thought that is what we have been fed these past pathetic months? In any case, time waits for no one. The Acting President and the Vice President will preside over the celebrations and ‘festivities’.

  6. Yaba…read the press statement again and just see how these numskulls are so dull that they can’t even see the implications of their statement. They are so hell-bent on hiding a public secret that Sata is seriously sick that they want to pretend that he is going out for medical check-up, where? No answer. Meanwhile….going for medical check-up just 3 days before the Jubilee Celebrations! What does that look like to the rest of the country? These dunderheads must think Zambians are very thick-headed! May be I agree with them, otherwise how else should one explain for an entire population voting into power such a rotten leadership. Even my little daughter can run the country better by far!

    • @Chitapi you have made my day. For sure i agree with you. They are hiding him from the embarrassment we saw in parley but why cant he just resign we put the right person in that office? Can that man resign on a serious note, His health is important than pushing him to lead Zambia yet he is in bed always.

    • They are scared of revealing his destination because they know that journalists there will be waiting to reveal his condition! Donchi kubeba..

    • The Watchdog will fish him up. They will tell us where he has gone. He might be hiding in State house pretending he has gone for check up.

      You indeed live up to your name..unfwe milandu. There is a true distinction between a father and president both socially and biologically and I am flabbergasted by Zambians who like to refer to a president as father of the nation. This is a stereotypical term meant to make citizens appear like kids to the president. This ‘s one of the reasons why Kaunda for 27 years stood during every election against a FROG (yes an amphibian, hopping from place to place) and people went to the polls to vote, .sorry,..rubber-stamp elections to endorse another 5 year term for the “FATHER of the nation”

  7. The frivolous statement issued by Geroge Chella is as a result of mounting pressure folowing the last debacle. I doubt it was throught through as it could have specified where he was headed and who the Acting president is. But we all know that he probably wasn’t capable of handing over the instruments of power. Its sad really how somebody can cling to power in this fashion. If he has been fit and working hard state house, what necessitated this sudden evacuation? Yes, i said evacuation and it is for treatment not a check-up you !diots. How many check-ups has he had, with expat docs treating him at statehouse? I feel sorry for the man. He must do the honourable thing..resign. Where ever he is gone can’t be less that an 11hour flight. So forget his appearance at your jubilee celebrations.

  8. I can confirm that he wasn’t even talking when he left.I propose the following people to take over the Presidency as a group:
    1.Wynter Kabimba
    2.Chishimba Kambwili
    3.Fred M’mumbe
    4.George Mpombo
    Now hit unlike if you agree with me.

    • Ah! You mean:
      1. Short-tempered ACC intimidating Wynter Kabimba
      2. Arrogant, Lesson teacher of UNZA students Chishimba Kambwili
      3. Cunning, vengeful Fred M’mumembe, and
      4. Bombastic, Incarcerated George Mpombo

      That will be quite a team, I dare say.

  9. Our Father in Heaven
    We lift our dear president, Your son
    Micheal Chilufya Sata
    Into Your Hands
    We humbly ask for your might and Favour over Him, as be Your wish
    We pray for healing
    Comfort to his wife and family
    We speak with favour of him
    And all the works he has done for his people in particular children
    And the poor he has provided for in infrastructure

    Your Son has worked hard
    Has been strong under adversity
    Has treated his enemies with silence
    knowing that only Your judgement on him is relevant
    We pray forgiveness on his enemies and those that joy over his unwellness

    Father, we beseech you
    Breath Healing, over him as according to your will
    We ask this of You because
    We are of Faith
    We trust in You
    Your Power

    For You and Only You
    Have Power to make all…

    • For You and Only You
      Have Power over All Creation
      Only you can make all things possible
      Healing, and Peace be upon him

      You oh Lord are able
      Exceedingly to make all things possible

      Peace, Shalom over Zambia
      Forgive us our sin on him
      Calm waters over Zambia

    • If your god cannot answer the prayers of the parents of the kidnapped girls by boko haram or the aid workers waiting to have their heads cut off by ISIS, what makes you think he would change the destiny of a despicable liar who laughed at his late colleagues? Prayer my butt!

    • It must be hard being a leech or cronny of Sata….soon a new order will be ushered in and as happens, many of you will be swept from the gravy table! I can imagaine the panic amongst ministers, ps, directors, ambassadors, parastatal bosses, defence chiefs, tenderprenuers, etc….eissh!! Change is coming and izamunyokola njala!! I got rich in by avoiding associating myself with politicians and government business. So whoever is in Plot 1 as long as he doesnt introduce communism, I am fine!!

  10. They is something fishy about this Press Statement. I dont think it was issuied / written by George Chellah. If it was, someone please help me understand this statement
    ” First Lady Dr Christine Kaseba, some family members and HIS PRESS AIDE have accompained the head of State”
    The words “his press aide” seem as if someone was writing on his behalf. I stand to be corrected!

    • @Kwesela don’t crack your head too much; Chellah is dumb and he is capable of writing that Statement.
      I pray that Sata gets back to Zambia in peace so that he may appoint someone else as Veep. Get rid of the Membe gang (Scott and them all). I wouldn’t bet on him stepping down even if he became an actual skeleton> watch this space!

    • The statement is just ok bwana. Try replacing “his press aid” with “I” (as Geoge Chelah)and see which statement makes more sense.

  11. I think sata ceased being relevant to the political landscape of this country a very long time ago so whether he is in the country or not makes absolutely no difference to the citizenry. They will still be broke, mealie meal prices and those of other commodities will still be high, corruption in the road sector will still continue, lack of funding to the hospitals will persist, the wage freeze will not be lifted, the Constitution will still remain a pipe dream, there will be no National Airline carrier, Kambwili will continue Ministry hopping and much much more too numerous to mention.

  12. Tired of this CIRCUS, I wish he could just die quickly and quietly so that Zambia can start working under a difeerent but capable government. How long is this hide and seek going to last?


  13. So who is paying for the relatives traveling on a medical check up. Only the first lady can be allowed on tax payers money. Even when some is sick he is stealing. Those relatives who are they to spend money meant to fix a pot hole in Bwacha compound?

    • What goes around comes around. You can fool some people sometimes, but not all all the times. Sorry for you guys that have been fed by of that you can not accept reality anymore. My suggestion is look for some wool, look for a tomato tree and hang yourselves cos it is now time.

  14. Too much vanity talk on this subject. we all know he has not been ok so the best thing to do is wish him well and a quick recovery PERIOD!


  16. This saga is becoming ridiculous to say the least. The man must step aside and pave way for another Zambian to take over and lead this country. We have a lot of symphathy for the man being ill and wish him well, but he is not greater than Zambia. The parlamentarians and those who should see to it that procedure be followed in prevailing circumstances are letting the people down. Surely some man of grit for whom love of the motherland is non debatable must “force” for change to happen through the constitution so the country can move forward! This president is now a liability as the country continues on limping ahead on a sick bed.

  17. The truth will eventually come out that Sata is terminally ill to the chagrin of the minions. For the moment they are cheating themselves that a miracle will happen and Sata will return to his normal uncouth self. Three days before a major event he goes overseas for a ‘medical check up’. They are kidding no one but themselves.

  18. Being president should not be a matter of life and death, the best Sata could do is step down and attend to his health, than for us to be wondering how great he is alone leaving other problems unattended to such as unza studend’s barsuries.

  19. As many others have observed, the press statement issued by state house is hollow but indirectly confirms one thing, Sata’s condition has deteriorated badly. He was ‘fit and well and working hard’ yesterday.

  20. The pack of clowns, so called cabinet must have the interest of the country at heart and do the right thing by admitting the man is sick! That this has gone as long as it has is a reflection of the caliber of those in leadership, including the opposition. In the interest of the fatherland, the man ought to step down. It does not take rock science to arrive at the fact that the man is incapable of being president due to ill heath. The country’s welfare can not continue to be compromised because of one man.

  21. When the press statement is such skeletal, we will fill in the meat; I think he will be back by this thursday afternoon considering friday is our 50th yr of Depedence Celebation.

  22. Scott was Ly?ng all th?s t?me and he knew that all Zamb?an w?th eyes knew that Scott knew that Scott was ly?ng.
    God heal Sata.

  23. One surprising thing is that people are busy talking about the Sata of Zambia, but someone is dying there in UTH becoz there is no medicine. In Petauke there is no ARVs. Please work and never should you talk about same issue everytime about Mr. Sata is well NO Mr. Sata is sick, No Mr. Sata this Mr. Sata that. When is Zambia going to move forward?

    Am really sad becoz Zambia is not supposed to revolve around Sata and Pf, but around that widow, orphan and disabled. What I mean work for Zambia and not only sitting in those air conditioned offices, meanwhile a pregnant woman is dying in labour in the hospital.

    50 years my foot

  24. The question is where abroad has he one for medical check up just days before the country celebrates it Golden Jubilee? Anyway we wish him well and hope he will make it for the do on 24th October, 2014 this Friday!

  25. What more can we add on that we have not added about this patient’s file… now the patient won’t make 24/10/2014 celebration…..better put in mitigation circumstances now than show up in a hot stadium.

  26. Iye awe cabipa mwe. Mr. President may God bless you. Please if you feel better and by God’s Grace you comeback, I urge you to step down. You have demonstrated to Zambians that if you were well, Zambia would be an entirely different country. Unfortunately, your health cant allow to do more actively. Thank you for serving Zambia.

    My Best Wishes.

  27. What is Dinosaurs colonialist veep Scott has to say and his illiterate looting tribal Cabinet?Sata could have dead a long time ago if he was just an ordinary citizenry like our poor majority voters!However Let SATA not resign because he won’t survive without his high tech medical costs.I always think about the way poor people die amasses in rural areas due to either lack of quallified medical personnel or required medical equipment.Zambia is really governed by illiterate airhead selfish clique in the deceptive name of ONE ZAMBIA ONE NATION MOTTO!Sata has already costed Zambia the much needed social-economic development inter-allia.He must thank all tax payers and humbly resign when he comes.He can’t hold Zambians at ransom.

  28. I have said this again i am saying it let’s stop voting these old people the are tired now RB wants to come back shame on him

  29. Wish the President good health. We all go for medical checkups. Let him be evaluated before the jubilee celebrations start. He will be very busy this week. Good luck.

  30. Agony is seeking a very public office and yet desiring to live like an ordinary citizen. In a normal fully functioning democracy someone would have called lights out and demanded a medical board to call an end to this. Let us stop playing God because the Sata we knew is no more. I pray that he reconciles with his maker before it is too late i.e. if he has not already done so.

    • @Shaka

      Forget it, in Sata’s vocabulary, words like reconcile, empathy, forgive, repent, kindness, humble, down to earth, do not exist. Sata is a true child of the devil although his worshipers won’t admit this truth. He hasn’t a shred of humanity in him. His worshipers found nothing wrong with him when he diabolically mocked ailing colleagues, but then of course birds of the same feathers flock together.

  31. Kindly turn off the life support on Friday 24. It would be nice to have 2 jubilee celebrations on the same day. This country needs a BIG celebration!

  32. What ever happens to him, i will always celebrate a man or woman’s life if they show determination and hard work to achieve their goal. It is called applied strategic management. How a man of humble education managed to convince 14m Zambians to vote for him will always please those who learn how to strategise and read the mood of the people. I have but but great respect for such people. Get better soon, and if you do not, thanks for effort to be who you wanted to be, president of Zambia.

  33. Clearly the Pres is not well. He had to leave the country because what excuse were they going to proffer for his absence at the Jubilee Celebrations? He would have been at the forefront of the preps, yapping and cracking sick jokes. I used to love and admire this man until he showed us all what a nepotist he is. He and his wife distributed jobs to their relatives as if this was their country. Sata, God gave you the presidency so that you could help the poor people of Zambia but you helped yourself and your family. Your presidential emoluments cannot buy you life. You forgot that your life is in God’s hands and turned against his people. You turned your back on the church and traditional leaders who prayed for you and wished you well. You made a pact with the devil! Well now go and join…

  34. I wish the head of State a quick recovery. Speed recovery sir. I am a member of the opposition but praying for your well being.

    Rev 22
    1 And he showed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb.
    2 In the midst of the street of it, and on either side of the river, [was there] the tree of life, which bare twelve [manner of] fruits, [and] yielded her fruit every month: and the leaves of the tree [were] for the healing of the nations.
    3 And there shall be no more curse: but the throne of God and of the Lamb shall be in it; and his servants shall serve him:
    4 And they shall see his face; and his name [shall be] in their foreheads.
    5 And there shall be no night there; and they need no candle, neither light of the sun; for the Lord God giveth them light: and they shall reign for ever and ever.

  36. Medical check-ups are necessary but for the timings! Any way if there are just but for few hours then it is OK as we will have our beloved president back before Thursday.

  37. @Wanzelu, you actually owe no one an opology. By the way, Sata himself was obseesed about other leaders sicknesses,examples includes late George Kunda, Pres. Mwanawasa to mention just a few.
    If his time has landed, so be it. He can travel from one country to the the other, at the end of the day, if he did not make peace with the creator and time has arrive at the door, No amount of prayer or symapth will change the course of destiny.
    Talk about millions starving because PF leaders including him have stollen GRZ money? Recently a youth committed suicide for failurer to secure a busary then you want to sympatise with these thieves, Let him go either HELL or Heaven if time is due.

  38. So is he coming back as a Passenger or in the cargo hold ans a big VIP parcel or package? The later has been very common

  39. I do not want to pretend that I sympathise with sata. Coz he never did so for others. He enjoyed mocking them as though he was immortal. Feel the pain that mwanawasa, kunda and mazoka had. As I see it sata was a waste of time for zambia. He had no plan. All he wanted was to be called president. Get well soon probably.

  40. After we talk and blog, they have finally listened and understood. Keep informing us please and we wish him well. Kalaya ukomuleya mukwai!

  41. Mr Sata is not sick as far as Zambia is concerned, Sata is fit working hard to develop the nation. When and if president Sata becomes sick the nation will be informed accordingly. Medical check is normal to every individual as mend and repair is done to a road intact in structure. Perish the thought that Sata is sick because PF members will be rattled and violence may engulf the nation. Really, Sata has gone for shopping disguising medical check. Abanensu ma shopping pa abroad.

  42. Shame it had to take a visit by Bakili Mluzi of allnpeople to get the people at State house to act right and take the President for medical care and make a proper announcement about it…..

  43. Shame on the useless PF ministers especially Kambwili kakandolo preaching that the cobra is fine yet he is critically ill.Shame on you the cobra for lying to zambians that you were going to build better hospitals so that no president will travel abroad.Shame to you Dr Kaseba for pretending that the president is okay and you even left him alone and went to do useless paintings.we know you love camera but look at how embarrassed you are now.make sure you come back tomorrow.we want to see you on Friday, that man is not sick.

  44. Long live our beloved presient. May God send His word and heal him. We wish you a quick and permanent recovery Mr. President. We love you. Come back and sort out the indiscipline in PF.

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