Thursday, March 13, 2025

Given Lubinda and Wylbur Simuusa withdraw from the PF presidential contest


Kabwata Member of Parliament GIVEN LUBINDA
Kabwata Member of Parliament GIVEN LUBINDA

Patriotic Front (PF) Presidential aspirant and Kabwata Member of Parliament Given Lubinda Given Lubinda together, Agriculture Minister Wylbur Simuusa have withdrawn from the PF presidential contest taking place at the parallel extra-ordinary PF conference to elect new party president.

Acting President Guy Scott opened the parallel extra-ordinary PF conference to elect new party president.

The new president will subsequently be adopted as party presidential candidate for the forthcoming presidential by-election slated for January, 20, 2015.

Dr. Scott has since appointed Southern Province Minister Daniel Munkombwe as chairperson of the general conference that will see a new leader elected to succeed the late President Michael Sata.

Several delegates have gathered at the main arena while accreditation is still going on.

Presidential aspirants still in the race are and already at the conference, include Kasama Member of Parliament Geoffrey Mwamba, Commerce Minister Robert Sichinga, Youth and Sports Minister Chishimba Kambwili, Commerce Deputy Minister Miles Sampa, Seleman Pangula and former first lady Dr Christine Kaseba.

However, former first lady Christine Kaseba is yet to arrive at Mulungushi Rock of Authority ahead of the election.

The mood at the general conference is calm and peaceful.

Edgar Lungu’s supporters are not present in Kabwe after leaving the conference venue last evening.

Earlier today, the first PF President Elect Edgar Lungu came out tough against Acting President Guy Scott saying he will no longer be pushed around by those opposed to his leadership.

Mr Lungu has since announced that he has with immediate effect fired PF Secretary General Bridget Atanga and her Deputy Anthony Kasolo and has suspended Chairperson for Elections Ms Sylvia Masebo for gross indiscipline.

Mr Lungu told a news conference held at Mulungushi International Conference Centre that he has been patient enough and tolerated all the abuse from Dr Scott and the Cartel but that enough is enough.

“They asked me to hand over power I did, they asked me to hand over position of Secretary General and I did. They somehow feel am very soft and weak and can be pushed around. Let them not be misled by my small body, am very tough inside. I will fall on them like a tonne of bricks,’ Mr Lungu stated.

He said Dr Scott is working with some people to frustrate the PF and the vision and legacy of late President Michael Sata.

“Dr Scott has personal hatred against me, he simply doesn’t like me but i cannot help him because the people have spoken,” he said as the crowd cheered.

Mr Lungu said the other PF general conference taking place in Kabwe today is illegal and revealed that a court order has always been served on the organisers of that meeting from the Lusaka High Court.

“I will not engage in legal interpretations of our constitution with Dr Scott, my lawyers will deal with that. Right now, am so busy, O need to launch my campaigns.”

Mr Lungu has since been issued with a Certificate of Adoption as the party’s dully adopted presidential candidate by PF National Chairperson Inonge Wina.

And Mr Lungu has with immediate effect fired Mrs Atanga, Mr Kasolo and suspended Ms Masebo for gross indiscipline.

He has since announced that former Lusaka Province Chairman Davies Chama is the new party Secretary General.

Mr Lungu revealed that new appointments to replace Mr Kasolo and Ms Masebo will be announced in due course.


  1. Given Lubinda is the only clean and straight guy in PF and for him to pull out, there must be something fishy. I wish Guy Scott had listened to his advise on how to select a candidate. All this mess would have been avoided and the party would have been united. I think Lubinda loves this party and is at pain to just digest what is going on right now. Good call Zayello. As for Simuusa, I think the chap is just clearing the way for the Black Widow.

    • Anarchy in PF has now reached the chorus of confusion.
      Lest we enjoy.
      49 days left till PF is completely kicked off.

    • True, all this was part of the cartel to mess up Edgar Lungu. well played boys?? It is Black widow Vs HH, ZWD have already reported. and HH will win this clean by a big margin.

      Though I am angry with HH today, he started politics of Older papas, promises which can lead to lies.

      Please HH just campaign and stop promising things, get to office first and see what can be fixed.

    • Given Lubinda and Simusa are both useless and unprincipled politicians who have just been bought by Edgar Lungu the Drunkard Malawian. Edgar Lungu’s mother was from Malawi just as Mulenga Sata. Edgar Lungu is also a Muslim. Therefore only a confused Zambian will vote for him. HH is Winnig by 54%, Edgar Lungu 34%, Rupiah Chi Banda 10% and the rest to share the remaining votes.

    • Yakosa, Lusaka need UN peacekeeper. I hope Kaseba withdrawa too, then let Kambwili win vs Lungu for presidency .
      It will be Copperbelt vs Lusaka.

    • These guys have been paid by the widow to withdraw. Lubinda was very close to the widow unlike Kabimba.

      Kaseba is the one who fired Kabimba by drafting the letter and then forcing bedridden Sata to sign it. She did all this move to clear her path for presidential candidacy as she knew Sata had little time to live. She is even the one who told every minister not to tell the truth about Sata to avoid a medical board which would have had Sata dropped on medical grounds and there by preventing her from being the successor.

      Kaseba had it all planned for some time. She is even the one who controlled Sata to make all the horrible decision as Sata was too weak and afraid of her.

      Kaseba ‘s smile tells it all that she had everything in place and was eagerly waiting for Sata to die.

    • Its so nice to watch the Panga Family is self-destruction mode while enjoying some good old German beer — Warsteiner.

      Wir haben euch gesagt, dass PF Toten und uns Botschaft Park mit dem Chef Pavian begraben.

    • Kaseba must have something to do with Sata’s death. She was not happy with the way Sata went about his business with his concubines.

      If you check properly, Sata became ill soon after the rumour that Kaseba left statehouse after a quarrel with Sata for promoting Ingutu Suba as cabinet secretary. I think she went and decided to get rid of the man systematically.

      There are a lot of injectables she could have used to get Sata down slowly. Even though the poor man praised her in public innocently not knowing what she was scheming.

      All Kaseba ‘s smiles shows that she knew her plan had worked. She was happy even when the general public were showing sympathy with president for looking so frail.

      Kaseba is an extremely evil woman. All this confusion in PF is her brain child.

    • May I ask a question? If a sitting (i.e. elected President) can be impeached by a two thirds majority in parliament? Is it possible to impeach one acting as President for administrative convenience? Just wondering…. Legal minds please!!!

    • Zambians are the only africans who can tolerated this nonsense from a muzungu. Don’t abuse our good nature fake zambian. You cannot unite people therefore you cannot lead mother Zambia.

    • Wanzelu, I concur with you 100%. There is no way a concerned spouse could have carried herself the way Smiler Kaseba did during sickness and eventual death of Ba Sata. This woman HAS SOMETHING to do with this death and its only the F00l that doesn’t want to believe. We are all humans and surely smiling all the way to ones’ grave is not humanity – unless you are behind the act. Cage this thing for gods’ sake !!!!!!

  2. This is Childish and embarrassing to have elders behaving in this manner. unfortunately Lungu will lose his grounds because he has wrong advisors. Bwana if you don’t see yourself in Kabwe today. Kiss PF presidency goodbye because you will not get it.

    Either you just resign because I don’t see any good in your stupidity together with all your Party leadership.

    PF have made HH stronger and he will scoop it clean.

    HH Please stop those Promises, they made Sata sick, as he promised beyond his capacity.

    • @Prince

      He has a court injunction preventing any legality to the ongoing. Do you not understand? A court of Law has ruled these elections illegal, therefore the elected cannot overthrow the previous decision.

      Scott needed to have appealed the injunction BEFORE proceeding.

      Do you have a basic understanding of law?

  3. Duplicate campaigns is like the new black. Political trends for the hard headed. There will be more locking horns before the day is over…

  4. Now this is interesting. Mr Lungu has also been granted injunction to restrain MUVI and ZNBC TV from airing the on-going proceedings at Mulungushi. But ZNBC is a public broadcaster to which we have all been compelled to subscribe financially. Can we then file an injunction to restrain any politician in future from restraining ZNBC in its work without a guarantee to compensate us the subscribers?
    What will stop an opponent of a politician to file an injunction so that ZNBC does not cover one’s opponent? PF is sheer madness and I pray we dislodge them from power next month.

    • @John the illegality of the meeting is not supposed to be determined by the courts.

      Warloard, you got a point. But who will represent us?

    • Look, don’t make a mockery of Zambia.

      It was fit it injunction and it is correct it was given, since Guy Scott hopes that by airing these proceeding he can legitimise the ongoing. He will cause chaos as various groups will feel righteous and start riots.

      What Lungu needs to do us gather police and armed military to enter the venue and arrest Scott, Masebo and Kasolo for Contempt and be brought before the law like HH was.

      Scott is going to cause riots.

  5. Hoooo my goodness, Edgar Lungu nakalipa!! That he will descend on them like a tonne of bricks. Naumfwa umwenso ine.

    • Why? Edgar Lungu is cleaning up the Sat mess. Let’s encourage him.

      Scott and Gand have no respect for the rule of law.

    • @Nostradamus MDB 2014 (Most Demented Blogger 2014)
      Blah, blah, blah, everywhere like a sheep. Get a life you dark-hearted creature.

  6. That’s the way to Lungu. We were supporting Scott thinking he meant well for PF, alas he had a hidden agenda kansi. Guy scot has lost respect from Zambians. Shame on him . We must stop him before he sets our great nation on fire.

    Peace and Prosperity to mother Zambia.

  7. I hope to see GBM win, he is rich and has all the energy to occupy the state house. Lungu is small for the position. For Lungu, he thinks pangas will do it, cage the chap. I don’t support Kaseba but anyone of those candidates will keep Scott as vice. This is politics people, Guy Scott need to elect someone who will keep him as his vice.

    • I am sure you meant GBM has all the FAT to occupy State House. Yes he is certainly a very obese man who may be killed by the job of President. Let him fix his health then he can come and tell us about health care in Zambia! Maybe try him in 2070! Money can’t buy him health hum, its nice 2 see him humbled seems like Lungu has confused the rest of the aspirants to the point where vocal fatsos like Kambwili have gone dead silent.

      I hope this PF self destruct button rids us of the likes of Kambwili, GBM, Guy Scott, Anthony Kasolo, Willie Nsanda, Munkobwe.

      What a classic, Munkobwe chairman of anything! Ha Guy Scott has lost it! The President who had no marbles or it it balls and failed to enter the Rock of Authority. It is a thriller for my grand children in 2040, “When fools ruled the…

    • We should do a Robert Mugabe on him.

      Arrest him for treason, put him in orange jumpsuit, chained foot and hands to the others in front…….Masebo, Kasolo. Parade them in the very Media (ZNBC, MUVI), they wanted to spread violence through.

    • @Musonda
      Why not? ZNBC is not immune from the Laws of the Land. It is a legal entity and can be sued or have injunctioned issued against it just like any other body.
      Can you explain why you find that so “abnormal”?

  8. This election is mince meat for HH. PF is split. Even if E L goes it alone, he will not meet the number of voters to beat HH.

    • He is not going it alone. Majority MPs and the NEC, and all Province Reps in 10, of Zambia’s provinces are on his side. The whole PF BODY OF DECENT FOLK.

      PF ARE STRONGER NOW, DISRUPTIVE INDIVIDUALS HAVE BEEN CORNERED!! Through their own idiocy it must be said.

  9. Lets face it these are HH’s elections to lose. The boat has sunk. I really wouldn’t want my country to be rule by the likes of Lungu after what his supporters exhibited yesterday… bullying himself into adoption, using terrorism to usurp power. No confidence in his perceived massive support to follow simple rules. I fear for the country if such were to be elected into power. The chaos we have been accustomed to in PF will look like a Sunday picnic frenzy.

    I say HH show maturity, inclusiveness, and lighten up a bit do not look angry and ferocious all the time, like you have so hatred against Zambians… a smile all the time wont hurt, some charisma in a major local language like bemba or Nyanja will go along way in tearing down you evident tribalistic tug

  10. In every undertaking there are rules to follow ba Lungu will have himself to blame.The acting President has powers at the moment as opposed to Mr Lungu.Lungu can not win at general elections due to the following reasons:

    He is leading a group of unprincipled supporters,has no support from the international community,he no campaign message to convince who would be the voters,has no financial base,at four provinces will not give him support

    • Useless man…you are a fake Truth Hates. You think you are diluting my contributions….No no you are mistaken man. The truth stands that Zambians have lost trust and faith in Guy Scott. Guy Scott has a hidden agenda . We must stop him before he sets our country on fire.

      Peace and Prosperity to Mother Zambia.

  11. We told u that it’s game over now.Viva EL.Those guys in kabwe has no returning officer.How are they going to elect a president without a returning officer?Tutwa ngulube won’t be there today.Therefore it’s illigal GC.Scott is now going to run away.We very annoyed.This musungu wanted to destroy da party.Who can now vote for family tree?mulenga Sata is very wise and new the constitution.Guy scott is musungu opusa.He took us for granted.How do u elect a candidate who has no support sure?EL is a president of PF.Viva EL

    • A returning officer is always appointed at the conference from any accredited member… no issue for Scott here. The national chairperson of PF cannot convene a national conference. So inonge and Co Balobele ilya uma

  12. The truth is that these two had joined the race hoping that the aspiring candidates would choose the PF presidential candidate and they were there for Kaseba. I remember a report that I read indicating that Kaseba preferred Lubinda to take over from her husband, he was there as a mole am disappointed how people can loose their integrity for a piece of bread.

    I am more disappointed with Kaseba who is being used or is she just greedy hoping to get a sympathy vote, she will be shocked that it will not happen and then what next.

  13. kikikiki UPND supporters bafwa EL twaisa nomba na boat.U can vote 4 miles sampa and kaseba or kambwili uwasele

    • Just how is RL going to cris cross the country in 49 days with a divided party behind him.
      PF support is now halved.
      If lungu goes through then the pf cartel supporters wont give support abd vice versa.

      I have 2 words for you and pf! CHECK MATE!

  14. I can not believe how embarrassing blacks can be! So a WHITE man, Guy Scott, has to SHOW YOU how to follow your own CONSTITUTION!!! What an embarrassing collection of imbeciles this country has. On the other hand there is a giddy politician promising pie in the sky like all the fools before him. We are really lost!

    • Its you who is stupiid and dull for not seeing that this white man does not mean well for Zambia. Its Scott Guy who called for the conversion but he frustrated the delegates by not attending his conversion. Guy Scott’s agenda is laid bear and he is shamed. Lungu is the man Zambians want. Its Lungu not kaseba or Kambwili.

      Peace and Prosperity to Mother Zambia.

  15. Colonialism back in Zambia!! Naifwe bene kukana umfwa kwesu, why bring on board muzungu! See now the confusion that he has sown in PF. Am sure his aim is to see to it that PF goes to the grave earlier than any other party. Ba PF, wake up and see how the boat is now sinking!!

  16. Hh is a copy cat. Sata hired a choper for his campagns . Ka hh has copied. . Sata came up with a kneeling stance to canvass for votes. Ka hh has copied. . This boy just annoys me

    • HH will never be president of Zambia, mark my words. The whole country is now at peace and celebrating that Edgar Lungu is in charge of PF as it was written.
      Let the real campaigns begin. Wapya mwanawesu, twaisa fwebene ba chipuna.

  17. Its history. PF President and Republican President is Edgar Lungu and the National campaigns have already started. It was written long before Sata died.
    Arrest Masebo for court contempt please.

  18. This is the second conference, it can not be a parallel conference when the legitimate one ended yesterday as per schedule. Parallel is when both meetings are taking place at the same time. In this case the second meeting is the one that is illegal because scott is the one who insisted on the 29 and 30th December. The participants at today’s meeting are all loafers and should be penalised for staying away from work. Useless faggots!

  19. My Dear Zambia

    Today we have witnessed the power of our courts to bring ORDER in all our Democratic procedures. No one is above the law.

    Scott tripped himself through his stupid conduct. The saying ‘Slowly, slowly catch the monkey,’ is a good teaching.

    Since Sata’s death, we have witnessed, rather alarmingly, our democratic processes being dashed against the rock of confusion. We have witnessed our SENIOR Statesmen and Stateswomen being treated like a local whore by the lowest, morally corrupt punter known as Guy Scott. He deigned to treat The Office Of The President as his personal power chamber. Our Honourable Representatives acted with great dignity and restraint. Today the Courts have sprung in action to support decency and proper conduct in our Democracy.

    • Scott has truly tripped himself.

      He must have lost his head and clearly shows signs of insanity. This was a true attempt at controlling a democratic outcome on his grounds. He was have his way or confusion and riots.

      The courts must NOT allow it. There can be no other results because that will lead to Cadre violence. The courts must be steadfast. A wise Leader would have suspended those proceedings and gone to court to remove the injunction. What we have instead is an Acting President rubbing against the Judiciary and it’s decision. How can that be. A president, an acting one, in Contempt of court and still in office?! This is not a Hollywood movie, titled ‘The Neos take power in Zambia!’

  20. Zambians are the only africans who can tolerate this nonsense from a muzungu. Don’t abuse our good nature fake zambian. You cannot unite people therefore you cannot lead mother Zambia.

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