Thursday, March 13, 2025

Nevers Mumba loses High Court case, RB to be on MMD ticket


Former Zambian President Rupiah Banda with with Malawian Finance Minister Goodwell gondwe
Former Zambian President Rupiah Banda with with Malawian Finance
Minister Goodwell gondwe

THE Lusaka High Court has ruled in favour of the MMD in the case where embattled party President Nevers Mumba challenged his suspension by the NEC.

Nevers Mumba who was already at the Mulungushi International Conference Centre to attend the Electoral Commission of Zambia ECZ organized meeting for all the aspiring presidential candidates was served with the court ruling and left the centre.

In a ruling delivered this morning, High Court Judge Chalwe Mchenga ruled that Dr Mumba should have set out in definite terms what Mr Lungu should be precluded from doing during the period of the injunction.

This is a matter in which Dr Mumba had sued Mr Lungu in his capacity as National Secretary and asked the court to restrain him from interfering with the running of the office and functions of the party President.

Judge Mchenga said in the absence of definite parameters, a court cannot grant an injunction in very general terms as Mr Lungu cannot be held responsible for falling to comply with a prohibition that has not been specifically spelt out.

He added that Dr Mumba should have indicated whether the injunction he was seeking relates to the disciplinary proceedings against him, the party’s presidential campaign or otherwise.

Judge Mchenga has since discharged with costs the interim injunction granted to Dr Mumba on November 25 2014.

The Court decision paves way for former president Rupiah Banda to stand on MMD ticket in the coming presidential election slated for 20th January 2015.

Dr Mumba was suspended from his party following alleged indiscipline after he refused to pave way for former MMD president Rupiah Banda to stand in the forth coming Presidential election.

MMD secretary general Muhabi Lungu who opposed to granting of an inujcntion to Dr Mumba said that Dr Mumba’s suspension was done in good faith and in accordance with the party constitution.

Mr Lungu said Dr Mumba had gone against the Party Constitution by declaring himself a Presidential candidate in the January 20, 2014 election in total defiance of the directive by the National Executive Committee (NEC).

Efforts to reach Dr Mumba proved futile by broadcast time as he was in a meeting.


    • Am not a fan for either Mumba or RB but this is surely not good for Mumba after how he sacrificed for MMD. This old man RB is a thief, where was he when Mumba was rebuilding MMD. Anyway, this move will work well for UPND, the Eastern vote will be split.
      Viva HH

    • …RB should have stayed away and retained the respect He was given after the 2011 polls. but like this He will just be like any other person who no one takes serious… Although we understand he cares less.. in his own words.. ‘ndine mwana wanyoko?’

    • Actually this is good news to UPND eastern province to be split between RB and Lungu unlike all the votes going to Lungu. HH’s chances have been enhanced especially if Mumba endorses HH

    • The Zambian courts are now becoming useless and tribal. Why oly favouring people from the same region Eastern Province? Edgar Lugu was questionably favad and now Rupiah Banda all from Eastern Province. And shamelessly, Bembas in the name of Nevas Mumba and Miles Sampa have been disadvantaged, why pipo of Zambia? Is this not tribalism of the highest order?
      Wake up Zambians especially us Bembas, let us NOT vote for this useless MMD and PF. Only UPND is the answer to the safering of the Bemba Community. HH is realy the ‘Moses’ of our time. To Hell with your Chi Edgar Lungu and Chi Rupiah Banda.
      HH you have our 100% votes as Bembas. Viva HH.

    • The injunction failed because Nevers Mumba wasn’t specific enough? Eish! Well this maybe a blessing in disguise. Nevers Mumba can join HH I think together they make a formidable team. Nevers Mumba remember seven times you shall fall and seven times you will get up.Dust yourself up the battle aint over yet! Open your eyes,there are more for you than against you.

    • Now the game will be even. I can see RB winning the elections. Geographical arithmetic prefers RB winning these elections. Watch out Lungu and HH. HH stands no chance of winning these elections. PF will be close second. There are a number of other factors at play though. The second comment on this thread called RB thief etc. Does not that apply to HH who stole through privatisation and receivership of RAMCOZ? RB was the best president, steered economy the best. Farmers paid on time, good crop, forex reserves, infrastructure development etc.

    • The arrogance of Mumba has caught up with him. He knew that he was going to lose but yet continued to masquerade as the leader of the MMD. Ati man of the cloth? Not with so much arrogance and a sense of self entitlement. He probably thought God had told him that he would be president. We must be careful with these tu ma Pastors who engage in politics just look at that ka Father bwalya who has sold himself already. Mumba was vice president once if he had played his cards very well he would have taken over LPM but it was not to be and thank goodness for that

    • Good news indeed cos the wako ni wako vote is now devided between EL and RB. Nevers should consider endorsing HH. MMD is going nowhere.

    • I believe this is the hand of God at work. Immediately DR Nevers Mumba joined politics failure has been by his side. Once a formed a Party – died, Vice President – Chased, Commissioner – failed.

      This is an act of God, just imagine RB not even worried about loosing his retirement package!


    • Quite unjust and unfair for Mumba to have taken all the punches from late Sata (and they really hurt) and only to be elbowed aside when it really matters for him. This is politics for you. Maybe Preachers should just preach, Teachers should teach, Engineers should design things etc. and Politicians should do politics. Having said that what should be the background of politicians? People who have done political science or just people without a profession outside politics? A bit naïve of me but what I mean is Dr. Mumba got into politics on the back of tricks and there you have it he has got what he deserves. He has some options though; go back to NCC members he abandoned or join another party to name a few. Now then will RB change the Zambian political landscape, I doubt he thinks he will.

    • You dribbled Mazoka, now, they are also dribbling you. Like they say, do unto others the way u would want them do unto you. You worked hard to kill and rebuild MMD or wasted efforts. May be head to advise next time!

    • The day of reckoning at long last! Nevers Mumba could have seen much of this coming long before now. The guy isn’t too well cut-out for politics.

    • The worst profession in Zambia over the last 40 years is that of lawyers. Zambian lawyers extort high legal fees but for nothing. Zambian lawyers do not know how to COUNSEL a client. You could go to them and say, ‘I want an injunction against Satan to restrain him from interfering with my life,’ and most Zambian lawyers will file the injunction. They will not tell you about the impossibility of success because they know that YOU will pay the costs.
      I said it from the beginning that Nevers has no locus standi in this matter. The MMD NEC and RB have not done anything illegal. Instead of crying and swearing, Nevers should have eaten the humble sweet potato and supported RB FOR THIS election and he would have been in a stronger position in 2016 regardless of the outcome of this bye…

    • @Chileshe Mulenga, Oh! you so funny and made me laugh. I tell you something. You are completely right about what you have said but the the manner you have said it is so hilarious to highest order as you would say – lol. Even your made up name is very funny – I don’t know whether those two names go together like that…don’t worry – I have given you a thumbs up.

    • Sampa and Mumba – is this mere coincidence or are Bembas just being singled-out? Or is this a case of one tribe being too hungry for power?

  1. Looks like this move will be good for PF. Nevers Mumba had the potential to split the bemba vote, I doubt if RB will be able to. This could actually be bad news for UPND. They need to get Nevers Mumba to their side quickly to do a spoiler for RB and PF especially in Northern Province where people like him, otherwise the whole bemba vote will go to PF.

    • Any thing that has potential to increase PF votes is nice. I will go flat out to campaign against MMD and RB and HH in Muchinga

    • I hope Mumba will learn a lesson from this,Zambians do you remember in 2001 how Nevers Mumba dribble the late Anderson Mazoka ,when the pastor was send as a go between mazoka and Mwanawasa. Mumba instead negotiated for himself to appointed as vice president.Vice president he become but, he did not last long. Fellow Zambians God can never be fooled. Yesterday Guy Scott warned that its better to win an election with honor ,then using crooked means. This may apply to Lungu ,If Lungu looses the same Kambwili and Nsanda will skin him alive.

  2. I support another opposition party, not MMD but I am saddened by the way Dr Nevers Mumba has been treated. As a child of God, let Nevers go back to his Father, Jehovah and cry over His shoulder. When one door is closed another is open. Being President of Zambia is not the biggest achievement. Serving God is the greatest achievement. My brother, kindly retire from active politics. Muhabi and MMD want their old man back as well as an easterner. The Zambian people will “decide” on 20th January, 2014 and thereafter Mr Banda will “retire again”. It is a circus. Even with intellectuals like Muhabi, Zambian politics still stink.
    Just support HH, please. He needs the Northern vote. Knowing your humility, you should be able to work with HH.

    • Mumba going to UPND, will be a form of revenge.

      As a Priest he may want to take some time to go ‘up to the Mountain’ far from the madding crowd to have a heart to heart with God. A son to be restored to his Father.

      We pray for Dr Mumba, for callously and with no regard for his contribution; has he been cast away by MMD to be replaced by a Thief. May God Bless Him, all the days of his life. May his pain, fear and sorrow be wiped away. May he take Joy in the things of One who asks him to take another route; to Serve Him in fullness.

      Dr Mumba remember Barrabas? He was chosen by the braying masses over Jesus for his life. Know also that Jesus Lives until today and forever, resplendent on The Throne presiding over all; because He was obedient to God Almighty. Throw your…

    • He needs to go & cry to God? What crazy mindless world do you people live in? God has not been aware of all the happenings all this time and he is idling about waiting for Mumba to cry to him? At some you have to come off this nonsense – it is not working!
      Everything is God, God this, God that, God, God, God, God – SMH! He is not interested, get it? How is it even conceivable to be this thick?

    • @3.2 Mobile Phone Gondwe

      I doubt from your ranting missive, that you have the heart of God.

      It is clear you are a pagan and do not understand the way God makes His Will clear to us. Sometimes we want something and pray for it. You may or not have it, BUT IT IS OKAY to Thank God which ever way it goes.

      This is not about you the Pagan, but about Dr Mumba, A PRIEST, who will be able to appreciate this as will many Zambian Christians.

      Unfortunately in your hatred for God you actually missed the meaning within.

      It was to point out that Dr Mumba is a far better man than Rupiah Banda, and to ensure Eastern Voters remember Jesus and Barrabas. To prick the mind and place in the conscious the choice they really have to make on voting day. Barrabas The Thief or Christlike…

    • Barrabas The Thief(Banda) or Christlike Lungu (with his gentle mannerisms and great power to persevere in the face of hostility).

    • Please dont involve God in this. Politics as I have already said is human institution and has nothing to do with God. Its Just politics and Mumba because of his weakness and lack of foresight is not cut out for it. He should go away and retire in peace. Dont use the name of God in vain his not voting mu January.

  3. Im so sorry for Nevers. What is wrong with our courts? Could it be that Never’s team did not submit a strong arguement? Ooooo no its sad indeed. But who can vote for RB anyway? GOD help us.

    • Bembas and Nyanjas why do you keep dribbling each other.Mr Sata dribbled most easterners who were in PF .He never appointed them as full cabinet minsters.Lungu is not from eastern but from Malawi born in kitwe,chimwemwe to be specific.The easterners were not happy with this and are now making sure one of them takes over presidency.Most Bembas are ashamed of Mr sata’s nepotism and tribalism,hence to hide behind Edgar Lungu who has no vision and not presentable as presidential material.What lesson do we learn from this1.tribalism is not good and leads to backwardness.2.Voting for a better candidate is better than Voting for someone who speaks your language ,but you don’t know him very well.3.Only God can provide a good leader.

  4. Mumba: swindled out of the ‘presidency’ by nyama soya, engineered by Muhabi Lungu. What a legacy for Banda as he loses both the presidential election, as well as the pension.

  5. Feel sorry for brother Mumba. Be strong bro remember – everything happens for a reason. It’s not the end of the world but the beginning of something new.

  6. Remember Mchenga was Attorney General under RB so he was doing a favour to his former boss. This is Zambian politiocs mwana.

    • The plan between Mumba and HH in league with the Oppenheimer family was to block RB. Now that Mumba has failed, he can join HH and be his Vice in a pact. After all some MMD MPs have already joined HH. But I doubt HH can make him Vice with no position in MMD.

  7. What a shame it is to see Zambia come to this

    Anyway leave the man and let him see that pipo are not happy with his actions through the ballot
    (No difference between PF thugs and MMD RB Thugs)


    VIVA HH 2015

    • All Zambians should rally behind HH.Bembas stand a good chance to be appointed in key positions under HH.I know that other tongas my feel left out by HH,but should accept that Zambia is for us all ,hence the need to balance cabinet.Each province shall offer its best brains to develop Zambia. Just like Obama he has not favored any Black person in America let alone,Africa.A good leader looks at people with impartiality and only desire to what is good in others.

  8. to bad for Nevers.The old man is indeed selfish.anyway on 21 /01/2014he will retire again .and you can continue as MMD president.

  9. Oh no , this is being not fare for Mumba. I don’t know what Mumba will do now. No dear Mumba just go on a retreat and listen to what God will have to say….I think God will tell you to back the pulpit. No ..RB is really bad …

    Peace and Prosperity to Mother Zambia.

  10. Yes, we all feel sorry for Nevers. But he agreed to a power-deal brokered by Obasanjo in which he is reported by the respectable Africa Confidential to have agreed to be HH’s Vice should HH win. He is said to have gotten money from the wealthy Oppenheimer family that may be funding HH and is looking for a more business-friendly government other than the PF. But when the MMD got to know Nevers had sold to UPND they got mad with him and decided to bring back RB. In Bemba we say Malibu yakuilombela!

    • Zambia is not for sell to either Obasanjo, Oppenheimer, or the cartel. We want patriotism. Viva Patriotic Front. Away with UPND and all those who want to sell Zambia.

    • No HH zealot will admit though this story was reported in full at ZWD. Oppenheimer family is working for their interest mainly in Barrick Gold (Lumwana Mines). HH is a sell-out along with Mumba. RB shall be president again to sort out economic mess and bring back MMD’s structured governance, though with changes to a number of things, transparency and accountability, good constitution, Parliament approved development plan with equal focus on all provinces. RB is the right candidate as Mr. Chipimo said.

    • The Idea that MMD under Mumba sold itself to UPND is interesting, Mumba simply said an alliance is being discussed and we have reached an advanced stage, how one concludes that he agreed to be Vice to HH is baffling. For the sake of comparative analysis, didn’t HH and Sata move beyond advanced stage and even form a pact? And as such, was there anything wrong with that?

      MMD under Rupiah and Kunda also offered HH an alliance that he declined. Why the double standard if it all it is true? Let the man be, you don’t have to like him but do not sling unnecessary accusations that are unfounded. Cheap.

  11. My Prayer to God: Dear Lord, as we vote on 20-1-15, may u give us wisdom to vote against the spirit of poverty, the spirit of lawlessness, the spirit of mediocrity in our country. May u give us wisdom to vote for someone who ‘ll reduce poverty, create jobs, create good environment for marketeers, someone who will help our economy grow so that our currency stabilizes, someone capable of turning around the declining and deteriorating economic fortunes of this country. Lord the majority of our voters vote with their hands and not with their brains as they were denied chances of going to Sch. On that day, may u vote for them as only you alone knows the candidate who means well for this great country. Do not give us a candidate chosen by Satan but give us one chosen by u. Say Amen with me.

  12. Courts delivering a blow on behalf of Campaign 03 and Campaign 04 is no more… harsh way to get the message – lined up at the conference centre – Never say Never…

  13. This will greatly affect UPND and PF will have leverage now.
    Well , God knows better than us, for all happens for good.
    Eastern province is the bedroom for RB. HH must campaign extra hard inorder for him to win this election, otherwise it will be EL in State house.

  14. Politics and Church. Bad for Mumba, ulimbe mudula just plan to stand as an MP in Chinsali in 2016. Hahahaha God is good.

    Its HH chabbe.

  15. Bad judgment. This is injustice of the worst kind to Dr. Mumba. But Banda will pay the price. Yes, the Judge had served under RB. Scratch my back I will scratch yours.

  16. Why does this man want to emberace himself like this? So,this is how these politicians now see us,that we can be this daft,dull & too forgetful? Mr. Kanitundila, you now want to come & finish from where you left eh!? Big man you’re shameless!

  17. I think I will change a political party now. I don’t know which one to join either HH or poor peoples party. please advise

  18. I have the task for Mchenga to execute tomorrow. RB should lose all his benefits. His not an honesty man. He will definitely lose; he would have supported Lungu. Bembas wake up stop hating Tongas, unite with them because as we stand now, its only Tongas who have shown respect for everyone in the country. In kabwe the system killed on the bembas so that only Easterners secure the niche.

  19. The law in Zambia is a genuine ass. This injustice to Mumba will actually work in favour of HH, as easterner’s vote tribally for their very own drunkards, Bwalwa Lungu and Rupia Whiski Banda. uluBemba will vote south after what that evil snake did to our Chitimukulu.

  20. Nevers, do not ever believe UPND. Do you remember what HH did PF in 2011? They will promise you this and that and then leave you in the cold.
    Going by the reconciliations that have taken place in PF, one can clearly see that PF is an honest party. Jump on the boat and all will be fine brother. Do not listen to people like Mwaanga, Maureen or Saunders, isho ninsoka.
    No one in UPND likes for who you are so be careful …

  21. Good for PF.HH will be #3 you know that MMD scooped N/western,western,central andEastern under RB?HH will only win in southern.PF strong hold still intack.Luapula,muchinga,nothern,cb,lusaka and parts of central.To Tell the truth EL is new president of Zambia.Edger C.Lungu will get more than 50% votes.Please come 20th january 2015 UPND will get less than 17% votes.Pabwatooooo

    • Poor analysis, this actually works for UPND. MMD cant vote Rupia back BUT eastern will divide the votes between the drunkard and the old man. Other regions wil protest MMD and vote UPND. That increases HH’s chances man. Watch the space!

  22. PF will win by landslide somewhere around 63% of total cast votes. Don’t forget that they have impacted positively on the many Zambians, urban, peri urban and very much so on the rural Zambia.
    Read between the lines, the cartel already know this victory for PF.

    Go Edgar Go PF!!!!

  23. In MMD the NEC is a powerful body, whose functions and powers are well defined and articulated. The President of MMD is subject to checks and balances, unlike PF and other parties. It is the principle on which MMD was founded by its founding fathers. Nevers was wasting his time disobeying directives of the NEC. Anyway, Nevers is not a winner and the NEC recognises this. It’s a fallacy to think that Nevers has rebuilt the party since he took over the mantle. Nothing could be further from the truth if you look at how much following the party has lost under Nevers. That is the rationale for preferring RB, but he could still have remained MMD President with a very good chance of becoming President of Zambia in 2016, from the vantage point of an incumbent party.

  24. Dr. Mumba, you can pray and pray but if this is not Gods time, nothing you can do……..i feel sorry that Mr. R. Banda has taken your position on a silver platter, nevertheless you are not a loser but a winner somehow, all the best

  25. Mumba going to UPND, will be a form of revenge.

    As a Priest he may want to take some time to go ‘up to the Mountain’ far from the madding crowd to have a heart to heart with God. A son to be restored to his Father.

    We pray for Dr Mumba, for callously and with no regard for his contribution; has he been cast away by MMD to be replaced by a Thief. May God Bless Him, all the days of his life. May his pain, fear and sorrow be wiped away. May he take Joy in the things of One who asks him to take another route; to Serve Him in fullness.

    Dr Mumba remember Barrabas? He was chosen by the braying masses over Jesus for his life. Know also that Jesus Lives until today and forever, resplendent on The Throne presiding over all; because He was obedient to God Almighty.

    • Dr Mumba Throw your sorrow away and Rejoice for your condition is a true blessing to the people of Zambia.

      We are reminded of Barrabas, the crowd cheering for a Thief to be Blessed with Life over Jesus.

      Your blessing is go through the same shame and rejection as Christ Redeemer; which serves as a warning to Zambia, a Christian Nation. I ask, Dear Zambia, which of you shall vote for a Thief who came at the last hour cloaked in treachery against a man of God and STOLE his Crown even as Banda was facing Fraud charges for a Robbing the Nation, (abusing Presidential privilege to make an oil deal with Government authority for his own purpose). Until Banda faces those charges and is acquitted, his condition is one of a Thief before the masses.

    • Eastern voters.

      Barrabas The Thief(Banda) or Christlike Lungu (with his gentle mannerisms and great power to persevere in the face of hostility).

  26. Even in well run companies, the Board of Directors can recall the Chief Executive Officer and hire someone temporarily to groom the incumbent. It can be embarrassing depending on the way you look at it. But if you take it positively and in a humble way, you will soon realise that the Board actually has confidence in you but wants you to be developed a little more.
    But our young men have no such humility at all, and their pride will cost them the votes.
    Let RB sort the mess of PF in the one year and half to 2016.
    RB for 2015!

  27. What kind of a man of God is Mumba, just go back to the church please. Politics is not for you sir, you cannot be a man of GOD yet your actions prove otherwise. PLEASE GO BACK YOUR A WASTE OF TIME

  28. It is worrying to note that some UPND supporters think that the only way to win elections is by delighting themselves in the confusions in other parties. and seeking the endorsement of otber parties’ misfits. Sampa will be a hero if he endorses HH. Mumba will be a hero if he endorses HH. M’membe is a hero if he endorses HH.

    Please market yourselves by explaining your party manifesto.

    • Who advises HH kanshi imwe? The man has no clue of what he talks about. No new ideas year in year out.
      Let Edgar show him how its done.
      Dora Siliya needs to join the Edgar camp. I miss her!!!

      Viva Edgar LUNGU

  29. Please sir just support the old man learn from him he is wise, humble and is the next president. He will be on the only man in Zambian history to be a Vice President, 4th and 5th Republican President. WOW no wonder haters hate

  30. Please please lets vote wisely everyone RB 4 th and 6th Republican President. HH, EL just be wise and follow the old man

    • Nanga a Rupiah anasiyamo chinji mu state house? He is not as wise as I thought. How does he campaign when his wife has lost breasts to breast cancer and is in a South African hospital recovering? God will certainly use this election to punish him when Zambian people refuse to vote for him. Comedian Sinkala may be right when he said anzelu anachokako ku mawa!

  31. celebration cut short for the Lusambo camp.
    wonder what Lusambo and Kadobi will say now?or is it when the madala R.b loses this election they will have a last laugh.

  32. Good on him, greed does not take you anywhere. You could have set out your terms and conditions by supporting RB in exchange of you becoming the candidate for 2016. MMD would have been a force to reckon with had you not showed your arrogance. Now you’ve lost it all. Watch how he jumps ship now.

  33. I need to sound a timely word of warning to the tribal abators & more specifically to the anti-bemba sentiments. For the sake of Zambia but more so for your own sake, do not go down this path! Say no more!

  34. The old man has no brain, he is too selfish all senses have been erased by his selfishness, kanitundila outside state house this time he will go and stay kwa kalikiliki.

  35. The case should have been a straight forward challenge of the way RB was picked to be the candidate for MMD. It was clearly in breach of the MMD Constitution. I don’t know whether the injunction went that far. One can’t tell with the kind of reporting by LT. It could also be because under PF the courts have become more Kangaroo.

  36. From performing functions of a mmd party president i thot the judge should have acquainted himself to the MMD Constitution before passing judge.

  37. Zambians rejected RB in 2011. Without any doubt at all he is not going anywhere. If anything we will be laughing at the old man just after 20th Jan. 2015.

    • A Rupiah is using this election as a distraction from his wife suffering from cancer in a South African hospital. Asoba nzelu a Rupiah.

  38. Never, never join UPND. UPND has just empty promises which are not practical. UPND will let you down more than what MMD has done. We have been saying form your own party or stand on any other party like Citizen C. for January 2015 election that will give you leverage to scoop 2016 elections. Remember more than half from MMD will follow you. If MMD decides to join hands with UPND to form a government you can also form a government with PF. Or you can go back to full time preaching.

  39. iam not nevers mumba supporter but it is bad mumba worked hard to bring the party mmd to what it is today rb is the warste kind of an old man though zambians are said to be of short memories surely they cant recall that henry rb s son is out of the country wanted here on charges of theft . such offences were committed during his rule surely he is not the rightful man zambians want no. he injured the people of western province hence their struggle to seperate from zambia . i wander are they also of short memories then it a problem. as for me ni hh chabe come 20 january 2015

  40. Dr. Mumba join hands with RB and push your party forward. I know you will make it as a child of God. This election is a temporal one but the real one is 2016. I can surely see you sailing through as a president don’t give up you are on course come 2016 when all those who have run away will remember you as our chossen shepard. Counsel mum also not to take any bitterness out of it. God’s plan is the best my Brother. Your wisdom is on test pass it please. I followed your speech in Kitwe and could see a future president in you. Its just that mum destroyed your message abit towards the end when she was given the mic. Wishing you God’s blessings with your beautiful wife Florence.

  41. Eastern voters.

    Barrabas The Thief(Banda) or Christlike Lungu (with his gentle mannerisms and great power to persevere in the face of hostility).

  42. Its God who opens the door and its him who closes the door to open another.
    IF Nevers Mumba head from God , his time will come. In everything give thanks

  43. I correctly know that most of the comments are coming from UPND and PF. God is just giving back what belongs to people and you must know this. PF came to power through cheating. 90 days failed in every aspect of life. Why are you scared of RB? He is coming to put things right indeed. All well meaning Zambians must support MMD. Look at farmers the way they have suffered under PF. VIVA RB VIVA MMD

  44. upnd has got no promise that has failed already but pf all the promises failed 90 days constitution, good governance, more money in people s pockets just to mention a few today we have one lie committed in july this year where farmers were told to be paid within 2 weeks after delivery of the crops todate the poor farmers country wide are still struggling so who is a liar ba kolwe imwe we know you are just scareed anyway its time kuyabebele hh aleisa aleisa vote wisely 20 january 2015 bantu ba zambia

  45. I feel bad. From one human being to another, I feel terrible for Dr. Mumba.

    I think RB should have done this in a better way. What an ungentlemanly, unfeeling, selfish piece of trash you are.(There is no justification for the way you’ve treated Nevers)

    I wouldn’t trust you as far as I could throw you – let alone as president
    ! you let someone do the work and then swoop in at the last minute and take the glory? Abhorrent to me.

  46. What can RB do in 18 months that he did not do last time.
    Just power hungary. Even if he wins, will not be eligible to stand again.
    What does he want? Drop corruption charges?

  47. Oh dear!! This is clearly the end of the MMD.Thanx to Rupiah Banda and his cohort Muhabi Lungu.Where do they think they can go with this mess?This party was once a great political organisation but it is clearly irrelevant to Zambia now.Just who would vote for an octogenarian President?Is he not well past the life expectancy for Zambians?What is left of him?Greed only.PF must do us one favour before they leave office:Suspend his pension coz he cant have it both ways.Advantage HH as Edgar Lungu is also failing to address gatherings.GOD BLESS ZAMBIA.

  48. Dear PF, please show me the Eastern Province that your high flying EL is going to win with a landslide. I am just curious.

    • So am I curious. Think about the word of prophecy from Malawi. The prophet warned that unless L negotiates or includes the white man, the crown he saw being placed on L may switch hands to HH. These are words of prophecy. The greed by Luo & Chibesakunda may trigger PF supporters to fulfil the prophesy by voting against L. This may be the beginning of the fall of PF popularity. While I appreciate that L is popular, he may lose out greatly in Eastern province due to RB’s recontest, just as much as L may lose Sampa’s PF supporters. Remember, what Sampa said that he would not mind working with UPND. From this, one would wish to consider the word of prophecy that has a warning. Am a PF addict & I campaigned greatly in Chimwemwe/ Kitwe. The kind of greed being portrayed by Luo,…

  49. What a split of votes. I feel sorry for this judgment but it has happened that way. Who knows God is saving Nevers from things we cant see. Bad as it may sound goodness may be appreciated later. What Nevers needs to do now is possibly take his supporters to Edgar Lungu. Let Lungu quickly receive his supporters. In Politics there are no permanent enemies. Let Mbulakulima lead others without wasting time. I would advise Nevers not to waste time with court processes looking at time left to campaign. Situation to Nevers is so stressful but want him to know that God will always give him comfort. Just a little reflection.

  50. I sincerely doubt the integrity of our judges in our beloved country. It seems in all the cases they are on the side of the PF govt/government of the day. We really need an overhaul of the our judicial system

  51. Big blow for HH,remember that MMD is still strong in western province likewise in North – western province under the readership of RB .

  52. I have respect for our Courts. ZIALE cooked lawyers biggy! Ni Zeeeeeeeeee! My mind is still fresh on how you Nevers Mumba instructed unruly imimbulu to drag Kachingwe in the mad like a mad small boy. Utter embarrassment; I knew days would catch up with you. But as a Christian you purport to be, pray for forgiveness and move on! Aya ema politics walelilila! Are you gonna be like Sampa a kid in politics? If yes, please appeal. If no humble yourself or go back to your own part you failed to run otherwise swallow your pride and support RB; you are being cooked politically so kwashala prison naka mental torture akanono because we have to remove bu Civilian then you will be ripe for red brick, Nasosa Napwisha.

  53. Ever since he strayed from the pulpit to the world of politics, Nevers has lived a life of rejection left, right and centre!

  54. Your comment is bit hash. please use good words to a man of God. he did a good job for MMD. Where was your RB when MMD was about to be deregistered? think before you talk. thank you

  55. Sampa is Bemba. And so is Mumba. Are Bembas being singled-out, or are they just too hungry for power? Are they having their hands in every pot?

  56. I’m sure Nevers’ camp will cry that we was robbed.

    Anyway this MMD team already had its chance in Zambia. They are yesterday’s news. They belong in the museum along with Unip. And that is why this Nevers-Bwezani battle is so heated. Because there is so little at stake.

  57. Bt wen tha court proceedings commence this old madala bcms ill and asks to go abroad 4 medical attention.meanwhile he is very fit to betray his frends

  58. A lot of insults and derogatory statements devoid of respect heaped at our lawyers and courts of law. I think the verdicts are rightly “biased” to the decisions made by the party top officials – Party heads such as NCC, NEC and whatever you call it coupled with individual party constitutions. Zambians, please learn to read and read to seek understanding and good interpretation of laws. It baffles and worries me a great deal to read lifeless blogs trashing court verdicts. I think the ruling delivered in both the MMD and PF clubs is so important and critical to the survival of the parties involved looking at the bigger picture. Thumbs up Judiciary, once again I am humbled. The peace of our mother land rests on your shoulders. I did not study law but I appreciate your contribution.

  59. This is sad news for HH!recall in 2011 RB won in western,North western,central and eastern!these were HH since RB is back,HH is left with only southern again!PF shall win in all bemba speaking areas then gain more votes from eastern too.HH is the biggest loser here.people like William Banda,Lifwekelo,etc are too close to sure many who joined UPND from MMD may return back to RB!bravo to the courts for helping Edgar Lungu(PF) to win 2015 elections!now they’ll be no vote spliting in PF strongholds(bemba land)!

  60. I advised Dr Mumba not to be misled by Lusambo and others without deep experience in politics. This is now game over for him. Imagine he went flat out campaigning before the verdict. Does the man has genuine advisers? Doc dont rely on these bloggers. They are playing with your mind. Viva RB.

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