Wednesday, March 12, 2025

I am an Adventist, I am a Christian, I don’t know what Freemasonry is-HH



UNITED Party for National Development (UPND) president Hakainde Hichilema has refuted allegation linking him to Freemasonry as malicious.

Speaking on Wednesday night on Muvi Television during a programme dubbed Zambia Decides, Mr Hichilema said it was malicious individuals who are scared of his popularity that are labelling him as belonging to a cult.

“I am an Adventist. I am a Christian and everyone knows that. I don’t know what masonry is. The people accusing me of being a mason are just malicious,” he said.

Mr Hichilema said others are also accusing him of planning to mortgage the country in exchange for campaign support.

“Flying in a plane is not a new thing to me. I flew around the country in 2011 and 2008. UPND is offering direction and as a result, people are sponsoring it,” he said.

Mr Hichilema said the UPND has a heart for Zambians and so will make their livelihoods better.

On the program, MrHichilema promised to build up on the good which successive governments left if elected as the country’s president next year.

Mr Hichilema said taking over a new government involves a build-over approach.

“We will keep the good things which the former presidents did. We will only do away with the negative ones,” he said.

He said the development that the country has seen in the past years was through taxpayers’ money, hence the need to continue.


  1. its coz u want people to support u in yo quest to State House….we kno who yo god is. Tell us what yo discussion with former president of Nigeria in SA was all about?

    • EL who is a devoted catholic since childhood is today being called Muslim yet he never responds to such smear because they are from deviants. HH is better off espousing serious issues from his campaign playbook if he has any. Beware political dynamics have seriously changed. One will need a thriller campaign artisan-ship skills with a driving calculus on underlying issues. Underrating your opponent is the surest way of becoming a careerist loser turning into a sole loser. But the issue collaboration with foreign economic hitmen must be addressed. Ignoring it might serious leave some casualty be owned.Zambians are very sensitive following the hitting the got on mines gone for a song to multinationals now billionaires. The invoke memories of Binani mines leaving in in unpaid emoluments.

    • You are very foolish, what did you want him to say you free mason? You expected him o say rubbish so that you mock him? Just start packing your bags as pf was buried with MCS. This is the most reassuring speech by HH. he is a Christian, period, and sane Zambians will vote for him whilst mad tribalists and satanic worshippers won’t.

    • So HH also reads our comments here at LT?
      There those 2 suckers who like the freemasonry shit. One in Canada and other in some EU.
      Anyway, Freemasonry is not bad at all, its kind of Mormon.

    • @ Hantobole Maimbolwa

      Forgot his discussion with ex-president of Nigeria. Can you explain why Embezzler Lungu was suspended from LAZ?

    • @ Senior Citizen,
      HH was just responding to question from his interviewer and he is not the one who raised the issue during the interview.


      The Zambian Quick Annalysis Group has predicted that HH will win the forth coming elections with a small margin, followed by Edgar Lungu.
      An Independent Group has indicated that the forth coming elections will cause some political parties to go to court.
      The results below have given advantage to HH mainly because of Internal wrangling in the ruling PF and MMD.

      1. HH UPND=1,005, 230 votes with = 38%

      2. Edgar Lungu PF=924,890 Votes with = 36%

      3. Nevers Mumba/Rupiah Banda MMD=578,900 votes 25%

      4. Edith Nawakwi FDD = 278,780 Votes = 10%.

      5. The Other Political Parties to share other votes.

      The Independent Analysis Group has indicated that the possibility of results to change are very slim may be by only 1 and half percent.


      The Zambian Quick Annalysis Group has predicted that HH will win the forth coming elections with a small margin, followed by Edgar Lungu.
      An Independent Group has indicated that the forth coming elections will cause some political parties to go to court.
      The results below have given advantage to HH mainly because of Internal wrangling in the ruling PF and MMD.

      1. HH UPND=1,005, 230 votes with = 38%

      2. Edgar Lungu PF=924,890 Votes with = 36%

      3. Nevers Mumba/Rupiah Banda MMD=578,900 votes 25%

      4. Edith Nawakwi FDD = 278,780 Votes = 10%.

      5. The Other Political Parties to share other votes.

      The Independent Analysis Group has indicated that the possibility of results to change are very slim may be by only 1 and half percent.

      On behalf of our Independent…

    • ok let me break the silence on this one, I worshipped with HH at Woodlands SDA church some 2years ago. so Ya the guys is SDA but am not sure about his other activities…

    • Free masonry is not anti Christian in the lower ranks. Indeed there are many Baptists, Anglicans, Catholics etc, even church elders and deacons who are masons. Whether HH is a mason or not is not the point. The first President of the USA was a mason. The problem with modern Zambians is that they have carried over their ancestors’ superstitions into the 21st century. That is why even among so called Christians ubuloshi is now ‘spiritual warfare.’ Once we used to accuse an uncle of bewitching us, now it is Demons or Satan!

    • HH maybe the only sober fellow but his discussion in South Africa with Nigeria’s corrupt and Apartheid’s elites has to be explained…From the fools we have running, I would vote for HH…We need a nation televised debates—come ONZNBC AND MTV?!!

    • When opponent have no case to pin against a person like HH, they go fishing for anything hoping it will stick. Unfortunately this time around the Zambians have been able to see through the lies. PF cannot master any more lie which is credible against this man. HH will stand tall on the 21 January as the President of Zambia elect by a majority vote for a better and a united Zambia.

    • HH is freemason. He is not adventist. why claim to be christian when you are not. we know you just want peoples votes.

      dont deny the truth.

    • The shallowness of the discourse on this platform leaves me gob smacked. If this is the manner that we Zambians deliberate and articulate issues, how can we be expected to make the right decisions in the choice of our leadership? 50 years on from Independence and our public political discourse is still abysmally immature? The pre-independence mentality of stone throwing, insults and non-factual arguments on issues of national interest persists. Many of us who are undecided or only decide or in-fact shift between our choices of a presidential candidate would like to listen objective, mature, issue based and less devoured of emotion discussions to help inform our choices. Therefore, providing clarity on issues related to character and beliefs of anyone wishing to ascend to the highest…

    • More lies coming from HH…
      …an adventist who campaigns even on Saturday…
      …an adventist who has stolen money and left thousands of poor miners in poverty out of his own personal greed???
      …an adventist that wished death on the late HEMCS
      ….an adventist that has openly encouraged violence by calling on his supporters to practice the “mapatizya formula”
      …an adventist that pays his workers low wages despite the fact he makes millions of dollars out of their sweat
      …an adventist that deals with exploitative firms full of devil worshippers such as Zambeef

      What a liar this freemason/ satanist is..even the people he surrounds himself with know that HH is a satanist.Zambians are not as foolish as the relatives of HH and opportunist career failures that surround HH.

    • Oh so there are some good things which Sata did…I thot he was a CNP.? I don’t know if you were only politicking then or you are politicking now, nonetheless I applaud you for being honest at least for once, am beginning to like you. HH might actually rule in 2021.

      Now what do you think about Scott, honestly speaking.?

      Its also good to know you are a Christian.



    • But a true adventist does not campaign on sabbath, you and your wife were all over the place, saying you will bring vipatala mu ma hospitals.

    • @2020vision and Robin so to suit yourselves HH can not be an ordinary adventist member but for you he must also belong to the senior group of Adventist elders who live strictly by the norms of the church to be a true Adventist! So it goes that other christians who take alcohol on Sunday or engage in other social activities are not true christians! Anyway you choose what suits you!

      Some people are in self denial and express ignorance on what they factually know not! I have heard Rotarians, Lions, Roundtablers, Jaycees you can name more of these clubs being labeled Satanic or Cults by people with no inkling about their operations! Give me a break!

      11;30HRS – Laying of Wreaths at His Excellency President Michael Chilufya Sata’s Grave at Embassy Park by President Edgar Chagwa Lungu, MCC and Ministers.
      12;00HRs – Filing of Presidential Nominations before Returning Officer, Acting Chief Justice Lombe Chibesakunda
      14hrs- Public Rally at Freedom Statute on the Open Grounds at SDA/ Kamwala Mosque open grounds on Independence Road.

    • Did you expect him to leave the question he was asked unanswered? What would you have said to that? You are the malicious people he is referring to. For example you know very well that it is the government that sold the mines but you keep it on repeating that he is the one who slod the Luanshya mine. You deliberately repeat the lie to make the unsuspecting believe. It is not only malicious of you but evil. You are lie those who lied against Jesus Christ. You also kept on lying that Sata was well while the man was dying. Any way I am in the field people are decided to vote for him this time around. No amount of lies will change this.

    • Come on Senior Citizen, we know your interest. But surely, how do expect HH to ignore a question in a face to face interview? How would some disgruntled pipo have interpretd that? Be realistic you people of EL.

    • Do the people who write about Freemasonsreally understand it? I know for. A fact thatFree Masons are from different religions. It is founded on the belief that whoever is a Mason should believe in God, be it Christian, Hindu etc.
      They don’t worship the devil. Stop exposing your ignorance.

  2. HH Well done for campaigning for fired nurses! The pressure on PF is real and telling!

    What about pensioners waiting for their benefits for years and some have denied leaving their families in destitution…

    • Yes, pensioners, we are tired of waiting for our benefits to no avail. PF promised us to be paid, but to date we are not. My vote is yours.

    • Ulemona, Which pensioners you mean those from Luanshya’s Binani? I believe HH will go to Luanshya with answers on how he did it and been living at peace

    • And yet they concentrated on roads when pensioners were suffering. Now that they have no money they have even extended the retirement age.

    • @ Joseph

      Can you please explain what free Masons stand for and name at least one that has done something wrong?

      Your polite reply will be apreciated

    • I am very scared now.
      What are activities of free masons? Please help me. Do they drink human blood like vampires? Zambians be careful in electing the President on 20th January 2015.

  3. How come your very own relatives re the ones that say you are a free Manson?you are just lying to get votes batata imwe,elo which sda do you go to,atase lying to us as if unama kamwana katoto ,pepe tatukuyandi musa !!!

    • Leave HH alone. We congregate together in SDA. Do we have to be announcing where we live because of little tribal illiterate people like you? Which church do you go to yourself? Why have you not mentioned it.

    • And so what if he has relatives who are freemason, which I doubt, it would be right for us to call you a witch, or a thief , or a pagan , or a cultist since in your family there’s definitely some.
      In short, you can’t judge one on account of others.

    • This very Freemason has attracted my vote. I will give it to him and I wish I had a million votes, I would have given them all to him. I dont care what a person believes in as long as he has the ability to change this country for the better I would vote for him. Whether Muslim, Hindu,Buddhist I would still vote for them. Some of you were educated in communist countries or Buddhist countries but pretend those religions have no role in your lives. You are using products, wearing suits and driving Cars from non Christian countries without any complaint. No wonder this country is underdeveloped. We value non issues far and above the question of development. What a cursed nation!

  4. HH you’re claming to be an adventist! But why do you hold political rallies on satarday (sabbath)? If you are an adventist for sure, you were going to be RESTING on sabbath then continue with your rallies any other day of the week. I dont agree with you sir mayb you were an adventist along time but you are no longer.

    • Rubbish man you are.. Can’t you see that it is campaign time. Doesn’t Nevers hold rallies on Sunday. Kwena mwalitumpa imwe.

    • Yes MC, why does he hold rallies on Saturdays makamaka? Why? He is a damn liar, all he wants is getting to State House. Ubepelefye HH!!

    • Hahahaha Sabbath must be kept clean, its true…unless if he goes just to save his face. SDA people take Sabbath things seriously.


  5. I’m a Freemason and applied to join the illuminati. I will be the first illuminati in Zambia, I will start a new party called the meritocracy party. Our manifesto shall be

    1. Free and equal education for all Zambians
    2. Free and quality health care for all Zambians, we’ll build women and children hospitals in all provincial towns.
    3. People will have to write and pass an exam to have the right to vote or participate in the election process
    4. We’ll introduce freedom to religion, everyone will have the right to practice any religion they wish.
    6. The first day of the week will be Monday and Sunday will be the sabbath

    • And the men will heal themselves.
      We will build a house for every one that casts a vote for us
      We shall provide an egg a day to all citizens regardless of religion or colour
      Dream on

  6. Congratulations your excellency president HH for shaming your malicious critics who capitalised on your silence on issue on masonry thinking you were guilty. You have nailed them to their own crosses. Continue doing so until they run out of breath. Many copperbelt church leaders met in Kitwe and resolved to vote for you because your statements of policy gives us hope. You are not a womanizer and not a chakolwa. The pf mafias will kill everyone who opposes them. If they can do coup d’état to their party presidency and disrespect the acting president just to have EL there they won’t respect Zambian laws. They are serial thieves who have left the treasury with almost nothing.

  7. HH is the most credible candidate in this election cycle. Customarily Presidential candidates tend to exaggerate a few details on the campaign trail. It’s called the sales pitch. It’s normal. However it’s the extent and manageability of a campaign manifesto that counts. HH is making realizable and realistic promises without attaching unrealistic and unattainable time frames like “90 days “. He’s saying that with time and a collective effort, as one nation, most of the things can be attained. On the other hand the PF is taking the country in the direction of a divided failed state. In the department of statecraft I give HH an A plus.

    • Thats the problem with most of you tonga bloggers,you always become over excited for nothing when for sure you know that all Tonga politicians have been failing to make to plot 1.

      To start with,Harry m.Nkumbula failed just at the tip of becoming president for Unip,KK grabbed it because ba Nkumbula was busy humanising in Europe,thats tonga culture,ku bana kashi bapena.

      Secondly Mainza chona failed,Mazoka failed and this time around its HH to follow suit,ala muleikalafye and continue with polygamy and let Lungu rule you……history repeating itself……wapya HH supporters Lungu aisa.

  8. All he does is to attend a church service then hold a rally. Is it written anywhere that one cannot hold a political rally on sabbath? Viva HH

  9. Children are being mentally tortured by religious leaders and their parents by telling them their is a hell and God will send them their if they offend him.

    Religion should only be introduced to people who are 18 years and over.

    Marriage should be a contract of 7 years maximum. We need to do away with shipikisha club. Everyone deserves to be happy.

    Private Schools and Hospitals should be abolished.

    Infection anyone with a deadly virus like Ebola and HIV shall be a criminal offence. Offenders should be sentenced to 15 years in prison.

    HH their is nothing wrong with being a Freemason. You broke the oath of the brotherhood. Now you are on your own, you know and understand the consequences of such.

    Why do you feel the need to break the oath of brotherhood just the please…

    • Mr. Prospective “Illuminati”

      And how you are going to enforce law on spreading Ebola? taking to court dead person?

      Light candle and you will get more illumination.

  10. This serves to inform all PF Members that as Katondo boys we have now resolved the following:

    1. We must all rally behind the candidate of the UPND leader HH

    2. Let us all stop sapoting Edgar Muhammed Lungu because the man is a pure Muslim with Jihardist traits.

    3. Edgar Muhammed Lungu is not a Zambian but a refugee from Malawi who ran away due to Kamuzu Banda’s brutarity in 1970s.

    4. As Katondo boys, we are saying that all True PF Members should NOT go to the Supreme Courts on Saturday as our Edgar Lungu will not stand as he is about to charged with treason following 17/12/14 attempted coup he instigated against Guy Scott.

    5. We urge all well peace loving Zambians to vote for HH as our Lungu is a man without any vision for this country.

    6. VOTE HH
    I Thank You…

    • So what is wrong to be led by a malawian? It’s not like it is a strange thing to Zambians, actually if you think about it, Zambia has not been led by a genuine Zambian. So I say lets have another foreigner for President, lets vote the man from Mars HH, an alien.

    • Iwe the fake Katondo Boys – The real katondo boys does not make spelling errors like sapoting instead of Supporting. So take a seat boy.

      come 21 Jan EL will be your prez.


    • Everyone can see why HH has difficulties in winning elections.

      It is this type of campaign style. This type of Cadre. This type of disrespect for ordinary people.

      Read this chaps’ posting and understand the unpleasantness of HH. He and his followers have unleashed an ugly environment on Zambia. The Poor are patronised with lies of how they will become Richer than Rich, the uneducated fair far worse,…they are the curse of the earth…should not allowed to vote. But here is the thing, most of the uneducated are Poor and can’t afford education.

      I am happy you addressed your Christianity, but honestly I think you are far more sophisticated and probably confuse Christian theology with some other Ology.

      The vile, unholy hatred on ZWD says who HH is.

  11. Katondo boys would like to state that HH is a true Christian.

    Edgar Muhammed Lungu is a Muslim with Jihardist traits.

    He is a well trained suicide bomber.

  12. Breeking News!

    We have from today as Katondo boys stopped sapoting Edgar Muhammed Lungu.

    Edgar Muhammed Lungu is not a Christian but a Muslim.

    2015 Vote (HH)

    I thank you.

  13. MC good observation,my mom is staunch SDA and so are the core supporters of hh,the Sichiwezas and Mapushis.These supporters are staunch believers of keeping the sabbath day holy.How then is hh keeping the sabbath day holy,when he holds political activities,where all sorts of negative things and lies are said,and can he be specific as to which congregation he goes to because if am not mistaken,in 2008,hh claimed to be a catholic and admitted that the late AKM was at one point a Freemason.

  14. But my argument against every presidential aspirant is ;IF at all you claim to have the right visions and plans for this country,why have you not just surpremented previous well meaning regime that have existed before? But you still insist to go to plot 1.politicians are all the same don’t masquerade around the community in mesaiahnical disguise yet we know your motive.

  15. HH tamuya ku church baba. which Adventist church do u go to?U break the Sabbath every week.Because of breaking the sabbath and love of power u’ll not be a president.Some of Adventist don’t even go to church if HH is campagning.If u are an Adventist u should keep the Sabbath holy .Efintu ni Lungu

    • Keeping the sabbath is living a sinless life, resting from the works of sin and living a new life in christ. Going to church every saturdayb or sunday doesn’t make one a true christian. True worshipers of God are those who worship him in truth and in spirit not on a particular day.

  16. Comments from bloggers here are less than 1% portraying true picture. not more than 1% of those claiming support for HH or Lungu online are truly supporters. Some bloggers are paid to post supportive comments by some politician just to paint a popular picture of some candidate. true supporters just reads and dont post any comment usually. their vote is secretly theirs. therefore, dont be deceived to believe that blog support portrays who is and who is not popular. wait for Jan 20, all will be clear.

    • Ha ha
      Says who? Baba we have voter’s cards and are voting. If those are PF tactics here it is genuine. Some of us have never met HH but we have all met economic stress and are down right tired of political mediocrity. Waumfwa!!

  17. There is even nothing like Free mason or not. However even if it existed, there is no law forbidding it. They are trying hard to paint HH black for nothing. I am Namwanga myself and my vote is on HH. I want an educated, energetic and well organized young man to take this country forward and that young man who fits my prescription is HH. I am looking at development

  18. Go Go Go Forward and cant wait to hear your message in kitwe tomorrow and alliance jubilee had a good welcome in the copperbelt.
    Viva HH_2015

  19. Edgar Lungu is a thief and the Law Association of Zambia withdrew is practicing certificate , and this is a fact which all PF cadres know. A thief today wants to be a President , and this is not an issue for PF cadres ? Edgar should speak out on TV why he stole money from a client . I know during TV debate this matter will be asked and Edgar will be embarrassed ! Lol .

  20. I’m just requesting HH’ campaigning team & HH to go back to eastern,CB & northern provinces till 10th January.Otherwise, as despondent civilised government workers we are campaigning for you countrywide together with farmers till 20th january during voting time.We will make sure that that Lairs Party PF is ousted out via the ballot box.

  21. I’m a government worker but have never met HH- but I’m campaigning seriously for him.Yes its true that some bloggers are paid to send comments but for us civilised bloggers we are issue based & futuristic hence settling on HH -a more sensible candidate among the pretenders.

  22. Well in s much every one has the right to vote. Free advse to the upnd, dont`t engage your self in charecter assassination just to have your leader go to state house. You will be the same pipo who will be shocked come Jan 20th. The truth is the opposition only has a chance in 2016.

  23. Mr Free Mason stop using s.d.a church name and putting it into disrepute.You the one who has cast a spell on Pf and Mmd so that the demons of confusion destroy the parties. Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and every will be added unto you.Your days are numbered.

  24. Give us confidence. Who is his Pastor? Which Church, How committed, which people can attest he is SDA. cAN HIS pASTOR ALSO COME TO HIS RESCUE

  25. @senior citizen
    I really don’t care who you worship but I want to understand whether you listen to HH’s message or not? Most Zambians have listened and believed in the honest of his messages.HH means well for this country and we need to give him a chance and not judge him harshly as if he disappointed us before. we opposed mwanawasa and called him all sorts of names yet he meant well for this country. when you constantly try to paint a bad picture to someone people tend to think that it is tribal hatred or something personal. The issue of masons is a serious matter which needs to be cleared becos it can cost hh some votes from those who don’t know the truth. silence in most cases means consent;who knows maybe EL is a muslim but unless he tells us to the contrary we will not know the…

  26. watcherman

    what else do you really want from hh. he has told you that he is SDA. If you are insisting that he is a mason give us evidence also. and bring proof or are you a mason too,,you worship with him?

  27. Come on people! Only visually impaired people cannot see but I hear they will endorse HH soon. HH is the right candidate in 2015. You see, someone was left to act because he was perceived not to have presidential ambitions after the removal of one WK who was positioning himself to take over because he knew the King was sick. Now the non ambitious guy saw an opportunity to succeed but ask him if he had those ambitions 8 months ago. Why do you want to close Zambia like ZCBC? HH is a man for us to continue feeding our kids….we don’t want to hustle like some people who resides at the High/Supreme Court who are even demanding some money from our reserve ngweeless President Mr Muliokela…… HH has never received such kind of support from all provinces like now…LWENU us have moved on!


  29. HH is a FREE MASON . Let him not refuse a fact !!! However even thieves caught red handed refuse, ati nshibile. He is FREE MASON!!!!A devil worshipper. Period. Twalimwishiba, nabanankwe

  30. Understand SDA church foundation. It is a church founded on a lie by William Miller in 1844. Iam not lieying. This is the truth put forth by sda themselves. God is great. Blind supporters will want to dispute this. But I challenge you to prove me wrong by downloading and reading:
    “Church Heritage Manual” – pages 15,21-24 and this one, “Church Denominations”.
    The father of lies is the father of SDAs. Just write the titles as research terms and you will have them now. Please do so today, and the truth will set you free.
    HH can not stick to such lies. He worships in other churches as well as recently shown attending a church service with GBM.

    • @ 43 Aisha

      William Miller was not SDA. He was a Baptist preacher who misinterpreted a prophecy in the book of Daniel. Miller himself repudiated the error and broken-heartedly abrogated the faith. Is that what you call a “lie” and “the father of lies”? Watch-out, the lie could be more in your mouth than in that of the SDAs. I don’t think you know who the SDAs are and what they believe.

  31. The SDA I know is that one which follow Judaism-Jews. They keep the Sabbath holy meaning no work whatsoever should be done on the Saturday. Who ever carried any burden on Saturday was killed. This is the SDA doctrine of Sabbath. They are not Christians but Jews. Now HH is saying he is an SDA…no no man you are not because you break the Sabbath. Every Saturday you break it. How can you say you are an SDA who follows the Jewish law?

    Peace and Prosperity to Mother Zambia.

    • @ 44 Truth Hates

      Little knowledge is dangerous. Seventh-day Adventists are not “Jews.” They are Christians, and not the only Christians who believe in keeping the Seventh-day Sabbath holy. There are Seventh-day Baptists etc. You may be the one in error for keeping Sunday, instead.

      You may want to read Walter Martin, himself a reputed and highly respected Evangelical, on Seventh-day Adventism. Also, please check-out a recent work titled: “Seeking A Sanctuary – Seventh-day Adventism & the American Dream” by two non-Adventist scholars: Malcolm Bull and Keith Lockhart. Lastly, may I recommend another classic work also by a non-Adventist scholar: Booton Herndon titled: “The 7th Day – The Story of the Seventh-Day Adventists,” a McGraw-Hill publication copy-righted 1960.

  32. HH has left his answers hanging. Why defend him? Who is his Pastor? Which Church , Kabulonga or Woodlands.? If he doesn’t go to any Church why not say so for that is his choice. He is a public figure so susceptible to scrutine of what he says or he does better to keep quiet. Please, HH pASTOR WHY ARE YOU QUIET? yOU SHEEP Claims to be of your sheepfold

    • There are millions of Adventists within Zambia who do not attend church every Sabbath. In North America, it is estimated that the total number of Seventh-day Adventists who do not attend church every Sabbath number about 10 million plus. Catholics and Evangelical Christians who do not attend church every Sunday are way in excess of 200 million. Just so you know.


    • Chesenga, chances are high that you are a Free Manson yourself. Find something to talk about, may be beer drinking. Stealing from clients, as such cases are on record for your preferred candidate.


  35. HH. However their is no smoke without fire, explain and defend yourself as why only you and not any other candidate. Moreover your desperation, panic, imposition wanting to be President even wen majority zambian s don’t like you apart frm yo small tribesmen/women, all brings suspicion. What covenant is their for you achieve wanting to be President. You see I’m a christian anointed, filled by holygost and can disseminate, hence this I’m saying Is wat & others see in you. We need a real God fearing Leader and the other thing also we have never heard you talk about Zambia being a Christian nation. Anyone can mention the name of God even demons, satanist and cultist. Which God do you know or worship for you to be suspected & linked to freemansonry cult?

  36. Am in Lusaka and want to vote but my polling station is ZIT in kitwe if u know what am saying, so anyone willing to fund my trip has my vote. Whether Muliokela or the embattled RB i dont care, my vote is my secrete though.

  37. It is on record that a member of UPND sued LAZ for holding its meetings on Saturdays. Remember that one? Why should HH hold rallies on Saturdays when his own member sues LAZ based on respecting the Holy Day?

  38. FACT: HH will win the elections, whether you choose to vote for him or not, free mason or not, happy or sad. so viva bafikala!

  39. Do people fully understand what Free Masonry is? Or even Iluminati? Please do check your dictionaries, or worse still google some academic sites, then pass your conclusions! Iyo kwena ubu frontini nabo te sana mwe!

  40. FACT: HH will win the elections, whether you choose to vote for him or not, free mason or not, happy or sad. so vivabafikala!

  41. HH never, if you are going to build on what other parties started then MMD with Neverse Mumba are the right candidates. People you can see that even HH has confessed that the former governments started some very good projects. The Man with the capacity to move forward is Neverse Mumba then. You don’t need to question his religious background, very much Christian, Born Again. When the righteous rule a nation rejoices, when the wicked rule a nation suffers. Read your bible


  42. One thing true about us individuals is that each one of us has his/her own comfort zone. It is in our respective comfort zones that we are molded to what we are today. Worse still some comfort zones are not even known by name but people just say that person is living dangerously. Some comfort zones are really known and are up to very good outputs to societies and communities. More importantly is the nature of the person’s heart and or is he or she bent on injuring human life. Every one does know that we have had several leaders before who were associated with several comfort zones, and those in bad comfort zones have been eliminated. GOD is very clear on that one. So even you writing these comments you do belong to comfort zones you fall back to for revitalisation. It s health and human.

  43. Free mason or not, us Zambians want you to lead us. The people who lied to us that we will have more money in our pockets in 90 days are as usual in shambles, no leader yet. The one they are banking on was declared a thief not by me because I don’t even know him but by a credible institution called the Law Association of Zambia

  44. What? an SDA who breaks the sabbath and leads many into doing the same by holding public rallies on the sabbath day of the LORD? By the way has he consulted and agreed with the SDA to allow homosexiality if he becomes president ?

    • @ 60 Alick chongo

      Don’t be a hypocrite. The fact that HH is not a regular church attendant explains why he is able to hold rallies on Saturdays. Please note that Jesus had room in his ministry even for people society considered outcasts. Mary Magdalene, Zaccheaus, the Samaritan Woman, the Centurion, the Syrophoenician (Canaanite) woman etc., all belonged to this group and yet featured prominently in Christ’s world.

      It were the regular church attendees who turned out to be the hypocrites. They would seek to stone Jesus for healing someone on the Sabbath. In the name of being good and regular church members and congregants, they rejected Jesus and crucified him.

  45. @ Independent body

    In your dreams. HH wont even get over 300,000 votes I can tell you. so prepare to for the heart breaks yet again. This is based on five good reasons we cant disclose on this media stuff.

    Its Edgar with a landslide victory badala!!!

  46. That Edgar Lungu is filing in his nominations on Saturday 20th December 2014, all PF members are very united as one great family. This has sent UPND panic mode cause reality has dawned on them.

    All PF MPs and structures will be on the ground in their constituencies after the nominations and its game over for UPND wildest dream.

    Viva Edgar Viva PF.

  47. SDA members are never allowed to join politics.

    OPPOSITION United Party for National Development [UPND] leader Hakainde Hichilema is a prominent freemason and has been a member of the cult since the year 1999 when he underwent initiation.The UPND leader became a brethren and mason brother in April of 1999 and was initiated from the Eagle Lodge No. 7232 EC, which is the District Grand Lodge of Zambia and has been a congregant of the Masons Temple located on Chachacha Road in the city of Lusaka which is more like an equivalent of a church branch in the case of Christians.

    He worships Lucifer go ahead and vote for the Devil. google is faith a factor in Zambia.

    • @ 63 Zambia Eyes

      You may want to check your facts. You say: “SDA members are never allowed to join politics.” A prime minister of Uganda, not too long ago, was an Adventist. Dr. Ben Carson, world re-known brain surgeon, is an Adventist, and recently joined the race for the Primary nomination to run on the Republican ticket as a U.S. presidential candidate. May be you are alluding to a situation that is only true in Zambia.

  48. He has already been to almost every where but come 23/01/2015 516,789 votes.Edgar is winning and we will see where all those endorsements will take hh. We have seen this level of confidence before and what it has always produced is just slightly over half a million votes. ONLY A TONGA WILL SUCCEED MAZOKA is the reason most of us cannot vote for UPND. Until a non tonga takes over upnd, it will always remain in the opposition. When Sata died, the PF did not talk about the tribe of Sata’s successor but merely looked at who among the ministers themselves was most trusted by Sata and they settled for Lungu without looking at where he comes from. Since then, they have stood by their choice despite resistance from this white fool.

    • @ 64 Shadreck Biemba

      Your anger against HH on that silly comment: “ONLY A TONGA WILL SUCCEED MAZOKA” is misplaced. It is not him, HH, who said it. Your negative stance against him would be akin to that of white Americans who would have decided not to vote for Barrack Obama because of Reverend Jeremiah Wright’s scathing racial remarks. But the American white electorate did not do that. They instead, went ahead and voted en masse for your brother, Barrack Obama; Reverend Wright’s stinky remarks notwithstanding. That was progressive thinking on their part. Were you not proud?

      The white American electorate realized that the un-repentant Reverend Jeremiah Wright was not Barrack Obama and Barrack Obama was not Reverend Jeremiah Wright. Get over it and move on too.

  49. The formation of the New World Order that’s already at an advanced level, is a work of Freemasons working to put it in place. In less developed countries Freemasons are from lower degrees of hierarchy than the ones in developed countries. The ones in developed countries are part of higher ranks, ranks known as the Illuminati. The Illuminati are the main decision makers.

    It has also been discovered that when Hakainde was still active with Grant Thornton at Mukuba house on Kabelenga road, Lusaka, the UPND leader who was then Managing partner at the accounting and management consultancy firm spent some good time both revealing Masonic practices and made attempts to demystify Freemasonry to colleagues and almost making it sound attractive.

  50. Some of the key personalities that have congregated with Hakainde at the Freemason temple in Lusaka include former Director General of the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) Nixon Banda who was also installed as worship master of the Free Masons Temple in Zambia on January 21, 2006.

    Freemasonry is the world’s largest cult. It is multi-cultural and multi-racial, with over 300,000 members in approximately 8,500 Lodges in England & Wales. Part of a worldwide organisation of millions of Freemasons,.

    Freemasonry offers its members an approach to life which seeks to reinforce thoughtfulness for others, kindness, honesty, courtesy, truth, integrity and fairness in all things. Freemasonry urges brethren to regard the interests of the family as paramount.

  51. Freemasonry is a religious cult that is largely believed to be anti-Christian teachings and is also perceived as satanic in nature and therefore unacceptable in societies that have a strong christian foundation like Zambia. It is trite law in the cult that a Freemason must have faith and have a belief in a Supreme Being.

    Owing to the supremacy of the Christian faith among Zambians, Hakainde has had to make attempts to visit some churches as a way of creating an impression that he is actually Christian. A lot of free masons make efforts to seem friendly to Christian interests as a way of avoiding hostility from Christian communities.BE CAREFUL ZAMBIANS

  52. Everyone can see why HH has difficulties in winning elections.

    His type of campaign style. his type of Cadre. The type of disrespect for ordinary people.

    Read HH Supporter postings and understand the unpleasantness of HH. He and his followers have unleashed an ugly environment on Zambia. The Poor are patronised with lies on how they will become Richer than Rich, the uneducated fair far worse,…they are the curse of the earth…should not allowed to vote. But here is the thing, most of the uneducated are Poor and can’t afford education.

    HH has addressed his Christianity, but honestly I think he is far more sophisticated and probably confuses Christian theology with some other Ology.

    The vile, unholy hatred on ZWD tells you who HH is. HE IS THE YOUNG UPSTART ON THE…

    • Ends:
      The vile, unholy hatred on ZWD tells you who HH is. HE IS THE YOUNG UPSTART ON THE BLOCK!

      Sorry for this anger, but just trying to join a social media debate that is informative and productive is almost impossible with HH and his supporters. They attack rather than cajole. They are prolific in their campaigns of vileness to other hopefuls.

      Look how in the last few days HH Supporters have debunked from the now impossible to launch ZWD site. They have found another source, LT. we were descended upon like an Alien invasion. Not pleasant people.

      Don’t break a sweat HH trying another lie to buy votes. Learn instead how to respect others and the art of winning friends among the voters.

    • Finally as @Mushota said. CONFUSING!

      NOW YOU ARE FOR CONTINUITY on previous gov’t programmes? I am about to burst a gusket!! You can’t say one thing and retract! Everything was going to be NEW! You mocked Edgar Lungu for saying he will continue with Sata’s vision…..! confused, confused!!

      You can’t be Everyman. STOP IT WITH THE DESPERATE LIES. If you are a Christian, Humble yourself instead and appeal to the voters with proper explanation of your policies and how you will achieve them.

      Good Luck. Wish you well.

    • Oh, oh AND you can go ahead and VOTE ME DOWN! I think being voted Dow actually means you’ve touched a nerve.

      Thanks. Currently I’ve touched one nerve….am sure there are many more…!

      That joke about a man cursing his friend with a thousand fleas under his armpit? He responds …..”What..more fleas…I already have millions! Well I guess a few more won’t hurt!”

  53. which SDA church does HH go to let the members from that church tell us. Why should he say he is SDA now because he wants the votes from the Christian? It will not happen. Holyness on the thrown(state house) for Jesus.

    • @ 70 Pat

      Pat, you have it all wrong. The late Michael Sata may not have been a regular attendee at mass every Sunday. But that would not have made him a less, much less, a non-Catholic.

      There are millions of Seventh-day Adventists within Zambia who do not attend church every Sabbath. In North America, it is estimated that the total number of Seventh-day Adventists who do not attend church every Sabbath number about 10 million plus. Catholics and Evangelical Christians who do not attend church every Sunday are way in excess of 400 million. Just so you know.

  54. I am still waiting for PF cadres to justify the reason why Edgar Lungu stole money for a client , and the Law Association of Zambia had to revoke his practicing certificate. Tell me now !!

  55. A man’s religious beliefs should be a matter between the man and his God. This idea of expecting people to wear their religion on their sleeve is exactly what has brought so much scandal and rot in churches across the globe.

    note: I mentioned churches by design. I did not mention mosques because they are off the charts in this perversion.

  56. Truth really hurts and this guy be it free mason or not i dont trust him coz this time he is admitting that the gvnt did something good but never accepted when Sata was alive!!!! we have been telling you but you said pf has done nothing!! dont insult us coz we know what you used to say when Sata was alive!!

  57. The UPND symbol if you do your investigation especially on the You tube about free masonary you will discover that it is a cult symbol they use it for 33rd degree initiation ceremony.

    I wonder the people are praying to when the do that symbol.

    Be careful Zambians

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