Newly appointed Southern Province Minister Nathaniel Mubukwanu has described the construction of a six storey building as a major milestone in the province.
Speaking in Choma today when he toured the infrastructure that is under construction, Mr Mubukwanu said the relocation of the provincial headquarters from Livingstone to Choma has resulted in massive infrastructural developments in the district.
He said so far the project had employed over 200 local people.
“This is a massive project resulting from the relocation of the provincial headquarters from Livingstone to Choma. If the relocation was not done, we would not be talking of this massive development today. We believe this is going to be a landmark not only in Southern Province but in other provincial centres as well,”he said.
The Southern Province Minister noted that the completion of the office block would greatly address the challenges of office accommodation that the officers were currently facing.
Government has so far spent K67 million in the construction of the six storey building, twelve high cost, twenty medium and thirty low cost houses.
The construction of the houses is expected to be completed later this year.

We need a convention HH must go we need new leadership in UPND
Don’t you think your comment should be on the UPND website?
I still can’t believe that Michael Sata died… all these were his dreams. Building stuff in the middle of nowhere.
@ Nostradamus, I thought you hated Sata to the core. What has changed? Unless you are different Nostradamus, the one I know insulted Sata when all these infrastructure development was planned by him.
Just go alone leave HH , his is our future president!!!!!!!
I know it is summer in Zambia and t-shirts for casual dressing and short sleeve dress shirts would be normal right? I am wondering why Siachiayasa is wearing a black leather jacket!
PF please show them how to govern and develop our beloved mother Zambia. May the dreams of our great leader Michael Chilufya Sata come to pass.
Utter utter sheer waste of money…what’s the point of physically moving a provisional capital when you can simply just invest the selfsame amount in ICT and computerise operations eliminating the need to travel to Livingstone.
Anyway this was Sata’s outdated colonial way of thinking that is costing us billions and taking us nowhere.
Ba Jay Jay thought this being given a new year & new got you will have stopped exposing your bitterness without cause, think before you write, people of choma r very happy with prov shift they can see development now than before. Ya common sense is nt common indeed.
And your point is what? People in Choma being happy or money being spent. ..don’t you know that we spend a large chunk of GDP on civil servants wages…we should be looking for leaner more innovative and smarter ways to deliver services.
Wake up from your docility! !
@Jay Jay what is wrong with spending money? I really don’t get it. ZRA make a lot of money, it goes to those civil servants you dislike, who shop from Soweto market.
@Jay jay. I agree with you to some extent. The physical movement of a provincial headquarters to a centrally place is a sheer waste of time and money as it solves nothing. Money spent on relocation and resettlement could have been used to advance a better cause. What Zambia needs is decentralization and devolution of powers to the districts.
@ Biz
You’re spot on but we need to go further and do away with old man Sata’s appointed cadres called District Commissioners…surely what is their role apart from politicking and drawing a salary at the expense of tax payers.
Yes I dislike Zambian civil servants as most of them are lazy, rude, arrogant waste of space who like to treated like demigods…I will never forget how they made me run around those ministries of lands, transport for simple paperwork on my last visit. They are the main obstacles to civil service reform.
Jay Jay, development is a give en take arrangement. For u to develop, u need to spend money en forgo other things! U cannot have it all at the same time. When Choma is upgraded, there will be lots of economic activity which will allow businesses to start en grow……more employment opportunities for the locals en more money in pipos pockets…..improved livelihood. Even the developed world sacrificed a lot to be where they are today and they have continued to do so to improve on where they are. So when pipo start something gud, please learn to appreciate okay?
@@Jay Jay
We need more people who think like you do.
Some people are excited about the move and the spike in veneer transactions in Choma, forgetting that by the same stroke, Mosi ao tunya is paying the price. Real estate value, for one, has since plummeted due to the relocation of the government offices. Private real housing developments in the area are now fetching far less than they vaued at in terms of returns at the time of construction.
Establishing e-government would have been easier and accomplished at a much reduced cost and speed. Avoiding it at this time is only delaying the inevitable. Government must go digital, a move that will bite a chunk out of corruption!
That’s why UPND will never win elections. They are anti-development.
muletontonkanya dont use your emotions to drive you.
many of our people are ignorant about online services may be 90% of our people dont av accesss to internet hence bring phisical services close to the people as posible.
you must be very dull although u claim to be educated.
If 90% are ignorant to online services we simply sit on our hands and carry on with the old ways and adage of doing things? Do you think if the Kenyas sat on their hands like your docile self they would have had Mpesa as the world’s leading mobile phone money transfer?
Moreover I’m talkin about more investment in ICT in civil services to stop the need for the people to travel to the provincial headquarters.
Use your brain to think not your Party membership card…the creator put it behind your eyes for a reason.
Wake up!!
Keep it up minister, munkombwe thought he was the only one fit for the job, even issued threats if sidelined ask GBM he is now looking a full . don’t take people for granted.. Viva PF 0
And you wonder why we dont move forward because morons like you only think about little petty squabbles with your dull political opponents. …focus on the bigger picture which is advancement of our country.
Wake up from your sillness and stupidity! !
Funny! On same building site, some are wearing protective helmets, others are not! Is it for the cameras only??
That shows lack of clearly defined construction health and safety policies in our country especially in government contracts!!
@Napapa sana,
No, the protective helmets are meant to protect certain heads and not the others ……LOL.
@jay jay and his ‘bushe tukalalya imisebo’ mentality. You claim to be educated yet you exibit neganega mentality in public. Get a life and start thinking using the all brain than just the south part of your skull. NAUMFWA! Muletasha
I have a wonderful and fruitful thank you very much…at least I contribute when I have time instead of merely reading and insulting others.
By the way I don’t claim to be anybody or educated if you feel threatened by my postings well roll over and die!!
@Zambian Watchdog
I think it’s really time for some new leadership in our party.Lets try a different candidate.lets replace HH with Cornelius Mweetwa
or Hamuntuntula Sichilyango Habutuba. Maybe it will work
no matter what development may happen in southern province ,the mabisi people will still vote for their god hakalaivotela humwine.
I appreciate yo comments jayjay but I must also say that yo point is not first priority. What we are working on is infrastructure development where ICT will be incorporated.
ICT is also infrastructure development; Does infrastructure dev… have to be only brick and motar construction? Have seen what cheap broadband via that undersea Indian ocean fiber optic cable is doing to Kenya? The big global technology players will be stationing their African operations there, call centres for banks and other services will soon be moving there.
And we are still talking about moving boma to districts and so and so…
spongy Walasa, our can Anyone operate without an office? ICT Equipments Need Offices Too. JAYJAY kale mwaileko ku zeed elo shani? want is happening pa zeed mwela weka weka, PF Alebomba. I feel u angry with A working PF, PF Increased wages for GOV workers by 100% and over, more than most Countries in the region and this has motivated gov Workers not those days wen you came In the MMD Gov, cme to Zambia now and feel, See and touch reality. Investors MBwee, let me stop here JAY JAY. this time pa zeed even a blind man can see the development goin On. HAHAHAHAHAHA PFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
Surely do you a 6 storey building for ICT? As someone has pointed out about overall facilities management and maintenance costs in a place like Choma are higher than in Livingstone for such a higher rise building.
If it helps you I always come home and was there recently…we are chanelling precious funds to the wrong programmes its no wonder traffic lights in the City never work 24/7 or we are building football stadia we hardly use or need instead of libraries.
by the way what has happened to your hh flight 2015???? you all upnd blind followers you made too much noise!!! even your prefect headboyi hh thot mabisi people is all what maters, just replace that chap who is filled with a lot of bitterness in his heart. he is so experienced in loosing now!!!!
Flight HH missed state house and crash landed in New Kasama, only to be surrounded by hostile Bembas who dominate that area. Hear he has built his own state house now as consolation.
Yes infrastructure development is important but let it come with proper planning.Why should we have a 6 storey building instead of 3 double storey buildings close to one another!!In Zambia government has poor maintenance record for its properties so soon the 6 storey building will have problems of lifts not working,water not reaching upper floors (posing health problems) paints or exterior decorations failing and no one to fix them as the building is too high and needs a contractor etc.Houses,VP. ..whatever that means? The style looks outdated. Old Mudadada type!There are new elegant styles that government should built to move with time.Please take time to even learn from some of our neighbours.
You are absolutely spot on…imagine how is a disable man or our grandparents going to collect government documents on floor 6 when there is a power failure?
Choma has no land as it is surrounded by idle commercial farms
And yet some section of the society thinks tribalism is due to unequal share of development when Southern province has always has a greater share. If these houses were to be built in Luapula or Muchinga, people of North Western would have complained including some Tongas calling bembas all sorts of names. Now it is in Southern Provonce everyone is quiet including their pals from North Western Provonce and Western. This is the world we live in. A just mere built of a University in Muchinga resulted in insults to people of Muchinga when the University will cater for all Zambians. Very sad indeed. Any development in Northern party of Zambia raises protests from haters. May God help us.
That building has been stagnant for almost 2 years now
look if it was MMD Gov Ruling Rite now, We will not be seeing this Development, At list we can see where Our Tax Payers Money is going, Infrastructural Development of Buildings, Electrical And Water Reticulation in the Bush, brings in Investors who in turn bring in Their Money they also Build bring in New Ideas and Create Employment, Remember what ever they Build and Teach remains wen they leav, how can u invest in the bush no roads no Electricity no people, No Development, Poverty MBweeeeeeeeeee
MMD is gone …we are merely alluding to prudent fiscal policies here… Tell us which investors will be coming to Choma maybe a Shopping Mall like it is in Lusaka so more money is externalised to RSA.
The reason for HH to cry foul is a psychological approach of trying to show those in his party that he deserves to continue with the top job of UPND.
We all know his game plan.He wants sympathy but we are now tired of losing and there is no way he can beat Lungu in 2016.The majority of UPND supporters are calling for change of leadership.
Let Upnd hold a convention outside southern province! Hope they elect Mutati as president
But all current opposition parties of any significance are headed by bembas. Not again. uPND needs a westerner or north westerner to remain relevant. Rainball may benefit from UPND woes.
This economic refugee @jayjay thinks zambians are dull. My friend by living abroad does not mean yu are more clever than everyone at home. Zambia is right now on good path for better and meaningful development. We are poor as a nation not as individuals ok. We ve evaluated hh and found him as not suitable for president. He cant make a good leader because of pride.