German Neville Gertze on arrival at the independence stadium for the
25th jubilee independence anniversary and the inauguration of the 3rd
of Namibia
The neighbouring Republic of Namibia has toady celebrated 25 years of political independence.
President Edgar Lungu was among several Heads of State and Government who witnessed the colourful ceremony celebrated alongside the inauguration of Namibia’s third democratically elected President, Hage Geingob.
Mr Lungu led powerful delegation comprising first Republican President Kenneth Kaunda and fourth Republican President, Rupiah Banda.
And Speaking in his fare well speech, outgoing Namibian President, Hifikepunye Pohamba paid glowing tribute to founding father of the nation, Sam Nujoma.
Mr Pohamba also paid glowing tribute to Namibian freedom fighters for liberating the South-West African country.
He also paid tribute to African states, singling out Zambia and Tanzania among others for helping Namibia attain its independence.
The outgoing Namibian President said he was leaving the office of presidency as a happy man, saying during his ten-year tenure, he managed to maintain peace and stability while the country scored a lot of success in various sectors, including health, education, energy and road infrastructure.
Mr Pohamba, however, said there was still a lot that needed to be done in order to eradicate poverty and improve the livelihood of Namibian citizens.
And incoming President, Hage Geingob, also paid tribute to freedom fighters for their spirit to ensure that Namibia became a democratic, sovereign state.
Dr Geingob announced that his priority was to wage war against poverty, which he said would be fought through realigning of ministries and new economic policies.
President Lungu arrived here yesterday and urged Namibians not to take peace for granted but to always guard it jealously.
He described Namibia as another African country which is a haven of peace and challenged other African countries that are still in conflict to emulate Namibia and Zambia in promoting and maintaining peace.
President Lungu and his delegation is expected back home tomorrow.

jubilee independence anniversary and the inauguration of the 3rd
President of Namibia
Joshua wa nomba , NI LUNGU CHABE
This is called begging for attention! at least Sata never begged for attention!
Namibian president never came to Edgar Lungu`s inauguration,, why should he??
my friend @Nostradamus comes to my house to visit and i go to his house to visit, this is normal human behaviour,,, not this lungu of yours,,,his parents never taught him not eat kwa beene
You are so childish and nauseating just like most undp bloggers who have run away from ZWD. Go back to your childish site.
@Ndobo, and worse thing is that they are only showing Their Lungu is not the host president Geigobs.
Imagine when you come to my 2nd wedding, they are only posting pictures of Ndobo and no Nostradamus himself, then you are taking advantage of me to promote yourself. I will not invite again!.
Lungu is taking advantage of Geigobs to promote that look am sober, and am not going to faint and collapse kwanabene.
achalasia temunobe!
Wow this Lungu President is really productive. How many days has he spent inside Zambia since he became President? He must’ve an impressive record. Honeymooning it seems. Enjoy it while it lasts.
It’s now 296 days today since ECL became president. Number of Archivements ( )? WAKE UP ZAMBIANS.
Thanks for representing us Mr. Chagwa Lungu. Zambia remains an excellent example of peace for all these countries including Namibia. We now need to set the tone for economic freedom which I think we’re currently lagging behind despite having led others to independence
Thank God there will was no “Chagwa, agwa again!!”, I was biting my nails that Lord please please not again… If Lungu collupse from watching Zambian women matching, what if he gets drunk on Windhoek lager” and focus on Imba women of Namibia… he will this time fall forward and back-wards.
17 months for global trotting as usual . The economy is intensive care. The Absent landlord has escaped to dinne and drink stronger wine/ whisky whilst the nation is facing unprecedented problems , fuel shortages, mines are at the verge of closing. Sabotage of electricity at the post to undermine and disrupt its operations. ZESCO instructed do the Lungu ‘way of trying to silence the third State. Surely Poor fallen former known PF under our dearest president Sata.
Pafwenamwine, your reasoning is pure Zinjathropical by conception. Sorry Mr. Caveman. You will not stop the President from performing his international obligations just because some satanist lost the elections. We will not be brain washed by The Post either.
Thanks Mr. President for representing us. Thank you Vernon Mwaanga, thank you Rupiah Banda, thanks KK for accompanying the President on this important outing. Let those who have nothing to offer remain sad in their defeat which they have failed to shake off. It is those who habour malice who have troubled hearts. It is their own problem to solve. Let all good meaning Zambians rejoice for the position and recognition the country is being given by other countries. Prophets of doom, keep kissing dust. One Zambia, One Natio
Priorities, Priorities, Priorities, Priorities, Priorities ,Priorities, Priorities, Priorities, Priorities, Priorities, Priorities, Priorities
This is when you send your vice president…the economy is sick and the empty tin is away again just last week he spent the whole week in hospitals.
This is what you get when we vote in visionless vessels in State House.
Jay, Jay, who told you that attending to international outings by the President is not a priority. Is it strange to attend hospital when you are sick. How many times have you attended clinics or helped your relatives go to clinics or hospital. Have you found it strange.
I thought the VP was out recently? Are in Zambia or in planet HH or planet Post. Stay there, in those planets and let us enjoy our country, regardless of whatever we go through. Your hate speech will only eat at your heart each time you vomit out hate. it digs into your souls and destroy your heart. That is the benefit the devil gives you. He only pays back in VIZUDE. The devil knows that he is killing you slowly. Wake up and enjoy life. Smile at the next sunshine.
Are you finished with your childish rant?
I am not the one who lied to the people that I was fit yet I was a sickly patient with ailments longer than my arm to list on an A4 piece of paper, I’m not the one who is relying on poor taxpayers to pay for my medical operations abroad.
FYI when I fall sick I pay for my own medication…for how long are you going to take mediocre, myopic leadership as the norm. When are you going to get it in heads that the President is your servant and not a King when are you going to ever wake up…Edgar Lungu was an empty tin when he was a minister and I’m not going to stop calling that because he is now a President.
Its clear that he is a lazy visionless man when has he faced the nation and answered questions about the appalling state of the economy?
have you any idea what it takes to send the so called president anywhere outside the borders…??..I mean the cost involved….??..just that Namibian trip would pay 360 unionised civil servants…I mean annual salaries….would flood Kitwe, Ndola Central hospitals including UTH dispensary/pharmacy with medicine to last six months…..if that was a SADC meeting, I would say we had no choice he had to attend….. he could have just sent apologies which his counterpart would have accepted considering that he was just from the hosp…in RSA….Kalaba was enough to represent him…of which he could have even gone by road to save little money…
Scrutinizer all the points you raised were valid until you said Kalaba could even have gone by road! Seriously! Do you know how far Windhoek and Lusaka are by road? Time means money. For Kalaba to spend two days on the road is equally expensive and inefficient
….thanks for agreeing with me….and I absolutely agree with you on Kalaba travelling by road may not be practical…..but if you had to read my statement between the lines, all I was trying to say is that… with the noticeable fall in economy, we need to go to extremes to save the little you have…….RSA sent a first lady for Lungu’s inauguration…
Jay Jay,bla,bla,bla
every time with clasped hands e sign of of humbleness bushe?
EL CLASSICO, MAN OF THE MOMENT and JUBILEE PRESIDENT. The nation is behind you and your fruitful decision together with good governance. To those who use abusive language,they must know that there can only be one PRESIDENT at a time.This is H.E MR EDGAR CHAGWA LUNGU President of the Republic of Zambia. An INTELLECTUAL LAWYER not A BUSINESS MAN.
We will see to it that 2016 it will be all EL Classico!!!
Always raising issues from non-issues. What an outdated way raising arguments and always on the offensive. What is out of order this time round? Petty politics. Style up guys!
1.3 Nostradamus, my friend you appear so confused and disoriented due to hatred of EL. Sober up before you spoil you heart further. You are now talking about pictures. The issue is that Namibia invited the President and other Zambians. This is recognition enough. You are hitting the wrong target and wasting your ammunition. Your comments are so childish and laughable. Are you implying that the Namibians will be annoyed because their President is not in the pictures. Who told you that that is their interest in pictures? These are more mature people than you in UPND and HH who are concerned about pictures. We are happy that our citizens went to represent us in Namibia. Stay angry and sad. We do not give a dumb.
@Yebo, how can you call me MY FRIEND, and yet you say am childish.
And whom do you refer to as “WE” “We don’t give a dumb”, and I think they say “damn” instead of “dumb”. Welcome to America!
It pains the UPND that he is alive. come 2016 Upnd will be alone fighting Rainbow Party whilst ECL will hammer ba Chimbwi with a landslide. Mwanya ba UPND ba fika colour
Hahahahahaha!!!!!! Awe mwe!! VIVA ECL!!
I watched the whole ceremony. I saw how KK got irked when he was not greeted by Pohamba. RB was also trying to catch Pohamba’s attention but to no avail. It was not deliberate but simply they were seated in the former heads of states row. But they still wanted a lot of attention. Especially poor old KK. Maybe its now time for him to take a big rest
You see, a poor man always finds reasons to visit a well do and organized family. And it is always a one way traffic. If you never came to my house when it mattered, why should I do so
He is very free to go debating everywhere, even to the moon. Who cares?
Awe, bena all he knows “kuchilisha.” Can’t you see his expression on his face while walking out of the stadium? It’s like ‘ OMG, am glad it is over and I did’nt faint. Now time to” ukuchilisha,” and also wondering if Nambia has something more powerful than Tu Offficer twa pa ZED. SHAME!!!
While in Namibia, if he could for a change resist the temptation to drink and clear his drink sodden brain and view things in correct perspective he will be amazed to see what Namibians have done for themselves and still striving hard to achieve more. Lungu isn’t the right man to talk about the peace he doesn’t promote. What kind of peace is it when pangas have replaced the ballot paper as the new medium to vote for a presidential candidate?
Jay Jay @ 4.2, You are failing to respond to my comments with equal amount. Who do you that you have to apply to get sick. Can you predict if you will fall sick or die? If I ask you ‘how are You”? and fall ill tomorrow should I accuse of of lying that yesterday you were fine? It is you who fails to reason and argue appropriately.
Who cares whose money you use to pay your medical bills. You do not pay for me. I too do for myself. So again what are you trying to say. What is your logical line of thought Jay Jay?
Nostradamus, I do not have permanent enemies just because of politics like you do. Yes, we can still be friends if we agree to differ amicably.
Iam not a American nor an English man so I accept my mistake with a smile and appreciation. Iam a proud African and Zambian. Are you an American?
Iam not a rigid person but a teachable one. That is what has brought me where Iam today. To err is human. Thanks for correcting me and getting the meaning correctly of what I meant. You may continue to write trash about EL, we don’t give a damn. He defeated HH and is now PRESIDENT of the Republic of Zambia. Whether he drinks whatever, he is still President and HH is in opposition licking his wounds.
It’s not just about defeat, it’s also about the way you do it, just like it’s not just about getting rich but how you acquire the money. Would you blame a slave and worship his master? Would you praise a guy who snatches a car from you at gun point and blame yourself for not defending yourself? Let’s not celebrate victory just for the sake of it. The process, the rules, the morals and the dignity that goes with the victory are equally important.
Nostradamus, please do not take us backwards. HH lost the elections and it indisputable. If it was, HH would have been in courts or brought out evidence of fraud. He has not. For how long are you going crying? What you need to do is to conduct an evaluation of the UPND performance and see areas of improvement. In a contest all parties want to win, but only one wins. EL won and HH lost. That is the name of the game. You have winners and losers.
No one snatched anything from HH. More voters simply voted for EL than HH. Now you are venting your frustration on EL. He too wanted to win and he did. Blame the electorate, but be careful not upset them or else they continue not believe in your party and its president (HH). No matter what you say or do EL is Republican President.
Glad to see our dear president well guarded by security.
These loud Bembas were not happy to lose power so its good to see EL well protected from them.
Mzambia wa zamani – you are so dead wrong , Luapula, northern, Muchinga CB and Lusaka urban give Now the Global trotter Kaminamisa Lungu massive votes as they felt he impyani yak saw Sata and Kaminamisa lied to hardcore PF supporters that he will follow Sata legacy as he has no vision of his own just the same Ruphia said and both have undone the and strip naked the legacy of their mentors and teachers. What Lungu must know even you posting trash how wonderful kaminamisa is we see northern, Muchinga,, Luapula CB and Lusaka are no longer areas Former PF can claim strongholds as people are just waiting for 2016 and Kaminamisa is done just like RB was given matching orders by those who hired him. Kambimba stands a better chance as he is known by Sata PF and Poor falling/ MMD
Kabimba betrayed Sata. So he is not supported by pro Sata PF members. Kabimba was only adopted as minister by Sata as failed to win MP sit in his home ground. Kabimba, just like HH will be taught a political lesson in 2016. Do not start celebrating now, learn from UPND they cannot believe it now and are so bitter to whom we do not know. Abakali tabalanda. You are talking too much but in the ground so weak. What statistical data do you have to assume that PF is weak in those places. Is it coming from MUVI and the Post? Those will only chew your money, they are not credible. They chewed HH’s money by giving him false hope. Please learn from experience, do not count your chickens before they hatch. You could be badly disappointed.
Gwila tate wako wa kachasu!!
Anatantalika chabe but did fall. The one who really fell with a huge thud is HH. Kunalibe omugwila. You need others to hold you steady when things are not good. It something else to lose your balance and fall down. EL did not fall. He is still standing. Even in sickness he is still standing. HH fell because no could not support him in the election. So there is nothing wrong for saying “Mugwireni azagwa”. it was a timely warning and it worked for EL. For those like HH who are arrogant and have no one to correctly advise him, he fails and fall.
So, you should be laughing at HH for kugwa in the election. You are shooting the wrong target. Ka EL ako, ni ka President. HH down in the dust. What a pity. He has made his support so heart broken as can be seen from the postings here.
HH is in London and GBM is in SA talking to investors so that they can fix PF thieves. I do not see the money coming in this country soon and this economy will suffer this year terribly. We are in big trouble. Anyway, people must suffer more in these few months before 2016 elections so that they can vote wisely next year. Viva HH Viva GBM.
They are not fixing PF or EL, but Zambian people, yourself as UPND included because you don’t live in these people houses nor do they feed you. These are very people whom HH wants to vote for him.
Thanks for the information. It will be used against him for 2016. Bring more information or ideas how you want to be beaten again. I wonder if HH is truly a politician, you never do the obvious including betraying your nation for sake of power. If HH is so rich why should he go such an extent to make Zambians suffer? Selfishness is the answer. He will never succeed. Power is so sweet that even the super rich want it badly. Unfortunately only the called get, sometimes the lowest in the rank. There is a saying that “The one you consider useless, is the one who ends up marrying your mother.”
The Namibian President didn’t come to our very important day in this country, independence day but sent a junior minister to attend, even when the invitation was extended to the president! On the inauguration of president ECL, the Namibians sent a high commissioner based in this country to attend the ceremony. We are not talking about a poor country but a country which is by far doing better than us economically. These people know that it is very expensive to send a president and two former presidents to such an event which does not bring any economic benefit to the country! We decided to send the three plus other ministers at a great cost to attend the inauguration of that country’s president! Zambia is ruled by I.diots and docile, gullible Zambians are the biggest F00ls! Wake up…
Do not call Zambian *****s just because Namibians invites our leaders to attend their celebrations. In elections there are winners and losers. When you lose, it does not mean the winners are *****s. Why did you lose, maybe because the electorate consider you and your HH *****s. Otherwise you should have won. The better people took the day and won.
You do not even know the diplomacy of how these events are managed, who pays for what, how much the host country pays to host the delegates. Not everything is paid for by the invited government. There is also a budget for such trips. You are just jealousy about it. We, Zambians are good people. Its yous sentiments that are so stupid very disrespectful of your fellow citizens. You so uncultured, like you were brought among cows and not people.
Kikiki, let the haters mind their front tail in their legs. I voted for Lungu and I’m ok with it. I will vote for him again till the haters hang.
Vision or vision less, ni vote yanga, si yanyioko. Njala ikunyokola if you are eying a job in govt but outside the winning camp.