Friday, March 7, 2025

Government terminates the contract of diplomat arrested for drunk driving in New York


Langford Banda
Langford Banda stands uneasily outside his home in the US.

GOVERNMENT has terminated the contract of second secretary of communications at Zambia’s Mission to the United Nations (UN) Langford Banda, who was arrested for drunken driving in the United States (US).

Foreign Affairs Permanent Secretary George Zulu said that the move was aimed at promoting a culture of discipline among the diplomats representing Zambia abroad.

“Mr Banda has been recalled in national interest as our aim is to protect the cordial relations that we enjoy with the US. At the moment, the office is vacant but someone will soon be recruited to fill the gap,” he said.

Mr Banda, 41, rammed his 2006 BMW into a vehicle belonging to the New York Police Department (NYPD) in Queens injuring two police officers but escaped a charge due to his diplomatic immunity.

Mr Zulu also told the media that investigations in the case where former deputy high commissioner to London Eva Fundafunda is alleged to have stolen title deeds, are ongoing.

“Those documents are a precious property of the Government as such, emphasis has been placed on recovering them and ensuring that the culprit is traced and brought to book,” he said.

Mr Zulu has since urged Zambian diplomats abroad to be exemplary.

Meanwhile, Mr Zulu said Zambia would this year open an Embassy in Australia to strengthen bilateral relations between the two countries.

The Permanent Secretary said Australia and Zambia had over the years embarked on joint ventures in areas of commerce and trade; hence it was relevant for Government to open an Embassy.

“Australia has large investments in Zambia and it is also home to many Zambians living in the diaspora.

“We will, therefore, be opening an Embassy there to ensure that the existing ties are enhanced further, he said.

Mr Zulu said the move would also enhance skills transfer between Zambians and Australians.


    • This Banda ldiot could have been shot dead instantly. You don’t mess with the NYPD. Consider yourself lucky that you got away with your life. Go back to Zambia where DUI is tolerated.

    • Good News.

      But Zambians should also consider terminating the contract of Edgar Lungu as President for global trotting.

      The Tourist President has over taken all the journeys which Micheal Sata took in three years. He has just been in office for three months but ironically, the number of foreign trips he has taken in three months have surpassed those that were taken by the late Great Leader Micheal Chilufya Sata.

      What a president you have you poor Zambians.

      One would wish Lungu was not born. He has caused a lot of misery to the Zambian populace.

    • where is @ Nostradamus??… do these abaiche seek your wise advice when they first land in USA,,,,,, Too bad for this boy, i hope he wont end up homeless like kazimu, at least Sata Mulenga is now a domestic work/gadener kuli baana Dalitso ku state house

    • I was born and grew up in Zambia for 21 yrs before i moved to Europe and become a EU Citizen. Why is it that when i wanted to come back and settle in Zambia i was asked if i had 250, 000 US$ to invest, meanwhile Chinese who are non Zambian by birth or origin are allowed to come and settle with nothing and sell Ziwaya?

    • He is lucky he had diplomatic immunity otherwise he would have ended up in jail for diving under the influence and injuring police officers. DUI is not a joke in the USA. Next time call a cab!

    • Home Coming for Mr Banda, just let me know if you would like to stay here because Zed sucks. Street vendors, flies, cartels, potholes, kapenta smell etc

  1. Good News. Edgar Lungu should also resign for being a drunkard.

    But Zambians should also consider terminating the contract of Edgar Lungu as President for global trotting.

    The Tourist President has over taken all the journeys which Micheal Sata took in three years. He has just been in office for three months but ironically, the number of foreign trips he has taken in three months have surpassed those that were taken by the late Great Leader Micheal Chilufya Sata.

    What a president you have you poor Zambians.

    One would wish Lungu was not born. He has caused a lot of misery to the Zambian populace.

    • @ 1.3 This swau here ati ka hilda malama.. what hole has she sprung out of. Just when ka mushota is slowing down, another downtrodden bi@@tch springs up from some bush. This world is never short of these serpents.

  2. Thank Goodness, finally common some sense has prevailed.
    This maggot- Cadre is only fit for office in a well & truly “Failed State”

    • My only worry is with the way P.F, run things, most people “Retired In National Interest” are soon re- hired.
      I’m not going to list names, as I could be here all morning.

    • If the boss in State House back in Lusaka is a very lazy work shy man who only solved problems with loans and grants placed on our childrens’ heads do you expect his subordinates oversees to do otherwise.

  3. Your so called great leader has nothing sensible to say at an international fora where as president Lungu is evidently delivering

    • @sure. Is it not fun that our supposed great leader is as useless to you as is your delivering presido to us? Remember a coin has two sides. Dzikomo

  4. About opening of the embassy in Aussie if possible try to set it up in western Australia because that is where a large number of zambians are based.


    • Ba mwila. I thought you have so much gludas from the blacker mountain given to you by THEM, Bakamba! Manje Mulilaka two kwacha sure! Hahahahaha. Happy easter

  6. ba langi wat hapend,anyway contrbute to zambia in a positive way lookn at yo experience as a manager.gudluck

  7. whenever merit becomes a trivial factor in appointments you get mediocrity front and center. This habit of quid pro quo and other si.lly gestures in important and sometimes sensitive appointments must come to an end.

    • Kapok you are right! Am glad this cadre has been recalled. Even FrankMutubila should be recalled forgiving his marital problems. Zambian Embassies are full of cadres.

  8. How about Ba Frank in Italy and his wife terminate their contracts as well let them come back…vet all the cadres appointed by old man Sata they are just too much deadwood bringing the country’s name in disrepute; if they are not either too old then they are cadres out there to warm chairs and go shopping.
    We need a root and branch overhaul of how we appoint diplomats…surely how can you have a diplomat misplacing embassy title deeds? Lets go back to train and coaching diplomats and support staff..we have graduates roaming the streets who can do this job a million times better than this drunk and even appreciate it million times over.Today the diplomatic service is merely an extension of ruling party…even simple forms for passport u can not download online.

    Wake up people!

    • Iwe mbuli, what has Frank done for him to be recalled? Envy and jealousy, are full in the heads of Zambians abroad. Zambians are not like Nigerians, ethiopians, etc, who are always looking out to help each other. for Zambians it’s all about Pull Him Down (PHD). Change your mentality.

    • How can I be jealous on someone who is being bankrolled by poor taxpayers…I simply can not see your train of thought.

  9. An embassy in Oz is welcome because the Japan office is non responsive. Even when we want to showcase Zambia beve bali ndwii despite many efforts to contact them via email and phone.

  10. Where did we borrow this culture of deviating from the main subject and expressing our irrelevant ‘nonsense’ to irritate our perceived opponents? This depicts a picture of our upbringing failure and many wasted years in our learning institutions. Communication/ expression breakdown and grammatical errors justifies it all. Let’s learn to stay relevant forthwith.

  11. Where did we borrow this culture of deviating from the main subject and pouring our irrelevant ‘nonsense’ to irritate our perceived opponents? This depicts a picture of our upbringing failure and many wasted years in our learning institutions. Communication/ expression breakdown and grammatical errors justifies it all. Let’s learn to stay relevant forthwith.

  12. It was fo.ol.ishness for Kafupi’s govt to sell Zambia house in Canberra. Now it will cost us a lot to either rent or buy. Nonetheless, we have called for the re opening of the embassy for a long time. We need action and not words just like with the the national airline issue.

  13. instead of praising the gvt in the good step taken, you sons and daughters of smell bitches have dragged EL in your nonsense, abana ba mbwa, you were born from a woman on her smelly peas so you are confused. demons..

  14. @ 1.3 This swau here ati ka hilda malama.. what hole has she sprung out of. Just when ka mushota is slowing down, another downtrodden street walker springs up from some bush. The world is never short of these serpents.

  15. Sorry Langford however Government of the Republic of Zambia has done the best thing for the country. Going forward, this should set a precedence in unbecoming behavior from people tasked to represent the country and its people at any level.

  16. Is that a fridge on the left, all wrapped up and ready for shipment to Zambia? He will need a fridge to keep the Mosi cold.

  17. Kal ok you are right! Frank Mutubila should also here recalled. Let us sweep the embassies clean. The Zambian embassies are full of cadres.

  18. This is a good move…the current embssy in Japan is a waste of resources.
    Close the one in Japan and open one in Australia.

    I am willing to work there if required….

  19. If the Gov’t of Zambia is serous in opening a diplomatic mission in Aussie , they should know it’s not called a embassy but a High Commission, (in a Common Wealth country) with a High Commissioner not a Ambassador and it will be in the national capitol Canberra as per international protocol.
    Interesting there is no Australian interest in opening a diplomatic Mission in Zambia, They have contracted the service to the Canadian High Commission in Lusaka.

  20. Let’s look into all the diplomats abroad. We should now focus on whether they are really qualified to be in these precious jobs.

    1) Education – higher learning – diploma and degree
    2) They have been working in similar govt job for over 4 years

    We should not allow Stella Sata’s family to have all the positions.

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