Thursday, March 13, 2025

Nchito Tribunal to rule on whether Ernest Sakala and Mathew Ngulube should recuse themselves


CHIEF Justice Ireen Mambilima has sworn in four judges to probe into the former DPP allegations of Mutembo Nchito's case. These are (from left to right) Judges, Anel Silungwe, Mathews Ngulube, Ernest Sakala and Mathews Zulu.
CHIEF Justice Ireen Mambilima has sworn in four judges to probe into
the former DPP allegations of Mutembo Nchito’s case. These are (from
left to right) Judges, Anel Silungwe, Mathews Ngulube, Ernest Sakala
and Mathews Zulu.

THE tribunal appointed to investigate allegations of professional misconduct against suspended Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) Mutembo Nchito has rescheduled the date for the delivery of its ruling from May 7, 2015 to May 13, 2015.

“I wish to advise that the ruling that was reserved to be delivered by the Tribunal on May 7, 2015 has been rescheduled to May 13, 2015. Take note that the venue and the time remain the same – that is Mulungushi International Conference Centre, New Wing, at 09:00 hours,” Mr Zulu said.

Tribunal chairperson Annel Silungwe is expected to rule on Mr Nchito’s submission in which he wants former chief justices Ernest Sakala and Mathew Ngulube to recuse themselves from the tribunal sittings constituted to investigate his alleged professional misconduct, which Attorney-General Likando Kalaluka has described as ‘wild speculations’.


  1. Please just abandon the tribunal set by Chanda Chimba and Rupiah Banda as a way of persecuting Mutembo Nchito who is 100% innocent. The real criminals like Rpiah Banda are looming the streets. Even Edgar Lungu the ailing president has committed more crimes than Mutembo Nchito.

    Leave Mutembo Nchito alone.

    • All those corrupt judges for the so called tribunal will be arrested together with Edgar Lungu once he leaves office next year.

      Edgar Lungu is a criminal.


    • @ james phiri: Only ID.IO.TS like you with your East Mentality cannot see how and corrupt your heros are!! Matthew Ngulube has seen the writing on the wall after the warning from Douglas!
      How could an educated Lawyer know that Chiluba was paying school fees for his children in England using stolen money! Ngulube will be imprisoned this time round – he is a thief and Mwanawasa fired himfor that!! Rupiah Banda is just spoiling thungs for Lungu.

    • @ james phiri

      For God sake, why are you commenting if your legal knowledge reaches limits of !mbecility?
      Appointing Authority does NOT have nothing to say any more. Now and thereafter, the adjudicating panel MUST comply with principles of NATURAL JUSTICE.
      By the way, do you know what are the principles of Natural Justice?

    • Hildah Malama=Danny Mulusaka=Aleshaday, One man writing under different pseudo names. The writing is on the wall, your murmuring as a woman, a man and an eunuch is not going to change the mind of Zambians, or for that matter the politicians. They know who is trying to brainwash who, who is guilty, even though Tribunals and courts are stooges of the politicians. Hon. Judge Mutuna delivered the best judgement that every judge shall follow to bring sanity to bad credit culture of Zambians. If a Zambian does not pay what he owes and tries to hide behind the Corporate Veil, the Veil shall be lifted; the shareholders and directors shall be made personally responsible if they continue business and incurring debt knowing very well that the company is unable to pay.

    • @ zealot

      You are further away from the truth than the perjurers you worship in defiance to the Holy scripts.

    • @ zealot

      can you make a single comment without thinking with your penis? Or that brainless “head” is a source of your intellect?

  3. Hahilda Hamalama. Why hide your name. Don’t be shy be real.
    Fishing about Justices Ngulube and Sakala is a calculated move aimed at nothing but embarrass Tribunal. Mutombe knows his arguments are not sustainable in this case and at law. Ngulube was cleared and there no appeal from any section of society about this clearance. Remember he was cleared when Mwanawasa (May he continue rotting in pieces) the major thug was in power. As with Sakala no court could entertain, as Kalaluka aptly put it, wild claims. There is no crime in having a professional argument or difference at performance of administrative work. Mutombe simply had a professional difference and this cannot amount to hatred. Waunfwa iwe chi Hamailda Hamalama from ine Hakainde Hakalusa Again.

    • @HH Again, Just switch on that grey matter in that Chitimukulu skull. Discuss issues not HH every time!

    • Agree with Katongo. Leave HH out of this. The real issue is how to get money back from Nchito brothers that they stole from DBZ? How to establish the truth about Nolle that Nchito issued to Mahtani and Finance Bank claim of 4 million dollars vanished in thin air? How HH was given a Nolle only after Sata died and new president took over?

  4. In the public eye, sitting on a tribunal tasked to investigate a prosecutor who was partly responsible for termination of your job weakens your findings.

    A fundamental concern is who authorized this bad loan?. Someone at DBZ did not carry out an extensive credit risk analysis. Has anyone been fired at DBZ? This was broad day light negligence, a huge loss of taxpayers money.

    ….. Mutembo was just a customer like anyone else. His loan should have been declined..DBZ is responsible for loss of taxpayers money.

  5. It is surprising to note that some people cannot understand things objectively.The issue of Mr Justice Mattrews Ngulube in Zamtroop account is well known and documented.Only a corrupt person will pretend not to be aware because of serving personal interest.

    As for Justice Ernest Sakala is bias is well know when he was a Chief Justice.In 2011 before the elections, he refused to a handshake by the late president Micheal Sata because he was in opposition at Cathedral of Holy Cross in public and he just responded by SINCE WHEN.

    I have followed with keen interest the argument from both the State and DPP.I therefore found merit in the submission by the DPP

    Hope both of them will apply moral compass to rescue themselves rather than waiting for the tribunal to tell them to do s

  6. The Tribunal will deliver its ruling on 13th May. So who is the Tribunal? It’s the three, Silungwe, Sakala and Ngulube, Silungwe will read on behalf of the three what will be decided by the three justices. Can they rule against themselves? No! Why not? Because if they do so they will be lending credibility to the allegations by Mutembo acting on behalf of Mmembe. They will be destroying themselves forever on the whims of Mmembe. So what should they do? Well, just ignore Mutembo and Mmembe and get on with the Tribunal as appointed by President Lungu. The logic? Well, is Mutembo clean? No!!! Is Mmembe clean? No, no, no!!! No, Mutembo and Mmembe are not clean themselves at all, in fact they have done worse things than anyone else in this country, they cannot judge or even accuse anyone.

    • And yet, less than year ago you and your comrade are praising DPP.

      What happened? Trying to preserve your benefits by bollocks licking?

      If you bother to read full transcript of the proceedings, the issue of guilt or innocence of the DPP has not yet been tackled. The issue at hand form cornerstone of the Tribunal rules of proceedings, namely Natural Justice.

      The question on which Tribunal has reserved ruling to 13th May has to do with existence of either “apparent bias” or “perceived bias”

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