Saturday, March 15, 2025

ZNBC management given a 3 months ultimatum to make part-time appointments permanent


File: A ZNBC outside broadcast van
File: A ZNBC outside broadcast van

ZNBC management has been given a three months ultimatum to permanently engage all those on part time and temporal basis.

Information Minister Chishimba Kambwili gave the directive when he toured the ZNBC Kitwe Studios.

Mr Kambwili says the policy of government on employment is that people should not be on casual basis for more than 6 months.

Meanwhle, Mr Kambwili has bemoaned the poor state of equipment at the national public broadcaster.

He says his office is planning to hold an open day for Ambassadors and High Commissioners accredited to Zambia for them to see facilities that ZNBC is using.

Mr. Kambwili feels that Diplomats and High Commissioners may be tempted to help ZNBC once they see the obsolete facilities that the National broadcaster is using.

Apart from ZNBC, the Minister has so far toured community and local radio stations which include among others Baptist Radio Station, Radio Icengelo, Flava FM and YAR FM.


  1. Please Mr Kabwili do cost benefit analysis before making such outrageous declaration, at the end of it, the employees will be frustrated working without pay for months. Firstly make ZNBC a viable organzation capable of generating its financial resources and with proper accounting. The idea of playing God (i.e let there be this and that …..) when you in power is one of the main reasons Zambia can not develop. As a minister you are supposed to show critical thinking and analysis of situations.

    • Sanders I dont think Kambwili will listen to your wise advice. He has a penchance for playing around with trash so anything not dirty or murky isn’t his cup of tea.

  2. Kambwili Kambwili Kambwili no munobe Lungu. If an organisation cant buy equipment for its operations how can you force it to employ people? Isnt it clear that it cant afford to employ? And Pulizi pulizi pulizi ba Kambwili it is embarrassing to go to other people’s governments (diplomats) to beg for equipment. These people didn’t come to Zambia to be confronted with begging bowls. have you run out of ideas? The begging culture should stop otherwise you are making our kids in schools to start thinking they should beg for help everytime they are in trouble.Why are you in the broadcasting venture if you have no money? Ask yourself How come Muvi TV doesnt beg? The answer is: sell ZNBC to those who have the money to run it. Privatise Period.

  3. Tuesday 16 June 2015
    Info Minister Kambwili takes Diplomats and High Commisioners on a tour to ZNBC for them to see the old equipment at ZNBC.

    Kambwili: “sure moneni ama camera na ma computer babomfya, twapapata tupeniko filya mushibomfya ku mwenu. Have sympathy for us please.”

    Diplomats whispering to each other: “if they have no money, let them continue using these old ones. why can’t ZNBC raise money and support itself? For how long will they depend on us?”

    Diplomats to Kambwili: “we understand your situation and we will do everything possible to help you acquire better equipment.”

    Wednesday 17 June 2015
    Kambwili on TV: “I have never started a project and failed. ZNBC is soon receiving new state-of-the-Art equipment.”

  4. Kambwili should have a new name. “GREENWASH KAMBWILI.” Because that’s everything he’s all about. Anything and everything that come’s out of that dirty mouth is full of it. So people … what’s Greenwash Kambwili up to and who is he threatening this time?

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