Monday, March 17, 2025

Chinese Owl hunters granted Bail


Court hammer
THE Lusaka Magistrate’s Court has granted K5,000 cash bail to two Chinese nationals charged with criminal trespass after they were allegedly caught poaching on a farm in Lusaka’s Makeni.

Yi Shilei, 33, and Liu Bing, 27, are charged with two counts of criminal trespass.

When the matter came up before acting chief resident magistrate Aridah Chulu, the two pleaded not guilty to the offence and asked the court to grant them bail.

Mrs Chulu granted them K5,000 cash bail, with two working sureties who should be Zambian nationals, in the sum of K10,000.
The court also asked the two to surrender their passports.

The duo paid the K5,000 but the court said it wanted Zambian sureties from recognised local institutions.

Particulars are that Yi and Liu on April 8 this year, in Lusaka jointly and whilst acting together with other persons unknown, unlawfully entered Dirk Jan Muijis’ property with intent to commit a felony, which annoyed Mr Muijis.

Police last week arrested four Chinese nationals for poaching on Mr Muijis’ farm in Makeni after he complained that some people had been shooting animals on his farm.

Two of the four Chinese were shot and wounded while trying to escape from the police. The police arrested Yi and Liu while the other two suspects are nursing injuries in the University Teaching Hospital.


    • Those Chinese, no one told them that Owls are witchcraft assets they shouldn’t be eaten? Ukulya fwifwi… are they tired of dogs.

  1. Well there you have it, the influx of Chinese nationals in the country is posing a big threat. They will do anything to survive and crime is one of them. Whatever activity locals engage in, Chinese will join whether legal or illegal. Let’s be cautious about the people we are bringing into the country please.

  2. …Let the Chinese eat owls, do you eat them yourselves or are they an endangered species?

    Kazizi niya nyoko?

  3. In ancient Greece, owls were often seen as a symbol of good fortune. The idea of the ‘wise old owl’ may have come into being from the association of the Little Owl with the Greek goddess of wisdom, Athene.

  4. Why make so much drama on Chinese nationals poaching owls; In that they tresspassed on people s property is bad; but come on detaining them when there are so many big thieves walking around scott free? In fact alot of us Zambians believe that owls are witches or wizards and we should applaud the Chinese for killing them. kkkkkkkkkkkk LOL

  5. Arrest them because Chinese people have no respect for law in other countries. Their criminal record is high in the USA, Canada and Europe and they are almost not welcome. They are in Africa to gain especially poaching our wildlife such as lions, rhino’s and elephants. In their country such is not tolerated and their laws can put them in prison for up to 10 years. Just now is a case of two Chinese caught with a female Panda’s parts ranging from skin, gall bladder and meat. They are going to jail for 10 years. Why should we allow them to come to our country to kill our animals not matter whether its an owl. People need to move past the witchcraft embedded in their heads from their ancestors. You need to do your research on these fascinating species. Fine and jail these ignorant pric*k*s.

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