Thursday, December 26, 2024

A woman in Luwingu gives birth to tufts of hair


A 26 year old woman of Luwingu district in Northern Province has given birth to tufts of hair.

Confirming the incident to ZANIS today Luwingu District Medical Officer Ernest Mutale revealed that the woman has been 10 months pregnant and she gave birth to pure hair and a little blood.

Dr Mutale revealed that Ms Mwape of Kapisha village was referred to Luwingu district hospital from Chikoyi rural health center after she gave birth to something that looked like Brazilian hair.

Dr Mutale narrated that Ms Mwape is a mother of two children and this bizarre pregnancy was her third.He said after a medical check-up, Ms Mwape narrated that she was feeling as though the pregnancy was normal as she would feel the baby kicking in her womb.The Luwingu District Medical Officer said Ms Mwape attended ante-natal regularly but her medical records show that there were no irregular movements.

Dr. Mutale said the medical team suspected Ms Mwape had a molar pregnancy but after several medical check-ups results showed that it was not.Ms.Mwape is still admitted to Luwingu District Hospital waiting discharge after medical check-ups to make sure she does not have any more hair in her womb.

A molar pregnancy also known as hydatidiform mole,happens when tissue that normally becomes a fetus instead becomes an abnormal growth in the uterus. Even though it isn’t an embryo, this growth triggers symptoms of pregnancy.

A molar pregnancy should be treated right away. This will make sure that all of the tissue is removed. This tissue can cause serious problems in some women.

About 1 out of 1,500 women with early pregnancy symptoms have a molar pregnancy.


    • This woman was let down by the medical staff.She attended antenatal clinic regularly which means the midwives and doctors had lots of time during those 40weeks to diagnose the molar pregnancy. It is safe to assume that no ultra sound was done.If the Doctor suspected a molar pregancy earlier on he should have ordered an ultrasound or blood tests.There is no excuse for this incompetence.

    • This is Zambia for you. Without a photo, these are total lies. I bet Bembas are excited about this witchcraft? The family should talk to one well known golem witch called, appropriately, Dr Katele Kalumba (just think about that name – Kalumba!) . He is an expert in such matters.

    • Mushota if you had never heard of a molar pregnancy today that bit of ignorance has been rectified.

    • Let’s sort out the route cause of this mother’s agony. Can the powers that be please fire the staff responsible for this glaring medical incompetence at Chikoyi Rural Health Centre? Transfers not allowed.

  1. …to make things even more complicated, Dr Manda who could have explained these things in greater detail is no more. What shall we do now?

    • A molar pregnancy — also known as hydatidiform mole — is a noncancerous (benign) tumor that develops in the uterus. A molar pregnancy starts when an egg is fertilized, but instead of a normal, viable pregnancy resulting, the placenta develops into an abnormal mass of cysts.

      In a complete molar pregnancy, there’s no embryo or normal placental tissue. In a partial molar pregnancy, there’s an abnormal embryo and possibly some normal placental tissue. The embryo begins to develop but is malformed and can’t survive.

      A molar pregnancy can have serious complications — including a rare form of cancer — and requires early treatment

    • A molar pregnancy is a situation were incompetent doctors fail to detect a complicated pregnancy during antenatal and only to come and call it a molar pregnancy after it has being delivered . useless doctors.

  2. If this that woman gave birth to such a thing,what ever u call it (molar pregnant),where was the doctors?and she was going for antenatal regularly,why was it no not discovered?health sector should be looked at!!!!

  3. If there is one big problem with our health institutions, it is the problem of lacking the ability to correctly diagnose health conditions. There is a lot of assumptions; weakness and fever for example = malaria. This means that in some cases, wrong medicines are prescribed. Training? Attitude? motivation? Stress? or a combination of all these on our medical staff?

  4. Why complicate issues or simplify issues!!!! In our African set up with specific reference to Zambia, the whole case is summarized as witchcraft or bundoshi or Fwiti or muloi………… Not all this nonsense of molar pregnancies. They took the baby away from her womb and replace it with the hair.

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