Saturday, October 19, 2024

Artist Profile : Australian based Zambian gospel musician D Tembo



Introducing Australian based Zambian gospel musician D Tembo


“My name is Dalitso Mark Tembo, and the artist name is D Tembo. I was born and raised in Zambia and only became a Christian during my 12th grade at Chalo Trust School,  though I had been raised in a Christian family. I am not social or outgoing and so I never fitted in to most settings.Growing up I was always told I could sing and my music teacher told me I was gifted at learning the piano and so on. One time at school I was auditioning for a talent show and I was so nervous that I started in a high and shaky key and everyone laughed. I never sang again! I later came to Australia to study and that is where my unexpected music journey began
While here I was volunteered for the worship team by a church member who sat next to me one Sunday. I reluctantly agreed because I had to stand on stage alongside 2 other singers and lead the whole congregation and the last time I was on stage I was laughed at. I had an emotional heartbreak lasting over a year. After that it was strange because tunes just started coming to my head and in 2 months 12 songs were written after I prayed about it! It all happened so suddenly after 24 years that I still can’t believe it. I am currently working on a gospel album called “When God Says Yes.” People have always told me that I cannot and would not do many things including this album, but God said yes! It has a few vernacular tunes and some mixed ones too though most are in English. I hope to officially launch it back there in the mother land some time early next year when I relocate there permanently. I will release one or two sample tracks. This is the first sample called “God said”. It features the late Mr Charles Muyamwa’s daughter Inonge (singing verse 2). This is based on the hard time I went through and I hope it will be an encouragement to anyone in similar shoes.”




  1. mwaiche that is great. I thought you were just our good goal keeper for copper bullets/ chibuku warriors under leadership of Mr Jack. Chipolopolo FC perth.
    Congrats nice song

    Your anonymous perth north friend


  2. Happy for you man. May God bless you richly. But your mention of Mr. Charles Muyamwa’s late daughter humbly put a question in my hear….was she your sweetheart? sorry don’t mean to spoil the story just curios.

    • Thanks a lot.
      No she isn’t lol. She’s just a friend with crazy vocals who will add a lot. I think it was mentioned because her dad was a renown zed musician. ….

  3. This is great news, finally one of our own!! Will be remembering you and the project in my prayers man. Cant wait wait to get my hands on the sample man.

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