CATHOLIC Archbishop of Lusaka Telesphore Mpundu, who was admitted at Milpark Hospital in Johannesburg for specialist treatment, returned home yesterday, saying he is “feeling on top of the world”.
A jovial Bishop Mpundu arrived in the country at about 15:00 hours aboard Kenya Airways.
The cleric said in an interview at Kenneth Kaunda International Airport that he is feeling better and further thanked the people who were praying for his quick recovery.
“I am feeling much better, I am feeling on top of the world. I was taken to South Africa because I was ill and I want to thank those that prayed for my quick recovery,” he said.
President Lungu instructed the evacuation of Bishop Mpundu to South Africa for specialist treatment following his admission to the University Teaching Hospital.
Pa Zed! So these guys must have used tax payers money to fly to SA to see the Archbishop. Taxpayer’s money was used to send him to SA. While UTH is so terribly equipped those with connections are flown out? What is the criteria for being flown out of the country for treatment?
Well spoken.
what a shame covering ourselves in mafiology
Sata never flew anyone except himself.
Lungu has flown out many and the positive results can be seen.
Mazombwe was never flown out. He died here. He was a cardinal.
Sata was unforgiving.
You have completely missed the plot.
A Head of State who embarks on flying himself out OR himself along with a few high profile figures out of the Country for medical treatment USING tax payer’s money, is a Head of State with no health plan for the citizens.
Ba Cactus – The healthcare system is a mess that cannot be fixed overnight. Let’s argue about what the current govt. is doing about it to be at a level where we all can have confidence in our healthcare system. What Tutu is talking about is that Mr. Sata could not send the Archbishop who worked so hard for HIPC qualification and Edgar is able to send Archbishop Mpundu who had a very acrimonious relationship with an ex-head of state that contributed to the loss in elections of a seating president who supported the ascendancy to power of Edgar. That is why he is talking about forgiveness. Do not confuse poor medical facilities with Tutu’s forgiveness message.
..good news ..but it could have been even much better if he recovered from UTH…..
The Catholics should be in the forefront of fighting for better medical facilities for the poor but they are shamelessly proud to be sent to milpark. Jesus and his apostles were focused on serving the poor masses at the expense of their lives. In any case their church has enough money to send him abroad without wasting tax payers money. Out of principle KK goes to UTH and is still alive. You shall know them by their fruits so said the Lord.
Joe those white priests who were fighting for the poor are long gone or dead. What we have now are the likes of Father Bwalyas who only think about themselves. I am catholic myself and I can tell you that most of the priests that we have now are womanizer sand drankards, and nolonger fight for the poor.
No shame at with all empty tins…they are happy to waste thousands of dollars of taxpayers funds and increase their salaries but can’t pay our doctors a proper wage..they have to work private hospitals to balance their books.
If this bishop is man of god why should be scared of sickness?
Can a normal person make such a comment! That is barbaric utterance!
Barbaric!! Do you know how your people were converted to Christianity!
Wake up!!
And where is this backing dog called called ‘sunday chanda’. Why has’nt it said anything when a govt entourage visits Bishop Mpundu in a foreign hospital instead of being in UTH? And then u condemn HH for visiting the simple pipo of our nation who are sleeping on the floor.
Well said. Chanda if you are reading this, dog, lets hear what you have to say about your PF thieves flying pipo for treatment while the masses sleep on the floor at UTH. Also where are those shameless PF corrupt caders who were condemning HH for highlighting the atrocious conditions at UTH ??
Thanks be to God for the Arch Bishop’s recovery. We need you to continue leading the flock that is before you.
Bishop Mpundu shud have declined the offer to go to RSA and stayed at UTH to identify himself with the poor masses in conformity with the Pope’s teaching. Cardinal Mazombwe treasured and valued health facilities in zambia no matter how substandard they were. But because Mpundu is a pf cadre, almost sister in law to sata etc, how can he refuse.
Seriously my humble question to ba Archbishop Mpundu is simply this: –
Where is the salt in a Priest, let alone an Archbishop, who leaves his flock, i.e. his sick people in a local Hospital sleeping on the floor for lack of money to buy beds, and goes abroad for medical treatment using the very same people’s insufficient Tax money, and thereby rendering even more of his people to the floor?
And, ba Archbishop, instead of at the very least to use this attention and focus currently on you to highlight the plight of our health institutions, and hundreds of our voiceless people, all you have to say is you are on top of the World? What is this? Which World are you on top of?
Archbishop Mpundu campaigned for late dictator Sata in 2011.Mpundu’s Ndola-based sister was one of Sata’s miriad concubines; Lungu should look after the poor only.