Friday, September 20, 2024

Differentiate between politics and national developement- FDD


An aerial view of delegates inside the Mulungushi international conference centre during the national indaba
An aerial view of delegates inside the Mulungushi international conference centre during the national indaba
Forum for Democratic Development (FDD) Livingstone

District Chairman, Allan Shawa, has described the
just-ended national Indaba as a pilot to national development.

Speaking in an interview with ZANIS in Livingstone today, Mr Shawa said submissions made by the delegates at the Indaba were valid and that something will come up from the gathering.

He advised his fellow opposition party members to differentiate between politics and national development as the Indaba was for the sake of national development.

Mr Shawa said those who shunned the Indaba are short-minded because the exercise was meant to benefit everyone, not just individuals.He said he does not fully agree with those who say the Indaba was a waste of tax-payers’ money as it was meant to find a lasting solution to the effects of the global recession Zambia is experiencing.

Mr Shawa said he only hopes that every citizen of this country will ensure that what was resolved during the Indaba is operationalised.

“It is my hope and prayer that what was being said in the Indaba will be put into good effect as you heard a lot of suggestions came up and so did the contributions save their purpose and I think the whole process was a success. I do not regret having my party at the Indaba,” he said.

Vice-President George Kunda in his closing remarks at the just ended two-day Indaba conference, assured the Zambian people that Government will put in action all the views that have been recorded before the Indaba conference.



  1. Indaba, definition: No good for nothing politician meeting where they eat and drink and waste resources and newspaper space with their gibberish

  2. Shawa you have point.Those who shunned the Indaba are hypocrites who have no interest of Zambia at heart.Now implement the resolutions so that we appreciate the serious of the Indaba.

  3. As to those who shunned/boycotted the I ndaba ,they are double loosers, always failures in life!!!

  4. I think the holding of the Indaba is a very good effort by the goverment to identify solutions to the economic problems that we are faced with. This effort needs the full support of all Zambians.

  5. On “Mr Shawa said those who shunned the Indaba are short-minded because the exercise was meant to benefit everyone, not just individuals”, so there were clear benefits for the iindividuals who attended the INDABA. Wasn’t that the motivating reason for them to attend?

    While others gave lame reasons for not attending the INDABA, the UPND TEAM gave very nice reasons for its non-participation which even helped save some tax payers’ money. Such must be commended by all development oriented Zambians.

    As for the FDD, it is nice to read that it has a branch in Livingstone. Such is what I need to read about the opposition political parties being at the grassroots and in all Constituencies across the whole country.

    Have a great day you all.

  6. #8 Maestro,Shunning an open national Indaba but quick to go for secretive Sate House invitation to me does not amount to a good reason by UPND rather hypocritical coz their leader HH is on record saying people should not politicise his going to State House as they discussed important national matters at a critical time.But why go for closed door meeting and shun a wider reaching open indaba?

  7. This man does not understand that there is a clear link between Politics and National Development. A Bwezani, educate him since you have studied History of Economic Thought.

  8. Many thanks for the contributions made by the delegates!! I just hope that they will be implemented by the present Government. I also hope that the present Govt will not just use the material to make promises for what will come after 2011.

  9. 9 Sharp Shooter, while I respect your input, I believe the UPND did a great job. So, all the best to you.

  10. Thank you. Why don’t we take it a step further by getting rid of politicians and letting technocrats rule the country. Political bickering is such a waste of time and energy, when all prominent individuals on the political arena can be expending their energies on developing our country.

  11. On “Vice-President George Kunda in his closing remarks at the just ended two-day Indaba conference, assured the Zambian people that Government will put in action all the views that have been recorded before the Indaba conference”, was Minister of Justice Veep G. Kunda serious that ALL the resolutions of the INDABA will be put into action by the MMD GRZ? According to the Zambian Watchdog, the Minister of Energy or whatever has today told a group of international leaders meeting in Lusaka that ZESCO tariffs of 66% increase on the current tariffs will be implement by GRZ although the INDABA resolved to make sure that this tarriff increase of 66% MUST not be allowed by GRZ.
    So, what is happening here? Was the MMD GRZ sincere about their INDABA information release? Who is wrong here?

  12. The name Shawa ? again I see blood thicker ……That was an MMD campain strategy. What are the MPs being paid for? Always taking us for aride

  13. would anyone blame some of us who think that these Indabas, Insakas ( as chiluba used to call it) are a waste of time, if nothing that they dicuss is ever put in place? As given Lubinda said, nothing that was discussed at the Indaba was new, we all know about it, for example, doesn’t Rupiah Banda knwo that reducing the size of his government will save money? Did they really have to call for meeting to know that, so that they can look like they are a consultative governement to know that? Isn’t it common sense that the country cannot depend one one export commodity which is copper? all those things we all know and George Kunda knows that too. Even the Zesco tarrifs, dont they know that increasing the tarrif will make the poor zambia family more broke?

  14. #13 Citizen, What you are saying is extremely dangerous. Your kind of thinking is typical of all justifications for dictatorship. All the bickering in politics is NOT a waste of time. That bickering manifests our freedom. I would never exchange it for a regime where only one person is free to talk and all the other citizens are only free to listen. Political bickering is the furnace where good ideas are forged. You sem to think that technocrats are excellent rulers. The evidence (eg Kamuzu Banda) is that they can be ruthless and heartless because of a mistaken superiority complex. Let political bickering continue. Believe me it is our only security. It tests our democracy every day and it preserves our freedom.

  15. I think you’ve taken my comment way out of context Nkole. There is a big difference between constructive criticism or legitimate opposition (which is necessary), and mere bickering which detracts from national issues and makes foes of people who can benefit the country by working together. The reason I place much emphasis on technocrats is that there is far too much esteem accorded to politicians, who, once you strip them of their grand titles and populist rhetoric, have got very little to offer but the ability to spend our country’s wealth. Yes, quote Kamuzu Banda all you will, but does being a technocrat mean that you have dictatorial tendencies? Does being a poltician mean that you don’t? So, perhaps you’re happy to be in a system where leaders spend all day calling each other the…

  16. most petty and juvenile terms through a biased press, but Zambia in my opinion, can do much better, and that is the point being made in the above article – a distinction needs to be made. You see it all the time on LT – people express knee-jerk opposition to EVERY single government initiative. That just reflects a lack of discretion, and engages the government in pointless verbal wars about things not worth bickering about. I have not said we should not allow for dissent, and only ONE way of thinking. I am saying that our dissent needs to be warranted, constructive, and pertinent.

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