Friday, September 20, 2024

Report exposes abuse of the fertiliser support programme by officials


A report on the review of the Fertiliser Support Programme has revealed irregularities in the distribution of fertilizer to small scale farmers.

The report says some officials, who are part of committees given the task to distribute the fertilizer, allocate themselves the commodity before distributing it to small scale farmers.

The report which has been submitted to cabinet for approval has also exposed fake co-operatives, which are formed during the distribution exercise.

Agriculture Minister, Brian Chituwo, says district agriculture committees, which handled the fertiliser support programme have let government down.

Dr. Chituwo was speaking in Lusaka on Tuesday, during a two day symposium on agriculture and livestock.

The gathering has been organised by the University of Zambia, School of Agricultural Sciences.

And UNZA Deputy Vice Chancellor, Dr. Wilson Mwenya, said there is need to introduce measures to address the problem of food shortages in Zambia.


  1. This again is pure corruption and those involved should be made accountable. The same people stealing fertilizer turn around and tell the farmers to diversify. What a shame.

  2. So it has been discovered that there are officials who allocate themselves the commodity before it is distributed to poor farmers like my parents and furthermore fake co-operatives are formed when it is time to distrbute the fertiliser under if the minister has this imformation then he should know who these officials are and who is behind the fake co-operatives now the question that begs is what action is going to be taken against these culprits since they can easily be identified. Now typical of the zambia situation you find that the minister also and his clan have benefited dubiously so he is afraid of opening the pandora box as skeletons will fall off.kulalolelafye mwana Daudi akese tulubula.

  3. If Zambia is ever to develop then work culture has to change. We need to learn to love our country. I personally think GRZ is trying its best, but “certain” individuals are not committed. Instead of performing there duties as a Chanel of delivery to the need,they are stealing. THEY DEFINITELY HAVE 2 FACE THE LAW….

  4. Then somebody is not doing his/her job properly, there has to be someone to monitor if deserving farmers are getting the commodity.

  5. Mr. minister, as you have seen, the process you put in place is flawed. Put corrective measures that’ll assure us that this will never happen again. This has to include ensuring all the wrongdowers face the law starting with these ones you’re reporting here.

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