Friday, September 20, 2024

State prioritizes job creation


Government has prioritized job creation by endeavoring to attract investors into the country.

Labour and Social Security Minister Austin Liato says government has since created a conducive environment for investment inflow.

Mr. Liato said the vision of government is to continue encouraging new investments whilst creating a conducive environment for existing business entities.

He was speaking during the National Milling Cooperation Limited staff recognition awards day in Lusaka last evening.

Mr. Liato further said government would endeavor to look at labour reforms for the benefit of both employees and employers.

He said a motivated workforce and industrial harmony is cardinal for entrepreneurship to flourish which translates into job creation and security.

The minister said a motivated workforce is essential for the success of any business venture and has potential to drive the country’s economy forward.

Mr. Liato commended National Milling for coming up with such an initiative to award its workers for their input into the company.

Meanwhile, Mr. Liato urged National Milling to help stabilize the price of mealie meal as it a leading player in the country’s milling industry.

Mr. Liato said the current price of mealie meal is unacceptable as retailers are taking advantage of the present situation to exploit consumers.

National Milling Managing Director, Peter Cottan said his firm has placed much emphasis on the plight of its workers to increase the workplace productivity.

Mr. Cottan further assured government that the company has no plans of retrenching its workforce despite the global economic downturn.

Zambia Congress of Trade Union (ZCTU) President Leonard Hikaumba said employers should regard their human resource highly if they are to have an increased productivity.

Mr. Hikaumba said most of the companies that have failed to deliver in the country are those that had little regard for their workers.

He however appealed to employers in the country to give incentives to their workers and also establish a good working relationship.



  1. Mornin’ Miss Daisy.
    It really shouldn’t be a big deal to provide jobs for less than 10 million Zambians, or am I living far from reality?

  2. To me, this is cheap politiking. People have been losing employment since the beginning of the global fimo fimo. What has Gov done to the retrenchies?

  3. how do yu expect NM to reduce prices when they’re almost monopolising business in zed.yu ,in the 1st place, made a mistake by selling almost 100% shares to national milling.image if yu had 50% shares in NM,as a nation it was going to be easy to facilitate the stabilization of prices for the staple food.Cottan is enjoying his money and yu are there urging him to reduce prices.Learn to appreciate the fact that certain strategic companies need to be maintained by the state,it’s happening sure very soon we’ll be looking for a strategic partner to run BOZ.

  4. The govt must find ways to stop the global recession from biting us.Is. What about the African union, These pipo only show up when things are good, but when things are bad, they dont want to know. Also what powers do they have.? just look at Sudan

  5. Hi Nine Chale, thought you hate me, no hallo…lol…yeah , maybe you forgeting zed.10 million is a big deal…. How you Ba Honey?

  6. `You dont investors to creat jobs for us when you have alread seen how ready they are to flee the country at the slightest sign. GRZ must explore ways such as employing more people in the roads department. These people can deployed on all major Provincial roads to routine maintainance. This the way the Colonial government used to operate.There is a lot of money being realised from traffic related fees.

  7. Imwe bantu has anybody checked that the new ZPPA board members Edward Sefuke and Mrs Akapelwa are both related to the late Emmanuel Kasonde. One as a nephew and the other as daughter? Abena

  8. If govt could use the $53 (mobile hosp) loan from EXIM to fund clean coal tech power generation, jobs at colleum mine would be saved, the expected energy deficit in the region would be capped, more tax would be collected and more other spin-off jobs would be created in tourism, etc. Similarly, if this same money was used to build and renovate roads and existing hospitals, a lot more construction jobs would be created thereby widening the tax base unlike the mobile hosps which would only benefit the few lucky ones. Such a loan would not be a project which would be parasitic in perpetuity but a profitable income earner.

  9. On “Mr. Liato further said government would endeavor to look at labour reforms for the benefit of both employees and employers.

    He said a motivated workforce and industrial harmony is cardinal for entrepreneurship to flourish which translates into job creation and security.” This is a great move and I commend the MMD GRZ for this move. I just hope they are serious about these their words.

    To the workers, please keep doing a great service to mother Zambia and take care.

  10. Well said moderator(comment #2);…it has been and always shall be that once a government empowers it ‘s citizens through as you put it giving them the opportunity to invest in their own country,then and only then will there be real development and job creation.The Zambian government should help the local and aspiring entreprenuers(and i mean genuine ones) with flexible loans and other forms of capital for them to start their businesses or to maintain what they already have.This is what developed countries are doing…..they are willing to help local entrepreneurs.
    Why should we always be folding our hands,hungry waiting for some foreign nationals to initiate factories and other businesses?

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