Friday, September 20, 2024

HH nods Zambia’s aid to Zimbabwe


UPND president Hakainde Hichilema
UPND president Hakainde Hichilema
Opposition United Party for National Development (UPND)

President, Hakainde Hichilema has welcomed the donation of 9,000 metric tonnes of white maize by government to the Zimbabwean government.

Mr. Hichilema told ZANIS in Mazabuka in an interview that there was nothing wrong for government in donating food to Zimbabwe considering the serious economical problems that country was going through.

He however advised government to seriously address the acute food shortages affecting most parts of the country including Mazabuka before extending a hand to its neighbours.

Mr. Hichilema said it would not make sense for the government to ignore the plight of the starving Zambians.

Government on Friday donated 9000 metric tones of white Maize to Zimbabwe as part of Zambia’s pledge to assisting Zimbabwe over come its economic problems.

The donation is in line with the agreement by Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) leaders in Swaziland to contribution towards that country’s $ US 10 billion economic recovery plan.

And Mr. Hichilema has challenged the Food Reserve Agency (FRA) to quickly announce the floor price of maize to protect farmers from being cheated by bogus maize traders.

Mr. Hichilema said the delay to announce the floor price is frustrating to the efforts of farmers.

He told ZANIS in Mazabuka government is to blame for the current low prices farmers were selling the commodity because the floor price is suppose to be announced before planting season.

Mr Hichilema said also urged government to fix a price that would be profitable to the farmers.


  1. # 1 MMD Bootlicker From London , have bought a swine flu mask??? How does it feel to get money that you did nothing to earn other than yaping?


  3. Well said HH indeed. What is PF ‘s position on this issue. We have not heard anything from them. Am sure they are still busy indulging in their petty politics with that cheap tabloid newspaper that exploits workers with slave wages while it’s boss drives around in a hammer

  4. #6 MMD Chief Bootlocker , I like your comments especially the last line BUT doesent your boss fly around in a jet with his entire clan and go for holidays with his entire village while poor Zambians starve????? Learn to eat your loot in silence! all days are not the same and nothing never comes to an end.

  5. #6 Afternoon brother. #4Engine Bbuloko you obviously dont know that you need personnel in foreign service do you? Tell me how UPND would do it differently.

  6. #7 Stop being emotional. Give me proof of an occasion where my president got his entire village on holiday. Stop reading The Post.

  7. Well said HH.But Iam really concerned with HH.Every time he is making a statemet,its in southern Province or Lusaka where he lives.At no time has he made a statement in a district other than the two provinces.Does it mean that districts from other provinces dont need his attention?He should learn to travel around the country like Mazoka if he is a serious presidential aspirant so as to have an overral picture of Zambia and not the southern version of Zambia

  8. #10 He would be lucky to have an audience if he went to nothern province. This is why I call on the people of Zambia to vote MMD. Not based on where comes from. Viva RB. Roll on 2011.

  9. I like what you said on the first part however on the statement, “He told ZANIS in Mazabuka government is to blame for the current low prices farmers were selling the commodity because the floor price is suppose to be announced before planting season., this is nonsense. The farmers can form cooperatives to stop the risk of being duped by bogus businessmen. That is what you should have suggested. Cooperatives that will be powerful enough to disagree with the govt floor price and opt for a different floor price.

    Govt has been pleading with farmers not to sell all along. The farmers choose to sell on their own accord. If they must sell, sell at last years floor price.

  10. Some people are too negative. Like you No. 10. Sata only makes statements from the CB and Lusaka. How come this is not an issue with you. Keep your fingers off the keyboard if you have nothing to say. By the way, did the Swaziland Govt pay us for the 1,000 tonnes which we msitakenly sent there instead of Zimbabwe? The president did not clarify at the press conference. The maize was purchased by Zim but instead wound up in Swaziland

  11. The old should all die and become manure …. calcium and phosphate will be extracted from there

  12. #13(Splaka)Who and what are you to tell me “to keep off my fingers off the keyboard”?Just because of my observation ? National leaders travel around the country and it will be wrong for me to compare HH to Sata coz I have never and I will never support him for he is a populist.I do admire HH’s educational credentials but his style of politics is there for everyone to see,I need not to describe it.Anyway,Tongas say”Masimpe alajisa” and I have no regret for theta posting.

  13. This guy has nothing to lose!! He knows that the more he distances himself from MMD he will not cross the borders of Southern Province. I like his strategy. I clear mind set to win.

  14. Sharp Shooter @16, relax. Dont worry. You expect divergent views here, no matter how negative. However, i also mant to disagree with you over the statement that, ‘he comments from the southern province’. Awe boyi, thats a bit exagerrated. Its a pity HH has been labelled a tribalist, but the fact is, he is the only one right now practicing mature politics! Elo, how are you pela?

  15. I mwe giving tatulekana iyo/ but how do you give when there is also a shortage in your own country?

  16. The delay in announcing the floor price is a deliberate ploy to cash-in on unsuspecting peasant farmers who are selling the commodity for a song. Don’t ask me who is behind the gambit.

  17. Even when my president has said we have enough maize people are still doubting. I hope they do not start forcing their relatives to sell across the borders so that he is proved wrong. Zambians can do anything for power.

  18. HH – No manifesto of his own.

    RB – Cashing in as much as he can before his time is up

    MUGABE – The Devil next door

  19. #20 Ba Moze Nili che Mudala wanga,nanga imwe?Okay often times I have read about HH,Its in Lusaka or Southern hencce my comments and its nothing personal.

  20. As long as Zambians do not stop thinking within the “box” do not expect the country to get out of the titanic……It’s sad that people can hardly differentiate sense from nosense, akuchuleni.. case closed!

  21. By the way, i just got info from reliable sources in Zed that Dora Siliya will be coming to the USA as ambassador. She will be replacing Dr Inonge Mbikusita-Lewanika. Has anyone else heard this?

  22. I equally am against this ‘donation’. People are eating wild fruits in Southern Province. Just recently LT told us some man tried to chew a grenade thinking it was a mango!! So how do we give what we dont have??

  23. we spoken HH looking beyond tribal line he is the best person to rule zambia at the moment that is if zambian pipo want quality leadership he is the right man for the job i only hope this tribal bull$t will be over looked atleast for once in the zambezi land will have a leader who will use his head to think rather than emotion and fear of the unknown HH long live zambezi land.

  24. #28 Nothing wrong with Dora coming to America. The president is empowered to make whatever appointment he wants. Until you accept he is the boss, you will always hurt with everything that he does. I do not think it`s true though. Stay well.

  25. #29 Moze akaso! You were in the forefront complaining about the passport yet bragging about brai. You might lose everything you have tomorrow.

  26. # 31, you need to read what i wrote and try to understand…i think my statement is very clear… thats just a statement and i question i posed. You were in my statement did i sound like i am hurting about that? C’mon be objective and stop being unnecessarily emotional, will you? I know you are not a dummie, are you?

  27. the strategy here is for HH to talk to they are now they will just split the votes and mmd will win in 2011

  28. #36 Go back tom your posts. Lets not blame government for everything people. Remember this is the government we supported in 1991 young and old. I hope my boss does not see this but Zambia can have Obama in power but still people will be complaining.

  29. While helping our neighbours Zimbabweans in the manner President RB Banda is going to do is the best of all options we have as Zambians, “He however advised government to seriously address the acute food shortages affecting most parts of the country including Mazabuka before extending a hand to its neighbours. Mr. Hichilema said it would not make sense for the government to ignore the plight of the starving Zambians” is a very excellent combination of a good leader of the largest opposition political party in our Zambian Parliament as a single loyal entity to its elected leadership.

    I hope the Undereducate will take a leaf from president HH instead of depending on insults that he spits using his rehabilitating mouth piece, the POST.

    This is good campaign strategy by HH.

  30. #39 MMD Buttock licker from London, your president has no sympathy for the suffering Zambians.Most Zambians are struggling to pay K70,000 per/ 25Kg,if there was enough maize why haven’t your facked up MMD reduced the price of mealie meal so that people can afford to eat plenty?

  31. I have to go people. Some of us have to Boot Lick to survive (in a sensible way). I hope this UPND PF thing carries on up to 2016 because there is no way UPND will win elections let alone be second. Ba Moze look at your posts. If you do not find one I will do it for you over night.

  32. 28, stripper, I am now reading it from you as a rumour. My initial impressions are that Ms Siliya Dora is best placed to led Zambia as Vice President after Law Association of Zambia (LAZ) deals carefully with now Minister of Justice Vice President George Kunda should that happen possibly and President RB Banda comes up with a new Cabinet.

    While the rumour makes good reading and panic, I believe Ms Dora Siliya’s being an incumbent MP until 2011 restricts her postings to foreign service and hence she will have to stay in Zambia as serve there until she is no longer an MP.

    Whatever the case, I hope President RB Banda will give her a good ministerial job say Minister of Justice in the would be Cabinet reshuffle so that she can serve the Nation using her experience in the past.

  33. Mulenga no need to insult my president. Akaso mwebantu. How old were you when we had coupons? Go to Malawi today, coupons are there. Do not just insult. Stay blessed and learn to give and share the little that you have. Bye

  34. HH said nothing sensible,he should have said Zambia has nothing to give at the moment,people are starving in Mazabuka and many areas of Southern province.This is where the 9000 metric tonnes should have gone,this guy is not serious.Blind followers of this Freemasonist take note!!

  35. Just as a follow up on #43, the Holy Scriptures record that CHARITY begins at home. This message is so serious that should the MMD’s President RB Banda have taken it carefully he would have made sure that the MAIZE/Mealie Meal prices were affordable to Zambians instead of punishing Zambians with high mealie meal prices so that he could possibly help the Zambabweans of whom he was born among with Zambian food while Zambians eat wild fruits some of which are poisonous due to lack of mealie meal and other food stuffs.

    May prayer is that better placed teams like the UPND will utilise its resources to feed starving Zambians, at the liking of the MMD GRZ, wherever they are in the country’s interior by reaching out to their needs and hearts.

    All the best UPND Team in your 2011 campaigns.

  36. 50, stripper, cool and keep well.

    On another note, the 2011 elections will be very interesting as the rehabilitating mouth piece of the Undereducate will probably be out of favour with many of the now awakened up Zambians who take news with suspicion of manipulation.

    What will count for the might UPND Team is its consistency in visiting all the constituencies across Zambia and meeting the voters in a door-to-door campaign manner.

  37. HH has spoken sense. I also see nothing wrong with donating maize to our neighbours. A friend in need…

  38. HH think of what u say. You what he Govt to send food to Mazabuka when the same food has been donated Mugabe.

  39. the Dora Siliya one will be good to observe – what this means is she will be Ben Kangwa’s boss, who was her boss at ZNBC!!!

  40. It is impressive that the man of the moment yesterday said that our current leader can be likened to finished tyres of a car, but 2011 elections need new tyres which are likened him in the analogy.

    This just shows how prepared the man of the moment is to mount a full and carefully coordinated campaign for his 2011 bid to represent the UPND Team its president to 2016 and the to run for Zambian Presidential elections to led possibly Zambia as Country President.

    All the best UPND Team and keep doing well in your activities.

  41. HH is making headway in western province and that is the reason RB was ignored during Kuomboka. N/Western is already for HH. Next is Central province by the time tribalists will wake up HH will have 5 provinces under his belt. Lusaka is a matter of time, it will come on board

  42. #58 Tongas are a proud people for a good reason. You go to UNZA and you will notice that 45% of the students there are Tonga and above all ouside Lusaka & copperbelt provinces Southern is the richest province in Zambia. Southern could have been very rich if it were a country. Tongas are by nature hard workers and there pride is from a well founded base

  43. What has tribe to do with this? Yes giving food to neighbours is ok as long as you have more than enough for yourself and that neighbour’s lack of food is not self inflicted. Please stay away from tribalism.

  44. Stranger than fiction Tongas this, bembas that, Lozis what , Nyanjas who …Education my foot

  45. Hey stripper,wanna meet u!! on a serious note,before we rush to Zimbabwes aid,let us sort out our own issues first

  46. One ofthe thingsi ve noticed in this thread is that the majority of you w****rs are Tongas and cant keep yo tribalist traps shut. Dont cheat yourselves that HH is gonna rule the country. UPND is for Southern Province only. Period!!

  47. #63 Chris. What a bigotted tribalist you are! Only feeble-minded imbeciles would post such drivel. Abash tribalism!

  48. Not a good idea to help neigbours like Zimbabwe but it will be wise for the government to do it through the UN because Mugabe has been known to distribute aid only to his supporters..No point proping up a tyrant.Zambia should take advantage of business opportunities in neigbhouring countries by allowing farmers to export their produce. Giving out maize wont help anyone in the long run.This is not rocket science bwana RP.It pains to see our people suffer in Zambia while an incompetent MMD govern turns the country into a Banana republic..

  49. Sanibonani bafwetu. Some people will always whine until dooms day, I guess the POST has natured this culture among certain class of Zambians. By the way, can someone bother to send me some Post newspaper, current or old, my pit latrine is running out o’them. BTW, hear one edition costs K3000 backs! Yini kubize imali eningi kangaka, when it is full of trash.

  50. Suka wena, puma lapha, abatwana are dying of hunger and you say that. May you be judged according to your own stinginess. Yes our situation is not the best, but we have no crisis in our midst as our brothers.

  51. No. 10 shut up. you are very petty and are talking nonsense. with people like you, zambia shall never develope. if your head is empty my brother, dont show its nuddity.

  52. 71, Phambili , kunjani? Check out maraviDOTblogspotDOTcom.

    70 bowa, I like your point on Zambians going to distribute our maize donation to the Zimbabwean people. This is how Japan utilises her people to work in foreign countries under JICA. Zambia could now start doing a similar thing to create short term jobs for our people to work in foreign countries.

  53. A message to all those against Zambia giving Aid: Zambia receives Aid and those that give it Aid have problems in their countries too. If the world worked in a way that these countries should put themselves first above all else…then it would be a situation of “every man for himself” (…and God for us all) for every country. Besides, the message from HH above is clear, in other words- that we can give Aid HOWEVER (key word- HOWEVER!!!!!!) we ought to address the similar situation in our own country. How hard is that to understand??

  54. 75 CONT’ If there is a room with 10 hungry people and among them 8 oranges to share; and another room with 10 hungry people and among them 2 oranges to share. Would it be unwise for the room with 10 hungry people and among them 8 oranges to share to give 2 oranges to the room with 10 hungry people and among them 2 oranges to share?

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