Friday, September 20, 2024

All Ministers to be held accountable, President Banda


President Rupiah Banda emerging from his office at State House
President Rupiah Banda emerging from his office at State House

Government has developed a framework for monitoring the implementation of all policies, programmes and projects that are being implemented in the various sectors of the economy.

These include programmes in the 2009 national budget, the Private Sector Development Programme (PSDP), Financial Sector Development Programme (FSDP), and the Triangle of Hope .

President Rupiah Banda says the framework has since been presented to the Economic Restructuring and Development Committee (ERDC) of the Cabinet, which accepted its adoption.

Mr. Banda said progress on the implementation of the policies, programmes, projects and reforms will be reported on a monthly basis to the ERDC which he chairs.

“For Instance progress will be reported on the implementation of each hospital , road or school in the budget,” he added.

Under the framework, each Minister will be held accountable for all the policies, programmes and projects being implemented under their portfolio.

Mr. Banda said , as such the Ministers will therefore be expected to fully understand the issues under their portfolio as they will be presenting progress reports in person

The President announced the development at State House today when he received the Indaba report.

He has since assured the nation and the committee that was established to come up with the indaba report that government would closely monitor implementation of the indaba resolutions.

He further pledged to ensure that the report is discussed by cabinet as soon as possible so that the implementation of the recommendations is not delayed any further.

“Zambia should avoid being a NATO country that is ‘No action Talk Only’ ,” he said.

He has since commended the chairperson of the Indaba Professor Muyunda Mwanalushi in the manner he managed the deliberations and other stakeholders for their tireless efforts in ensuring that the report was finalised .[quote]

And Speaking Earlier, Prof. Mwanalushi said the nation is expecting results arising from the national indaba , failure to which will relegate the indada to a mere public relations attempt.

He said the indaba has come up with recommendations that will put the country on a stronger footing to weather the storm of the current economic downturn and ensure that it remains on course to attain the vision 2030.

“Indeed the recommendations of the indaba have endeavored to go beyond the immediate response to the crisis by proposing a general transformation of our economic systems , structures and procedures,” he said.

He implored government not to delay any further the economic diversification, which should be the cornerstone of the national response to the global economic meltdown and to the country’s economic strategy for moving forward.

Prof. Mwanalushi said the Indaba stressed the urgent need for the country to make a determined efforts to broaden the national resource base through diversification away from the current copper mining.

In addition to economic diversification, Prof. Mwanalushi said the report has recommended for the need to address the challenges that continue to constrain further positive change in Zambia.

These include the change of mindset not only at individual level but also within government systems and procedures through the elimination of bureaucracy and red tape which hamper effective service delivery.

They also consist of the need to enhance government capacity and political will to implement both its stated programmes and what it receives through the consultative processes and the need to formalize dialogue mechanism between the government and major stakeholders.

Other areas take account of the need for sustained investment in human resource development, focusing more on imparting the requisite skills that secure livelihoods graduates from Zambia’s educational system.

‘ The government is urged to develop a transparent and accountable system of determining who should be the beneficiaries of special support, through incentives and fiscal stimulus measures , for the effected economic sectors,’ he added.

The national Indaba was held last month under the theme ‘Global Economic Crisis: A wake up call for Zambia’s Economic Transformation”, and draw about 520 participants from all walks of life.

The Indaba deliberations were mainly focused on the Agriculture, Tourism, Energy, Mining, Infrastructure, Manufacturing, Entrepreneurship and Finance.



  1. President Banda will deliver the Zambia we have all always craved for. This man is educated and he is an economist and he knows what it takes to move a country out of poverty into the middle income country. A lot of you people attack him without even listening or getting to know the man and the way he run his household. This president is tuned in to what is wrong with Zanbia. The Man has children who fully know how frustrating life in Zambia can be..he is aware of all that, just give him a chance. Come 2011 Sata and HH will be irrelevant. NEVER UNDERESTIMATE A MAN WITH A POINT TO PROVE. Chiluba’s problem was that hes was too popular and really had no point to prove and forgot to go to work. We have an economist in Charge now. VIVA RB and Long live MMD in power till year 2066

  2. This sounds too good to be true but anyhow, it’s the right course of government. At least we can now debate on something progressive, other than the president’s holiday.
    Yes, let’s wait & see how serious they are.

  3. This sounds interesting but the indaba report does not prescribe the exacting punishment that should be inflicted on a failing minister.

  4. The accountability that RB is talking about on the part of his ministers depends on whether the ministers he has in place do understand the policies of government in place. I mean if you have a Minister like TETA who doesnt understand anything aprt from tribalism and bootlicking. My advise is that RB should appoint minister who are well schooled in their ministerial duties. This will make it easy for his work as president. This will also make it easy to even follow the recommendations of the indaba. Otherwise, it will serve no use at all. Pliz RB do your homework as you are in Kafue national park and make the necessary changes as advised. Lets have Ministers like Felix Mutati who is a performer. I like the man & how executes his ministerial duties given any ministry.

  5. # MMD Chief Bootlicker….MMD in power till 2066, Whats special about 2066?
    Getting to the point, I really dont mind who is in power as long as they deliver. True, RB has the right credentials and we honestly wish him well. Its down to you his Bootlickers to give him genuine and right advice. If you will only tell him what he wants to hear so that you keep your jobs, the man will fail and all of you who have the previledge to lead Zambia would have failed the nation. In your private time and secrecy, please genuinely plan to redeem Zambia…It will give you a sense of pride to know you did. All the best as you rule till 2066!

  6. Till now I didn’t realise that ministers in the Zed govt were not held accountable. Hope this time around they are, and those that don’t perform should be kicked out.

  7. # MMD Chief Bootlicker i think here bwana you are just boot licking.Very well RB is an economist,though his track record in managing institutions has been very very bad.Here am referring to DBZ, NAMBOARD.Dont you think that’s cause to worry and to constantly keeping an eye on him.He could be giving us nyamasoya instead of the real meat,he needs checking .

  8. #6 MMD Chief Bootlicker…..I forgot to mention that you should advice the other MMD Bootlicker in Lodon that he should stick to politics like you and not indulging in tribal issues…its very pathetic when it comes from a person at an Embassy let alone from anyone.
    I dont mind your political attacks on other parties coz you show maturity but this Bootlicker in London….he is such a shame!

  9. #11 He said this when he received the indaba report. That would mean this is not a recommendation of the report.

  10. Accountability and transparency Mr. President is what we need. Long overdue but we need to see action. All ministers should indeed be accountable and by the way what i would like to know and understand is how constituencies are holding accountable their MPS. Are they representing you or themselves. These chaps once they are voted into parliament as MPS, they literary forget about their consttuenies and start pushing their own agends. I think people don`t know ahy they are leaders , its all about an income, now wonder there is no accountability. Make the expenditures in their respective ministries piblic and let the public know how much they are given. Its taxpayers money. These are public funds and the public needs to know. ACCOUNTABILITY AND TRANSPARENCY IS THE WAY TO GO!!

  11. This is very good Mr President.

    Zambians are behind you all the way and are looking forward to your service delivery. You have shown maturity and amidst the insults directed to you by dubious politicians, a tabloid of hate and some armchair critics, you have shown that you are past all those petty issues and are looking forward to the development of Zambia.

    Zambia is in a hurry to develop and you have shown that you are ready to spearhead this development. GOOD JOB Mr. President.

  12. Window dressing. Anything to get re-elected. Like a yoyo….. back and forth….. whatever it takes to keep up the bounce.

  13. Avoid NATO = No action talk Only . This is good and brilliant .Can we adopt this MR President as our Slogan in addition to One Zambian One Nation ANATO. …2011 instead of the hour has come … ANATO ….for 2011

  14. Now, how come Dora was not held and still not held accountable/. Is this accountability only reserved for Chibombamilimo and Shakafuswa. Man dont select which windows to avoid and which to break.

  15. This sounds great,just hope its not one of those usual talks.Taking LT bloging to an advanced level,2009.


    For once, MR. President, you do sound to be in touch with reality! I hope that your “NO Action, Talk Only (NATO)” joke was simply that; a joke. I surly hope this ‘NATO’ thing doesn’t become a real “Do-Nothing” syndicate with you as the “Commanding Officer in Charge,” LOL! Just remember this Mr. President, soon or later, Zambians will hold you accountable for your stewardship of our resources and mother Zambia. Get to work sir; Zambia needs your full and uncompromising attention. The people of Zambia will have a right to judge you harshly if you don’t leave our country in better shape than you found it. God bless!!!

  17. Mwanalisa syndrome how are you today? Taking LT blogging to an advanced level in 2009.Mad Rocket Scientist.

  18. Well spoken Mr President, i hope that this instill a sense of responsibility in these ministers so that they know why they’re in those offices. My only hope is that this statement is not just another ‘NATO’,quote, coz we are really tired of all this talking. We’ll see how the recommendations of this report are implemented & funded.Is this a short term strategy to get us out of the crunch or has it replaced the current National development plan? Release the report,translate it, so that the majority know that people didnt just converge to get those allowances

  19. No action talk only avoid =ANATO FOR 2011 . YES the hour has been strangulated with corrupt figures .. I may be wrong to the point infinitesimal

  20. ‘And Speaking Earlier, Prof. Mwanalushi said the nation is expecting results arising from the national indaba , failure to which will relegate the indada to a mere public relations attempt.’

    Even Prof. Mwanalushi has reservation on government’s commitment to implement these recommendations. The last six months seems to attest to this caveat.

  21. which is which? FNDP, PRSP, 2009 National Budget , MDGs, Indaba… the list is endless sounds like a headless chicken to me but wahtever it is i hope it works i will personally do anything to support whatever it is if i can be made to understand it. God bless the Motherland.

  22. NATO is real and will have to die in deed before it dies in rythm.Otherwise it sounds very good,but alas it is a PAST , PRESENT and FUTURE TENSE.The sort that is birthed on the drawing board and dies there.Typical of most laedership that have greed as a cornerstone motivating factor and drive

  23. RB has never been short of words. its difficult to believe this man given his background. I agree with him that Ministers are supposed to be accountable to the people. this means a minister who misbehaves is supposed to be punished. and so what i expect from RB is to start with the auditor general’s report, every minister that has not conducted him/herself well must be held accountable. then MMD cadres, the veep and Dora. the minister responsible for making Lusaka town a very big CHINTENBA and very DIRTY should be held accountable or else MR RB, will take your words as empty works, NATO

  24. Hot chocolate, Y do u have so much beef with me?
    Aaaaaaaaah I guess you are related to Regina’s ex-husband……filachitika boyi!

  25. No. 6. RB has never been an economist. You are lying and so your points are a hoex. Please tell us something else.

  26. Mr RB, you sound like a president there, that is a “damn good idea”. Not mobile hospitals please……………

  27. #48, FTJ-Alikwisa toffee sweet,sori, hot chocolate?! Naponta sana lelo. Limbi abene bang’anda nabesa, he’s been chased 4rm da P.C!

  28. Sounds good, and about time too! Accountability is the key and we should strive to develop this culture if we are too ever get out of our malaise. Let us show respect for principles of hard work, diligence and integrity. That way people will first be accountable to themselves before anyone else.
    My only reservation is that this monitoring system seems too detailed (operational) to be assessed effectively by a committee of cabinet. The saying “the devil is in the detail comes to mind”

  29. This blogging can be a job and time sink ka, ..anyway #14 well 2066 is special in that it will be the first election after Zambia has been independent for 100 years and as MMD we would not mind going to the back bench to recharge our batteries just in time to take over again in 2091. As telling RB the truth, trust me my brother, things have changed. Here are the embassy two vexing issues about residents in South Africa were passports and Dual-Citizenship and we passed this information to the President. he is really trully interested in Knowing the true situation on the Ground, trus me on that one. Fro My London brother, I think you might have been pushed over the wall as is typical of people on this blog. Otherwise MMD is the most inclusive party in Zambia and No tribal agendas allowed.

  30. This sounds like a good idea. It needs the support in the interim as we search for fresh and energetic leadership. Yes now people who were supporting RB’s vacation this the time to judge us who opposed the vacation if we are mere critics. This sounds good and we recommend it. Thumbs up Indaba and RB. One thing that is worth noting however, is that a lot of things can be achieved with new leadership, young and eneregtic with new and vibrant ideas. RB is ruling at a wrong time and most decisions they making are according to the time they used to live in and yet we are in another century. Therefore new leadership is the only key for Z.

  31. This is really excellent. I hope the days that a finance minister (Minister Magande) would have to come and look at the state of unfinished roads are over.

    This is a very good move. Monitoring progress is a crucial factor in all projects.

  32. The last time I checked spoken out words never meant actually doing the stuff uttered. Zedians pakamwa. Your friends are busy developing econonomically with or without the downturn. Yet politicians have always promised from campaign time. RB I will give a zero til you prove to me that you can actually action what you just said. I am trying to be cold, its just that I know u pipo an vowed noy to be fooled again.

  33. Let it not be used as a tool to kick out people you consider your enemies. Let it not be an animal’s farm.

  34. Fellow bloggers, i have heard this before, don’t believe them and stop dreaming, otherwise mukalala insala.

  35. Animal’s farm means some ministers can be monitored more than others. Some ministers can be understood more than others. Some ministers’evaluations can be altered more than others. Dora’s lamyagate scandal memories are still fresh.

  36. Mr Nay Sayer Sata and Half Hatched Hichilema and Good for Nothing Miyanda have egg on their faces and will eat amble pie.

  37. No Action Talk Only (NATO), I like this new Zambian acronym. Unfortunately NATO is the name of the game in Zambia. This happens across the whole spectrum of Zambian society. Otherwise 45 years of independence, two proper universities in place, many more Zambians with qualifications from world class universities, abundant minerals and other natural resources, etc and the country is classified as one of the poorest in the world. Why? Because the country specialises in NATO. I hope the President’s talk of the need for accountability by his ministers is not another mere NATO. Don’t be excited yet, you might be about to board a NATO aircraft that will take you for a ride to nowhere.

  38. We will wait and see if its not NATO indeed. I hope Mr. President you won’t act like your vice president Kunda acted on Dora Siliya saga when Ministers are found wanted. You wasted tax payers money setting up a tribunal because of your alogancy to admit that she acted against the ministerial code of conduct. I pay tax every month which you shouuld waste on tribunals.

  39. Some gravators in here are so provoking… we know what happened but we do not need to be reminded.

  40. The comparative edge of President Banda to his opposing political losers is his knowledge based work and intensive reading habits. For the years I have known RB, the man reads a lot of professional books than any Zambian leader I know of. Even the time UNIP lost power in 1991 to MMD; a visit to his Kabulonga home would greet you with a bookworm environment. His is not dry education many critics have of a college degree without a professional touch, experience or opportunity. RB as a seasoned professional Political-Economist is the ideal leader to launch our country into another dynamic phase of national state building envisioned. Insults, malice, tribalism and hate hyperventilation are no panacea to successful national state building but pragmatism in RB.

  41. Young leaders will emerge readied to press on national hormony and building out of a responsible political culture. Nothing is in and will come out of factional and tribal bigotry Zambian opposition politics espouse today.Zambia deserves such a pragmatic father figure as a head of state foster inclusion, unity and real development driven on SME other than just FDI corporatism of Magande.Successfull economies are those driven by local SME supported by deliberate policies of support from FDI corporatism.President Banda as a Development Economist know this fact.

  42. imwe u didnt do civics in school. what ever his talking bout now is what should go on in all levels of government. To me i he might be educated but his nt clever. because Dora Siliya has bn found dodge now he wants to politick on this. During the course of the hearing he was supporting her. Zambia is in need of thos Radar equipment she was seating on. Some one should have bn watching Siliya and the rest of the gang frm the day they whr chosen in cabinet. Thr are stilll so many scandals going, ferterliser, maize issue, so many. Im tellling you now this is going nowhere…u people are talking of Pa ZEd.

  43. This is really great to hear from a President who is using his brains to address the nation in order to meet its desired goals. NATO (No Action Talk Only), ATM Automatic Talking Machine (Tetamashimba), TONA (Talk Only No Action – SATA), HELP (He Embrances Low Principles – Mmembe). Viva RB Viva MMD

  44. #Ching Chong at 71.
    This is why I said the NATO joke is not funny because NATO is a predefined abbreviation for a very serious organisation.

  45. oh we have learnt something from Zuma ka? good then , maybe our ala bee needed a mentor …someone with actual policies so he can copy from him…not bad considering that RSA is like hundreds of miles more advanced than us ..politically,socially,militarily and indeed economically much more powerful .. soo its not a bad thing of u ask me i’d say he shud visit RSA every quarter to get some

  46. So Ministers will be held accountable through RB’s statements huh? All talk no action is what RB and the MMD know. Accountability is a word they have an aversion to.

  47. MMD Chief Bootlicker:

    Please do not loose your tongue in TWO years time by boot licking so much!!!
    I can see that you are a real supporter of under performers. It does need an Indaba to see how well to develop a Country. If we want a Country to develop, then we need to identify talented people who can be appointed to Ministerial positions & do away with chaps like TETA. To implement things nicely, you need originators of the ideas as they know better what they have proposed.

  48. Rocket Scientist Maestro Hhehhehhehhe - ndeezwa ku-musanza for Zambians in the 2011 tripartite National elections Rocket Scientist Maestro Hhehhehhehhe - ndeezwa ku-musanza for Zambians in the 2011 tripartite National elections

    I just liked “Other areas take account of the need for sustained investment in human resource development, focusing more on imparting the requisite skills that secure livelihoods graduates from Zambia’s educational system and the rest is NATO I think. I will keep an eye on the progress though.

    Taking LT blogging a step further.

  49. For a minute there ithought i was reading an article on Obama, kansi ni Banda! Am impressed baba Banda. Thats what we need to hear and SEE! Be careful though on the coining of “NATO”. It could be your future name if you do not deliver. Good luck.

  50. Ka Banda iwe fya buufiiiii!
    and by the way did i not read properly or did the ‘president ‘ refer to NATO as quoted?

  51. Strange the monitoring mechanisms they are trying to adopt and implement haven’t been practiced before. So what has been the role of Ministers? Undoubtedly the role of just lining up at the airport like “ducks” everytime the President is going out is number one on the list. Instead of being in the field doing their work, the UNIP era of closing Markets, schools roads whenever KK is coming is counter-productive and total nonesense. Women in chitenge materials rushing to the Airport whenever the “Chief” is going or coming midnight dancing, ooh! what a shame Zambia, we can do better than that. Let Ministers work and not duck_lineup showing their presence. Peace & Bless Zed

  52. MMD Chief Bootlicker… Mudala I thought may MWALIKWATAKO AMANO. With this poverty we have in Zambia ..Wake Man before its too late


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