Friday, September 20, 2024

Sata not fit to rule Zambia – Mumbi


Mr Sata addressing his members
Mr Sata addressing his members
Former Patriotic Front (PF) party General Secretary Edward

Mumbi has charged that PF leader Michael Sata is not fit to rule Zambia.

Mr. Mumbi accused Mr. Sata of keeping money meant for campaign programmes in the just ended October 30, 2008 Presidential elections at his residence.

He said the Patriotic Front lost the elections because of Mr. Sata’s alleged failure to send donated money to rural and some urban constituencies.

Mr. Mumbi was speaking when he briefed the press in Lusaka today.

He dared to fight back the PF Leader if he continued attacking and issuing defamatory remarks against him.

The former PF General Secretary also advised Mr. Sata to play clean politics and not to glamorize vulgar language, lies and violence.

Mr. Mumbi further challenged PF leader to apologize to Second Republican President Frederick Chiluba for alleging that he received US$2 million from Democratic Republic of Congo, Katanga Governor Moses Katumbi to fund rebel PF MPs.

Mr. Mumbi has also challenged PF President Michael Sata to apologize to the Chairperson of the Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) Justice Florence Mumba for alleging that she gave a Mercedes Benz car and a K500 million to Mr. Mumbi to derail the democratic electoral process.

Mr. Mumbi, who described Mr. Sata as a liar and a person who is in a habit of destroying other people, disclosed that he was requested by Mr. Sata to issue a statement suggesting that Dr Chiluba received US$2 million from Katanga Governor Moses Katumbi to form a political party together with the PF rebel MPs to contest the October 30, 2008 Presidential polls.

He challenged Mr. Sata to apologize to the former President for maliciously causing damage to his reputation as there was no money that Dr Chiluba received from Katanga Governor Moses Katumbi which was meant to destabilize the PF party with the formation of a new political party.

Mr. Mumbi further advised the PF leader to respect Dr Chiluba as he had played the Presidential role of serving the people of Zambia during his tenure of office as Republican President.



  1. Mr. Mumbi don’t even waste time. We all know the laws on defamation of character.

    Please take Mr. Sata to court so he can prove the accusations. If he cannot prove the accusations, he will have to pay for damages.

    Don’t waste time giving media statements, go consult your lawyers immediately and clean your name.

  2. Ba Mumbi you are playing to the gallary of King Cobra Sata the “Insoka” . You had to wait to be shown the door and that is when you have gathered to ma little caurage. Probably you ate from the electral Commission. It is better just to keep quite and enjoy your maney from the ECZ. plus the Benz.

  3. I ve heard that song many times Mr. Mumbi, tell us something else. At the moment, no one is fit to rule Zambia! Even the the current head is not fit

  4. Rocket Scientist Maestro Hhehhehhehhe - ndeezwa ku-musanza for Zambians in the 2011 tripartite National elections Rocket Scientist Maestro Hhehhehhehhe - ndeezwa ku-musanza for Zambians in the 2011 tripartite National elections

    Well, well, well, not all Bemba characters linked to PF are dull and this is great. This has been evidence in “Mr. Mumbi accused Mr. Sata of keeping money meant for campaign programmes in the just ended October 30, 2008 Presidential elections at his residence” by the fomer PF Secretary General.
    He said the Patriotic Front lost the elections because of Mr. Sata’s alleged failure to send donated money to rural and some urban constituencies” is very bad, just like keeping funeral money for former Kanyama MP Mtonga. I hope the donors will change their strategy on giving campaign money to characters who do not have conventions to elect leaders democratically in their political parties. In light of Mr Mumbi’s data, I urge the Mr Mumbi to take this to Zambia Police.

  5. Rocket Scientist Maestro Hhehhehhehhe - ndeezwa ku-musanza for Zambians in the 2011 tripartite National elections Rocket Scientist Maestro Hhehhehhehhe - ndeezwa ku-musanza for Zambians in the 2011 tripartite National elections

    Following “Mr. Mumbi, who described Mr. Sata as a liar and a person who is in a habit of destroying other people, disclosed that he was requested by Mr. Sata to issue a statement suggesting that Dr Chiluba received US$2 million from Katanga Governor Moses Katumbi to form a political party together with the PF rebel MPs to contest the October 30, 2008 Presidential polls, this is very impressive stuff that any sane person needs to take into account for it is testimony from those who actually worked with the Undereducate and have an experience with him.On “He challenged Mr. Sata to apologize to the former President for maliciously causing damage …“, this is expected from noble Zambians. I hope the Undereducate will yield
    Taking LT blogging advanced levels.

  6. Ba mumbi bamudala. Why didn’t you say all these things when you where in the office? What were you scared of, or may be you wanted to have a share of the said money meant for campaign of which you did get a coin out of it ! Banyandule imwe.

  7. Mr Mumbi dont be useless why have been quiet all along, dont play with our mind ok, chimbwi.

  8. Snakes are in different colors , yet snakes they are .The Distinguishing feature is the , the venom . Cytotoxic, neurotoxic , hemotoxic etc…Snakes in UPND , Snakes in MMD and Snakes in PF are all snakes ,yes Snakes will be snakes …

  9. Mumbi should have said what he si saying now when he was still PF secreatary General. who doesnt know mumbi from zamtel anyway.

  10. Ka Mumbi you need to be honest, why didt you mention all this when you were in office, you re playing with our mind.

  11. “He challenged Mr. Sata to apologize to the former President for maliciously causing damage to his reputation as there was no money that Dr Chiluba………………………” negroe please! what reputation?

  12. Any ways, we will get the other side of these allegations when himself king cobra the black mamba speaks for himself it won’t be long i know. I rest my case.

  13. Maestro Hhehhehhehhe why do u like talking about Bembas all da time?U’re a disgrace 2 the nation.I think u can’t associate with Bembas.Too bad 2 have such a fellow like u in country/SDA.
    Behave like an educated person!!.

  14. ‘He challenged Mr. Sata to apologize to the former President for maliciously causing damage to his reputation as there was no money that Dr Chiluba received from Katanga Governor Moses Katumbi which was meant to destabilize the PF party with the formation of a new political party.’
    Sour grapes. Mr. Mumbi has become a judge unto himself.

  15. It’s all about the money.All this time you have been quiet and from no where you announce this development ,I cannot help but to believe that you have been paid to start the process of painting Sata as a bad person by the mmd.The problem with us Zambians is that we fail to speak out when we are enjoying from the table ,but once fired you start speaking ill of your friends.Grow up .

  16. sour grapes Mr Mumbi, eeh! eeh! Chiluba is now your hero. Have you forgotten about the real Mr Titus Mpundu and who the real Mr Fredrick Chiluba is?
    Michael Chilufya Sata is always the same. You found him as he was and you have left him the same.

  17. Rocket Scientist Maestro Hhehhehhehhe - ndeezwa ku-musanza for Zambians in the 2011 tripartite National elections Rocket Scientist Maestro Hhehhehhehhe - ndeezwa ku-musanza for Zambians in the 2011 tripartite National elections

    18, russia moscow, greetings. On your “Maestro Hhehhehhehhe why do u like talking about Bembas all da time?” What is wrong about writing about Bembas? Is the word Bemba a TABOO? Be careful with what you wish for! About your “Too bad 2 have such a fellow like u in country/SDA“, I do not care about your opinion and just keep it to yourself for it will never change the way I do things as I am the FINAL JUDGE of what I deem fit or not fit to write or talk about.
    U utule wena?.

    Start behaving like a real SDA and stop being a coward and exposing your uselessnes your character following your “Behave like an educated person!!.
    Have a blessed day. ___
    Taking LT blogging advanced levels.

  18. Sata is not fit to rule Zambia. Of cocurse not! But neither is yourself, Rupia Banda, Hichilema, Miyanda, Sakwiba, …Need I go on? as individuals want or desire than what the people want. That’s what democracy is all about. Do you believe the American people wanted to be dragged into a war they did not deserve? But they ELECTED Bush and he turned out not to be the president they expected him to be. They waited until the next election to kick him and his party out. It’s called democracy even if you have never heard of the word.

  19. Mark my words and right them down. 2 things will happen should Sata win 2011

    a- his health issues will certainly escalate and manifest (Sata is a renowned smoker who advancing age is not doing him any good), and due to the paranoia of our old African politicians, Sata will proceed to mental instability, turning Zambia into a potential failed state..

    b-he will die, then his cabova ministers/cadres will scramble for power and lead the country into chaos-again bringing about a failed state.

  20. Sata is not fit to rule Zambia. Of course not!! But neither are you, Rupiah Banda, Hichilema, Miyanda, Sakwiba, …Need I go on? Neither was Chiluba, for that matter. Mr. Mumbi, sometimes it is not so much what we want than what the people want. That’s what democracy is all about. Do you believe the American people wanted to be dragged into a war they did not deserve? But they ELECTED Bush and he turned out not to be the president they expected him to be. They had to wait until the next elections to kick him and his party out. It’s called democracy even if you have never heard of the word.

  21. What authority does Mr. Mumbi have to declare someone either fit or not fit for the Zambian presidency? He sounds bitter about the divorce with PF. Sour grapes.

  22. The rule of the game are that you can’t talk against your own party president! Mr. Mumbi could not reveal these things when he was in SG of PF. But what he is saying is very true, i have head this from so many people even currently still in PF that Mr. Sata takes money donated to PF as personal money and doea not share it with anybody. but who can blame him PF is Sata and Sata is PF that why I personally do not support any of these personal parties in the name of PF, HP and to some extent UPND! I am to some extent because UPND held a fluke convention atleast. Currently the only truely national party is MMD whether you like it or not!

  23. for#30 I disagree- Bush took the country to war after an the 9/11 incident. The basis of your logic is totally wrong on democracy. One of the major pillars of democracy is that the people select who is best suited to lead them. Sata is not. You cannot say that is what democracy is about- You are using it in a totally wrong context. Fact is Zambia does not deserve Sata- his history speaks volumes. The problem is our voters are not reminded on Sata’s past atrocities. Our media-LT included is guilty of not vetting our candidates.

  24. I have noticed something about many of these Zambian politicians after they have been kicked out of the party thats when they want to talk. If they want to talk, talk while you are inside, thats when there can be progress. Others whats this guy is saying is useless i cant even listen to him.

  25. Someone said there is no one fit to be president of Zambia at the moment yet RB is is president even though he is not fit. they could be some truth there.
    So we just have to vote for those who are there even though non are fit.from among the unfit lets choose one unfit who can fit

  26. when did you know that sata is not fit to be presindent? and why did you join the party that has it’s leader who is not fit? why didn’t you tell us all this story all along when you were enjoying the same money? missed call mr mumbi.i will put you to voice mail.

  27. Who doesn’t know this fact that the man is a glutton? But his courange to enter a lossing race is worth applauding.We will be outdoing our democracy if we let MMD win without losers in the race.Putting a name on the ballot, shredding campaign funds, sinking deep in debts, and indeed wishful thinking that you can outmanuveur MMD does not require a potential player but such risk takers.Sata knows that he will never ever be allowed to win and misrule Zambia but has to legitimize our democracy through participation while reaping off from the donor funding.When he demonize the chinese, he plays on the East/West primacy politics of gain.There is money in that orchestra.

  28. #18, Maestro is not all that ok upstairs! Am afraid you might be dealing with a mad scientist! He is not normal! So never mind him!

  29. I hate this useless tribalist guy called Maestro. I think he grew up in the village and he is a typical uncivilized Tonga. And i do not think this guy is as educated as he claims. May be he is just a waiter in one of the restaurants in Europe. We all know what you guys who are in diaspora do in order to survive. Why do you always bring in tribal issues even where it is not necessary. Afterall, your fellow tribe mates are stingy and you do not support each other. One of these days you will kick the bucket, and it is a bemba you hate so much that will organize to bring your body back home. Your so called fellow tribe’s mate will all run away!! You must know that all these nonsense so called tribes are artificial for we are one people in God’s image.Stupidy,makaka iwee!!!

  30. Theres a surprise! I seriously doubt that the Zambian electorate would be fullish enough to elect Sata. What qualities would he bring to the table other than “lupenism” , kabovaism” and many other undesirable ism’s. He should dedicate his time to choosing a potential successor who may have a better chance of representing PF. A wise man knows when to take a back seat. Remember, you dont have to be in state house to be a king maker.

  31. do not tell us about sata, becoz only Mumbi knows can rule zambia. mumbi started insulting sata becoz he has no position in the party now. we saw when chiluba supported sata, they were very good friends, see what happened when chiluba supported Banda. we know sata has no leadership quality, he smokes alot, many wives and kaponya, please do not vote for this thug our country will be at civil war, sata is preaching that only bemba laguage should be spoken in zambia, how on earth a man want to be head of state, mention that, without considering that other tribes would not want that. he campaings in bemba, leaving out non bembas, he has very slim chance of winning election in zambia believe me.

  32. Bakamba Ba Sata baume.tule ba votela mu 2011.Ba Mumbi ba Guy Ekalenifwe if you dont have any thing to say ok.Sata is the only courageous man we have so far in Zambian politics. Don’t just work up and start talking marabish ok

  33. Mumbi has issues. Bwana Mumbi think about your future political career. I see you vanishing after the elections. You don’t inspire confidence in me.

  34. Party Secretary General is the most senior party operations and administration chief too close to the President and risky to lose in battle season. Interesting is the fact that the SG’s wife remains Sata’s closest confidant. SG has all widgets of party operations yet 5 months ago he chose to step off the party main stream stage to take on his party Lumpen leader. Now after 5 months of sabbatical silence he escalates his dissatisfaction into public domain in muckraking politics option. Patriots need not procrastinate but put attractive value to the “AA Cycle” and vigorously precipitate fronts from the grassroot to the Pyramid Peak .Machiavelli was and very explicit to be ignored.

  35. “And Mr. Mumbi says he has not yet decided on his political future. He said that he could go back the corporate world claiming that he is qualified. He added that there were still decent political parties like the MMD and the UPND which he could join.
    He was speaking during a press conference in Lusaka at Pamodzi Hotel to mark the end of his silence.”Well Mr Mumbi i would advise u to join the UPND as this is the future party with vision atleast. Lets join politics to save the people and not for financial gains. Principle should guide us in choosing which political party to join. Goodluck Mr Mumbi. You may not have had courage to speak out but atleast you have spoken out and now what remains is to prove your values.

  36. “And Mr. Mumbi says he has not yet decided on his political future. He said that he could go back the corporate world claiming that he is qualified. He added that there were still decent political parties like the MMD and the UPND which he could join.
    He was speaking during a press conference in Lusaka at Pamodzi Hotel to mark the end of his silence.”Well Mr Mumbi i would advise u to join the UPND as this is the future party with vision atleast. Lets join politics to save the prople and not for financial gains. Principles should guide us in choosing which political party to join. You may not have spoken out early enough but atleast you have finally spoken out. what remains is to prove your values. Goodluck!!!

  37. Its fun how people want to cum out clean. All these years why didnt he live or speck out while with he man. We are even more convinced that he was given all he is denying for him to even hold a sole press conference at one expensive hotel. Shame the mumbi. ngamwaleya fyee imipya not bo bo bo.

  38. Can sumone tel me is this the husband of one of our sTRONG PF Munali MP. I doubt it. If its tru then pitcort govnt still exists with cowards like the man.

  39. Sata keeps money at his residence? Nothing knew and I believe the current President and his ministers do the same.

  40. Maestro fimo fimo never ceases to amaze me, he seems to be a mad scientist and needs mental help.

  41. Rocket Scientist Maestro Hhehhehhehhe - ndeezwa ku-musanza for Zambians in the 2011 tripartite National elections Rocket Scientist Maestro Hhehhehhehhe - ndeezwa ku-musanza for Zambians in the 2011 tripartite National elections

    53, The Gambino, greetings and thanks for your Maestro fimo fimo never ceases to amaze me, he seems to be a mad scientist and needs mental help. OPINION, you will continue beeing amused and I appreciate that.
    I hope you have now learnt something to help with with your delusion. Have a good day.

    Taking LT blogging to an advanced level.

  42. Maestro dont insult bembas by saying that those who support Sata and PF are dull okay.You Satanist, Freemanson wakukamamo namenshi.

  43. Rocket Scientist Maestro Hhehhehhehhe - ndeezwa ku-musanza for Zambians in the 2011 tripartite National elections Rocket Scientist Maestro Hhehhehhehhe - ndeezwa ku-musanza for Zambians in the 2011 tripartite National elections

    37, Fashion Police, greetings and thanks for your Maestro is not all that ok upstairs! Am afraid you might be dealing with a mad scientist! He is not normal! So never mind him!. OPINION, you will continue beeing amused and I appreciate that.
    I hope you have now learnt something to help with with your delusion. Have a benign day.
    I am impressed by “The former PF General Secretary also advised Mr. Sata to play clean politics and not to glamorize vulgar language, lies and violence”, but this is asking too much, I believe, for the Undereducate does not listen to good advise save confused one that advances his aim to be Zambian President. Continue trying and I will be enjoying the comedy.


    Taking LT blogging to an advanced level.

  44. People like Mumbi should not even be talked about because their souls traverse the earth without meaning even unto their grave yards.They say things not at the right time but at the wrong time surely with certain reasons and not those that benefit others but those that benefit just their own existance and for this they would even speak againt their own family if need be .I tell you the truth scrutinize him and his family if he has any you will understand what i mean .This type of behavior has a history and it follows one.If ever anyone was to be chosen to represent people the back ground should be scrutinized.

  45. Rocket Scientist Maestro Hhehhehhehhe - ndeezwa ku-musanza for Zambians in the 2011 tripartite National elections Rocket Scientist Maestro Hhehhehhehhe - ndeezwa ku-musanza for Zambians in the 2011 tripartite National elections

    56, Chewe the Virgin, greetings and thanks for your “Maestro dont insult bembas by saying that those who support Sata and PF are dull okay” OPINION, for your shallow thinking and exposure of ignorance on LT combined with insults is not surprising.
    I hope you have now learnt something to help with with your delusion. Have a benign day.
    “The former PF General Secretary also advised Mr. Sata to play clean politics and not to glamorize vulgar language, lies and violence” is clear that Mr Mumbi is a man who has realised that he was in a blind mode for a long time but now is the time to clean bad politics by the Undereducate self-appointed Poor Finishing leader Michael Chilufya Sata.


    Taking LT blogging to an advanced level.

  46. Rocket Scientist Maestro Hhehhehhehhe - ndeezwa ku-musanza for Zambians in the 2011 tripartite National elections Rocket Scientist Maestro Hhehhehhehhe - ndeezwa ku-musanza for Zambians in the 2011 tripartite National elections

    59, Ned , greetings and tallow me to borrow your “They say things not at the right time but at the wrong time surely with certain reasons and not those that benefit others but those that benefit just their own existance and for this they would even speak againt their own family if need be .
    It is very interesting that I am writing things while it is good time and all must be encourage to follow my style. Unffortunately, characters like <bChewe the Virgin will always be behind as they can NOT cope with my being DYNAMIC no matter how they try because instead of asking for help, they are bent on trying to puit my name into disrepute; but this is working to my advantage for increased popularity.


    Taking LT blogging to an advanced level.

  47. Maestro the truth hates.And the truth is that you feel bitter because you will never achieve what Sata has achieved in his will have those papers with nothing to show that you have them. Taking LT blogging to advanced level in 2009.

  48. This scientist maestro is too childish. He’s got no direction in his opinion. What papers has he got, please enlighten me its my second time here.

  49. Oh.oh…yabicha makani!! Ba Sata mukwai katusheni..This problem of African leaders holding on to power is very disturbing, you keep saying future leaders; who is a future leader if you still want power? We don’t want a president with more than one wife in state house. As much as you are a person who gets things done.. kwena mwe bena Zambia we should start looking at morals and values of leaders and i think the leader in question failed miserably there. Anyway, its upto the PF members to hold elections depending on their constitution. Personally for the Zambian presidency, i can’t stress anymore but to say asta la vista, time is up.

  50. Stop attacking Meastro you losers. Everyone knows that this piece of —-Michael Sata is only interested in Northerners running Zambia, he thinks if you come from a tribe other that the Northern, Luapula, Central or Copperbelt then you dont qualify to be in the State House, thats why his party should change from PF to TP (Tribal Party).

  51. Anyway you haters need to get it together. Michael Sata is not presidential Material. aint you tired of those Ugly faces on our Presidential potraits in our embassy offices.

  52. the boat will soon sink, like the titanic….They have recently been fighting a lot in it. SATA needs to go, his time is over.

  53. Rocket Scientist Maestro Hhehhehhehhe - ndeezwa ku-musanza for Zambians in the 2011 tripartite National elections Rocket Scientist Maestro Hhehhehhehhe - ndeezwa ku-musanza for Zambians in the 2011 tripartite National elections

    70, Chewe the Virgin , following your “Maestro the truth hates.And the truth is that you feel bitter because you will never achieve what Sata has achieved in his will have those papers with nothing to show that you have them. Taking LT blogging to advanced level in 2009., I all but laughed at this stuff. Have you now turned into a false prophet. Look <bChewe the Virgin you are now behaving like a photocipying machine since your can not think of doing new things for yourself. You have tried to copy my Signature, but you exposing the behaviour of people like you. Continue in your confusion and I will lead while you follow.


    Taking LT blogging to an advanced level.

  54. Rocket Scientist Maestro Hhehhehhehhe - ndeezwa ku-musanza for Zambians in the 2011 tripartite National elections Rocket Scientist Maestro Hhehhehhehhe - ndeezwa ku-musanza for Zambians in the 2011 tripartite National elections

    72, Abdul , in light of your “This scientist maestro is too childish. He’s got no direction in his opinion. What papers has he got, please enlighten me its my second time here. How old are you? What is your level of education? My papars are in Astrophysics and Space Science. Have a nice day.


    Taking LT blogging to an advanced level.

  55. Rocket Scientist Maestro Hhehhehhehhe - ndeezwa ku-musanza for Zambians in the 2011 tripartite National elections Rocket Scientist Maestro Hhehhehhehhe - ndeezwa ku-musanza for Zambians in the 2011 tripartite National elections

    74, dingile greetings and thanks for your “Stop attacking Meastro you losers. I will continue cutting this losers to their size. They are impressively making me popular and this is good. By the time I get to Zambia later on in the year I believe a lot of PF characters will be waiting for me to know who I am.


    Taking LT blogging to an advanced level.

  56. Rocket Scientist Maestro Hhehhehhehhe - ndeezwa ku-musanza for Zambians in the 2011 tripartite National elections Rocket Scientist Maestro Hhehhehhehhe - ndeezwa ku-musanza for Zambians in the 2011 tripartite National elections

    According to Zambian watchdog, Mr Mumbi said “And Mr. Mumbi says he has not yet decided on his political future. He said that he could go back the corporate world claiming that he is qualified. He added that there were still decent political parties like the MMD and the UPND which he could join“ and it is surprising that LT has not included this part due to some interesting reasons, but I am glad that finally sense is coming out of this former PF Secretary General man. I am sure more of the current PF characters will join the winning team when the time will be ripe.

  57. Hustlers will always be hustlers hats off to you ba ED ( Edward Mumbi). continue hustling and bring back the crew ba kelo, ba lazi,ice , zenico and the kamwala boy nsima yapa katemba. we always hustle for survival never give up ba ED.


  59. What silence is Mumbi breaking? Aren’t these the same things he uttered when he left PF? This man had no impact on PF at all. Can he tell us what he did during the Presidential election to ensure that PF won the election? People should not waste time listening to this man. The boat is still rocking and Mumbi is unhappy about this. He must remember that he is fighting against a big wave of PF supporters.

  60. Maestro fimofimo, you are so petty. Its sad that characters like you who still believe in tribalism. What have the Bembas done wrong to you? Limbi ulakumbwa ukuba umu Bemba. We mpombo we.

  61. Zambian pipo shud be carefull with dangerous characters like Mumbi who cant even express the reason why he is disclosing this information is it integrity or frustration? because he was expelled? mumbi is not different from tetamashimba

  62. Rocket Scientist Maestro,i seriously think you have a problem with bembas and iam praying for you asa fellow adventist. Indeed your comments suggest that bemba people are dull. Mind you, its not only bembas who are following Sata. I know you read the post and you have been following the reactions to the comments by Muyanda the sinazongwe MP on bambas. When i first went to lusak at an SDA church they were using TONGA-in lsk. I did not call the church members tribalists, i continued at that church because we bembas have a high level of tolerance and iam proud about that. I am married to a Tonga lady and its chaps like you who give these people a bad name otherwise they are generally good people. Its a shame that all the years in school have not helped you, youare just like that MP for sinazo

  63. Maestro, kwena Ulichipuba ichikulu nacho!! You are a #2 Tonga i have ever met who doesnt think after your HH! Fact: Bembas and Easterners will continue ruling you!!!

  64. My first time on LT blog and i already see that maestro fimo fimo is an ****. It seems your education has done nothing to your social behaviour. Your continous attacks on Mr Sata and Bembas has simply breed hatred againts my party UPND and my president, you are not doing anything to help the party , we need all the support we can get espcialy from bembas as they form the largest tribe in zambia . So please if you are going to attack the bembas, disociate yourself from the UPND , you are a liability to the party….

  65. Rocket Scientist Maestro Hhehhehhehhe - ndeezwa ku-musanza for Zambians in the 2011 tripartite National elections Rocket Scientist Maestro Hhehhehhehhe - ndeezwa ku-musanza for Zambians in the 2011 tripartite National elections

    85, maew, since you have exhibited a deficiency in understanding the word tribalism following your Maestro fimofimo, you are so petty. Its sad that characters like you who still believe in tribalism. I will teach you. Type ‘define: tribalism’ in a googel search engine and you will get:
    1.The condition of being tribal; A feeling of identity and loyalty to one’s tribe
    2.Belief in your own tribe(=group) not your country 3.the state of living together in tribes and the beliefs of a tribal society.
    You can also type ‘define: tribalist’ and ‘define: tribal’ and you will get similar definitions.
    Now, that this has been cleared. I will prove that you are a Bemba Tribalist. I also challenge you to prove your claims. ___

    Taking LT blogging to…

  66. Rocket Scientist Maestro Hhehhehhehhe - ndeezwa ku-musanza for Zambians in the 2011 tripartite National elections Rocket Scientist Maestro Hhehhehhehhe - ndeezwa ku-musanza for Zambians in the 2011 tripartite National elections

    89, Vladimir greetings, your Your continous attacks on Mr Sata and Bembas has simply breed hatred againts my party UPND and my president, you are not doing anything to help the party , we need all the support we can get espcialy from bembas as they form the largest tribe in zambia is misplaced for I am not a UPND member. My support for UPND is purely out of its democratic tendencies and good politcies. I this is not clear in your deludeed head, please call again. As for Bemba people (both speaking and tribe), I have no problem with any of them. They are human beings just like me. Beisdes, they are Zambians and we are all “One Zambia, One Nation”.
    So, instead of spreading ignorance and confusion on LT, please assert yourself with proof of your claims.

  67. Rocket Scientist Maestro Hhehhehhehhe - ndeezwa ku-musanza for Zambians in the 2011 tripartite National elections Rocket Scientist Maestro Hhehhehhehhe - ndeezwa ku-musanza for Zambians in the 2011 tripartite National elections

    85 maew, on “What have the Bembas done wrong to you?“, what is your problem for I have no problem with any human being – be it Bemba, Chinese, Indian, etc..
    Taking the definition 1.The condition of being tribal; A feeling of identity and loyalty to one’s tribe above of trialism, your Limbi ulakumbwa ukuba umu Bemba. We mpombo we. insults speak volumbas about your Bemba-ness.
    Taking LT bloggin to another advanced level

  68. Rocket Scientist Maestro Hhehhehhehhe - ndeezwa ku-musanza for Zambians in the 2011 tripartite National elections Rocket Scientist Maestro Hhehhehhehhe - ndeezwa ku-musanza for Zambians in the 2011 tripartite National elections

    85 maew, on “What have the Bembas done wrong to you?“, what is your problem for I have no problem with any human being – be it Bemba, Chinese, Indian, etc..
    Taking the definition 1.The condition of being tribal; A feeling of identity and loyalty to one’s tribe above of trialism, your Limbi ulakumbwa ukuba umu Bemba. We mpombo we. insults speak volumes about your Bemba-ness.
    Taking LT bloggin to another advanced level

  69. Rocket Scientist Maestro Hhehhehhehhe - ndeezwa ku-musanza for Zambians in the 2011 tripartite National elections Rocket Scientist Maestro Hhehhehhehhe - ndeezwa ku-musanza for Zambians in the 2011 tripartite National elections

    87 Kalampa no.1 , on “Rocket Scientist Maestro,i seriously think you have a problem with bembas and iam praying for you asa fellow adventist “, thanks for your OPINION and prayers for our God will surely us you and me in the process to understand things and do ththings well. On your Indeed your comments suggest that bemba people are dull, I believe you are referring to “Well, well, well, not all Bemba characters linked to PF are dull and this is great” and I ask you to kindly re-read my sentence carefully and in a normal SDA person’s mind challenge me on what I indicated that ALL BAMBA PEOPLE ARE DULL? I know that ENGLISH is a difficult language and I am willing to hel you come to terms with it.

    Taking LT bloggin to another advanced level

  70. Rocket Scientist Maestro Hhehhehhehhe - ndeezwa ku-musanza for Zambians in the 2011 tripartite National elections Rocket Scientist Maestro Hhehhehhehhe - ndeezwa ku-musanza for Zambians in the 2011 tripartite National elections

    87 Kalampa no.1, on “Rocket Scientist Maestro,i seriously think you have a problem with bembas and iam praying for you asa fellow adventist “, thanks for your OPINION and prayers for our God will surely us you and me in the process to understand things and do ththings well. On your Indeed your comments suggest that bemba people are dull, I believe you are referring to “Well, well, well, not all Bemba characters linked to PF are dull and this is great” and I ask you to kindly re-read my sentence carefully and in a normal SDA person’s mind challenge me on what I indicated that ALL BEMBA PEOPLE ARE DULL? I know that ENGLISH is a difficult language and I am willing to helP you come to terms with it.

    Taking LT blogging to another advanced level

  71. Rocket Scientist Maestro Hhehhehhehhe - ndeezwa ku-musanza for Zambians in the 2011 tripartite National elections Rocket Scientist Maestro Hhehhehhehhe - ndeezwa ku-musanza for Zambians in the 2011 tripartite National elections

    96 continued below.

  72. This is interesting. PF actually has members who are sane! I mean, we have been talking about this the whole week. We have been vindicated by someone from the inside. And Sata’s lies? Whats new? Sata’s Insults? Whats new? Is Sata Not fit? Well, its like asking if the Pope is catholic!

  73. Rocket Scientist Maestro Hhehhehhehhe - ndeezwa ku-musanza for Zambians in the 2011 tripartite National elections Rocket Scientist Maestro Hhehhehhehhe - ndeezwa ku-musanza for Zambians in the 2011 tripartite National elections

    It is good to know this “ When i first went to lusakA at an SDA church they were using TONGA – in lsk. I did not call the church members tribalists, i …information but where did I reference ALL BEMBA SDA CHURCH MEMBERS AND OTHERS AS TRIBALISTS IN A WHOLESOME MANNER? AM I NOT PROUD TO BE TONGA in p a r t i cu l a r AND ZAMBIAN in general? Kindly, respond to these questions if you are a REAL SDA and a p ol o g i s e for your earlier failures if you note your deficiency and confess to G o d for misleading others – r e m e m b e r g o s p e l s. I know that ENGLISH is a difficult language and I am to HELP.
    Taking LT blogging to another advanced level

  74. Rocket Scientist Maestro Hhehhehhehhe - ndeezwa ku-musanza for Zambians in the 2011 tripartite National elections Rocket Scientist Maestro Hhehhehhehhe - ndeezwa ku-musanza for Zambians in the 2011 tripartite National elections

    On your “ I am married to a Tonga lady and its chaps like you who give these people a bad name otherwise they are generally good people, how old are you to call me a CHAP? Do you know an insult is? What type of an SDA CHURCH MEMBERS are you? Be careful with what you write for you will one day account for it? I hope you will desist from just following what some characters are indicating when you don’t have full facts and proof to your claims. Kindly, respond to these questions if you are a REAL SDA and a p ol o g i s e for your earlier failures if you note your deficiency and confess to G o d for misleading others – r e m e m b e r g o s p e l s. I know that ENGLISH is a difficult language and I am to HELP.
    Taking LT blogging to another advanced level

  75. This maestro hehe thing is damn hopeless, plse go get some nice sleep maybe your brain will re- engage and for once start contributing like an enlightened chap. We should co exist as Zambians. Meastro hehe should mop up all his tribes men and go and live with them somewhere where there will be no other tribes. Personally i have no issues with the tribe this fellow hates.

  76. Rocket Scientist Maestro Hhehhehhehhe - ndeezwa ku-musanza for Zambians in the 2011 tripartite National elections Rocket Scientist Maestro Hhehhehhehhe - ndeezwa ku-musanza for Zambians in the 2011 tripartite National elections

    88, Fashion Police greetings and following your “Maestro, kwena Ulichipuba ichikulu nacho!! ” I am not surprised that you are using Bemba Language to insult me. But don’t worry for I understand that you are sick and need help. I will pray for you so that you can come round.
    Your “You are a #2 Tonga i have ever met who doesnt think after your HH! OPINION is welcome and I respect it. Self deception and delusion is something that is not easy to notice, but I hope one day you will wake up from this your current status.
    With the “2.Belief in your own tribe(=group) not your country TRIBALISM definition, your “Fact: Bembas and Easterners will continue ruling you!!!” proves that you are a Bemba Tribalist. How sad!
    Taking LT blogging to…

  77. Rocket Scientist Maestro Hhehhehhehhe - ndeezwa ku-musanza for Zambians in the 2011 tripartite National elections Rocket Scientist Maestro Hhehhehhehhe - ndeezwa ku-musanza for Zambians in the 2011 tripartite National elections

    102, musange greetings and following your “We should co exist as Zambians. Meastro hehe should mop up all his tribes men and go and live with them somewhere where there will be no other tribes”, please recheck your NAME. Then come up with proof using my words as your quotes to show that you have a point. Being emotional in your “Personally i have no issues with the tribe this fellow hates” for nothing speaks volumes about you and proves that you are a Tribalist. FYI, I have no problem with any human being including you. You are God’s creation and have a bleesed day, but come round to reality and stop following others blindly. I will continue teacj=hing you some English language since it is a challenge to you apparently.
    Taking LT blogging to …

  78. Hmmmmm! just looking around here, Ba Moze how are you? I can sense some tension here…… Ma! what the heck is going on? Ba moze, please say hi to Daisy, Zoe, Nine Chale, Digital smoke and others if you see them around! am out! School has fixed me like hell!

  79. …2 MPs fighting @ parliament…….their presido insulting journalists @ Mulungushi Int’l Conf….their presido caught smuggling US$ in RSA…..their presido dribbles his own passport……the list is endless and now this.what a DISGUSTING DISGUSTING DISGUSTING party! wake up zedians !open yo eyes!


  81. If there are any two tribe whose interaction rate is much higher in terms of marriege, its the Bembas and Tongas. Ironically, these are the two peoples who misunderstand each other so much even though, they have so much in commnon in terms of natural dealings. Myths that Tongas are stingy, uncivilised etc and that Bembas are dishonest and crafty are just what they are;Myths! I am married to a Bemba from Luwingu, I have been to the village countless times, I have not seen the nonsense they perceive about Bembas.Similarly, my spouse has been to my village in Monze and nothing of the sort has come to the fore. So where is this claptrap coming from other from politicians and religious leaders.When you take a close look, the worst noise makers like Sata are not true Bembas. He is Bisa.!

  82. #109 All parties have problems. MMD may seem not to have any problems because they are holding the money bag now. Wait when tha bag changes hands. There will be all sorts mahyem. Name calling and accusations will rule the day.

  83. Dont be fooled. It is very clear reading between the lines that (1) Maestro is not Tonga and that (2) he supports Sata. He is using reverse physo fimofomo to turn the bloggers minds against noble Tongas and to perpetrate his tribalism (what ever tribe he is only God knows). This is disgusting to say the least.

  84. Sata is old , so is the President. 2011 Election,The parties must select new blood to stand for the next head of state. Not same olds from UNIP people to continue to rule Zambia like we do not have courageous men and women in the Country.

  85. 112 Ba Emma – RSA greetings. On your “It is very clear reading between the lines that (1) Maestro is not Tonga and that (2) he supports Sata“, while I respect your opinion, how old are you, what is your level of formal education and when did you start visiting LT? Following your “He is using reverse physo fimofomo to turn the bloggers minds against noble Tongas and to perpetrate his tribalism (what ever tribe he is only God knows)“, I use nothing bad truth. Since you have shown failure to understand English Language, I will take you as a deceived character.

    Have a nice day and keep well.

    Taking LT blogging to another advanced level.

  86. politicians will never do anything to divide our nation people,they can accuse each other but it is us who are affected. Maestro stop your nosense behaviour on this blog, you are hindering our progress as upnd. I am Bemba but belonging to the mighty upnd party under HH. HH is a nice guy and he is not tribelist like other politicians though many want to paint him that picture. He is the best man Zambia can ever have as a president, and the earlier we realise this fact the better. I have associated with him a little bit, he can even speak half Bemba while some of these othe politicians cannot speak other tribes only theirs even in campagns. In upnd I support HH and not the party. Come 2011 serious guys with development will move with this young man. ZAMBIA IS FOR US ALL.

  87. This man HH is too good and we need him. I am a very proud Bemba and a stounge supporter of HH. The man is decent and we will not allow ourselves this time to be blinded by certain selfish politicians and othe individuals on choosing the right person for our country. We gave you time since 2006 to bring HH to justice if he store something but up to now nothing, and then you just want to sing about it when it is time for campaigns and elections so that you can deceive us, forget this time around. VIVA HH cHILUMENDO you are the answer to our problems. We are tired of admiring other people’s countries and scuating. GO MY MAN.

  88. Guys we need to identify what can unit us which is development and not poverty which has divided us because of our poor choices, and certain individuals who are there to benefit from our poverty. If we are not careful, poverty will always be dividing us because the cake is too small for everyone, like hungry kids who fight for little food. We need to focus on development because if I die of hunger today because of my poor choices, I shouuld not blame tribalism as a cause. Please Zambians, wake up do not be cheated.

  89. Its about time those who have been so “called future leaders” took charge. Even in politics surely they must be USE BY DATE on those who think they have the preserve to rule all the time.This man SATA has been in almost every government since independence except may be the last two.He can DO WITH SAME REST.

  90. To all that are saying that Sata should not stand – Why all the fuss about whether Sata should stand or not? If you think he’s unfit because he’s too old, umeducated etc why don’t you simply stand against him? If you are so wonderful, surely people will vote for you? Why are you wasting time writing about someone who you say will never lead Zambia. Don’t you have better things to do?

  91. Though I miss his bathtub riding antics. Who will gives us that kind of comedy now that SATA is gone?

  92. Musanaga
    Now you have started disowning your people. SATA is a pure Bemba. Just becuase he is finished does not mean that he is not Bemba.

  93. I refuse to say anything based on what the media reports but based on what I know…Mr Sata from the way he carries himself, can’t lead a nation but I will still respect him for the contributions he has made in the past. The former president, was given authority by God but misused that authority…but even with that said, he did contribute and as I learned from David, cursing God’s anointed is cursing yourself. Whatever happened between Mr Mumbi and Mr Sata none of us will ever know and hence have no right to judge but seriously, Mr Mumbi should have spoken up when things went wrong…that is a show of true moral charactor

  94. I aslo believe HH is tribalist and most Tonga’s and Lozi’s support him because of the fact he is tonga and his party is mostly just that…I believe Miyanda would make a good leader because he tells things as they are and doesn’t lie about his plans…problem is Zambian’s want politicians who buy beers and ifitenge for them and make false promises that they can’t keep. God is the only answer to our problems and not any politician

  95. Those who are against Sata should get their heads out of their a-s-s-e-s coz man it’s dark up there! this man change lusaka city when he was governer,reformed ministry of health,ministry of local government inzambia changed at his hands,this man has a track record of success,RB on the other hand was a yes man for KK.MMD can tell a hole in the earth from their backsides so how in the devils name do you think they will solve problems?


  97. I have lost confidence in Sata. Today he says this tomorrow he says something different, i wont vote for him in 2011

  98. No.130 Its oky nangu tauvotele, who cares, we will vote. So you think by not voting you are solving anything? Zero.

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