Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Support a Zambian filmmaker


Zambian filmmaker Chansa Tembo has been named a finalist in the U.S. Embassy’s inaugural Democracy Video Challenge online film contest. Mr. Tembo will compete with two other African filmmakers for the chance to win an all-expenses trip to Washington, DC, New York, and Hollywood to represent the continent of Africa in the worldwide contest.

The Democracy Video Challenge is a combined initiative between the U.S. State Department and the on-line video sharing site YouTube. Filmmakers from around the world were asked to submit films that answer the phrase “Democracy is…” Films could not exceed three minutes or use copyrighted material, but there were no other limits to filmmakers’ visions.

Mr. Tembo beat long odds to become a finalist. The contest received more than 900 submissions from 95 countries. Zambia led Africa with nine original entries.

Mr. Tembo’s film, entitled “Democracy is like a smoothie,” shows a variety of fresh fruits being blended together. The film asserts that “democracy is like a smoothie of blended philosophical ideas, ideologies, cultural norms and aesthetic values.”

Winners will be determined by a public vote which is underway now at The public can vote for videos by giving them a thumb’s up.

Article source

Press Releases

Lusaka Filmmaker Named Finalist In Worldwide Democracy Video Challenge – Zambians Encouraged To Vote Online To Determine Winner
Tuesday, May 2009. Lusaka.


  1. congrats we will support you atembo, 1 i think it should be zedwood, zaliwood or zamiwood, why the wood thing anyway. zedscenes production ilibwanji. ni hao

  2. I hope Tembo you wont relocate to USA after winning a lot of dollars. We need you. By the way you should also look at the BUPILO film than just KABANANA. BUPILO was so original and i dont even know whwat has gone wrong with that movie

  3. I think it is very good. Though some narration would have been the icing on the cake or rather the cream lather of the smoothie

  4. nambala wanu! You heard “Zollywood” from me first!!! Glad i came up with the name way way back…………………

  5. Excellent!! Zambia has such amazing talent, its great to see that Chansa beat the terribly long odds to come this far, good luck to him, showing the world what Zambia is capable of, he has my full support!

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