Friday, September 20, 2024

PF pressure group opposed


PF cadres listening to speeches during a rally
PF cadres listening to speeches during a rally

A PRESSURE group within the Patriotic Front ( PF) has opposed the memorandum of understanding (MoU) between their party and the United Party for National Development (UPND).

The pressure group known as Committee of Patriotic Front (PF) founders says the MoU leaves much to be desired allegedly because PF president Michael Sata’s approach to politics is different from that of UPND president, Hakainde Hichilema.

Committee representative, Samson Zulu said this at a press briefing in Lusaka yesterday.

“The pact which has been entered into between Mr Sata and UPND leader Hakainde Hichilema leaves much to be desired. For example, Mr Hichilema believes in intra party democracy while Mr Sata does not.

Mr Hichilema has allowed his MPs to attend the NCC while Mr Sata is expelling his for doing the same,” Mr Zulu said.
Mr Zulu said his members are not happy with Mr Sata’s failure to call for a party convention.

“We want to express our concern on the failure by the President of our party to call for a general conference,” he said.

Mr Zulu said PF has never held a convention since the party was formed.

“According to the PF constitution which we have not adopted, the general conference is supposed to meet once every five years. The party has not held a single general conference since it was registered almost nine years ago,” he said.

Mr Zulu accused Mr Sata of treating his party as his own property.

“Clearly, members of the press, this makes Mr Sata the absolute and unquestionable ruler of the PF. He does not need anybody to run the party. As PF stands now, it’s a personal property of Mr Sata to do with it as he pleases,” he said.[quote]

Mr Zulu said pressure group members decided to hold the press conference to denounce what they called violence by senior PF leaders against other members within the party.

“We the Committee of Founders, a pressure group within the PF, are prompted to call this urgent press conference to condemn in the strongest terms the violence that senior members of the PF are perpetuating against other members of the party,” he said.

[Zambia Daily Mail]


  1. Who will be the president of the party if at all these pipo merge?Coz both party presidents are power hungry.

  2. Ba zulu you will just die for nothing. Take a leaf from Siulapwa who has regreted being used by MMD. Its shown in black and white that you were sent by MMD. Siulapwa and group have apologised to Zambian for their lack of wisdom , please learn from them.

  3. MMD the only winner in this. My worry is it will be very difficult to remove them from power. They are too smart. I can not see UPND and PF merging-impossible. Well done MMD you are playing it well. Keep it up.

  4. This is why they say violence breeds violence, since RB came into town there has been a surge in violence in this country. Anarchy is on the rise and don’t be surprised if in the near future it engulfs everyone and i pray that violence should always start at the door steps of its agitators.

  5. I hate people who talk about violence. Nothing personal, but really violence is the last word Zambians should ever talk about. Some people on here are safe because they are hiding behind their laptops in countries which have moved on.

  6. 3RqU

    Mukose nokukosa mudala.some of these things we need to talk about them(Violence) especially when we are heading towards them,what can you call the beating of two memebers of PF by their colleagues?

  7. #7 contd. Give them the same power and you see they are happy for everyone to kneel before them. 3 says, cut the enormous powers African leaders have, make them be answerable to people who vote them into power and not the other way round. simples-compare the market dot com.

  8. Matworld shani? The last thing you want to see is violence in an economy as delicate as ours. It`s easy for brother to turn against brother in such situations.

  9. 3RqU

    I totally I agree with you,but we have to talk about violence when it is necesary just to remind ourselves about the effects of it.

  10. “What can you call the beating of two memebers of PF by their colleagues?” Terence where is the law? Let the law take it`s course. If anything we should make it a bit more tougher for violence based on political differences. Terence you went to SA after Inkata and ANC stopped killing each other. It`s not nice at all.

  11. Mat I posted this on the other side. Stil fits here I think. “I agree with Mr Zulu. Democracy has to prevail. but if Sata and his party are not willing to change, then why not form your own political party? As long as he (Mr Sata) is not breaking the law in any way, then leave him and form another party or join one which is already there. As for those thugs who whacked him, let the law take it`s course”.

  12. Hi guys, this is also on the other story. I don’t know ladies n gentlemen, pls help on this, is there freedom of association n speech in the constitution of Zambia? if yes, then culprits must be brought to book bcoz Mr Zulu n Mubanga ve the right to the freedom of association n speech until n unless there’s review of the constitution. DEMOCRACY has its own norms n MCS must respect these norms, sorry i’m not a politician and i belong to no party (am non-aligned) but i must say that i hate MCS’s behavour which seemingly does not change.

  13. 3RqU

    Mudala wandi Iam not saying violence is good,infact I hate violence than you do,Iam one person who always thank God for the peace that he has given us as Zedians.I always tell south africans who always compare their economy to our zambian economy that their economy is much better than ours,but I always tell them that God has also blessed us with peace in our country than south africa.My urgument is as much as we hate violence it doesn’t mean that we should not talk about it as you said in one of your comments above,”I hate people who talk about violence. Nothing personal, but really violence is the last word Zambians should ever talk about. Some people on here are safe because they are hiding behind their laptops in countries which have moved on”.This is what u said.

  14. You are right Mat and I agree with you. Talking about violence is one thing agitating for it is another. Did I get it wrong?

  15. 3RqU and commander 4 you are very right pipo democracy is to prevail,the only problem with these pipo like Zulu and his friend they are being used by MMD to bring comfussion in the opposition party.I was going to support them if at all they just thought it by themselves.if they are very serious then let them form their own party like 3RqU has suggested.

  16. Commander but Sata has rights to do what he wants with his party. If one is not happy, why not resign? That`s democracy! Miyanda and his party are quiet now. Come 2011 he will resurface and say he is contesting the elections. It`s his party. Tell you what, there are a lot of people in MMD who do not agree with RB but won`t resign because they have to have a job. That`s African politics for you. Until we get to grips with the concept of democracy, you are yet to see more of these Zulus beaten up.

  17. Remove these blood sucking parties from power.People are suffering swallow all your arrogant, pride and selfishness for the sack of Zambians being free from the jaws of the wolfs.Remove MMD from power.

  18. 3RqU with due respect read my first story again, i did not say sata has no rights to do what he wants with his party. but i hate sata as a person due to his violent behavour bcoz Zambia where his political party operates from, is a DEMOCRATIC State which has it’s own norms that ve to be guarded jealously by u and me, and all other citizens. Thus, the two gentlemen ve the national constitution to their side and those culprits must be severely dealt with.

  19. #20 3RqU

    I agree with you. “They Should….” is the worst form of mental dictatorship. It shows one’s intolerance and dictatorial attitude. If one is truly democratic, they accept and tolerate other people’s opinions and choices.

    So if Sata chooses to run a party in a way he deems effective, so be it. All those intellectuals who are members of his party, despite others labelling it as undemocratic have willingly associated themselves with him and could be even more intelligent, wise and successful than those criticising.

    So if you talk democracy, think democracy and act democracy simply because knowledge, attitude and practice should all conform to an acceptable “educated” and democratic behaviour.

  20. BandaBlimey.I do hope that this PF, UPND does work.
    I do think that voters recognise a lot of things about Rupiah Banda and MMD. I think they recognise that he is intellectually out of his depth as president, that his tenure as vice president was ruinous for the country, that he has no credible vision for our country, that his inept and autocratic style has alienated his own colleagues, that he has no sustaining support among his own ministers, that his temperament is fundamentally unsuited to running a crisis operation in Zambia, that the advice he takes is selective and narrow, that he can’t “get” the popular mood – indeed that he rejects such fripperies as the common mood, that the very narrow field of his political competence is focussed on a statist political model that is…

  21. (2)
    Also the fact that his character flaws mandate that he close his eyes, ears and mind to feedback not in accordance with his forecasts, that if it ain’t on the “grid” he can’t compute it, and that even if he were the best ever Zambian president he can’t fight the electorate. He’s simply not politically agile enough: he’s an unlucky lumpen heffalump with a vindictive streak, and the electorate of our country don’t want him to be our president. Just as with what has happened with the theft at MOH. The court of public opinion doesn’t agree, and the voices now calling for an election are only going to get louder and louder until they are heard, in 2011 vote for anything albeit MMD in the interest of both yourselves dear readers and fellow commentators,I have never been more…

  22. These chaps are dull no wonder they were beaten. Looking at what they said, it should have been the UPND cadres resisting the two parties to work together and not PF, the one they said was undemocratic. They have been paid by the MMD PERIOD. A message to them is that they will die pofye for nothing. Is this the politics of Rumpen Banda (RB)? I wonder were we are going as country. Come 2011 you will see major bloodshed in this once peaceful country. They are affraid that SATA will say HH mwaice iminina and looking a t this support they have political polomia in their stomachs.

  23. MMD Shikapwasha has sunctioned violence in Zambia. He told the post that they were receiving what they sowed. Equally we can say Zulu and group are receiving what they sowed Worse Zulu and group were sent by MMD. Have you seen what Shikapwasha has caused?? Remember that even UPND warned Shikapwasha that he would be responsible for any violence acts which Zambia would be experiencing for his reckless utterances, now things are unfolding. Journalist are being beaten and now its MMD sponsored groups on the receiving end. Please Shikapwasha be real, we are coming for you 2011.

  24. These boys should just resign because as far as i know these small pressure groups, they like promoting violence and moreover the Zp wont let them.
    so can they please resign if there are not happy and leave alone PF na Chi Sata

  25. This is very plain. MMD is using Zulu to brew up some trouble in PF as they (MMD) are seing the chances of winning the 2011 elections very slim. They fear King Cobra very much. From now onwards, expect a lot of Ctupid tricks from MMD.

  26. Hey guys u must undestand that PF members, just like other political members of other parties, do think n are not like robbots. i mean, don’t u think that Mr Zulu and Mubanga individually might ve thought may be that things were not appropriately being done in their party? assuming that things were right in their party, then the duo were wrong n only needed advice. It could be very sad if RB would cheapen himself n get into such politics. Yes critical thinking is required but it involves the sixth sense which is a rare sense unfortunately. we are also taliking n critisising other pipo, can somone say we r spnsored by these countries we r living in? Democracy is a foundation 4 devpt party level or national. however it depends on how u take it 4 it to give desired results.

  27. If what Zulu said was not making sense, the PF couldnot have reacted that way. If the blue van had correct registration the perpetretors will be booked.

  28. Any organisation that is devoid of a constitution serves no other purpose than that of it’s founder. However MMD, fairs no better either. The party constitution is shredded to pieces and brute force has become the norm. Lack of discipline, professionalism and above all instability and no political mandate are ingredients found in most Zambian parties if not all.

  29. A good friend called and asked me, did you go to church today, no I said . Why , because I am ,part of of the Republic of Corruption . We call ourselves Christians ,yet our deeds tell the opposite . Why declare the republic a Christian nation ,when its full of corruption.

    What is a corrupt mind? what are corrupt masses ? what is the definition of corruption,anything in the picture?

  30. Is this the PF aspiring to get into power??? How are we going to survive in a country where if you criticize the president you are dead!!! That is like going back 25 years ago! Forget it ba PF, you must change your ways if you want to win national elections. Remember that to win elections you need to draw more people to your side. And I’m sure I’m not the only one observing that this kind of violence is outdated and you are just scaring away swing voters who were almost coming over to you guys. Sata might be enjoying what his cadres are doing right now BUT you know what? – these actions won’t get you into power. FULL STOP. You need to clean up your imagine as a kaponya party! Good Luck!!

  31. We are in search of a leader , who that leader is ,remains a mystery. when the old bones have become mature the young leaders will sprout from there.Meanwhile ,the imminent search is imperative.

  32. the pact is well come and is a good thing. it is sad that pipo have already started being beaten 4 opposing the pact. it is normal when u look at the large following of PF and UPND not to have any opposing view. however those opposing must find a way of airing their views in a respectable manner. it is clear that the majority of zambians want the two parties to work together to avoid a split n votes. for MMD this a work up call u need to prove that u a worth voting for again. To PF and UPND leaders please keep it up. all these critics will be ashamed for surely the pact is suceeding though with pocket oposition


  34. I have only what I would call a very simple question to those who would want to answer it with no strings attached, but it would be difficult for those who hate facts.
    Talking of a conversion, yes, PF needs one and URGENTLY.

  35. #39 Insokoshi….. Thanks for calling me dull but i think you are more dull than me in that you have double standards. When MMD cadres are beatin opposition and the post journalists to you its fine since its MMD. No man , there should be fairness in all camps. To tell you the truth, this is the beginning of violence in Zambia which Shikapwasha sunctioned. Now the opposition will be figting back. So becarefull next time it will you.

  36. It’s time for RB and Sata to say no and not tolerate violence from their cadres otherwise we will hold the 2 accountable . We can’t go the Kenyan way , we can’t be classified as a failed state, we treasure our peace , conflict resolution skills are needed to bring about maturity in our politics. We need to say no to backwardness, we need progressive mature politics in Zambia. You and I can make a difference. God bless Zambia.

  37. On ““Clearly, members of the press, this makes Mr Sata the absolute and unquestionable ruler of the PF. He does not need anybody to run the party. As PF stands now, it’s a personal property of Mr Sata to do with it as he pleases,” he said“, this is very true for the Undereducate started and owns PF alone. As a matter of fact, there are no members in PF since PF does not have membership cards or lists I believe.

    Whatever the case, let the Undereducate Sata and UPND continue as two separate parties untils 2 weeks before the 2011 elections when the Undereducate should endorse president HH, by God’s grace, so that MMD plans are thrown in disarray – so voters vote for HH.

    Take this free advice seriously both PF and UPND.

    Prevention is better than cure.

  38. #45
    Space Physicist Maestro Hhehhehhehhe – mulombe uuzwidda-kumusanza

    Brazilian President Luiz Inácio da Silva had little formal education. He did not learn to read until he was ten years old, and quit school after the fourth grade in order to work to help his family. His working life began at age 12 as a shoeshiner and street vendor.By age 14 he got his first formal job in a copper processing factory as a lathe operator.

    Not long after the start of his second term, Lula, alongside his cabinet, announced the Growth Acceleration Program (Programa de Aceleração do Crescimento), a vast series of measures created with the intention of solving many of the problems that prevent the Brazilian economy from growing at higher rates.

    After decades as the largest emerging market…

  39. continued
    Space Physicist Maestro Hhehhehhehhe – mulombe uuzwidda-kumusanza

    After decades as the largest emerging market debtor, Brazil became a net foreign creditor for the first time in January 2008. By mid-2008, both Fitch ratings and S&P had elevated the classification of Brazilian debt from speculative to investment grade.
    Yet in Zambia, its degrees, corruption and perpetual poverty.

    Zuma in SA will also soon prove all of you who can not distinguish wisdom from academic performance that you are very wrong.


  40. #45 Space Physicist Maestro Hhehhehhehhe – mulombe uuzwidda-kumusanza says:”Whatever the case, let the Undereducate Sata and UPND continue as two separate parties untils 2 weeks before the 2011 elections when the Undereducate should endorse president HH, by God’s grace, so that MMD plans are thrown in disarray – so voters vote for HH.” You are so so warped in you head about HH.Do you in your little simple mind think we, the supporters of Sata will vote for HH when you whose father was an Undereducate continues insulting Sata for not having a Space degree! Stick to Rocket Science because you lack wisdom.Am sure your are shocked to learn that the “Overeducated” and “Undereducated” are working together.By the way what good is your Space degree to Zambia?You are too myopic to be a…

  41. Maestro this is not an attack but a question, for your studies in Space Physics or however you call them are you on GRZ sponsorship or not. If you are what value will the space degree bring to Zambia ,maybe you can enlighten us.Nothing against you, just asking.

  42. President Anderson Mazoka is turning in his Kumalende Grave over these unceremonial insults HH is spewing on his intellect. Insulting the intellect of accomplished ad forward looking citizens like Emmanuel Hachipuka, Request Muntanga and many more being littered with association of PF thugs of Sata’s lowest caliber such as Willie Nsanda, Samuel Mukupa, Valentine Kayope, Chishimba Kambwili, Jean Kapata, kulima tower kadoli,die Zambia Frank Bwalya and Geoffrey Mwamba.

  43. Political gay marriage of “inconvience”. HH run before someone undermines what you have achieved this far.

  44. Senior citizen people are tired of MMD and Zambians just want to see a change, this pact has been long overdue, you may call them names but people have really suffered under the hand of MMD and they just want some change. You can continue with name callings but people are not interested they just want Zambia to go forward. People are tired and are hungry for change, and need to move on and educate their relatives in the rural areas not to be used and abused by politicians who just appear with goodies during campaign time and after elections they dissapear whilist the rural Zambians languish in suffering such as hunger, no state of the art medical facilities,no opportunities to good education, whilst those politicians they put in power fly abroad for medical treatment, drive expensive

  45. cars, eat good food, send their children abroad for school etc at the expense of the suffering Zambians. People cannot eat speeches, they are tired and want to see results.People are praying and God will deliver Zambia from all oppression. Maybe if you are so concerned about the pact you need to get on the ground and start delivering on the MMD campaign promises on behalf of MMD, otherwise Zambians are tired and are ready for change and no amount of propaganda will sway them this time, they want to see RESULTS.

  46. #50 your thinking is pathetic and far below par to be called Senior Citizen.You are a legion of demons just like your bed fellow Maestro the tribalist and Bemba hater.Your thinking is too retarded and evil.You and Maestro should go to hell and be with your father Lucifer.Every comment you post on this blog is sows division.Its good HH does have you 2 legions of demons as advisers.Let your Mazoka a Freemasonist rest if at all he is resting,no body cares about his turning in the grave.Freemasonist Maestro and Senior Citizen,preachers of division and hate,go to hell!!

  47. Senior Citizen the issues in our country are not about MMD,PF,UPND or other Political parties it is about Zambia and every patriotic Zambian realizes that the future our country is in a crucial condition unless something positive ,drastically happens then the future of our children and their children is under threat. So instead of name callings just get on the ground and help your party deliver on the campaign promises they promised, ask them to put back on the web those campaign promises so that Zambians can assess for themselves, no excuses this time, not even the global meltdown will save them because Zambians are looking at what practical measures have been implemented to mitigate the crisis in addition to them fulfilling their campaign promises. NO EXCUSES THIS TIME. God bless Zambia.

  48. Senior Citizen we are also demanding for televised Presidential debates amongst the Presidential contestants free of intimidation, during the 2011 campaigns. God bless Zambia.

  49. This is the LT sloppiness I keep talking about !! Your headline and the content of your story just DON’T tally!! Who is opposing whom here? It’s one thing to say “PF pressure group opposed” and quite another to say “PF opposes pressure group”! Clearly from your story, it is the pressure group which is doing the “opposing”. Not the other way around as your headline suggests!! Wake up!! I have always advised you that if you much cut and paste stories from ZANIS or anyone else for that matter, do yourselves a favour by at least checking your facts against the stuff you are “pirating”!!

  50. Mulenga – Newcastle and New Zambia: Do not argue with a fool, people might not tell the difference. I decided a long time ago to put your Maestro and Senior Citizen in that category. I don’t think it’s worth your while to comment on anything those two ( and a few others on this blog) have to say on anything. Ignore them, that is the ultimate insult. But again, I doubt they have the sense to even recognize that as an insult!! But give it a shot any way. Just ignore them.

  51. # 51 New Zambia, your fantasy is democratic and warmly respected by every democrat in MMD mother of this freedom. Please be scientific than peddling hyperboles of assumptions, which to me is the lowest level of knowledge. Be advised that this democracy we brought was not on a silver plate but back of our intellect, patriotism courage, determination and spirit of social progress. In every harms way we were resisted and viciously persecuted by your Sata with many of compatriots he took in cold blood. If you think there is any icon willing to forfeit it now to tyranny, watch the space. Track defeats starting with bye-elections in Chitambo in August.

  52. Its time to fight back. UPND reminded MMD that it has no monopoly of violence. Violence is so liberal to any party. MMD was very much pleaded with by polical paties, cival organizations to stop the rot of voilence . They did not heed to all these pleas. Now violence has been liberalised ……dont cry foul guys be strong. You will be always beaten. Therefore you have to be carefull .

  53. #60 New Zambia,Lusaka Times is owned by some chaps who are too scared of showing things posted by blogers which they see might anger the Mad Murdering Demons,( MMD) GRZ will intimidate them or sight them on false charges.So before this happens they censor out comments by us objective blogers or those seriously opposed to MMD government, but allow those by Maestro,Senior Citizen and other bigots as they speak for MMD and praise its undemocratic patterns and corruption.

  54. Blogs that some “educates” post on this site prove that academia is indeed not education. Because, its very difficult to understand how some people get so indoctrinated that they loose all analytical thought. They all start behaving like Teta.

  55. 67…. dont go rund just hit the nail on the head. Maestro (Mwaanga Mungungulu) is teta of this blog. Period. Even his name suits him MUNGUNGULU = rubbish TETA

  56. 46/7, kwathukummawa, GREETINGS AND thanks for everything. Check for my full response to you Brazilian President on

    58 Zambian Minister-in-Waiting, your insults will never work or affect me, so keep disillusioning yourself in delusion together with your similar attitude characters Mulenga — Newcastle and Kambongolo with others of your insulting nature.

    As for my qualifications and their application to Zambia in Particular and the whole world in general, just check through my previous comments on this LT site.

    I ask your sick characters to repent from your sins and stop insulting before it is too late for you. Our God, the Creator of all things, is always ready to forgive you.
    Prevention is better than cure.

  57. ha ha ha, never thought about it, mungungulu means rubbish pit in bemba and this exactly fits the 2 big FOOLS of LT, maestro and senior citizen.

  58. Ba Zulu. ask Siulapwa hw he had been dumped after being used like chikolopo. I want also to urge UPND and PF to prove the prophets of doom wrong by coming up with consolidated MOU that will usher in the new Gov. MMD, here we come for you. This time you will not escape our rath.

  59. If Zulu is saying PF is a personal to holder party for Sata, then why are you still in PF? Go and make your own and follow the rules that you will make. RB was not elected by MMD convension for him start on MMD ticket and so is Chilufya Sata, so what is your problem? YOU ARE JUST AN mmd cadre. twalamimona lero!!!

  60. When Sata was forming this party, who was there? Lubinda was in UPND, Guy Scot was in FDD (not sure here) but was somewhere. Zulu was in, God knows where. So Sata has all the right to hold on to power until he rules the country one day. I know why pipo are fighting Sata. It is becuase they have seen future in PF. Why not Joint His honour the former Vice President Brig. Gen Miyanda? I know the answer, there is no future in the miyanda’s party!!! So GO, GO GO Sata and PF and HH with UPND . We will vote for you. Full STOP!

  61. UPND is more tactical than Sata and his PF think. At the NCC the people who were pushing for the Graduate Presidential Clause are the UPND and not MMD. Infact MMD’s Munkombwe argued passionately against the graduate clause. UPND have it all figured out. There is no way that HH would let someone like Sata be at the helm. HH is also tactical by letting the issue of who leads stay of the negotiating table so that by the time it becomes an isue Sata will not qaulify. In this way HH will become the only eligible candidate and it will be too late for PF to pull out of the Pact.

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