Friday, September 20, 2024

Other opposition parties show interest to join the PF, UPND pact-HH


UPND president Hakainde Hichilema
UPND president Hakainde Hichilema

United Party for National Development Leader, Hakainde Hichilema, has disclosed that other opposition political parties have expressed interest to join the political pact recent entered into by the Patriotic Front (PF) and UPND.

Mr. Hichilema further said in an interview that even members of the ruling Movement for Multiparty Democracy (MMD) have covertly supported the pact.

He said other political parties have shown willingness to join the political pact but are not yet ready to openly declare their wiliness to join the pact.

Mr. Hichilema said the church, civil society and trade unions are also in full support of the pact as it aimed at bettering the plight of all Zambians.

He appealed to stakeholders who have the interest of the nation at heart to rally behind the pact as it is aimed at providing a better alternative to the MMD government.[quote]

Mr. Hichilema said contrary to the prophets of doom, PF and UPND are determined to ensure that the pact succeeds.

He said lessons have been learned from previous experiences hence the pact with PF and UPND is well-informed about why previous arrangements failed.

Mr. Hichilema called for unity of purpose among opposition political parties in a bid to unseat the MMD.

And Patriotic Front President, Michael Sata, says the PF-UPND electoral pact will succeed because it is different from the previous alliance.

Mr. Sata says the two parties have thoroughly discussed a number of issues that aims to consolidate the pact ahead of the 2011 general elections.

He told ZNBC news that those criticising or condemning the pact will be proven wrong.

The PF leader said he is particularly happy that the two parties have remained consistent from the time the electoral pact was signed.

The UPND and the PF announced last week that they have formed an alliance which will enable them contest the 2011 general elections as a single political force.

The electoral pact has been received with mixed reactions.

Some people say the alliance is just a marriage of convenience, which is likely to collapse.

Others have welcomed the pact saying it will help to strengthen democracy in the country.



  1. They could form a formidable team, but could that formidability be at the expense of synergy? I reckon a test period should be undertaken.. If the PF cadres can actually learn how to read and write, it may just work…lol

  2. well!!! as we said let wait and see…!!!! denis liwewe had said…it very interesting to hear sata speaks about so called pact!!!!! but one question people need to know quikly is who is to become presidential candidate…both presidents said the pact will suceeds,, may they have seen far than every have not….it seems they have already discussed who to contest the president….as for me I have nothing against the pact…they have to destroy Banda once and for all. People needs to see that they are together….for now…

  3. HH, i do not believe you….such things as “pacts” and other associations do not work in the Zambian political arena….soon there shall be finger pointing about who did what, what and what not!

  4. they will just bring cofusion to the pact. Maybe they are ve been sent by MMD. Dont just dont alaow them

  5. As others have said ‘let us wait and see’. 2011 i round the corner but there is still a lot that can happen between now and then. Also with Mr Sata’s flip floping tendencies 2 and a half years is a very long time. Tizaona bwino kutsogolo.

  6. #4 Musimbi, just wait and see, you seem to be over inflated with a sense of scepticism – a true doubting Thomas! Literally translating you blogging name into English as Girl, lady or whatever precisely is applicable, i adjure you to also move out of Katungu mentality in a democracy (isolative stance) or else you will not marry and never be productive. Get to facts and give a try to certain initiatives. The pact is for liberation of Zambians from the poverty trap seemingly condoned by the GRZ of functional illiterate Tetamashimba and his masters. Some level of pact if good for greater majority should be supported by all well meaning pipo.

  7. On “And Patriotic Front President, Michael Sata, says the PF-UPND electoral pact will succeed because it is different from the previous alliance. Mr. Sata says the two parties have thoroughly discussed a number of issues that aims to consolidate the pact ahead of the 2011 general elections.” Great stuff from the Undereducate as I am reading this seemingly regurgitated speech from what president HH mentioned just yesterday.

    My analysis is that president HH will stand as Zambian Presidential Candidate in any elections of the Presidency between now and 2012 for HH is on record cited as saying he can not leave a boardroom to be led by an undreducated fellow while the Undereducate Sata mentioned that it does not matter whether him or HH stood as Presidential, but to remove MMD.

  8. If Sata is not going to be the presidential candidate then am all for the pact. However, they need to have more policies rather than just removing MMD from power.

  9. Therefore, “And Patriotic Front President, Michael Sata, says the PF-UPND electoral pact will succeed because it is different from the previous alliance” should NEVER be taken as a light statement for these two men, HH and Sata, seem focussed. Such follows from the fact that the dent of the Undereducate’s character will be exposed by the “Finish Sata Project” or the MMD, but this plan B will yield the results of dislodging MMD from power. Also, I like the Undereducate’s He told ZNBC news that those criticising or condemning the pact will be proven wrong” for it is an indicator that all contentious issues have been resolved but will only be announced in 2011 or at any election time.

    Thus, all the very best PF and UPND.
    Prevention is better than…

  10. Someone tell me please these parties are a separete untity so when it comes to ministirial positions assuming one of the parties in the pact wins what happens???? are are they saying a law for party in power to appoint from other parties will be intruduced or what.
    I feel this so called pact has a lot to clarify especially that they say they are still individuals parties

  11. The fact that they are not forming one party makes it even easy. Just wait, their egos will show. That will be the time they will start fighting and getting at each others throat. Viva RB.

  12. And this non issue of focusing on removing the MMD is not a good enough policy. We do not expect you to go to plot 1 and then give pay rises to every civil servant so that you are Zambias favourite son.

  13. If the pact comes out in the open and say we want to merge the 2 or 3 or 4 to be one so we field one candidate then that will make sense as no one party can bring us out of the troubles we are in. Great political parties are formed by several individuals with a common goal

  14. Zedian politicians are so anal they would make a 2 year old jealous. All they do is day dream about the day they will get to the high office and make themselves filthy rich. How i wish we could have a selfless grown man who will be interested in serving poor Zambians with no ulterior motive. This so called pact has just come about because of the Kapoko issue. MMD, am afraid, is still the party to reckon with.

  15. Having read the insults traded by PF and UPND supporters here on LK Times, I find this so called ‘pact’ hard to swallow. Is HH now saying that he supports cutting taxes and building houses in 90 days?

  16. The party without grassroot institutions is supposed to disband so that the older coined UPND can be strengthened. After all PF is already divided as their are two camps in it. So, once the Undereducate disbands it in 2011 and joins the mighty UPND as a cadres and hopefully he becomes its National Chairman, all confusion that people are seeing now may be clerared.

    Have a blessed day you all as One Strong Opposition political party should come into place in 2011.

    I suggest that the mighty UPND holds primary elections as a CONVENTION in each individual province so that many grassroots people can participate in voting for a National leader as the Democrates and Republicans do it in the USA as opposed to having a centrally held one in Lusaka.
    Prevention is better than cure.

  17. Maestro, what are you now saying about the ‘undereducate’ since he is now in bed with your beloved ‘educated’ HH?

  18. HH will dribble Sata by having the Graduate clause for Presidency go through. On that basis HH will tell Sata that the Pact has no choice but to field HH! Sata and PF will have been snookered in this way. Wait and see. The end is in sight for Sata. HH is a master tactician.

  19. A wise compromise would be for neither HH nor Sata to contest the presidency. Let the pact get a winnable candidate who will be hoisted by both UPND and PF. That will show that these two leaders have zambia’s interests at heart. If Sata goes for it, he will not get 100% support from die-hard UPND supporters and if HH goes for he will not get 100% support from die-hard PF cadres. Please get a winnable candidate, possibly from the diaspora and these MMD crooks will be history. You just need an honest person who will neither betray PF nor UPND and unite Zambia for the good of Zambians and not his empty pocket.. It happened in Malawi and it worked. it happened in Zambia and it worked with KK. So wake u, opne your eyes.

  20. The mighty UPND which has finished behind even PF! Mmmmhhhhh! Reason I am praying this pact ends a pact.

  21. The pact in Malawi between Muluzi and Tembo did not work. One of the reasons Tembo did not win was because of his history of violence when he was working under Kamuzu. I believe that there are more people in Zambia who fear Sata’s violence and that is the reason why the Zambian ‘pact’ or whatever it is will not work. Two years is a long time for Sata. We all know he is not consistent and in 6 months time might feel that he no longer wants to work with UPND.

  22. #24 what you have missed out is that the pf and upnd leaders are not much cleaner than your mmd crooks. that is why they are easy to destroy.

  23. 22 PACTATOR greetings. On your “HH will dribble Sata by having the Graduate clause for Presidency go through. On that basis HH will tell Sata that the Pact has no choice but to field HH! Sata and PF will have been snookered in this way. Wait and see. The end is in sight for Sata. HH is a master tactician.” The Undereducate, I believe, already saw this one coming and has accepted that only president HH is in a momentum to win the 2011 elections.

    So, there is nothing like being dribbled, but it should have been agreed that the man of the moment represents PACT as NCC is doing an unstoppable job while the “Finish Sata Project” has gained serious momentum. The only thing remaining has been for humbling oneself to take effect.
    Prevention is better than cure.

  24. 27 Less talk greetings. On your “#24 what you have missed out is that the pf and upnd leaders are not much cleaner than your mmd crooks. that is why they are easy to destroy” we as Zambians will see soon in 2011 during the elections time as to whether your sentiments will hold on president HH, by God’s grace if we will all be alive.

    Let us pray for each other to have life blessings from the good Lord God so that we can laugh at each other nicely after the 2011 elections.

    Have a blessed day as I retire to National Issues – studying so that I can write a Space Programme Policy for mother Zambia to be used in the 2011 election campaigns hopefully by the PF-UPND PACT.

    Wina azachucha.
    Prevention is better than cure.

  25. The Intelligentia @ #24 your flag: I expected better English from you than “winnable candidate”. What is a winnable candidate? I hope you don’t mean a candidate with whom a party can win. Because if you do, that is NOT what your sentence means because indeed such a candidate is not a “winnable” candidate! I see you’ve let Zamb-English engrain itself into you even where you are! You should learn to take some things you read and see on LT and the Zambian media with a pinch of salt.

  26. # 8 Observer, you just brought out your Tonga ignorance is all i can say…You are the people who have sowed the bad seeds that people associate with my good tribe…by the way, i am a happily married woman with two beautiful children.

  27. What will happen if pact field sata and MMD realise sata can win, they decide to put a cluse which bar sata from standing becoz of his none existance education. then pact of yours will HAVE no presidential candidate… I feel sorry for you chap, unless you realise that can happen and Field HH.. MMD are aware of this very well that sata can win the elections given statistics of last elections. Sata also saw something from this and called HH to help this gap…now it is up to your supporters to take this pact seriously if you want to liberate zambia from economic woes. politics have changed,, also sata has problems with his own MPs.

  28. Bloggers, i guess we are better with a pact than have RBB as head of state who owez wants to be on the plane instead of looking at how to develop mother zambia.

  29. 27 Mwana wa pa ngoma greetings. On your “Is HH now saying that he supports cutting taxes and building houses in 90 days?” PF has been losing ground and so the only logical thing was for the broke guys to seek help from those that have intellect to make money using formal education.

    President HH was in Mazabuka attending a wedding ceremony some few days ago where I am reliably told that he said, at a filling station, it is like you have a (BENZ) car and you want to place tyres, if you put old ones then it is like voting for President RB Banda to led Zambia in 2011, but put new tyres by voting for HH. Now, tindicate why president HH would now let the equally very old Undereducate Sata to be presidential man after this.
    Prevention is better than cure.

  30. Therefore, the PF money in your pockets adn rebuilding Zambia in 90 days unpractical nonsense is out of the question and the UPND manifesto will take centre stage in this PACT.

    This issue has been worked out nicely and this is why PF cadres have become sober. Even Kaka, MMD National Secretary, is claiming the President RB Banda will win the 2011 elections (see line thread on here LT) to possibly give false hope to the MMD as him and other MMD people may be planning to ditch MMD following president HH’s data (“Mr. Hichilema further said in an interview that even members of the ruling Movement for Multiparty Democracy (MMD) have covertly supported the pact“) above.

    Think people. The NCC and MOs will do the job for president HH.
    Prevention is better than cure.

  31. UPND is more tactical than Sata and his PF think. At the NCC the people who were pushing for the Graduate Presidential Clause are the UPND and not MMD. Infact MMD’s Munkombwe argued passionately against the graduate clause. UPND have it all figured out. There is no way that HH would let someone like Sata be at the helm. HH is also tactical by letting the issue of who leads stay of the negotiating table so that by the time it becomes an isue Sata will not qaulify. In this way HH will become the only eligible candidate and it will be too late for PF to pull out of the Pact.

  32. The good thing to come out of the ‘pact’ will be that Bembas and Tongas will no longer insult each other on LT- for now anyway.

  33. The MMD has been riding on divide and rule. This is why some MMD cadre bloggers are busy issuing tribalistic statements to keep Tongas from Bembas. But, let us shame them by coming together with all other Zambian tribes in a resounding “One Zambia, One Nation” that our forefathers coined.

    With this PACT, the issue of 50% + 1 inclusion in the new Constitution which MMD is against will not work in their favours as combined votes from both PF and UPND cadres will probably be more than 80% of the votes the UPND-PF PACT may get in the 2011 elections.

    So, let us not entertain the DIVISION being indicated and perpetuated by the MMD. This is our time and surely this is our moment as progressive Zambians.
    Prevention is better than cure.

  34. Does anyone think that Sata will make a speech in Tonga when in Southern province? Atleast HH has already made some speeches in Bemba.

  35. 42 Mwana wa pa ngoma, “OThe good thing to come out of the ‘pact’ will be that Bembas and Tongas will no longer insult each other on LT- for now anyway” would better read as OThe good thing to come out of the ‘pact’ will be that Bembas (DELETED) will no longer insult (DELETED) (SHIFTED)Tongas on LT- for now anyway.

    Let us learn to call a spade a spade. There is no need to write lies for statistics are available to show my re-writing of the quoted man’s words above.

    “One Zambia, One Nation” as we move Zambia to greater heights using real truth and all our energies.
    Prevention is better than cure.

  36. #24 Intelligent your comment to the UPND/PF Pact “Please get a winnable candidate, possibly from the diaspora….” is testimony that you are NOT INTELLIGENT as per your name, very dull of facts in Zambia perhaps unlike me, you have been out of ZED for too long and do not know issues on the ground. What makes you think there is no one in either UPND or PF who is winnable candiadate apart from strangers in the diaspora like us? What makes you think that neither Sata nor HH is not winnable? Zambians do not want politicians or overseas critics like you and me who only read about their predicament online and pass what appears to be elite opinion. They want someone who is starving with them, denied proper medical care and feel the pangs of global recession with them. continued……….

  37. 44 Jelita greetings, on your “Does anyone think that Sata will make a speech in Tonga when in Southern province? Atleast HH has already made some speeches in Bemba.
    ” predictions are not allowed in the Holy Sciptures and so, let us wait and see.

    Give the very old man time to repent and correct his previous mistakes. He has already shown that he is ready to change by quitting smoking and now entering into a PACT with the UPND – a party he demean to the core just a few days ago.

    In the Holy Bible’s Eccleasiastes 3, I think, verse 1 to 8, there is a nice passage which indicates that there is time for everything. This is time for reconcilliation on past misdeeds not only for the Undereducate but all Zambians including me.
    Prevention is better than cure…

  38. # 43 – Do you think those PF supporters who according to you made anti-Tonga sentiments here on LT have now changed their spots – the ones who said things like ‘no Tonga will ever rule Zambia’?

  39. They are not ready for people who have jumped of the sinking Zambian ship “economic problems” into the dispora to raise money and walk straight to state house! they are not that dull as you may propagate. Those in the diaspora cannot and will never win an election in Zambia. They can’t be trusted! When things are hard they will bolt into the diaspora again and ditch them. They do not want Zambians ONLY by nationality, birth, possession of Green NRC or GRZ passport (in fact you may still be holding the old black nullified one which expires 31st Auguts 2009 and may not even go to ZEd to campaign) but someone with and living among and with them! Get it crystal clear. Those who hold on to the nation when things are hard are easier trusted than runaway critics like you and i my…

  40. 48Mwana wa pa ngoma your questions are becoming interesting and difficulty. On your “# 43 – Do you think those PF supporters who according to you made anti-Tonga sentiments here on LT have now changed their spots – the ones who said things like ‘no Tonga will ever rule Zambia’?” My opinion is that the PF cadres’ mentality has not changed and they are ready to insult us Tongas anytime again.

    However, they have no choice but to support president HH as thier self-appointed PF leader has become an HH and UPND cadre if they want the old man to have a job in GRZ and avoid having threatening problems like a second heartattack or stroke.

    So, that was just their OPINION, really OPINION, and not something realistic. Time for progress!
    Prevention is better than…

  41. #24 Intelligent, as for your ” It happened in Malawi and it worked. it happened in Zambia and it worked with KK. So wake u, opne your eyes.” can you supply facts and NOT mere references that on the face of it appear succulent but dry spells that never germinate even xerophites like euphobia tree or baobab. Who were outsiders from the diaspora in Malawi, which outsider did KK bring from the Diaspora and where did UNIP end?

  42. 49observer, just to add to your nice “They do not want Zambians ONLY by nationality, birth, possession of Green NRC or GRZ passport (in fact you may still be holding the old black nullified one which expires 31st Augu(st) 2009 and may not even go to ZEd to campaign) but someone with and living among and with them! Get it crystal clear” I am appealing to NCC to consider placing a clause in the Draft Constitution to be adopted into a NEW Republican one that only a Zambian who has live in Zambia for the past 10 years continously upto just before filing in for nomination to be a presidential candidate must allowed to contest the President of Zambia elections. This will be a nice safe guard for outsiders to respect home people.
    Prevention is better than cure.

  43. It is clear that PF have no choice but to let HH and UPND lead the Pact. The only way Zambians will vote for the Pact is if it has a stable leader with education. PF cadres must accept what their leaders have seen. It is not possible for Sata to lead. The Pact cannot work with Sata at its helm. PF already has a bad reputation of intollerance and only HH has a clean background that no one can argue about. Without HH the other parties would not join. These are facts which cannot be denied.

  44. Nostalgia and disillusions are vainly trying hard to wash away sins of Zambian anti democracy dictator Michael Sata.

  45. Since when did marriage help people win elections?
    Away with these false fusions which will just lead to illutions. Do politics of for and by the people.

  46. Enough has been said about my comment @24. Now, let me substantiate what I meant. Someone from the diaspora would be seen as a unifying factor other than all those who have been involved in squabbles between these parties. If someone can tell me of someone in either PF or UPND who has not been involved in squabbles between these parties then I may agree. For UPND, probably Hapunda would be a good choice if Sata agrees. For Pf, probably Lubinda may be a good compromise if HH agrees but that is the danger of getting someone who has been involved in squabbles. Get someone from the diaspora (‘clean’) or someone who has never been involved in politics of insults which are devoid of developmental ideas and you may get people to listen. But Sata is not clean, that is the problem.

  47. My response to #55,. Its is true that during the independence struggle Kamuzu was in Scotland and only came to lead the pact. Even in Zambia, KK was in prison and only got handed over the presidency of ZANC by Mainza Chona. So what did not work there. Even in South Africa, Mandela was effectively ex-communicated but got the presidency. The idea is that it is hard for people like Teta to argue with a diaspora candidate because they can not argue with devlopmental ideas which they don’t understand. We do meet these Ministers here and they behave like small rats running away from cats for fear of being asked questions. Ask Mulongoti who usually prefers to meet the uneducated when in diaspora so that he can them sweets but fears the Intelligentia all the time. He can’t debate at that level.

  48. #46. You can never be far from the truth. The best Zambian to rule Zambia isn’t one who left Zambia decades ago with little or no understanding of what Zambian have gone through. SATA and HH, and others are the best Zambians to rule Zambia. As long as they are politically experienced with a developmental track record and interest at heart to propel ZAmbia which has gone to dogs from dog to prosperity.

  49. After all is said,
    Iam waiting for a comment from Ba Chewe Fimo Fimo.. he will be eating from the same plate with his enemy?



    Rupiah Banda’s government is only six months in power, yet it is blamed for the corruption revealed in the 2007 Auditor General’s Reports, the USD53m purchase of mobile hospitals, the purchase of USD2.9m 100 Hearses and others. But is he to blame? What is this campaign aimed to achieve?

    hile many are genuinely shocked at the extent and blatant acts of corruption at the Ministry of Health, it is however, not surprising to the critics who opposed the major policy shift that President Levy Mwanawasa undertook at the Ministry.
    The rot at the Ministry of Health is rooted in one single decision made by the government of Mwanawasa.
    On 25th July…

  51. Please give me you emails and let me send you guy the Corruption scam under levy and Band. Its unbelievable baMurean ba $10 in her account just sitting. The people we entrusted to be clean.

  52. I think HH is underestimating his tribal stench arising from his ascendence to the helm of his tribal kanthemba. You will have to kill me first, resurrect me Christ style to vote for this “situkumba” called HH. The same goes for that Nwacusa serpent called Zondwe Kawawa Sata, he too will never rule this land.

  53. #60 Zambie- You could be right. But RBs gvt cannot wash their hands off these scams surfacing because they were in gvt at that time. In all honesty if they had any sense of dignity they should have come out there and then to condemn such activities rather than wait when LPM is not here to defend himself.

  54. I see this is a good move for our country and its development, i think these people have to be commeneded for his move they have made. I do believe they have a greater agender for the country other than just removing the MMD. The first thing they want is no excuses by MMd all the time winning.

  55. What we need in Zambia is a completely new crop of politicians who have not learnt the corrupt and inefficient ways of past governments. Let us pray that someone will rise up who has clean hands, has the heart for developing Zambia and is concerned about the poor people.
    This person should then start afresh with new people. Let us also pray against corrupt rich people who sponsor politicians because these are the same fellows who later on seek payback in what ever way. There is need for a total purge of the system. May God hear our prayer and bless our beautiful but bleeding Zambia

  56. Let the other parties join the pact. The results will still be the same. The MMD is going to win with a 2/3rd majority where Mr. Rupiah Banda will win with a landslide victory.

    No amount of political pacts is going to stop the winning streak of the MMD. The MMD is on fire and people are showing eagerness for RB’s administration to continue up until 2016.

    RB’s administration has made great strides in macro and micro economic reform and has made great progress in the fight against corruption. In just 6 months, the RB administration has uncovered and convicted more corruption cases than any other administration.

    The opposition is getting desperate as they are witnessing the great achievements of the RB administration. The opposition is shaking as the MMD is not shaken

  57. This is called issue based ploticking, Teta, Mulongoti, Ronnie even vernon the dinosour is feeling the heat of this pact and like the iraqis in 1991 when they were attacked by the US did not know whether to close their eyes or run, the MMD has decided to close its eyes. These guys have already sorted the Presidency. And it is true pacts in the past have failed because they were based on a hand shake agreement, there is an MOU here and from my line of work you do not come up with MOUs in a day, it means this process started maybe immediately after the 2008 elections, doesn’t it strike you as interesting that Sata withdrew the court case which was petitioning the results? Viva Pact! Twanaka naba kwindi aba!

  58. The opposition is shaking as the MMD is not shaken nor threatened by the oppositions desperate attempt to unseat a working govt.

    This will be the 4th election the PF leader will take part in and the 3rd election the UPND leader will take part in (breach of the UPND constitution). Clearly these are power hungry candidates who cannot see beyond their thirst for power. They do not care for the poor for all they care about is attaining presidency.

    The people can see through them. The people can see that they have nothing to offer. The people are seeing and have seen the achievements of the RB administration and the people want the RB administration to continue. The MMD is the only party that stands for true unity and true democracy.

    2011, the MMD shall have a swift win.

  59. #56 it is not only in the diaspora where they run scared even here in zambia, how many ministers have the balls to come and engage people in let the people talk, this is the kind of Government we have who unfortunately are chatting the way for this country. Chibombamilimo was day before yesterday on TV lambasting degree holders and telling them off that they have nothing to contribute to this country, yet we get surprised that the top three airports in the world are in asia where to become an MP the minimum is a masters degree. We really deserve the conditions we are leaving in!!!!

  60. No. 21 LOL really LOL!!!

    no. 69 excuse me???? do you remember the results of the last election? And a word of advise remember event over the last three elections and think twice before you declare MMD truly united and democratic

  61. I am not sure what mathematic some of us are using because since time immemorial other than the 1991 elections the MMD has never had a 50% win, the results are all there for all to see, so what is the logic here and maths was my strong attribute.

  62. And who will be the president of this coalition? i feel its a power hungry strategy and still doesnt have the country’s best interest at hando..I am still for fresh blood in politics anyone outthere…are 30 somethings scared? early 40’s…why do all our leaders have to be grey..Fresh brains, fresh visions..come on Zambia..YES WE CAN

  63. The Pact is well come, but I think there are more questions than answer. The pact needs to clearly say how they will choose there to leader, how they will share the ministrial posts when they win, how they will marry there manifestos coz they are very different. These few issues should be address coz in the end you will find that we run ourselves in more problems than we are in.

  64. Iam always interested in knowing the where abouts of “smart” Dora each time RB travels out of town. Poor Thandiwe……

  65. This comes akin to ‘shock and awe’ for the sceptics. Someone said,

    ‘You can fool some people sometimes,
    But you cant fool all the people all the time.
    So now we see the light (what you gonna do? ),
    We gonna stand up for our rights! (yeah, yeah, yeah!)

    The light is here; and I can see liars, tribal bigots and prophets of doom scampering in all direction for cover.

  66. Non of you two will ever be president of this nation. If God says no it is no. He knows what kind of people you can become if you were elected president. He is right now preparing a man that will take over from RB. You stood as president and you did not win withdrawl and do something else God has not approved you. You have accumulated money to yourselves What have you done to the poor Zambian out there in the bush? What else do you want? You want to become the richest man in Africa, no !! you are all thieves. You will try this and that nothing will work coz when God says no it is no and no man can change it.

  67. You plate washers in the diaspora why ranting against the pact? You are the same people who have said time and again that if PF and UPND cant come together then MMD will continue raping our great nation. Now they are willing to work together for the well being of Zambia, instead of supporting them and giving them good advice on how the pact can work well, you are there wishing doom for the Pact. What type of people are you? Its true that you like the status you have found your selves in the diaspora-economic refugees, plate washers, old white people cleaners etc. Behalve and give the Pact good advice so that it works. You say you are educated but all I can see in you is bacwardness.

  68. This time round the two ‘GIANTS’ will make an informed wize decision az to who goez for the presidency come 2011. Else they will continue crying foul and missing victory by a wisker…

  69. LT, do I need to remind you that I have been waiting for my comment for the past half-hour? This is unacceptable.

  70. No. 78 LOL – do you remember the Roy Clarke article on “Humpty Dumpty?” he humps them then he dumps them. May this applies!

  71. How about bringing in the educated Prof. Chirwa to run on the pact ticket? It would be something of a real threat to MMD as the two HH anf Sata would show that they are interested in truely saving Zambia rather than personal interest!

  72. To be frank im amazed at how Sata has changed. you people dnt just blame for the sake of. this pact shud be wished the best coz it is Zambias only hope. HH’s brains and economic briliance and Satas good governance skills plus hard working just makes a pair made in heaven. All the best we long awaited for this

  73. 88 Mthangatambeta greetings, On your “How about bringing in the educated Prof. Chirwa to run on the pact ticket? It would be something of a real threat to MMD as the two HH anf Sata would show that they are interested in truely saving Zambia rather than personal interest!, forget about Clive Chirwa (PhD, UK; Prof. at Boston Uni. in UK and not in Zambia) in the PACT.

    The man has to work hard to achieve his own popularity strength either as a normal member of the PACT or in his ambition to lead MMD which is far fetched with Kaka’s announcement that President RB Banda will? win the elections.

    You do not just stranger come and ride on people who are working hard at home.

    Sokwe kaamuleya katabi (The monkey failed to grasp a tree’s branch – one day).

  74. #88. I second the motion. Someone neutral; someone with an assegai necessary to cut across the jinx that has permeated opposition politics for almost two decades now.

  75. Although i believe democracy to be the best system in the world, it has to be exercised with caution. I believe it was the philospher pluto who wrote that a leader must be an enlightened person.. ( he used the term “philosopher king” to be precise ) Whether or not we agree with his views, we should be aware that democracy simply means majority rules, whether the majority choose the most able leader or not. Hence the importance for any country of education. I am not talking phd’s or degrees here, but just basic understanding of rights and responsibilities.
    This pact may bring about change, but we cannot be sure it is the change we want as UPND and PF have fundamental differences in core values . Unless they are hypocrites and those values only exist when campaigning against each other.

  76. Maestro He he he he he.

    I have been looking for you my big brother,How are you today? I just want to find out one or two things from you.Who will be the leader of this party.If it happens that Mr sata becomes the leader,are you going to accept it to be led by uneducated man as you call him? what do you think are these pipo (HH and Sata) going to make it in 2011? Good day brother.

  77. I was in Zambia recently and watched HH on the local Muvi TV answer questions that were emailed or smsed to him during the interview. I must say the man is intelligent judging from the way he responded to questions. I have never been a supporter of HH bcos of the cloud around how he gained his wealth and have not been a fun of Sata because of his conduct (dictatorial character) together with his followers. However if the pact between UPND and FP is meant to unseat the corrupt MMD government then its welcome. But again we need not to make the same mistake of not scrutinizing the leadership that takes over because thats the mistake we made when MMD came into power. ITS SHOULD NOT BE JUST CHANGE FOR THE SAKE OF IT fellow ZAMBIANS!

  78. 85 Kambongolo. Who do you respect more, a plate washer who does an honest job to put food on the table for his family and provide for their education so that they can have a better life, or a multi millionaire like Chiluba or Xavier Chuungu? This is the problem with our country, we idiolise wealth so much and place little emphasis on personal values. Word to the wise, never let schooling get in the way of your education.

  79. zambian i do not understand some of you, now you saying Prof. chirwa should stand on the pact. Your person chirwa must work for himself to reconigsed in zambian politics. We have not head this dog of yours apart from mentioning he is from boston university in uk, what is so special about boston university. The president of the pact should be between SATA and HH, nobody else, we do not want these people to part company becoz of your useless comments.
    sata have government experience and HH is economic manager, why talking about this dog of yours called chirwa,,, we were together with chirwa at the same university of yours, he was an ***** and he did not know how to suprised he is mounting presudential challenge.

  80. Lets also look at the age of our leaders. Old people are used to rotten system of a disfunctional government. They think the current mediocrity in government institutions is ok. Anyway they do not know any bettter cos they have grown up seeing this rubbish way of doing things and have retired their brains not to think beyond the potholes, power cuts, poor water supply, lack of basic tools and equipment in hospitals etc. WE NEED YOUNG LEADERSHIP to PLAN FOR THE FUTURE. OLD PEOPLE CAN NOT BE SERIOUS TO PLAN FOR A FUTURE THEY WILL NOT BE PART OF hence the current irresponsibility.

  81. Maestro
    H H H …

    The PF UPND pact is a step in the right direction whether Sata or HH stands for President. Don’t fall into the same trap that many Zambians fall into of raising skepticism even where faith is required. Sata has proved even to you that he is not as uneducated as you think but in fact he is wise. HH has proven even to you that he is not a hypocrite. As Zambians the pact is perceived to remove MMD from power as it main goal. For me that is a noble cause if you consider how MMD is fast reaching its level of extinction and irrelevance. Egos of the two leaders which skeptics say will emerge soon – that is part of a team dynamics. That is why in a team egos have to be managed.

  82. It is clear there are fundamental differences between the two groups in terms of identity and ideaology. In order for us to correctly assess whether this pact will work we would like to get to the bolts and nuts of it. There are definitely major compromises and refinements to be made to party policies and principles in order to create a working Synergy e.g foreign policy Sata and China or Strengthening of demecratic principles by ensuring intraparty democracy such as party convetions as opposed to self appointmnet. Dedication to appeal to diverse geographic audiences as oposed to North- South strongholds. We would like weekly or monthly statements to define the issues. We could start by how the pact will handle the economy, then graft….etc.

  83. As for “This will be interesting indeed. Is Sata ready to give up power to the person he once called “under five”“, under five was definitely more of a demeaning word to show that president HH was nothing in politics. But things have changed now as the Undereducate has called on president HH and the UPND two times to form a PACT with his own PF. This means that president HH is now a force to reckon with in the Undereducate’s eyes. However, I do appreciate that the Undereducate still thinks he needs to groom president HH, as the only one to groom to become Zambia President for now, in the next few days. This is not impossible as two and half years of grooming and misgrooming by the Undereducate of HH before the 2011 elections is enough time to end his skepticism ….

  84. Therefore, your efforts to confuse the Undereducate Sata will not work as he has resolved to support president HH since this is the only way he can get a position in the possible new GRZ led by would-be Zambian President HH in 2011, by God’s grace should He grant him life then.

  85. As for “So my advise to these Chaps is that swallow your pride for the good of mother Zambia“, personally, I will NEVER support the Undereducate Sata MC to become president of Zambia for 1). he has a very bad past record , 2). he is insufficiently educate to lead Zambia as President and 3). he has been a dictator in his own PF; and so he will soon dictate to you to vote for president HH as Zambian President.

  86. 98 Matworld, I hope the above clear your quest. On ZWD, I ended one posting by writing:

    Have a blessed day and continue enjoying the show as I am doing too for PF cadres will learnt to take orders without question from their dictator very very soon.

    102 Zambia Prophet thanks and greetings. On your “Egos of the two leaders which skeptics say will emerge soon – that is part of a team dynamics. That is why in a team egos have to be managed.” Do not worry yourself as NCC and the MMD, PF and UPND MPs will give us a Constutition that may bar Undereducate Sata from standing for Zambian President very soon. This leaves only the man of the moment president HH in the league against MMD.
    Sokwe kaamuleya katabi (The monkey failed to grasp a tree’s branch…

  87. #103. Ask Enock Kavindele about party conventions. He made a U-turn in the dying hours of a convention when he figured the odds were against him due to the preferred candidate syndrome. When you have paid party zealots proclaiming their ‘sole presidential candidate’ well before anyone is given a chance to declare his/her interest to contest, it literally amounts to ‘self appointment'(to borrow your acronym). Party conventions, as I have come to know them, are a complete farce.

  88. I watched HH on the local Muvi TV answer questions that were emailed or smsed to him during the interview. I must say the man is intelligent judging from the way he responded to questions. I have never been a supporter of HH bcos of the cloud around how he gained his wealth and have not been a fun of Sata because of his conduct (dictatorial character) together with his followers. However if the pact between UPND and FP is meant to unseat the corrupt MMD government then its welcome. But again we need not to make the same mistake of not scrutinizing the leadership that takes over because thats the mistake we made when MMD came into power. ITS SHOULD NOT BE JUST CHANGE FOR THE SAKE OF IT fellow ZAMBIANS!

  89. #99 simon….. Man, if you read correctly, my concern is that you guys in the diaspora are behaving like Tetamashimba. You just rant without any good reason behind your rantings. What ever comes your head you spit just like Teta. How many times have you said PF and UPND must put self interest aside and come together for the good of mother Zambia? The guys have listened to you and are saying ” we are serious we want the pact to work ” . Instead of you supporting them and even giving then good advice to make the pact work..what are doing ? opposing and even bringing in tribal attacks? Simon know that you guys in the Diaspora are not given rspect here, you are looked upon as chimps. Do you like it? No you dont . Thats why we have to work together so that we free Zambia from these thieves

  90. We shall wait and see these trade unions, civil society and the church join the pact. What democracy is being enhanced here in Zed by the MOU of these 2 failed political parties? Let the disolve their respective political parties and then form a compacted one and we see the steength. Why are they still holding on to their parties if they mean well for Zed? Disolve and we shall see seriousness in you MCS and HH. What will make you not go your way in 2011? You will still have your political parties in place and ready to contest the general election?


  91. 111 conts….so that we can go back home and help develop our country. Can you imagin how Zambia will be destroyed if bootlickers likesTeta, mulongoti, Shikapwasha , Katele, Mabenga continue running GRZ. These guys have no heart for Zambia. What we need in Zambia is a Gonvt led by many parties. This will help to check corrupion in the country. So my dear Simon let us be objectve and not just rant like Tetamashimba. PF and UPND wants support from you so that the pact works. Give them unbiased advice to make the pact work. We all want to go home where we are respected than here.

  92. #104. sesheke(flag numbers alone aint reliable). I wish to add on my comment at #109 which was meant for you. Besides disadvantaging other contestants, party conventions breed a lot of divisions after the polls. UPND has not yet recovered fully from the bitter contest and acrimony that saw HH triumphant over Sakwiba Sikota for the party presidency. For lack of an alternative arrangement, I would advocate adoption of a candidate for the hot seat by CONCESSION.

  93. #111 Dr Panado… thats what we mean to be objective. Thanks for your objectivity. We need such advices given to the pact. Check and scrutinize all those wanting to stand as MPs, etc. Man you have made my day than these diaspora-tetamashimbas.

  94. 109 i do agree with you. part. But you should remember that the idea is to strenghten democratic principles which as i said earlier requires selfless dedication from the leaders themselves. You should also remember that this ‘preffereed canditate syndrome’ is USUALLY sustained by a conspiring under -current of spin doctors led inconspicuosly by the person vying for adoption etc. we have seen how (these 2) candidates have purposely traded barbs at each other and created all sorts of animosity towards each other just to get to the top. Dont be fooled these “Party Zealots” as you have chosen to call them owe their existance to the same candidates. If the candidates can declare unweaverig support to transarancy, conventions…

  95. #114. Mwanawasa. This is not the same MMD we all ascribed to in 1991. Over the years, we have seen a deterioration in all the three spheres of human endeavour; social, political and economic.

  96. Kabongolo 113. First of all, the mistake you make is to assume that people in the so called “diaspora” are homogenous and share the same views. That is a fundamental flaw with your arguement.
    You go on to say we are “not respected and are looked on as chimps”. Total rubbish again as the people doing the judging are not homogenous. Who are you speaking for? A man/woman is judged by his peers. If relative to my peers i attain a level of success which i can replicate in any country how can i not be respected? If one can be successful in Zambia, move borders and against all odds make their life a success, i dont see any need for ridicule. For your information, most of the people that you look upto and lead you have spent time abroad getting either education or experience – sata and HH…

  97. 120..Simon….please attend to my concerns above, not the rubbish you are alking about of being plate washer or depised second -hand citizen of wherever you are. We are talking about the matters affecting our country and how we can solve them. Do you mean you want every Zambian to run away and be economic refugee, which country is going to receive them? Man be proud of your country , hence you have to contribute to its well being than always ranting.

  98. One mission accomplished, Now we need to convince HH that his time will be 2016 and im sure by then he will have all the experience of Zambian politics. We are really working hard for this believe you me.

  99. Kambongolo, you brought up the issue of washing plates and being chimps. I was merely trying to enlighten you. Politics for me is a distraction from bread anb butter issues which we should be discussing. As for being proud of my country, i am proud of my heritage and what good values were imparted on me by my parents etc. As for being proud of my country (corruption, poor work ethic, dysfunctional government/leaders), i am afraid the jury is still out on that one. Nothing personal K, have a nice day and lets agree to disagree.

  100. Shaka Zulu (Henry Cele) in the popular movie said never leave an enemy behind, or it will rise again and are clever ways to teach dupers a lessons.

    Can someone inform me as to why former MMD and Country Vice President Enock Kavindele has failed over now about 10 years to clinch the MMD or Zambian Presidency?

  101. Let us elect leaders as opposed to making very bad mistakes of thinking someone can leave power for you as if we are in a monarchy kingdom. In democracies, you compete, rather than wait to be appointed, for positions and this is the reason why Mr Enock Kavindele is far from the MMD or Country Presidency even after he once boasted that MMD will (probably) rule Zambia for 50 years and he was going to rule, I think if I remember correctly, immediately after former (late President) LP Mwanawasa.


  102. In all, let us not entertain, dictatorship in this PF – UPND PACT. This is the only way it will work. In fact, I will be glad to hear calls from all 9 provinces as to whom the people want to see as presidential candidate of the PACT just like President RB Banda of the MMD is being endorsed by now 6 Provinces save for Central, Luapula and Northern provinces which will surely I believe join in his support chorus soon – as it appears like someone is sponsoring these calls.

    Later, sober minded members should vote for the presidential candidate – I just wonder where PF will get them as it has no membership cards as a political party.

    Let those with ears hear.
    Sokwe kaamuleya katabi (The monkey failed to grasp a tree’s branch – one day).

  103. Viva PF and UPND guys ,this is what we have been waiting for as zambians. L trully support them. Come 2011

  104. #56 my brother, don’t easily hang up, this is what blogging is all about, dissecting one another’s ideas for better resolve. Following your reaction to your earlier at #24, I still feel that your criteria is unsound and weak. So you think having not been involved in squabbles makes a candidate ‘clean’, ‘winnable’ as you put it? That is a week or rather poor observation my brother. Politics is about arguing, sometimes unfortunately mudslinging. That is why some people say its a dirty game, in the sense that there squabbles at times and more frequent than not but all in the name of democracy, and somehow acceptable in the game. You can never go into that ring and expect everyone to agree with you. If your criteria were followed then Lubinda is out remember he was in UPND, ULP, now PF…

  105. Hapunda was in MMD and not clear whether he has surrendered the party’s card. More over, he lostthe bid for speaker to Mwanamwambwa as some of the same MPs then in MMD but now in the opposition rejected him. He has actually gone into oblivion and can hardly inspire a large fdescipleship of the 21st centaury politics. Remember he came all the way from Kaunda and held different ministrial positions even in Chiluba’s regime.

  106. Please shall you all stop misapplying and msiusing the word winnable.

    If you do not believe me, type “define: winnable” in a google search engine and you will get the following definition:

    able to be won or achieved

    This, do you mean you can win “Clive Chirwa” or any other person to the PF – UPND PACT? Or what?

    Prevention is better than cure.

  107. No 132 my brother, you are right, I only used it in reference to the meaning implied by #24, otherwise it is horrendously wrong grammar and English. Thus I put a full stop to using it.

    But how I long to get in touch with you, I like your views bro…., LOl.
    How can we? Take care.

  108. #57, will you now stop misleading other bloggers, Kamuzu, Kaunda and Mandela’s time and situation were different from ours and modern politics in purpose. Kaunda and Mandela were not in the diaspora but in prison because of their struggle for independence. They either went into prison as leader of political party, or were freedom fighters, and NOT in the Diaspora. I hold my comment on Kamuzu for informed comment. I hope Maestro can upload that data on Kamuzu. But if that worked under whatever conditions in Malawi, it is no guarantee to be the panacea to dislodge the MMD as you suggest.

  109. ##58 Peter, thank you my brother. Tthat is the objectivity we want. Accept good views when they have been made.

    Apology for delayed acknowledgment I went on serious international duties.

  110. 89 Mthangambetha, you are forgiven for not following issues correctly. For your question, please refer to my comments at 46, 49, 51 and Peter’s reaction to my comments that pre-epmtied your question. However, Prof. Chirwa has no better understanding of Zambian political issues and economic problem Zambia faces than does HH, Sata and loudly silent excellent Magande. He (Chirwa) may be highly educated and perhaps articulate in judgment of the panacea but has no convicning idealogical and demographic link to the zambian electorates. He is still unknown or stranger if you like and yet he is pure Zambian. 21 years out of your countries is just too much to come from the diaspora and tell & convince pipo you want to rule them. He must first live among them, suffer with them…..

  111. 133 observer thanks for everything. I can be reached on [email protected].

    On your “21 years out of your countries is just too much to come from the diaspora and tell & convince pipo you want to rule them“, this is true and I remember late former President LP Mwanawasa saying some of the people outside the country think that we are f o o l s us who are here at home – in an exclusive interview when he was enjoying the last week before a new year at Mfuwe lodge. This was when he was asked about who should have succeeded him or he was comming on an MMD next presidential candidate.

    So, let those who are serious compete at home in Zambia and not waste time campaigning to non-voters outside the country.
    Prevention is better than cure.

  112. #89, remember that this why LPM publicly disowned him in his (Prof) home area – eastern province at a political rally when he said, “there is a Zambian who has been out of this country for 20years, and now he wants to come and rule this country. what makes him think that Zambia is short of people capable of becoming president of this country. He has no knowledge of your problems. he must first come and join politics at lower level”. Painful as this might have been, I believe it still holds substance for prof. Chirwa. Otherwise he is a credible personality but has shown lack of real issues affecting Zambians whenever he has been invited as guest speaker or something. He seems to have know what’s going on in Zambia but lacks understanding and clear panacea as president in waiting perhaps.

  113. #58 Peter,

    We have already seen growth without development, and growth without a reduction in poverty or unemployment. This has been the result of the MMD and IMF chasing after FDI without any concern for the people of the country. I didn’t know it was possible to grow GDP without reducing unemployment or raising living standards, but the MMD and neoliberals across the world have proven that it can be done. So the UPND and PF have an opportunity now, to show how they are going to develop the country.

    And it had better not be about attracting more FDI at all cost. It had better be about raising incomes, a high and living minimum wage, universal education and healthcare, and high employment.

  114. 139 MrK greetings.

    Your “And it had better not be about attracting more FDI at all cost. It had better be about raising incomes, a high and living minimum wage, universal education and healthcare, and high employment” is what is exactly in the mighty UPND’s manifesto.

    In fact, this is the only reason I support the UPND TEAM as it has technocrats even without money from president HH. Thus, those trying to frustrate the UPND-PF PACT are in for it as we are proving to be very clear for them! Welcome to the 21st Century way of doing things.
    Prevention is better than cure.

  115. Am glad that we common citizens are not responsible for the leadership crisis at the moment in our nation. Levy was given presidency dubiously who in turn went for an old piece of cr@p to be his vice. A piece of cr@p that never ever thought was going to hang up its gum boots let alone have a field day moving suspended air every single day. I blame Levy – R.I.P for what we are going through. Its sad that the dead are dead and know nothing but Levy should shoulder the biggest chunk of responipsibilty for this mess.

  116. #139 Observer- I dont see how Prof can fail to appreciate our problems since he comes from a down to earth family in Mufulira. If its true that he is failing to articulate on our situation, then this is a sad situation. A man no matter how long he stays away from home can not forget his origins. In short Prof then cannot make a good President for Zambia.

  117. Let us not attract confusion. pipo who jump from 1 party to another like monkeys shud not b tolerated. we dont want opportunists to hijack a noble strategy. in fact there should be a deadline in terms of joining this pact. we should close joining of the pack six months before the elections. let those who want to join do so now but well known opportunists who have been to all parties should not be allowed to step a foot in PF/UPND pact

  118. #144 I totally agree with you. There must full screening for the jumping jack flashes. Lets have well meaning people not the ones with the whiff of the money as there driver.

  119. Please, president HH do not give them new comers any data as some of them are plotting to be MMD informers.

    All the best to you UPND and PF and take careful care always.
    Prevention is better than cure.

  120. “Individually we`r good but 2gather we`r gold.” That being said however, it remains to be seen if we can have unity of positive purpose.

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