Friday, March 28, 2025

Maiko Zulu donates to Kamwala Remand prison


Renowned local musician Maiko Zulu has called on the corporate world to supplement government efforts in helping raise and improve the standards of prisons in the country.

Mr. Zulu says the private sector can contribute to bettering the welfare of inmates and the less privileged in society by exercising their social responsibility.
He lamented that the plight of prisoners in Zambia was bad hence the need to complement the efforts of government.

Mr. Zulu was speaking in an interview with ZANIS in Lusaka today after making a donation of assorted goods that included books, clothes and bath soap to Kamwala Remand prison.

The reggae artist said he was compelled to make the donation after his stint at the remand prison following drug charges against him.



  1. Real Brothers Keeper indeed. I don’t think he is rich but he is able to share with others, we can all follow the good example. Big up yourself Maiko! Jah bless thee.

  2. #2 Nine Chale. What good example can we follow from Micheal. This guy only donated to this remand prison because of his experience as a prisoner when they caught him on drug trafficking charges, how ironic!

  3. Ba Dalitso kwati malitso amano! Nine Chale is talking about the blessing of giving not ifyo mulelanda. Shame ! read first, ala!! Big up St. Michael, Jah guide.

  4. you never know when you or your beloved one will find yourselves in prison. not all that are in prison are guitly. so we should all ensure that prisons are safe and clean

  5. A book is a great gift to an inmate. I was once locked up at Lindela for overstaying in south Africa and it was the books I read there that changed my life forever

  6. #4 OPERATION OWL. There is nothing wrong in making a donation. This JAH, before they busted him on drug charges never dared to donate to prisons. I hope they keep his donated soap long enough so he could wash his lice infested dreads the next time he goes back.

  7. I think ZULU needs more attention by DEC. He is guilt conscious that he is a convict of drug a related cases. Please help before he is compromised. he is supposed to sing about the vices experienced in remand and courts of law.

  8. Good move Maiko Zulu after “The reggae artist said he was compelled to make the donation after his stint at the remand prison following drug charges against him “. This is what experience helps noble people to do.

    I hope the Undereducate PF leader MC Sata will take a leaf from you by starting to attend night school and helping others to stop smoking.

    He must also stop attempting the Presidency of Zambia since he messed up big time in the past before apologising to all the Zambian people like you did Maiko Zulu in the open over your arrest and court issue.

    Such are things that noble men and women do.
    Nicali boobu, nicali cibotu (If it were like this, it would have been good)

  9. The contribution maade by our brother Maiko Zulu, must be emulated by most of us. Whatever littlle you can do for the people at the remand prison will be appreciated. Think of it, these people are not yet convicts but on hold to be convicted or released. For sure helping them with reading materials or soap for bathing is not a bad thing to do. Those that have books and margazines at home that they are about to trash must certainly take them to the remand prison. Table games such as checkers, snakes & ladder, etc. will do good to the remandees.

  10. #7 dalitso, it seems to me that you just have a natural dislike for dreadlocks & reggae singers like Maiko, so making fun of them makes you feel better. To quote that famous rabbit in Bambi “If you dont have anything nice to say, dont say anything at all”.
    You might not see eye to eye with a man but that does not give you the right to disrespect him!

    PS.: Operation: Owl: thanks for backing me up, One love!

  11. #11 true i have no kind words for Micheal. #8 yes DEC should look closely at Micheal. This is like Kapoko donating to MoH. While the gesture is noble, it still raises red flags. JSYK, I had a huge crush on Lomla Dandala aka Derick Nyathi when he had those cute dreads on Isidingo, so no I don’t hate ‘certain’ dreads.

  12. When some does something Good lets prise them fulu stop!!!!!!!!!!!

    Kubantu takwaba chisuma ( Glorious Band Chingola Zambia ) Na Yesu balipeye!!!

  13. Dalitso you are a lady, all this time I have been thinking you were one upset dude lol. Anyway from a womans perspective more so than most the see dreads as a sign of Craziness, but Maiko has done something noble here, his experience taught him well. May we all do the same, a little at a time. May the Lord bless us all.

  14. #15 Wow am so pissed with myself right now for coming off like a an upset dude, thanx for your candid honesty. #16 elaborate please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  15. well dalitso,,,i find your views kinda strange,,i mean offcourse its from experience that the guy found some humility and made the donation… shows he is learning…but typical you ve chosen to shoot him down..i will say this to you sir “if you live in a glass house dont throw stones”..hope not!!.i rest my case

  16. Most of those people in the Zambian prisons are petty thieves of innocent people and yet big stinking political thieves are very much legally roaming the streets of Zambia. Where is justice mother Zambia. God please help us in Jesus name. Amen

  17. Dalitso, it seems you have nothing to contribute on this space, please keep your dislike for the nobble getsure Michael has rendered to the inmates. Eimwe mwebashitumako nolupiya kuli bululu shemu Ku zed. Nalikwishiba Dalitso wikala neule, elyo bakusungafye. Ba bululu bobe bapwa ukufwa tauya mukulosha. Ala tawakome ichisuma pachalo. Blessed is the had that gives. ONE LOVE MICHAEL. “JAH GUIDE YOU GOING IN AND PROTECT YOU COMING OUT” Peace.

  18. I find dalitso’s sentiment over the donations made by Michael Zulu really absurd. If honestly you have little or no contributions to make on this space, please keep you hatred for the man to yourself. Write to him and tell you don’t like him. We are not interested in your feelings about the guy. All that I personally think is that, his experience in prison has taught a very big lesson, and prompted his decision. Dalitso, I wonder if you ever help your relatives back home. With your expression over a noble gesture, I doubt you capability. I think you are one of those guys who have nothing to do in the streets of England and are living with old white women. Sorry my dear, “you suck” Big up Michael. “Jah guide you going in and protect you coming out” ONE LOVE!!

  19. This is a good man, it does not matter giving after being in prison, the fact that he is helping is what matters most. Some of you Zambians just like to talk rubbish, if he didint give , you will complain , if he gives you will still complain, why? please try to appreciate , every little helps. I know the inmate are gratefull., God bless.

  20. Publicity stunt? Maybe. Good example? Yes. DEC? Irrelevant, and mostly ignorant. Nice one Maik.

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