Friday, September 20, 2024

I am a genuine member of the ruling MMD, Prof Chirwa


Professor Clive Chirwa
Professor Clive Chirwa
Movement for Multiparty Democracy (MMD) party presidential aspirant Professor Clive Chirwa has refuted assertions that he is not a genuine member of the ruling MMD.

Professor Chirwa, in an interview with ZANIS during which he produced his party membership card, said those claiming that he was not a legitimate member of the MMD were bent on spoiling his political aspirations.

He said he was a fully paid up member and urged those that had doubts about his membership to check the party records.

On the MMD convention, Prof. Chirwa said the decision by the National Executive Committee (NEC) of MMD to endorse President Rupiah Banda as the sole candidate was against the constitution of the MMD.

He said the move was undemocratic as it intimidated other party members from aspiring for the party presidency.

Prof. Chirwa called for the convening of the party convention so that all those interested in particular party positions can compete for such positions.[quote]

Prof. Chirwa said he has given time and resources to the MMD and therefore he had no intentions of leaving the party.

He said he was determined to fight from within the MMD until he is at the summit of the party.

Prof. Chirwa said under his leadership the MMD would be driven into a different direction with particular emphasis to accommodating divergent views in a bid to internally democratize the party.

Prof. Chirwa has not been shy in declaring his intentions to vie for the MMD party presidency but the MMD leadership has said he was not a genuine member of the MMD and was theefore disqualified from vying for leadership positions in the party.

Prof. Chirwa presently is a lecturer the University of Bolton in the United Kingdom.



  1. Who told you that can beat me at the Convention?Do you have cadres in UK? Who told you that VJ wants to be on your side? Try standing as a governor in UK…

  2. What I don’t understand about the Prof is that instead of laying out his vision in the articles he writes in the Post, he writes about cars and other stuff like he is just an ordinary journalist working for the Post. It would be nice for him to set up a website ( if he hasn’t got one already) so that those interested can understand his vision clearly. He really needs to work on his Public Relations. It would be nice to have a young, smart President for a change but at the moment I personally don’t understand him. We need your manifesto prof so that we know clearly your plan for mother Zambia. Otherwise, all the best with your campaign!

  3. This man has a vision for the country and is a proven achiever. Typical of you Zambians to despise ‘men of valour’. I bet you guys are reveling in RB’s ‘leadership’ or lack of it, his bickering, cheap politicking and all. Why are the chaps in the MMD scared of the Prof if they are genuine democrats? Imagine if this man and Magande were at the summit of the country? Zambia would finally have some direction….Go Prf, you have my vote if those pranksters in the MMD do not play their dirty tricks on you and decide to bar you from contesting the presidency, as they have it in their history books!

  4. Bachelor,
    the post has got a cross section of readership.that’s why today unlike your times of zambia and the zambia daily mail it is the widely distributed paper in zambia.i was also at one time myopic like you are into thinking that those articles the prof wrote about cars were irrelevant.i was shocked when one time i found myself at mkushi country club with with the sunday post and one white farmed borrowed it from me and suddenly he was swarmed by his coleagues and all unlike you are abreast with technology and there interest was on the profs in otherways one man’s poison is another mans cup of tea.and to sum it up the prof is living in the digital era whilst you are still backwards. Dont hate him.


  6. If that is his latest picture, then he looks fit for president. The man looks handsome and e would not feel ashamed to call him our president.

  7. All I need to say is that since Zambia is a Christian Nation, we need to pray for it and ask God for guidance so that we blessed and highly favoured according to his will.

  8. i agree with #8 i mean …guys who would be pleased to say our presido is nyamasoya… selfishism has misplaced his eating priorities such tht all that is remaining is a slaggy flesh on the face….the face for that matter

  9. While Prof Chirwa has a right to contest the MMD top leadership, his strategy of shooting from a ‘safe’ distance will not easily take him to the top of MMD and/or Plot One. Prof Chirwa need to build alliances within and outside MMD. He should get HH and Sata to talk about him so that MMD could accomodate him as a ‘swing’ vote. As it is, the man has so much aganist him within the party.. I like him though for his ‘bravely’.

  10. #5 I think leave out Magande, he a useless man, he had his time as Minister of Finance and he messed up, he thought the job was his birthright and he was too arrogant and bordered on being a tribalist. I think Prof Chirwa has the right exposure and some good contacts. I believe this is the man that can make Zambia a nuclear super power. With our known uraninum deposits and his russian wife, he can make us ready for world war three (just in case) in a very short period of time. He could potentially also make Zambia have her own satellites in space to improve our telecoms courtesy of the russian federation. I think let us give this man a chance because the possibilities are endless.

  11. Manje,muntu wa bwanji uyu?He is too handsome for a zambian presidential candidate.Zambians always opt for familiar faces of e.g Rupiah Banda,sata and the rest.

  12. The prof wants to reason with progresive minds in MMD before resorting to the second course of action.of course even in the NEC there are a lot of people who are against RB’S candidature but they are being silenced by a group of vultures clinging to RB for the Prof is the key that will unlock the closets of fear in MMD.

  13. I understand he is a fully paid up member of the MMD and belongs to Katuba Constituency. They are scared so balefwaya ukumuchinga.

  14. Bwezani Banda is not a genuine member of the MMD as well and he too must be disqualified from vying for leadership positions in the party. This is ‘animal farm’ behaviour…..

  15. Fellow bloggers, has Chansa Kabwela’s court case on “PORNOGRAPHY” taken place? Please update me.

  16. there is no point for convention even… this man is definitely not president material.. when will engineers learn that most of them lack leadership skills??? This man sucks.. i would never vote for him i promise!

  17. Prof dont worry about membership. Non of those talking are members of MMD starting with Mr Rupiah, Teta, Magande etc. As for Mr Rupiah if you check Unip Headquaters you will find that he last renewed his card only a few months ago before he swapped it with a quick MMD one in order to stand.

  18. i don’t think zambians are ready for intellectual presidents, they are still in the era of empty loud tin leaders. Prof chirwa will lose because he is too ahead of his time and doesn’t fit the mould of the common zambian politician who intellectually matches a drama student . Zambian political terrain is hostile to modern thinkers and progressive idealism. The problem lies with the voters who always seem to lean towards the most vehement vociferous sweet talkers who they relate to rather than a competent politician who is supposed to get the work done.

  19. # 15 you are very right. Ba Bachelor naimwe mulatontokanya saana. Always thinking ahead on developmental projects. How I wish we had more bloggers of your calibre.

  20. I have met the prof here in Lusaka and he clearly articulated his vision. However, what I dont understand is for him to continue in the MMD when it became clear long ago that they will not accommadate him. remember the remarks by the late president? It would be too much to expect the Teta- pampered, Mulongoti notured and VJ tutored Rupiah to even allow him to the convention. Prof, time is up, if you are continuing with Zambian politics, its time for a new strategy. There are enough headless parties that need a nucleus, eg UNIP, FDD, HP. I did not mention the pact because I know they are one and the same. They are yet to face the real thing in as far as power sharing is concerned.

    God lucky prof

  21. Prof Chirwa is more MMD than RB. The all isssue is some few indivinduals in the likes of Ronies Chikapwasha, Teta the talkative, Mulongot, the master driblierer VJ etc who are keeping their jobs. They know for sure that when Prof Chirwa comes in, he will bring with him new leaders with vision to take this country forward. But these selfish vultures will never allow such a thing to happen, until kukesefye indoshi iyakubalowa

  22. Mwe bantu is RB a genuine MMD member? Cherwa ask them that. These Monkey toilets never cease to amaize me

  23. If RB is not confident enough to win a convention at party level, then there’s no hope for him. Let democracy prevail.

  24. Prof Chirwa joins MMD

    Prof Chirwa joins MMD
    By Nomusa Michelo, Joan Chirwa and Patson Chilemba
    Thursday September 06, 2007 [04:02]

    UK-BASED automotive and aerospace expert Professor Clive Chirwa has joined the ruling MMD, citing good economic policies by the current government. And finance deputy minister Jonas Shakafuswa has confirmed that Prof Chirwa has joined the MMD in Katuba constituency where he is member of parliament and described Prof Chirwa as the MMD’s biggest catch.

    But Patriotic Front (PF) president Michael Sata said there was nothing to fear about Prof Chirwa joining the MMD. Prof Chirwa told The Post in an interview that he decided to join the ruling MMD so that he could help the government to rebuild the country’s economy.

  25. “Prof. Chirwa said he has given time and resources to the MMD and therefore he had no intentions of leaving the party…..Substantiate, baba. In which Ward, Constituency, District, Province are you a member of MMD? Substantiate your contribution then maybe the people of Zambia may give you a chance. Otherwise revisit your strategy. Suggestions…say start with being a lecturer at CBU thereafter, participate in one of the bye elections on MMD ticket. See how you shall score. Then move on…….

  26. He is the internet based party President. Somebody tell Chirwa that Politics is on the ground where convention votes that usher in leaders on party stamps are.Here is usual business of garbage in garbage out armchair criticism on a 24/7 basis.There are no votes in the apathetic Diaspora congregants.

  27. #30 That is what exactly came out in the Post. So why are these people (Teta, Mulongoti) in the MMD scared of?

  28. #22 Slumdog Shalapungu
    I respect the Professor and he may be a good President but it will not be because he is a professor. Politics and engineering are worlds apart. You cannot sya Zambia is not ready for an intellectual President because we have had 2 definite graduates as President, one other ‘night school’ graduate and KK though not a graduate but of very high intellect!

  29. I think professor Chilwa is more MMD than Nyama Soya.At the same time prof is more inteligent ,intelectual,forcast and has the capacity to turn things arround for the better mother zambia that some poeple who are being touring the whole wold without seriouly attending to National problem.The Current MMD gorverment has got no cruew for the national development.The are just spending too much much of our resources.Prof you are a man please come home we will support you.

  30. #33 Prof Chirwa is a member of the MMD in Katuba Constituency. Confirm with Honourable Jonas Shakafuwa, MP.

  31. #4, spot on mate. This man can go miles ahead of this crop of useless leaders by outlining his menu well before the table is set for election, giving ample time for the electorates to make a healthy choice. That will mark him separate from the rest of this empty tins, Teta and Mike.

  32. Jonas Siakafuswa was just sucking you sir.He made you an MMD card from the Matero print shops and kept demanding money from you that it was going into the national party account.Go check the party General ledger is there has been any entry since you started dishing out.mark my words, you will curse yourself as being a conned professor by a simple katuba based cadre.

  33. The prof has a real vision to turn zambia from being an animal farm into a hi-tech country where every child will have an egg and bacon for breakfast. go prof & don’t let teta & his unholy alliance with mulogoti and others deter u. Agree that Zambia is rich poor country

  34. # 4 i agree with you, I have never seen anything special about this man other than his articles about motor vehicles. I also don’t understand him, neither do i know what he stands for. I think thus why he cling to rotten MMD cos he has nothing to offer. Please Prof, come back to zambia and show us wht u stand for, how do u intend to change the rotten MMD??

  35. Prof Chirwa is not a decided man. He is not sure whether to continue as a lecturer or run for president. How does he fight within MMD from UK? How does he do his campaign from there?

    He is carrying out a Zambian experiment based on UK conditions, ha!
    My opinion is that he is too smart and comfortable for politics.

  36. why do want to waste your time with Zambian politics? look at the caliber of the electorate, politicians, its a jungle of out there! ain’t you happy with your achievements so far? why do want to park your brains and venture into jungle democracy? that beats me unless you have other ulterior motives.

  37. The internet is no adjudicator of your MMD membership but a social forum of Diaspora based armchair criticizing congregants with no bearing whatsoever on ground politics.Ours is garbage in garbage out venting.Tomorrow and after the elections we be doing the same rubbish of garbage in garbage out.Jonas scammed you sir.Call for a forensic investigation on your card, its a Matero shop printout.It is not in the NEC registry with Katele Kalumba.

  38. Good afternoon bloggers,
    I don’t have much to comment on Prof. Chirwa, since I have not seen/heard his leadership credo yet. Until then, to me he remains what most of us in the diaspora have always been: a well educated, ambitious Zambian living abroad.

  39. LT where is the story on Kabwela’s arrest? Thats a hot issue right now. A young lady is being harassed and there is danger to freedom of expression and democrasy as awhole. so I wonder. Thats why sometimes I question your reporting LT.

  40. input ,

    There is even big dollar and life time affluence in Presidential politics if you pass through plot one.There is Maureen Kabuko from a mere typist to US $67 Million account balance within 6 straight years.Who can make that kind of money within a shot span of 6-7 years lecturing and consulting automotive matters only? Don’t ignore the after service cookies of free 2 X class Benz, 2 SUVs landrcuisers, Free Mansion, security, servants and aides place VIP passport and travel itinerary.

  41. #36 The saint. It’s not about his about his area of study it’s about his level of thinking. Politics is a science for thinkers of affairs of state, it’s not a madman circus like in Zambia. A level of high thinking level must be a prerequisite for any political arena which is absent in Zambia. If you even comparatively compare successful political systems you will see that graduates and professors are the most sort after in those area’s. It is only in Zambia where being an intellectual works against you and the definition of a politician is one has been in politics jumping across parties making a living . And I disagree KK is not an intellectual , being reserved and showing wisdom doesn’t make you an intellectual


  43. Report Jonas Sukafswa to the nearest police station for issuing you a forged membership card and scamming millions out of you.From your money he slaughtered a tenfold of sex workers at National assembly motel.In short you were sponsoring promiscuity and not the MMd party which never received your political contributions.

    Hah haaah welcome to politics 101.

  44. Development is a structured process, you cant jump from nothing to something! we need a revolution to turn things around in Zambia. unfortunately at the moment there is no such leader in the political game able to do that. to get us in the mix we are in we need a dedicated visionary principled leader with the interest of the country at heart no this bunch of thieving bigots. we thought we had that in mwanawasa but we was just as crooked! To make matters worse we elect Umumbulu RB as president! that’s taking us 15 yrs backwards. God forbid if he is reelected in 2011, then we will be left in such a mess that we will be luck to come out of it! Unfortunately, prof. Chirwa you are not that leader, do what you do best dont lay with dogs otherwise you end up with fleas!

  45. Here on blogs we are simply congregants of garbage in garbage out armchair criticism.We are no shakers and movers of any political playbook.Go on the ground baba where it all happens!

  46. #22, I hear you. His articles in the Post shows a that the man is well informed and only those that ‘sit down and analyse issues’ can find the man worth to be President. Otherwise, the kambova mentality of the Zambian masses can’t take him serious, hopefully, the next Government will take him serious and implement some if not all his ideas.

  47. Slumdog Shalapungu, I agree with you. The problem in Zambia is that we are used to having prostitute politicians who jump from one party to another and most of them who are ill-qualified. Let us for once have a president who can articulate issues.

  48. # 52 input,

    You talk of revolution but know not what it is other than your arbitrary knowledge.Right here can you explicate what you know about a revolution, its leadership and nation state building in a functional democracy? Why a revolution, how and when justified? How would it consolidate democracy, a free market economy and shared national prosperity? What are you model case we can learn from?


  50. The problem with the most people in the diaspora is that they are out of touch with Zambia’s reality. They are so ambitious and keep dreaming for a long time…

  51. #60 NKOLE WAMAPEMBWE UMFWE MILANDU why are you so scared of diversity and change in zambia? why do want to stick to the same old fashion? Its a democracy let whoever want to stand stand. Whether they come from chibolya or Japan as long as they are Zambian please

  52. # 53, Power in ballots not blogs,

    Not everyone is like you– a GIGO. We are going there on the ground before even the end of this year. Watch my flag change my friend by this month-end! What we are doing here is very important and will affect the outcome of 2011 elections. Very soon we will get more Zambians participating on this site.

  53. #60 NKOLE WAMAPEMBWE UMFWE MILANDU and it doesnt seem like the people pa zambia who are in touch with zambia are doing anything better to change zambia either. So whats it going to be #61?

  54. This talk of the diaspora are out of touch is just silly, just because people see the bigger picture and don’t subscribe to your jaundiced view then we are out of touch. You ever heard of the ethiopian proverb of to one that doesn’t know a garden is a forest? Just because you are used to useless politicians then thats supposed to make it the norm, a new person comes along your first instinct is disparaging comments about his wife and location. You are the same ones complaing about ‘unga wa dula’ and life is hard because you voted useless politicians into office and yet you are hostile to new faces.

  55. I think what #60 NKOLE WAMAPEMBWE UMFWE MILANDU is saying is that we don’t just know this Prof, how does he expect people from the wards to vote for him at the convention?

  56. #66 Editor and the people that you know pa zed, what have they done to better Zambia? Get to know the person in question, then you can judge

  57. imwe ba LT ka gelo balakaka,give us some info,we need to be updated wats going on with Chansa Kabwela Post News Editor’s case,she was in court today,! thats wat we are interested in,not ifya ba MMD,let them just kill each others.Anyway back to Chansa’s issue,viva moma and be strong.elyo nikamushe ka gelo

  58. The professor can have very good ideas but its just not possible for him to get to the highest position in MMD as most people from the grassroots do not know him. Already he is being rejected by the corrupt MMD leadership. This should serve him as a warning that he has no future in the MMD especially that he is eyeing the highest position in the party. He has to be very careful because he will end up misusing his hard earned resources during the MMD convention.

    As much as we need leader with his qualities and knowledge, it would be only wise for him to start from the grassroots.

  59. The Prof. Chirwa articlez in The Post are a marvel to read and shud not be confused with his dezire to rule Zambia. The man commandz a lot of respect with regard to wat he haz studied and I think we shud be proud of him. But to just come and aspire for the prezidency, after so many yearz in the diaspora, and out of touch with home realitiez iz not fair on the part of the electorate.

  60. Did I hear Herve Renard say “our first target iz to qualify to the Afrika Cup”? I beg to abstain from National Socer Team activitiez!

  61. My advise to Prof. Clive Chirwa is to forget about MMD Party Presidency coz ground work has already bin done to block him no matter what tangiable evidence (tons) to support his membership will not yield anything. Between now and convention time there will be a lot causalties. Peharps our Prof should do is stand as an MP and coz of his credibility he may become a Minister of Science & Technology and sell his grand ideas to develop Zambia. As for now Zambian political landscape is not for the type of Clive. Look at Magande, he is determined to challenge RB but the stage has already bin set to kick him out of MMD. Every body has forgotten how the man worked at Finance. With Mangani as HA Minister I would be surprised tio hear that Clive denounced his Zambian citizenship for British. Wait see

  62. Chansa Kabwela pleedz “not guilty”, trial commencement set for August, 5, then August, 24 and September, 8 for continued trial.


  64. #57 iwe kapuli, a “revolution is simply a fundamental change of power or organizational structures that takes place in a relatively short period of time” doesn’t your mold covered brain think that we need that in Zambia? assuming that you think is a waste of time, you wouldn’t recognize a need for change even it your diaper full of crap!

  65. I really pity Prof Chirwa for sticking to the MMD eventhough he knows he will now achieve much.
    Bushe, is he going to remove N’gandu Peter Magande, Katele Kalumba, RB etc?
    Kwati ka bulubulu.
    Anyway, lets wait and see as the leeches first suck him of the Pounds.

  66. people in diaspora you are advancing your own personal agendas period. we the grassroots don’t know your prof, we shall not give him any support period. You insult MMD and at the same time you want to be it’s president, twakana, Let him start from the ward and rise thru ranks. even obama, he first proved himself at grassroot b4 he went national. And let us not equate professional acheivement to presidency. To become a president of a complicated country like zambia requires more than knowledge in motor vehicles. And by the way who does this man intend to work with in MMD??

  67. Some bloggers have said that Prof Chirwa no idea of how he intends to develop Zambia. This is what he had to say in a paper to EIZ. “Historically, Zambia and many other countries in Africa were defined as suppliers of raw materials to industrialised nations. As such, almost all the prime companies in Africa are mines and oil fields, and they operate on the philosophy of supporting the industries in the developed countries. These primes were not intended to stimulate the domestic industry whereby a large supply chain with original ideas to solve local problems are created to flourish, increase job capacity and become economically independent. The mines and oil fields in Africa were and are still the beginning of the supply chain for industrialised nations.

  68. Cont’d. That is why the infrastructure concerns were really about getting roads and railway lines from mines or oil fields to the ports. Moreover, the indication that these companies are not there for African prosperity and regional economic development is emphasized by that all equipment, spare parts, support staff, level of training offered to local staff is politically packaged so that there is total dependency on companies and markets overseas.

    Zambia, after more than 42 years since its political independence, has not improved an inch
    is still straight jacketed in the Colonial Economic Framework (CEF). The infrastructure
    .has even deteriorated from the time before independence and no significant new economic
    Drivers have been created in the interest of the nation.

  69. During these years, Zambia’s reserves have been depleted, heavy borrowing without expenditure policy has followed and plunged the nation into deep poverty that the population has become dependent on aid, opium for lethargy and has resulted in a rescue debt cancellation package. These mistakes made by policy makers should not be repeated. This is a just of a glimpse of Prof ideas on Zambia.

  70. rite now i skim zambians are ready to try anyone if only it means gettin rid of the current bunch of a-holes

  71. No. 22 you have a point. Most of the noisemakers and powerful people in MMD are imports: RB (UNIP), Mulongoti (FDD), Tetamandamanda (UPND), William Banda (UNIP), Aka, (AZ), Shiks (HP), Katele (Chiengi sch. of medicine) etc

  72. WE CAN,
    prof is not a secondary school headmaster who is transfered today and leaves the following has the world in his palm.he has a queue of institutions and goverments all wanting consultations.he doesn’t need to fight the’s the people of zambia who need to realise as to weather it is time to change from politics of slogans or go on with them.the prof doesn’t need the presidence as a matter of life and survival but has just seen how wasteful and lack of innovations our current crop of politicians are.believe me if pof was to become prez of zambia today,in a year we will have a company making copper components for NASA and all the big automobile and aircraft manufacurers.

  73. # 88. AKAPONDO. What you are suggesting then is that prof. should probably stand as an independent so that what he has to offer can be distinguished from politics of slogans. I bet that bunch of lunatics in MMD may not allow him to ascend to the throne using their party structures.

  74. Meanwhile, Mr is reported as saying those aspiring to become president should show what they have done for the party!! What a Joker!

  75. Following Prof. Chirwa presently is a lecturer the University of Bolton in the United Kingdom and according to the webmetrics site world universities ranking, University of Bolton is number 2369 in the whole world while University of Cambridge is ranked 28 and University of Oxford is 42nd which entails that there is no need to overrate oneself, but to concentrate on using the title which is really academic following our good man’s achievements Dr emanating from his PhD.

    Having written the above and also watched the video on youtube, I feel for Clive Chirwa (PhD, UK) who is bent on wasting his time bickering with MMDbena filimu (film starring) Ministers Teta., Mulongoti, Deputy Minister Mabenga, etc.
    Matthew 6:33

  76. Some ground ‘rules’… pls no capital letters. ….my eyes are itching…

    On the pipo in dispora having no touch things at home…it may be the other way round… the people at home are not in touch with the real picture at home…. from the news perspective, most of the disporas read news (Zambia times, daily and post) on the net… sometime, I need to remind guys at home what is happening… Besides, folks who have not travelled still think all is well at home.. But everytime I go home (every-year in Dec), I found things going down, road, building name it.

  77. CONT’D… really do believe this man Mulongoti is an effing f*o*o*l! Going by his own yardstick, then Rupiah Banda is even less qualified to be president not only of the party, but of the country. What is Rupiah’s track record in the MMD compared to Magande’s for crying out loud? He was woken up in the dead of night to find himself vice president and to Mulongoti that is the track record needed to be president in the MMD? What has Mulongoti himself done for the MMD besides shredding it into tatters? What nonsense is this? The amazing this is that even Rupiah can’t see that this man is a snake.

  78. CONT’D…He will be saying exactly the same things he and his cohorts have been saying about Levy as soon as Rupiah has been thrown out and is standing before the courts answering all manner of charges!

  79. Thus, let Clive Chirwa (PhD,UK) do politics in a clever way than using a tilte Prof. at University of Bolton which our clever UNZA hard core woman Dr Inonge Mbikusita Lewanika has dropped as she does politics even if she is emeritus UNZA Prof..

    Have a nice day you all as I concentrate on more serious politicans who have something tangible to offer for Zambia.
    Matthew 7 + KJV Bible
    7:5 Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother’s eye.

  80. I hope and pray natural wastage will take care of the present leadership of MMD.It seems the ballot box is a wast of time in Zambia.

  81. Bachelor @ 4, I totally agree with you! I once a similar observation some time back and stated that it is not his work for NASA or his total understanding of the theories of plane crashes and so on that will win him the presidency of Zambia and/or the MMD but his vision and practical solutions for the country. You should have seen the lashing I got from some blinder supporters of his! In his misguided mind, he thinks he can reason with the likes of Tetamashimba, Mulongoti and even Katele Kalumba! He fails to see that whereas he is not in it for the money; they are in it for their very survival – both metaphorically and politically. They thrive on spewing nonsense, not substance!

  82. Maestro Hakucincha. For once you have not talked about Sata’s qualifications. This ranking of Universities it is out of how many universities in the world. I know HH is some sort of an accountant but what are his qualifications. You sign off with a verse from the bible. What is your view on people who are saying Jesus never rose from the hand and hence Christianity is founded on the wrong premise. There used to be another maestro of some sort. Cheer up. Good day a la Maesro.

  83. Prof Chirwa has a real desire to change things for the better but he’s fighting a losing battle as african politics suck big time.He will never be given chance to be big in MMD just like it happened to the late MAZOKA who was forced to start at the bottom despite his financial support then he was eventually frustrated & formed UPND.
    There are some dull elements within the MMD who swear that there should be no change to leadership and it’s more to with them keeping their jobs!
    In my opinion,if Chirwa joined hands with HH & Sata then MMD would be beaten clean even if they rigged some polls,remember they are believed to rig alot in remote areas of the country that are hard to get to by car. On the other hand,i listened to Prof’s speech in UK and saw that he has no proper manifesto or…

  84. It was fascinating to hear ailing MMD chief whip Vernon Mwaanga saying the move to impeach Rupih Banda risked making Zambia’s Parliament a laughing stock in the eyes of the world. Zambia IS ALREADY a laughing stock in the eyes of the world! See, Mr. Mwaanga has of late limited his “world” to Malawi, South Africa and China. He thinks that’s the world! Well, I’m here to tell him that we already are the laughing stock of the world except in Malawi, and China! You’ve been out of it too long VJ. Give it a break and focus on healing yourself.

  85. CORRECTION, proffessor clive chirwa’s work is mainly followed by experiments and not theories. He is not a lawyer no an economist who churns out theories to make one understand that things are happening.he is an he is practical in his to my dear MONALISASYNDROME,i concur with you that it will be very difficult for the MMD zealots to let him ascend to the presidency through their structures but he is a member and has every right to fight it out.but there comes a time when say enough is enough and you resort to other the meantime he has to wait and’s a fact that people like mutati,simbao nalumango are not happy with the mulongoti,Teta nonsence and time will tell.

  86. 99 Senior Engineer RTD greetings. Following your “For once you have not talked about Sata’s qualification“, I only refer to his education when using his name.

    The ranking is out of all registered univeristies in the w w w . webometrics . info / and you can check there for yourself.

    On “I know HH is some sort of an accountant but what are his qualifications“, president HH has an MBA from UK with a BA from UNZA (see his CV on w w w . hakainde . c o m).

    On “What is your view on people who are saying Jesus never rose from the hand …“, I support them in their views though wish they join me.
    Matt 7 + KJV Bible
    7:5 Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy…

  87. 99 Senior Engineer RTD, on your “There used to be another maestro of some sort. Cheer up. Good day a la Maes[t]ro.“, there is only one Maestro and it is me — only that I am dynamic. Since you are a retired engineer (senior may be because of your age), I believe you will easily understand this.

    However, there has been a Mrs Maestro who is purely my cadre and s/he claims that s/he is taking care of junior maestro, supposedly my given offpring.

    Have a blessed day and keep well. Regards to you whole family.
    Matt 7 + KJV Bible
    7:5 Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother’s eye.

  88. Iwe Prof Chirwa, take a leaf from Barak Obama’s campaign tactics. He should go back to Katuba and start from there. I have listened to his speeches on youtube. Too much theory and history. Zambia needs an action man as leader, even a dictator will do….someone to whip the arses of those corrupt chaps ruling now…Go back to Ghana and Jerry Rawlings. Now Ghana is being beacon for african democracy… We need people like Rawlings in Zambia not docile Chirwa……

  89. The proffesor has a bright vision for zambia it is only sad that he is peddling in a boat filled with a lot of holes(MMD).

  90. #98 Dollar C-Liar. You have spoken sense my bruv. In Zambia, we need to look beyond the “immediate gratification”. We must embrace the concept of delayed gratification. A 5pin, a bag of mealie meal, a chibuku apalo, MMD chitenge, T-shirt and cap will not solve our long term problems. We need politicians and citizens who focus on the future. If we continue with Tetalian, Mulongotian and Mwaangalian politics, posterity will judge us very, very harshly.

  91. Viva Prof! Its time we had a non-cadre mentality individual at the helm, we ve tried all and sundry and here we are. Lets give this man a chance, lets break these legacies of from clerk to MD. If a person qualifies et the run the institution, Zambia is not the police service or army where you have to start at the bottom to get to the top. We need seasoned intellectuals to run us to the top.

  92. Maestro,you will be choked with envy.whatever dasparaging remarks you can pass about the prof can only be bought by another yellow guy like you. Prof’s achievements will make you and your tribesman HH look like toddlers attending their first kindergaten class.Bolton university can be graded as you have put it but zambia’s best acclaimed engineer will beat every one there in his field so you may have those degrees you brag of but to know about who prof clive chirwa is and what he has achieved, you dont need degrees you just need to go google and enquire from other guys in the Diaspora who appreciate other people’s works.

  93. 110 AKAPONDO greetings. The problem with you is that you are sick and hence your “Prof’s achievements will make you and your tribesman HH look like toddlers attending their first kindergaten class” after I only wrote the truth — which hates.

    As for “… , you dont need degrees you just need to go google and enquire from other guys in the Diaspora who appreciate other people’s works“, ask around who is Dr Loveday Mweene (USA based) or indeed Dr Lemba Nyirenda based at UNZA — and you will know that your Clive Chirwa (PhD,UK) NASA references are nothing at all.

    Have a pleasant day, Citizen.
    Matt 7 + KJV Bible
    7:5 Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy…

  94. #51 Slumdog Shalapungu
    Obviously you haven’t read the writings of KK.
    The Merriam-Webster dictionary definition of intellectual is: 1 a: of or relating to the intellect or its use b: developed or chiefly guided by the intellect rather than by emotion or experience : rational c: requiring use of the intellect
    2 a: given to study, reflection, and speculation b: engaged in activity requiring the creative use of the intellect.

  95. On another note, find “On the first day of the Day of Judgment (May 21, 2011) they will be caught up (raptured) into Heaven because God had great mercy for them” wrong intepretation of the Holy Bible by some indviduals on w w w . familyradio . c o m / graphical / literature / judgment / judgment . h t m l.

    I hear this news is being speculated in Lusaka when the Holy Scriptures clearly indicate that no one knows the day or the hour that my Lord and personal saviour Jesus Christ will come for the second time to this Earth.

    However, Jesus may come even today and we must be prepared always to meet Him.
    Matt 7 + KJV Bible
    7:5 Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother’s…

    Zambians had an opportunity to listen to the prof during his last visit.and all those stable minds who were in the audience both in Ndola and Lusaka acknoledged his if he was to theoretical to you on youtube it might have been his elaboration was too advanced for you.never will people with traces of dictatorship like sata ever rule zambia.soon we will will be producing uranium.we need a president who will understand nuclear energy and not an empty parrot like sata.

  97. There are three simple rules to being a successful politician. Unfortunately, no one knows what they are. Whoever knows them will rule forever and happily.

  98. 114 AKAPONDO, see now what you are doing to yourself. Are you the only Zambian voter or are you even a a Zambia registered voter for you to write nonsense like “never will people with traces of dictatorship like sata ever rule zambia“.

    Personally, I will never support honourable PF self-appointed leader Sata Michael Chilufya (Grade 2/6, unknown) but I recognise that fact that he may be Zambian President in future and if such happens I will accept the election results since I believe in democracy.

    I am thus asking you to stop bahaving like you and Clive Chirwa (PhD,UK) are the only gifted people.
    Matt 7 + KJV Bible
    7:5 Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother’s eye.

  99. maestro,you are boring.the only physicist with ample time to blog and not to research. Konkanyapo boyi nachitamanga sana lelo nalala ine.naganizeko va mailo yalimba kuno.

  100. 117 AKAPONDO, sleep well as long as I have driven the message in your troubled head following my nice points to you in my above postings and your response “maestro,you are boring.the only physicist with ample time to blog and not to research“.

    Until the next time then when I will teach you more about the reality of hard working Zambians across the whole world, this has been the one and only Maestro.

    Have a blessed time as I ask you to give up wily behaviour to join me in normalcy.
    Matt 7 + KJV Bible
    7:5 Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother’s eye.

  101. What is this hype about presidency and knowledge of nuclear energy? There are numerous areas of specialisation today that each contribute to making the life of a human being complete, so why single out one? What about experts in development studies, agriculture, education, economics, IT, the various disciplines of engineering, mining, trade, political studies, investiment, social services, etc? Nigeria has a lot of oil and professors, but does’nt have the best political system or exemplary leaders. Let’s not take leadership for granted, it is a natural talent and attribute which education and exposure can only strengthen. A good president must be exposed and knowledgeable on a wide spectrum of technical and social issues, a harworker, lead, discipline, inspire & of honest service to…

  102. 119 Wanu Ngwee greetings and thanks for everything you posted. I particularly liked your “Let’s not take leadership for granted, it is a natural talent and attribute which education and exposure can only strengthen“.

    As for our overzealous lost wo/man AKAPONDO, we just have to bear with him for his comments just show his level of education and age including his/er travelling exposure across the world. Alll we need to do is help him, by constantly and consistently teaching him/er who the world works.

    The brother/sister is certainly not alone and more of his nature need instruction.

    Be blest.
    Matt 7 + KJV Bible
    7:5 Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy…

  103. Ba Mufulira!! Professor Chirwa is a genuine Zambian who wants to uplift his country by providing good leadership. Mwana wa Ba Iford Chirwa pa section 3B pepi naba Samson Kachawa of Mufu-Wanderers.

    Prof Chirwa, you have a good case, but the tactics must change to suit the Zambian political scene as we know it, otherwise your efforts will end in futility. Choose your targets who can spread your words to the ordinary Zambians properly.

  104. It does seem odd that he wants to be pres but does not live in Zed. It is good to travel but you have to go back home and convince the ordinary people as to what your vision is. There some posts on youtube featuring the prof. I must say that if I was in one of his lectures I think I would have fallen asleep. Not the most charismatic of speakers. His ideas should be formulated by travelling around the country and assessing ordinary people’s real needs instead of imagining what they need. We need policies that emanate from the bottom up not the other way round.

  105. maestro care to tell us what rank your university is . I knw unza is lower than bolton university . they way you are obsessed with qualifications one would think you are at harvard but no..

  106. For those of you who may not be aware, Prof.Chirwa revealed his interests a long while ago.
    He was always ‘stifled’ by the MMD cadres – ridiculed for being based abroad e.t.c. Even
    when Mwanawasa visited the UK a while ago, he enquired about him from the MMD branch in London. He is articulate and has a vision for Zambia which he has explained from time to time for those who bothered to listen. Whether it is workable or not is another matter. The point
    is many have not heard about him because the typical MMD cadres have always ‘kept him quiet’. I have known about him for a few years now.

  107. 123 Observer look for University of Stuttgart (Universität Stuttgart, in German) from the web address I wrote above. It should be in the 250 range in the whole world, but I am feeling lazy to look for it since I am not using my qualifications to intimidate others by clinging on wanting to stand as MMD president and presidential candidate. By the way I am student eslewhere and I am here as a research scientist only for a short time.

    Looking at your British flag, I am wondering whether you are Clive Chirwa (PhD, UK) himself, but never mind. I hope this helps for now.

    Take care my fellow Citizen
    Matt 7 + KJV Bible
    7:5 Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother’s eye.

  108. To the MMD senior member politicians and others interested , I just re-read Article 3(f) 34 of the 1996 Republican Constitution which we as Zambians are using right now and it reads “(3) A person shall be qualified a candidate for election as President if — (f) he has been domiciled in Zambia for a period of at least twenty years.

    This quoted article seems to bar Clive Chirwa (PhD, UK) for standing for Zambian President in 2011 depending on the definition of the word domiciled. Could some lawyers like Banton (LLB) help me here for I only know International space law.

    I’m waiting.
    Matt 7 + KJV Bible
    7:5 Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother’s eye.

  109. My point is what matters is what he achieved not his university. ur obsession with qualifications and yet please tell us if anyone outside here knows you and what tangible results u have achieved. ur constant ridicule of people like sata who financially have more than you and your family will ever own is surprising. the man is well respected worldwide oso whatever rank of university he went to nobody cares it’s the results. just look at u you are a 250 rank university and all u know is copying and pasting blogging

  110. i think prof chirwa is a cheap politician who understands that MMD buys votes and he knows that if he could be take-up by it as a presidential candidate then he could easly become a president of the nation.

    Dear bloggers watch out for these oppotunistic politicians.

  111. 127 Observer, I thought you are sensible character but sadly you are driven by ill-motives and emotions following your “My point is what matters is what he achieved not his university. ur obsession with qualifications and yet please tell us if anyone outside here knows you and what tangible results u have achieved. ur constant ridicule of people like sata who financially have more than you and your family will ever own is surprising” and the rest of that nonsense.

    Thus, I resort back to my books and won’t waste any more time on your palaver.

    Have a good evening and join me in normalcy.
    Matt 7 + KJV Bible
    7:5 Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother’s eye.

  112. 128 Tax Payer greetings. Your “i think prof chirwa is a cheap politician who understands that MMD buys votes and he knows that if he could be take-up by it as a presidential candidate then he could easly become a president of the nation” is similar to what I have been thinking that the brother has no proper plan but just an aim to ride on the MMD GRZ machinary to have the Presidency of Zambia in a cheap way.

    This is why I wrote that I will use my time on serious politicians and not people with nothing to offer.

    If Clive Chirwa (PhD,UK) is serious let him do it the late A.K. Mazoka way.

    Good evening.
    Matt 7 + KJV Bible
    7:5 Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy…

  113. As with law in general, there is a gray area in that stipulation. The opinion of the court would largely be swayed by extraneous factors. If say Chirwa has a home and strong family ties, in Zambia, and if his job in the UK is considered a “special assignment-for lack of a better term”, he may get away with it. Also our judiciary is rather compromised already, and if the forces that be pick Chirwa, it will be ignored the way Nevers Mumba was illegally Veep.

    My two cents on Chirwa is only a greedy heart likes to finish but never start. Remember FTJ? LPM had a trak record and did not just accidentally become President. I care littel for Chirwa’s credentials, he has to be in touch with what goes on in Zambia. He should wait.

  114. For Maestro on Question 129;
    As with law in general, there is a gray area in that stipulation. The opinion of the court would largely be swayed by extraneous factors. If say Chirwa has a home and strong family ties, in Zambia, and if his job in the UK is considered a “special assignment-for lack of a better term”, he may get away with it. Also our judiciary is rather compromised already, and if the forces that be pick Chirwa, it will be ignored the way Nevers Mumba was illegally Veep.

    My two cents on Chirwa is only a greedy heart likes to finish but never start. Remember FTJ? LPM had a trak record and did not just accidentally become President. I care littel for Chirwa’s credentials, he has to be in touch with what goes on in Zambia. He should wait.

  115. 132 Chinsali Inc greetings and thanks very much. However, could you explain your “Also our judiciary is rather compromised already, and if the forces that be pick Chirwa, it will be ignored the way Nevers Mumba was illegally Veep” as to why Ambassador N. Mumba was an illegal Zambian Vice President.

    Also, the “ Article 34 3(b) of the 1996 Republican Constitution: (3) A person shall be qualified a candidate for election as President if — (b) both his parents are Zambians by birth or descent” was never discussed for President RB Banda last year sine he is Zimbabwean born.
    Matt 7 + KJV Bible
    7:5 Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother’s eye.

  116. 132 Chinsali Inc greetings and thanks very much. However, could you explain your “Also our judiciary is rather compromised already, and if the forces that be pick Chirwa, it will be ignored the way Nevers Mumba was illegally Veep” as to why Ambassador N. Mumba was an illegal Zambian Vice President.

    Also, the “ Article 34 3(b) of the 1996 Republican Constitution: (3) A person shall be qualified a candidate for election as President if — (b) both his parents are Zambians by birth or descent” was never discussed for President RB Banda last year sin[c]e he is Zimbabwean born.
    Matt 7 + KJV Bible
    7:5 Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother’s eye.

  117. Hi Maestro Hakucincha,
    U kn from the time i heard bout this professor i have always questioned why of all political parties in zambia he decided to join MMD. I have done a little of RISK AND SITUATION ANAYSIS on his intents and alas……….., so when our professor anounced his intents my question was why MMD? if we all get obsessed with education its not far to reach a Phd and confered professorship, so lets not rush to ride on chirwa’s back.
    like u said men of integrity let he do it the Mazoka way.
    All i hear is chirwa disagrees with mmd leadership on A, B and C……………………..
    To me, he is a cheap chap and very oppotuinistic.

  118. We need change, we are tired of these recycled politicians, from 1964 to 2000???? they all need to retire honorably!!!

  119. 135 Tax Payer thanks. On “if we all get obsessed with education its not far to reach a Phd and confered professorship, so lets not rush to ride on chirwa’s back“, there are Zambians who have been to MIT [Massachusetts Institute of Technology] and worked on various projects at NASA, but they have not been making noise over their research work. This is why I recommended a check on Dr L. Mweene and Dr Lemba Nyirenda to AKAPONDO who are elevating Clive Chirwa (PhD,UK) to a serious level over all Zambians. He is as normal as many more Zambian Profs in Engineering.

    On politics, let him go home.
    Matt 7 + KJV Bible
    7:5 Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother’s eye.

  120. For Maestro-I will answer your two-part question.(A) On the Judiciary being compromised, as bold and daring this allegation is, we will refer to th history of POLITICAL judgements. The proof is in the pudding.I am sure you have seen with the history of rulings even @ Supreme Court level are done under duress of political pressure. I.E. KK being declared “stateless” yet he was a founding father of our nation, 2001 Election Petition, Recent Dora Siliya Saga, and many more political cases which have ALL been ruled in favour of the government.(B) On Nevers Mumba,.Article 68.3 of the Zambian constitution makes it illegal for a person who stood in a general election and lost to take up a cabinet or vice-president position.

  121. contd. on Nevers Mumba,

    Further Mumba was first appoointed as Veep BEFORE he was even nominated and inducted as an MP. The law requires order to the way things are done, but LPM ignored this technicality. Mumba needed to be nominated as an MP first, making him eligible to be APPOINTED to cabinet. Of course the main issue of contention should have been article 68(3).

  122. Prof. Chirwa is very good presidential material. The problem with us Zambians is that we do not want people who have been to school or CLEAN to be involved in politics.We are always afraid because we are used to being bought by cheap politicians like COBRA Sata and Chiluba.

  123. 138/9 Chinsali Inc thanks and I have just noted this anomaly on Mr Nevers Mumba (Hon Doc, ?) since Article 68 [Nominated members] (3) reads “A person may not be appointed as a nominated member if he was a candidate for election in the last preceding general election or in any subsequent by-election.”

    However, the usage of the word may in the “… may not …” is confusing and I hope NCC will correct it. I don’t know how you look at it for it is ambiguous as many laws. They seem to have been pre-occupied with the presidential pertition instead which the UPND was hoping to be able to win.
    Matt 7 + KJV Bible
    7:5 Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother’s…

  124. 140 Lelo greetings. I beg to differ on your “Prof. Chirwa is very good presidential material. The problem with us Zambians is that we do not want people who have been to school or CLEAN to be involved in politics.” Firstly, Clive Chirwa (PhD,UK)’s insisting to stand on MMD is causing us to doubt him. Presidential material people like late UPND president Anderson Kambela Mazoka left MMD to build a strong opposition party from scratch — and C. Chirwa (PhD) can do it if he is really presidential material.

    On his being CLEAN, have you read or heard the “birds of the same feathers flock together“.
    Matt 7 + KJV Bible
    7:5 Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother’s…

  125. Lelo
    its difficult to agree with you as your comment is unfounded. claimining that zambians dont want “schooled and clean” politician will not help u to be objective, try to think beyond that statement and look at the bigger picture. For heaven’s sake no matter what happens i can never got for Sata or Chiluba, Sata’s err is long gone.
    Other than hearing bout chirwa’s fights for adoption in the MMD what else has he done in Zambia, were is eveidence of his works?

    Lets be objective as we share ideals..

  126. who the f**k is this guy? never mind,his face would look much better than bwezani’s on the presidential potriate.

  127. 140 Lelo greetings. On your “The problem with us Zambians is that we do not want people who have been to school or CLEAN to be involved in politics.” and my “On his being CLEAN, have you read or heard the “birds of the same feathers flock together“? Why is Dr Clive Chirwa clinging to the MMD which is clearly a party with questionable activities?

    It would have been different if the un-CLEAN people joined Clive Chirwa (PhD,UK) so that they can become clean and not vice-versa. What do you think on this one?

    If you’ve followed me, I have written that I’ll be independent MP candidate.
    Matt 7 + KJV Bible
    7:5 Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy…

  128. 140 Lelo, following on If you’ve followed me, I have written that I’ll be independent MP candidate. I have been writing this because I do not want to be associated with the MMD and others due to their past record save the mighty UPND which has been practising clean politics — which can be compared to Ghana where non-incumbent people win elections, e.g., president HH’s clear election victory then UPND acting president Sakwiba Sikota (LLB?, UK?).

    However, I can not join the UPND because I do not want to ride on their hard work. I want to prove to Zambians that I can start from nowhere and do wonders.
    Matt 7 + KJV Bible
    7:5 Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother’s eye.

  129. when we say ” US ZAMBIANS/ZAMBIANS” we need to know that individually we are denaying personal responsibility.
    Lets take personal responsibility for the postings/actions or wat so ever tasks.
    Zambia can be developed if we could take personal responsiblity for wat we do or even hw we react.

  130. Prof Chirwa’s persistence to stand as President on MMD ticket is mind boggling indeed. Now I believe that PHD is short for, “Permanent Head Damage”. Does Prof feel one can only get to Plot one through MMD only? Or does he feel it is easier due to availability of resource for ruling Party? Fact is that they will not allow him to stand, so what the heck is he up too? He is a dreamer or totally out of touch? Form your own party if you are worth your salt.

  131. maestro, twabuka nomba.ninshi twabukila? because i guessed you would have taken advantage of my sabartical to post some piece of shit which you are accustomed to.and true to my guess you did know maestro.i went to school in your home village of mapanza.i used to to be a favourite of all those young girls attaining puberty and i used to relish them.unfortunately your poor sister might have been among them so you should respect me.beside that i know a lot of them boys who grew up in the village and have made big strides and reasonable achievements in life but they are not so amazed with what they’ve achieve in life like you though you are not on record.on my global travel experiece you doubted and scorned me over.i wouldn’t argue with and empty head llikeyou.contd

  132. This Prof has made alot of noise about running for president, bloggers allow me to question the very intelligent and exposed professor’s patriotism. How long has the man been in Zambia, and what contribution has he made to the economy of Zambia? By contribution i don’t only mean money, i also mean his services to the country? How much investment has he got abroad compared to his investments in Zambia? The man can be intelligent enough to be president but being president is much more than knowing your “calculus and Thermal Dynamics”. Zambia needs a president who has the ZAMBIAN peoples welfare at heart and not just a person coming back with degrees and thinking he will use that to rule. Lets get rid of these Bwezani’s and lets find a patriotic intelligent honest young president.

  133. This whole thing of saying that a president must have a degree is ridiculous. Now we have even gone into the ranking of the university were the degree was obtained from. What people must understand is that some of the people who have made money have not had degrees. Sir Alan Sugar left school at 16 and he runs an 800 million pounds business empire and Bill gates dropped out of University. He is the richest man on earth. Maestro the general formula for force is F=ma where a is the acceleration. It only becomes F=mg if the acceleration is due to gravity.

  134. Chirwa is committing political suicide.
    1. It seems he has corrupted his way through in the Party (MMD)
    2. MMD is a dying party like UNIP. It has out lived its need for existance
    3. Our constitution only allows candidates supported by a party
    4. He is politically late in joining the Pact because of his ambitions
    5. He is out of touch with the culture of politics in Zambia

    If he wants to make an impact in politics he must form his own party. Wo/men of integrity and not recycled politicians will join him. And 2011 elections will be up for grabbs between the Pact and his Part. He may just fulfil his dreams

  135. Another version of Fendela Fenduze!!!!
    … Tundila Tundiza ( Club Mix ) RB Mphuno yako imalenga kolwe akutundile
    RB Mbovu zako zimalenga kolwe akutundile
    (chorus) Tundila tundiza imalenga kolwe akutundile
    Thandiwe, tu mukule twako tumalenga Rupiah bamutundile
    Thandiwe tu ma hips twako tumalenga bwezani bamutundile

  136. Another version of Fendela Fenduze!!!! Don’t laugh… Tundila Tundiza ( Club Mix ) RB Mphuno yako imalenga kolwe akutundile RB Mbovu zako zimalenga kolwe akutundile (chorus) Tundila tundiza imalenga kolwe akutundile Thandiwe, tu mukule twako tumalenga Rupiah bamutundile Thandiwe tu ma hips twako tumalenga bwezani bamutundile

  137. I think aChirwa is lost. It is such lust for power as a means and end unto itself that has rubbished Miyand Godfrey to the country’s political pit latrine. For one, how can a bloke whose been out of the country for good lord know how long suddently have solutions to the woes that bedevil Zambia? This sis worse than appointing that silly monkey called Nevers Mumba for VEEP or worse still Akulu Mpuno for number 2.

  138. #138, Just a clarification to your comments above, the constitution forbids the election of a losing parliamentary candidate from being APPOINTED to parliament (note that you cannot be minister in Zambia if you are not elected or appointed as an MP) during the life span (sitting) of that parliament. The vice president is an MP and also happens to be the leader of the house so Mumba’s appointment was ultra vires. However, appointment to position of veep and that of MP can be done smulteneously, which is what Levy did with Mumba so no “nullity” there.

  139. Sorry, the first sentence should say the constitution forbids the appointment (not election which is ok) from being appointed to Cabinet (whose members are all MPs) during the sitting of the parlimentary session (5 years) to which they sought election and lost. The National Assembly automatically turns into Parliament when the President joins it so by this virtue, all presidential candidates are also members of parliament. So constitutionally speaking, Mumba’s appointment was ultra vires the constitution, it was a “nullity” as Dora would now know.

  140. So maestro,i dozed off before i could finish with you.on my trevelling travelling abroad is mouth watering though unlike you i dont think it’s worth braging about.even last time i told you that boys in zambia even with a humble education have made huge leaps in life and now they are all over the world for serious business as compared to you who is holed up in one country where you went under a GRZ short am telling that i have seen world.if you want me to go further.i’ll brief you.

  141. Prof Chirwa, please don’t waste your time on mmd, its finished don’t you see? Join the might UPND or PF. There is hope in these two parties

  142. I know power is sweet,but i also ask myself the question that I have not answered for ages now.Why pipo like HH,Chirwa,Benny mwila and other rich fella cant just enjoy their monies and life than indulging themselves i dirty politics yapa Zed?I don’t think so that these pipo have a heart for the poor Zambian citizen,all they want is power,tours like RB and to be called Ba President.Why cant they just stay away from politics for their own benefit.I tell you if Prof Chirwa involves himself in this game of politics,he soon be history,I mean the respect that he has earned himself from the pipo of Zed will soon come to and end.Anyway let me not critisize the politicians who knows naine I can be like them one day.

    Goodmorning fellow bloggers!

  143. 161 Matworld greetings, following your “.Why pipo like HH,Chirwa,Benny mwila and other rich fella cant just enjoy their monies and life than indulging themselves i dirty politics yapa Zed?I don’t think so that these pipo have a heart for the poor Zambian citizen,all they want is power.” Ask yourself as to why are you blogging.

    Is it because you want power or you want a better Zambia where things will be run properly for the benefit of all Zambians? I guess you are better off in South Africa and you can just stay there and enjoy money in the same way you indicated about president HH and others above.

    You don’t need to reply though you may do as you please.
    Matt 7 + KJV Bible
    7:5 Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt…

  144. 151 Senior Engineer RTD, following your “Now we have even gone into the ranking of the university were the degree was obtained from, I have not ranked any university were Clive Chirwa obtained his degree or anyone else. I have shown the ranking in the world of the university were Clive Chirwa is working following the overrating “prof has the world in his palm.he has a queue of institutions and goverments all wanting consultations” by 88 AKAPONDO.

    I hope this is east to understand by you.
    Matt 7 + KJV Bible
    7:5 Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother’s eye.

  145. Maestro.


    Thank you so much for your quick response to my questions above.You are very right,but the problem in most of african nations no fair elections rigging is at its peak,insults have invaded politics,greedy and selfishness is ever ready to haunt anyone who comes into power,that is why I always think that it is better for pipo like HH,Chirwa who have high calibres to stay away from this game.

  146. I bet the professor has a very sharp person that deserves to be accorded a chance. At least he can perform better than Lungwangwa

  147. Listening to Prof. Chirwa on youtube may give a lot of insight to many of you. He leaves a lot of question marks. I hope I’m wrong.

  148. Being a Pof or abroad does not make one a good leader or worth to be voted for as president!!!! What has he done for Zambians with his brains or wealthy? Every citizen is a potential candidate for presidency. Therefore if Prof. Chirwa thinks he has what it takes to be president, he should form his political party and sell his ideas not clinging to MMD (thats a weakness). He should emulate the late Andy (MHSRP) or Sata. What is he afraid of?
    I do not what to listen to him because of the simple fact that he supported Banda’s candidature, he has no principles, he is just power hungry

  149. 164 Matworld thanks for your points. But “but the problem in most of african nations no fair elections rigging is at its peak,insults have invaded politics,greedy and selfishness is ever ready to haunt anyone who comes into power” is exactly why president HH and others have to sacrifice their wealth to bring sanity to our current politics of poverty, i.e., former Vice Presidents are now Ambassadors to Canada and China when they were suppossed to be elsewhere while their positions should have been held by other people who needed a chance at the Nation cake sharing also.

    Simply put, we’ve to clean up.
    Matt 7 + KJV Bible
    7:5 Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother’s eye.

  150. 151 Senior Engineer RTD, on your “What people must understand is that some of the people who have made money have not had degrees“, this is common knowledge and we need not go far since there are examples right in Zambia where people may not know Bill Gates or Michael Dell.

    Having written that, I expect a 2 Post graduate Diploma holder with a BEng from UNZA and Masters from elsewhere as you claimed to be aware of our Zambian Constitution provisions and the improvements that are needed to make it better.

    I will expound on this issue below.
    Matt 7 + KJV Bible
    7:5 Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother’s eye.

  151. 151 Senior Engineer RTD, the “Article 34 3(e) of the 1996 Republican Constitution: (3) A person shall be qualified a candidate for election as President if — (e) he is qualified to be elected as a member of the National Assembly; and.” and “Article 64 [Qualification for election to National Assembly] Subject to Article 65, a person shall be qualified to be elected as a member of the National Assembly if — (c) he is literate and conversant with the official language of Zambia” both entail that a Zambian Presidential Nominee must be educated to a certain level coded in LITERATE above.
    Matt 7 + KJV Bible
    7:5 Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy…

  152. #140 Maestro Hakucincha
    Prof Chirwa wants to reap where others have sown. I wish him the best because I can see his dilemma. To succeed in politics one needs good grass root support. Even if ALL internet literate Zambians and all Grade 12-and-better educated Zambians supported him, there would be no guarantee that he would win the elections. Zambia has a population of 11 million. 65% are under the age of 25. 4 million are registered voters. The majority of people who vote everywhere in the world are the elderly and rural folk. They tend to have very fixed preferences and are not swayed by literacy or oratory. Check Iran, India, UK etc. Young people talk a lot but even among the bloggers here, I wonder how many have ever really voted!

  153. 151 Senior Engineer RTD, following my “… both entail that a Zambian Presidential Nominee must be educated to a certain level coded in LITERATE above”, the LITERATE must be clarified by the NCC so that the new Zambia Republican Constitution shall not be ambiguous any more.

    Hence, I submit, as many times before, that NCC must put a clause in the MP qualifications that LITERATE in the existing law means Grade 12 school certificate holder. By this I mean someone must have passed the Grade 12 examinations in order for him/er to qualify to be an MP or President of Zambia candidate.

    Be blest all.
    Matt 7 + KJV Bible
    7:5 Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother’s…

  154. 171 THE SAINT, greetings and thanks. I am off on non-starters (see my posting 126 above) but I will address your Young people talk a lot but even among the bloggers here, I wonder how many have ever really voted! I have never voted in my life time in any Zambian election.

    I hope other loud mouth like writers have been voting.

    For now, have a blessed day.
    Matt 7 + KJV Bible
    7:5 Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother’s eye.

  155. 149/158 AKAPONDO, while the rest of your writings to and about me are nonsense, I will address your “even last time i told you that boys in zambia even with a humble education have made huge leaps in life and now they are all over the world for serious business as compared to you who is holed up in one country where you went under a GRZ scholarship“.

    Apart from UNZA, check with the GRZ as to whether they are sponsoring or have sponsored me in all the countries I have been. This will save you from lying and following the devil. Currently, my family foots my German bills.

    Have a blessed day.
    Matt 7 + KJV Bible
    7:5 Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother’s…

  156. 151Senior Engineer RTD, I hope your “This whole thing of saying that a president must have a degree is ridiculous” has been adequately handled above from my stand point using the existing laws of Zambia — Constitution.

    On “Maestro the general formula for force is F=ma where a is the acceleration. It only becomes F=mg if the acceleration is due to gravity“, this is high school physics which you can at least remind me about, but you can not lecture me any physics even with your Engineering Degrees and Diplomas for my advanced physics major is the most fundamental Science.

    Have a blessed day.
    Matt 7 + KJV Bible
    7:5 Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother’s…

  157. #177, Maestro Hakucincha, greetings.
    Sound like FTJ ( fred Jo). Anyway don’t mind.

    All the best in your studies. Am equally trying to wrap up mine.

    On Clive Chirwa, the man is just one big joker.

  158. Bane. Harrington to appeal against Judge Musonda`s ruling. Go on Harry. This is why this man Shika shani uko is panicking.

  159. This guy is a clown, he has it all wrong. he may be one the worlds best scientists but he is a novice at politics especially zambian politics. There is no way the cadres f mmd will let him any way near the top.

  160. #180, POSITIVIST PA ZED,

    I agree with you. Prof. Chirwa should forget about MMD. Unfortunately he is not even useful to the opposition parties at the moment since he continues to live in the UK.

    He will start to be useful when returns to Zed.

  161. 179 WE CAN thanks and greetings too following your “Maestro Hakucincha, greetings. Sound like FTJ ( fred Jo). Anyway don’t mind. All the best in your studies. Am equally trying to wrap up mine.” Great stuff and all the very best in your studies too.

    As for Dr Clive Chirwa, he is a real joker as of now but I wish him all the very best in his political and any other future life. My belief is that he needs at least 20 more years before he can make an impact on the Zambian political scene — in which time I may even out run him in the Zambian Presidency race.

    Be blest and let us uphold truth.
    Matt 7 + KJV Bible
    7:5 Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother’s eye.

  162. #183, Maestro Hakucincha,

    On your “…– in which time I may even out run him in the Zambian Presidency race”, this could be true. The challenge is on us young people. Our fathers did a great job of liberating our new countries, but it is up to us young ones now to build it. It goes for hard work and sacrifice. At his speech to Ghana parliamentarian on 11th July 2009, Barrack Obama said,

    “This progress may lack the drama of 20th century liberation struggles, but make no mistake: It will ultimately be more significant. For just as it is important to emerge from the control of other nations, it is even more important to build one’s own nation.”

  163. #184, Kambongolo

    Chirwa is going no where. As long as Mulongoti, Shikapwasha, Teta and the likes are in MMD, the atmosphere is too hostile for him. Also Dr. Chirwa has no tangible support within MMD so he can never beat RB at their convention.

  164. 183 WE CAN cool and let us keep focussed on developing Zambia. True in President Obama’s “ make no mistake: It will ultimately be more significant. For just as it is important to emerge from the control of other nations, it is even more important to build one’s own nation.” It is is our time as youths to change the face to Zambian politics.

    This is why I always give respect to the resolve by president HH for doing what is right for suffering Zambians. The time of yes bwana is up and we must use all our resources to uplift the lives of all Zambians — and not only a selection.
    Matt 7 + KJV Bible
    7:5 Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother’s…

  165. I just hope HH and Sata will put up a good campaign strategy. Analysis on previous elections has shown that HH can outrun MMD in the Rural areas and towns while Sata can do the same in the cities.

    So I would suggest they divide their campaign work each one according to his talent then MMD will lose even if they try to rig.

  166. People forget that the very Mwanawasa whom they have been praising was the one who wrote off Clive. Do you remember what Mwanawasa said about Clive while he was on holiday in Mfuwe? I am amazed at the retrograde amnesia that the public have. MMD will not entertain Clive. He may have a few people in MMD telling him to stand and encouraging him, but in my experience Zambian politicians are full of poppycock. I have NO FAITH whatsoever in politicians. I have not voted again since 1986. I did not believe that anyone of them could solve MY problems so I decided to go it alone. Today I am satisfied with what I am earning and I wish all Zambians could take the bull by the horns and learn to stand on their own feet or hands! No one can do it but our own selves. Get rid of politics altogether.

  167. Since the days of the Greek philosophers, politics has failed to deliver. It has brought us to a pretty pass. The democracy that the Aristotles and Platos propounded was really a meritocracy. They wanted government to be run by the chosen few who are educated and intellectually up to it. But today, democracy is how much money you have, how much you can spend on the campaign and how many votes you can buy. Politics like false religion has failed. Monarchs have failed too. Maranatha!

  168. # 10 Forget about praying for Zambia and its empty Christian Nation Proclamation.because Jesus Christ himself is tired of Zambian political system .

  169. I missed this article. I was away .We Akapondo,you have done a good on outlining what the prof stands for.The point brought forward by Maestro regarding the ranking of the University(Boston) does not hold water.HH got his MA at Birmingham and is no better that Boston.

  170. 192 Sharp Shooter greetings. What a way to seek my audience. Your level of being this dull even after I have explained that my ranking interest is about Clive Chirwa (PhD) being overrated as a best scientist Zambia has is very appalling. This is abot why Dr Chirwa is working in a low anked university if he is the best which compeled me to refer you ill-exposed Zambians about Zambian Engineer in USA Dr L. Mweene.
    Folowing your “HH got his MA at Birmingham and is no better that Bo[l]ton“, University of Birmingham is ranking 220 after much better than Bolton which is #2369.
    The more nonsense you right, the more I will show that Dr Chirwa is as normal as any other researcher who overrates her-/him-self.
    Have a blessed day though.
    Matthew 6:33 + KJV Bible

  171. #191 hahahaha, yah, ba Yesu batendwa, awe mwandi if the lord gets tired of zedian politics, where to from now?
    I believe He who sits on the throne never sleeps nor slumbers for Zambia or any nation for it was for his pleasure that we were created wether american israeli arab, or indeed a kalingalinga boy.
    what we need are judges to arise, i mean those Biblical judges who were sent when a nation- Israel sinned against the almighty. We need selfeless people to stand against the injustices that have rocked mother zambia.

  172. The Prof must shift camp from UK to Zambia otherwise too much theory may cause him more harm than good. Its not a matter of touching down at our chishala(dumping site or marabo) airport and proclaim that you are in Zambia. I think the only person who is trying to reach out to many parts of zed is HH. I am no supporter of HH but he has the strategy and i am begining to like him for his audacity. Prof you can make a good presido but shift camp and hold those talks rite in zambia. we have the necessary PA system that can carry your messege across zambia. use the private owned tv and radio stations period. not youtube or BBC

  173. maestro,
    Wilabelesha abena prof clive chirwa baliendelela kapuli.iwe just spend your time blogging so that you also become proffesor of blogging.

  174. 196 AKAPONDO, I will continue cutting you to your size as along as you exhibit very bad behaviour like Wilabelesha abena prof clive chirwa baliendelela kapuli. What you must understand in your sick heard is that you need deliverance as soon as possible so that you can stop your insulting habit. You must know also that it is very easy to have a clean campaign for Dr C. Chirwa but your current strategy will not help him if you continue in it.

    I am seriously praying for you and with the help of others too and by God’s grace, you will come round to being normal.

    Have a great day and keep well.
    1 John 2 + KJV Bible
    4 He who says, “I know Him,” and does not keep His commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him.

  175. #193 Physicist Maestro Hakucincha. You are right. There are many Zambians abroad who have excelled in their fields of studies but do not blow their trumpets. Dr Chirwa’s achievements are admirable but those do not qualify him to be President of Zambia. He may be a good President, but it is not because he is a good engineer. The twain don’t mix. Leadership is not about degrees, otherwise Nobel laureates would be presidents. Some of the best scientific brains the world have ever seen were the worst socialites. Leadership is an inborn trait. Look at the early life of any great leader and this will be evident.

  176. Our former Presidents had shown traits of leadership long before they became President. Kaunda, the youngest in his family showed leadership traits in Lubwa mission as a young boy. He led his peers. Chiluba was at the helm of the ZCTU for years and even before that he had shown leadership in the lower ranks of his trade union. Mwanawasa was leader in the University of Zambia student union even before he became a lawyer. Banda, from his early 20s was a UNIP activist and organiser both at home and abroad. Occasionally, a leader comes out of the blues, but this is rare.

  177. 199 THE SAINT greetings and thanks on your “#193 Physicist Maestro Hakucincha. You are right. There are many Zambians abroad who have excelled in their fields of studies but do not blow their trumpets. Dr Chirwa’s achievements are admirable but those do not qualify him to be President of Zambia.” This is the information that many Zambians need to know.

    There is really no need for one to think that being consulted by NASA makes him or her as a presidential material as if we are in a monarch were power is given for free.

    When I wrote all the above, I did not mean that Dr C. Chirwa must not attempt the Zambia Presidency but he must work hard.
    1 John 2 + KJV Bible
    4 He who says, “I know Him,” and does not keep His commandments, is a liar, and the truth is…

  178. THE SAINT,
    I have liked your articulation on the traces of leadership.i just want to add on that it also includes the prof as he is currently the head of his facuilty at bolton university.all those highly learned scientist and engineers in his field are under him.

  179. Hakucincha,
    You can’t cut me to just don’t have the stamina to do so.i just wish LT were charging to access their site so that we would have weeded out chaps like you because with that ka bursaries allowance it will not have been enough for you to feed on, buy yourself a pant and spend on blogging. You should be praising LT for giving half brains like you to exhibit their ineptiness.

  180. 203 AKAPONDO, lying character, your “i just wish LT were charging to access their site so that we would have weeded out chaps like you because with that ka bursaries allowance it will not have been enough for you to feed on“, I am not on bursary but family sponsorship.

    How thick is you head to fail to appreciate simple truth even in the face of testimony from 178 WE CAN above who know me?

    When the devil has failed, he resorts to insults like buy yourself a pant and spend on blogging. You should be praising LT for giving half brains like you to exhibit their ineptiness” and hence you current sick status.


    Be blest
    1 John 2 + KJV Bible
    4 He who says, “I know Him,” and does not keep His commandments, is a liar, and the truth is…

  181. 203 AKAPONDO, having written stuff that shows that you are a liar in posting #204 above and elsewhere proving that I am not GRZ sponsored and following your accusing insults, I will now show you your size following your “You can’t cut me to just don’t have the stamina to do so.“.

    The Holy Scriptures [KJV Bible] record:

    John 8:44 Ye are of [your] father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.

    See also Revelation 12.

    Keep well.
    1 John 2 + KJV Bible
    4 He who says, “I know Him,” and does not keep His commandments, is a liar, and the truth…

  182. The Saint. You are implying that leaders are born. Leadership can be spotted even in childhood (Akamwana aka takomfwa) but you need a hand from somewhere to push you. Tribalism in Zambia has always been in the background. Kaunda was chosen because he was seen as neutral is parents having come from Malawi. By the time the Kapwepwes cried wolf saying that he was a foreigner (mwina fyalo) it was already too late. The guy had entrenched himself. In Mufulira which was an ANC stronghold KK was rejected in preference to Nkumbula who was seen as an indigenous Zambian. Kapwepwe was a great orator and a great leader. He called people from Luapula in their presence “batubulu” and the people just laughed it off.

  183. Cont’d….Chiluba was lucky that he was one of the few aspiring MMD presidential candidates who was not tainted by UNIP blood. It is said that KK had become so unpopular that any one who stood against could have defeated him. Thus it is not because FTJ was a great leader but because KK had become unpopular. LPM did not become president because he had leadership qualities but FTJ thought he could manipulate him after arousing him from sleep. LPM similarly thought he could manipulate RB whom he called from his farm. Unfortunately even suggestion that he was not the appointed heir failed to prevent him from becoming President. It is difficult to say anything with certainty in KK’s time but it was rumoured that there was some mismanagement at the Dairy Produce Board which was managed by RB…

  184. Cont’d…………..Every body remembers Sata’s impact on LUDC. There was even talk of a Sata’s Academy. LUDC buses were plying all over the country and finally after a lot of people had died at the level Crossing on the Great East Road the fly over bridge was constructed at least during Sata’s watch.

  185. 206 Senior Engineer RTD, on your “Tribalism in Zambia has always been in the background you are very right and it was strengthen in the period between 1991 to 2001 when honourable PF leader MC Sata (Grade 2/6, unknown) was MMD National Secretary.

    However, the current strides that have come with the formation of the UPND-PF PACT show signs of progress over tribalism and racism. Unifortunately, I have been appalled to learn that Angolans who have spent more than 40 years in Zambia including the children of which some are born from one Zambian parent are considered as non-Zambians. Sad, the MMD can’t give them Citizenship for votes.

    Be blest.
    1 John 2 + KJV Bible
    4 He who says, “I know Him,” and does not keep His commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not…

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