Friday, March 28, 2025

Tetamashimba out of danger


MINISTER of Local Government and Housing Benny Tetamashimba, who is admitted to South Africa’s Morningside Medi-Clinic, is stable and out of danger.

And former freedom fighter Sikota Wina, who is admitted to Milpark Hospital in Johannesburg, is improving.

Zambia’s High Commissioner to South Africa Leslie Mbula said yesterday that he had visited the two.
Mr Mbula said doctors had already examined Mr Tetamashimba and that he is awaiting results of the tests.

“Doctors have assured him that his vital organs like the heart, liver, lungs and kidneys are in good condition, which means he is out of danger….he should be out by Friday,” Mr Mbula said.

Mr Mbula also said Mr Wina’s condition has improved from the time he was admitted to Milpark Hospital.
“Mr Wina looks better than when he was admitted,” he said.

Mr Mbula said doctors at the hospital have done preliminary tests on him and that other tests will follow in due course.

“He is in a very good mood,” Mr Mbula said.
Mr Tetamashimba and Mr Wina were evacuated to South Africa on Tuesday.

[Zambia Daily Mail]


  1. Just what the heck is wrong with Teta? These are “people’s words”, in all my life, I have never come accross a chap who has such an insatiable appetite to stir up public scorn for his fervent and stinking oral diarrhea! You bet many Zambians out there are wishing him for dead, I’m!

  2. I wonder whether he has a mind to reflect that had it not been the same people he is insulting everyday, taxpayers, he would be lying cold in the UTH morgue by now. As for the veteran politician, Ndate Malundwelo, I salute you veteran son of the soil, you liberated us all and we are happy to send you overseas for medical attention.

  3. Please leave our South African Doctors to South Africans. Dont you have Doctors in Zambia? We are already taking care of your poor people that are running away from you poor governance and now we should be taking care of you rich politians who created these problems in the first place. We already have a lot on our hands, so please deal with your Country. Thank you!

  4. Dear Lord, i wanted you to take Teta and show him the video of the people suffering in the Zambian hospitals. Let alone show him the Zambulance. Why didnt you take him? The mortuaries at Kabwe General Hospitals are not working but they keep on puting the dead in there. The smell is unbearable. Teta having full english breakfast at morning side and watching TV hell no LCD the ward which is self contained.

  5. #5 Dolly parton lol… thats a very Good question. so what would you sugest? remember thats someones father ka.
    what ever happens i dont give a *****

  6. Iwe chi South Africa we liberated you if you are truly a south African mind your language. We have many Zambian Doctors and Nurses in your hospitals Ala

  7. And one would say I come from a country called Zambia, I am a proud zambian! what a shame! Zambia suits to be a province of south Africa. After all, most people know that the victoria falls is in south africa.

  8. I totally agree with chikunbitso #6, That sounds like a noble prayer request.Ben need to join his ancestors#5 mama Dolly Porton your question is very genuine-Why?. This are the guys who have bought 100 hearses they should demonstrate how fast those heases can reach Chingwere .I thought this was a golden opportunity for Teta to demostrate i am quite dissapointed with his recovery.Sister fimo fimo # 8 when these guys were buying the hearses you think they didn’t have peoples fathers and children in mind to burry, Let them be the first to use them and we will rather walk to our graves

  9. Teta, now we know why you want a useless constitution!!
    Because you like RB will not be there to be affected by it…,
    Hope Mulongoti sees the folly of being arrogant.
    Could it be the Diarrhoea George Mpombo talked about.

  10. It is not true. Remember when late levy was hospitalised they used to issue the same statements babufi bwakunya ba mambala…..

  11. Fellow Zambians, for how long are we going to be sending our patients to RSA. Surely our Govt must be thinking of having similar healthcare locally. Just like families, if you always get salt and sugar from your neighbour, you must think of being self reliant at some point otherwise you are an embecile.

    I hope the Govt has plans to invest or attract investment in clinics and hospital of the same standards within Zambia. It will be better for Zambia.

    As for Teta, may be we can only wish him well for the sake of his children. I am not sure what else he has contributed to Zambia.

  12. Though I wonder why Mbula had to go to such great length so as to declare that Teta’s “vital organs like the heart, liver, lungs and kidneys are in good condition”. Something is fishy here, these chaps are once again at it, being economical with the truth. I just hope, true to their style when they claim one is improving, Tetamalilo could be breathing his last.

  13. Let Teta be the 1st person whose body to be transported in one of the newly Chinese bought hearse to his grave for this is what he had strived for.This will be a very good test, is ‘nt ??

  14. I think rich Zambians in general enjoy this thing of “He/I was flown abroad for medicare care”. When I was growing up you could hear rich families boasting about such. It has been around for a long time and its now part of a culture that realy needs to be erased.

  15. These same politicians have transformed the majority of us Zambians into sufferers. Therefore, my prayer is to see them start dying one by one. Next is Sikapwasha and Mulongoti and thereafter, the one with mpuno ukulu (RB).

  16. What…. all organs are functioning now??? What really happened to him……so he was dead and now he has ressurected !!! People be carefull Teta has come back from the dead…..he has come in form of a GHOST.

  17. No.16 you are right. This is a cooked up story by the state media. The truth may be that Tetamalilo is in ICU right now.

  18. LATEST news from zed!!

    Teta has finally kicked the bucket. He finally kicked the bucket at exactly 10:15hrs Zambian time. Reason for his death, i am told bcos had switch from ARVs treatment to Chinese herbal madicine.

  19. #29…..The manda mandas are ready for his body….they will be going round Solwez central on body viewing. It wil be only Solwezi central coz in other constituencies people will not allow the manda mandas to enter!!!!!

  20. But why is he out of danger. This chap is arrogant. At least this time is out of zambia there’s less noise even ka mulongoti has stopped barking.

  21. As much as I hate the Chap so called ‘Teta ries’, I’m not in a position to wish him die, because doing so is unGodly and as good asbeing a Witchcraft with Laptops among other JUJU’s. Quick recovery Tetamashimba so that you shall account for your own wrongs in the year 2011. We did lost the famous Mushala through Millitary Abush, followed by Hon.Humphery Mulemba and Partrick Kafumukache respectively this time around please God spare Tetamashimba!

  22. Death will do us part and save us from poverty. Mr Tetamashimbizo safe trip to hell! Just be on the lookout for the road sign to heaven on your way to hell – mambala lyobe.

  23. GOd said “LOve they neighbour” Teta stirred alot of unnecessary debates but given his weak position lets pray for his quick recovery so that next time realises how life, nature, can change one’s life. The man is just human like any body else. The truth about Teta’s empty statements day in day out God has finally brought it to light. The man has bin ill all along and was using his heart to reason instead of the brain. His brain has bin in a comma for some months. In any case I wish him and Sikota, though my budget for Zesco has more than doubled. I wish these 2 and other leaders quick recovery. It will be a bad omen for Teta’s body to ferried around Solwezi town in his infamous mandamanda.

  24. What Lesa Mbula mean by saying that Teta is out of danger coz his major organs like kidney, hurt, lungs, brain and intwanikani are well and functional. Was he operated on and his organs examined one by one and Lesa was recording accordingly or its just diplomancy to cover up the grave situation the man is in. We have this experience of the GRZ pipo using diplomacy not to tell the truth. What has happened should we say its guys from Liverpool who have ambushed him with Saggers and Katushas over Mansa Milling or its the lady he took on who has consulted these mayigurus in Chongwe.

  25. With the little education on Teta, I feel he has worked fairly hard for himself to be recognised by learned chaps like alot of us on this blog.
    Teta please come back so that you answer charges leveled against you at mansa milling. We also miss your nosense around Zambia.
    God will really punish this chap. He will die a ver painful death

  26. Teta out of danger…..too bad why siyanafe chabe? we dont need such useless people in Zambia. Teta can die and i would never feel sorry at all.

  27. Our fingers are still crossed,and we are still hopeful that Teta will not make it back in a vertical but horizontol position in sealed container……………….MAGGOT.

  28. No wonder he has bn quite . . . i thot he has matured by not issuing anoying staements . . . kashi balilwala maaah . . . HOW DO YOU INSULT KATELE & EXPECT TO LIVE? Maaah nika WARNING!!!!

  29. #20 I agree with you.Why haven’t the doctors mentioned his mouth?Is it the one they have gone to work on?With out it he is useless even if the heart,the lungs and kidneys are ok.

  30. “Doctors have assured him that his vital organs like the heart, liver, lungs and kidneys are in good condition, which means he is out of danger….he should be out by Friday,” Mr Mbula said…..However, the brain which has always been unstable could not even be touched. nothin can help now because its too late. The Doctors urged zambians to bear with him in that condition nomatter what he says to ignore him…lol, wish you well minister you entertain us with your life which is a complete joke.

  31. Some comments here are just too diabolical. How do you wish a fellow human being death and call yourselves Christians? How can we forget that we ALL come short of the glory of God? The evil that thou wishest unto others shall surely come upon thee…

  32. I hate HIV/AIDS for what it does to our economy in Zed. The expensive patients keep getting out of danger and keep flying in and out of South Africa as if there are no hungry mouths to take care of among our inocent poor. Chi Teta is out of danger we are told to give more rubbish from his mouth.

  33. nine chale! I like your comments on this blog,I always lookout for them.This one did not impress me.What did Teta wish zambians by buying hearses?In short people are just wishing him what he wished them.

  34. Tetamashimba, please RIP in South Africa if you can so that you can be remembered for saving tax-payer’s money from repeated evacuation trips Titus Mpundu ‘Chiluba’ has been making.

  35. Which Doc is treating him?. Does he know that it is Teta’s time to depart?. Please Teta you have had enough on this earth so let go so that you go and see if the honorable dead ones will allow you to misuse your rotten mouth.

  36. Nine Chale, give to Ceasar what belongs to Ceasar and to God what is God’s. The bottom line is: God will judge us all.

  37. Tetamaballs…nigger you are still breathing! Hang on in there coz we miss your political nonsense!!! We need clowns like yourself Mulongoti & Ronnie to brighten up our days…when you start talking tell your doctors to work on your small brain & mouth too….*****!

  38. So this the order of the day. Each time someone in those positions fall sick, they will be avacuated to South Africa. this is a big shame and an emberasement to Zambia. I think by now all the amonuts that are being spent on these trips to SA could have improved at least health care in one hospital or ward at UTH just for them if they want. its a joke

  39. Ba Dr Maureen you are right!!!!! Infact we shall now picket for all of you motha******* to first go for VCT before being evacuated ANYWHERE in this world.For you Benny just come out in the open….we know,we can see Chi**** Tetamaballs!

  40. #52, Ba Dr. Maureen, why should he still go for VCT when he already know his status(positive)? He knows he is a sick person, no wonder pushing rb to continue in office so he could also continue being evacuated to milkpack

  41. No wonder we have not read any political diarrehoea in newspapers of late. Kansi this chap is in the VIP lounge to the morgue! Muketa wa mutu!

  42. #10 Editor, I beg to differ with you on your assertion that most people know that the Victoria Falls is in South Africa. The truth is that most people in the world know that the Victoria Falls is in Zimbabwe. I have had problems convincing many people that the bigger and better part of the Victoria Falls is on the Zambian side. Clearly, the sleepy and ineffective Zambia National Tourist Board is a big let down when it comes to marketing Zambia.

  43. Please can someone tell us what the problem is with TETA and the extent of the danger he was in, insteady of telling us that he is out of danger .when are we ever going to be serios ,this word STABLE is also not good because people have died after being told they are stable ,we need to know the truth.

  44. I don’t want to know what the problem Teta has. I want to know the state of our hospitals. We have thousands who want to use those hospitals and the conditions of our hospitals is more cardinal to their health than to the two that you have to evacuate to get treatment out in SA. Don’t we have doctors in Zambia or what? What is the cost of evacuating these people? What is the cost of being admitted in these hotel like rooms? What is the cost of medicine and doctors’ fees? People please, help the nation. We cannot be independent but depending on SA for our care. There’s a lot of money in Zambia that can do wonders in helping our health care. What kind of people are we?

  45. #61 Kalos2020, it must be costly. I work in the biggest teaching hospital in my state. The other day I had an ordinary patient (not a government employee) from the Bahamas in my care. However the Bahamian government is responsible for the bill. When going through his chart, his surgery cost $60,000. Staying a night in the hospital costs the Bahamian government $5,000. Mind you my floor is not a VIP floor because we deal with patients that come from ICU and stepped down to our floor and in most cases attending MD’s prefer for them to come to our floor because its a specialty area meaning no VIP rooms. Looking at these figures, I can only imagine how much our government coughs up for our leaders!

  46. Latest, Teta has been found with a serious mental problem. According to some family member who was not named, he had been behaving strangely and muttering words that no one could understanding. Not Kaonde or English. And the family are suspecting witchcraft but people are saying it was his witchcraft that went South. So, you have a mad Minister in the making. He was first at the regular hospital but was moved to a sanitorium were he was being checked. Same place visited by American Comedian – Dave Chapelle host of Chapelle Show. So, it was not his mouth guys, it was his brain that was misfiring all along.

  47. If only our leaders past and present had the universally known common sense ……Zambia would have had a super standard hospital by now ….but shame my leaders simply chose to keep other countries’ hospitals running and sustaning jobs in those countries….how do we even remember our ledears long after they have gone ????? NO tangible Legasy left…mwanawasa chose to go and die in a whitemans land. umusebanya..

  48. zambians you’re allegic to good things nowonder will never see development, you refused mobile hospitals in preference for permanent structures and at the rate we’re moving its gona take 500 years to build 50 hospitals. in zambia we’re against anything, so its difficulty even to have milpark hosp

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