Friday, March 28, 2025

Lily T is dead


Zambian singer Lily Tembo popularly known as Lily T is dead. Tembo 27, died in Lusaka last evening after suffering severe gastritis at the weekend.
Tembo released her debut album Lily T in 2004 and followed it up with another titled Osalila two years later. She was working on her third album at the time of her death.

Tembo was born on November 20, 1981 in Kabwe. She did her secondary school education at Kabulonga Girls and later studied Journalism at Evelyn Hone College. She worked as a news reader on Lusaka’s 5 fm radio before launching her music career.

Tembo won a number of awards including a Ngoma for best female artist and best female performer. She also served as a Millenium Development Goals (MDGs) goodwill ambassador for the United Nations.

Last week, Tembo performed in Grahamstown, South Africa at the Highway Africa media conference under the Hearts and Minds project. The project is a campaign for effective and innovative reporting of HIV and AIDS and is a partnership between Zambian Institute of Mass Communication (ZAMCOM), Media Institute of Southern Africa (MISA) Botswana chapter and the University of Kentucky.


  1. This is sad reading indeed. May her soul rest in peace. I will miss her music. This is why it is important to know who Jesus is! We have to be ready any time. Jesus gives life both now and in the life to come. “What shall profit a man to gain the whole world, but loose his own soul”? Jesus asked…..

  2. Whao, shocking indeed. It must have been a very bad case of gastritis. From what I know and from experience in health care, gastritis has a very good prognosis. Most people that come to our health care institution with gastritis are old and worst case scenario is a blood transfusion, never death! This is very sad indeed!

  3. my fomer classmate,5 years we were together i remember her trying to teach me how to sing,like it was really sad.i have re read my books and in my short experience in medicine never heard of death due to gastritis.MYSRIP

  4. Sad indeed. My brothers let us remember that all of us sooner or later will have to answer the call of death. We need Jesus to be ready for that call.

  5. May her soul rest in peace. She really had a great voice and I loved her music. Her “Osalila” music video was a breakthrough in terms of quality when it comes to Zambian music videos. It was the first of its kind on the Zambian music video scene. She will be truly missed.

    I would like to commend Lusaka Times for publishing their own story for the first time in Lusaka Times history. We got tired of the copy and paste and wanted something original. This is what true journalism is about. Investigating, researching and publishing your own original work and not lazy work of copy and paste. I hope this is the beginning of a good future for Lusaka Times.

  6. The death of one as young you is always a tragedy. I never knew you, but you brought joy to many. May your soul rest in peace.

  7. oh noooooooo .Lily T you will be missed.even if iam not a keen follower of non gospel Zambian music,your name sent shock waves in the Zambian music circles.may your soul rest in eternal peace.too sad

  8. Lily T, it’s the first time I’ve heard about you. I searched for your song ‘osalila’ on youtube, it’s very touching, it’s as if you wrote your own obituary. I wished I knew you earlier, what a talent. You made shade my tears. I’ve played your song tens times already and I still need more. Please M.Y.S.R.I.P

  9. capitalist no:8

    maybe its also time you become true to your name ” MR CAPITALIST”. i mean lusaka times does this for peanuts free as a matter of fact, have you ever enquired as to how they do whatever copy and paste you allege?…..have you ever offered to pay for the pictures and all that??.let alone invest into there news gathering operations??…..anyhow thats what you get for free,,,,, be grateful for once!!!……..big up LT…”i rest my case.”


  10. its so sad for lily t to leave is l;ike this. So many hearts are broken and some many tears are rollig down our zambian faces. My heart and thoughts go out to the family for there lose. Her music will still live on…i recall one song with lyrics such as ‘ moyo sungagule ‘ was rite if it was we would have put our kapoko monies togther and got her a new life…
    Lily T may your sould rest in peace til we met again..

  11. I never knew you Lily T – still – I’m deply and sorely touched.  So young, so gifted.  God bless your soul Gods precious one.  And thanks for leaving, and blessing  us with the gift of your music

  12. Never really knew her but sad to hear the news all the same. May her soul rest in peace and may her family find comfort in The Lord, the one who gives us the breath of life and takes it back again.

  13. How does a young person die from gastritis aka diarhoea? maybe she was poisoned in south africa? It doesn’t make sense.BTW not to sound controversial but what does it mean when we say “may your soul rest in peace” is it just a nice thing to say or do our wishes actually affect the soul of the departed.are their souls restless if we do not wish them peace?

  14. Am sadened to learn of her passing… young and vibrant, gone too soon. may her soul rest in eternal peace as her music lives on *~*~*

  15. awe kwena chabipa umwana umunono ukufwa.katushile ba Lesa abene pantu ebaishiba fyonse.MKanshi yesu Lily T usendame muchibote panka tukakumane will miss yo soothing voice may the good lord watch over u even in yo death

  16. Goodbye is the sadess word and hard to say to a loved one, you are gone and gone for good till we meet in Christ.; we will forever live to cherish your beautiful voice. death is cruel at your tender age Lily why is death so cruel just to take you at this age. i loved your music, rest in peace my sister in christ. i love you

  17. Looking at her weight, I suspect diabetes played a part. I mean gastritis leading to sudden death is something that I haven’t heard of. Sad indeed. MHSRIP.

  18. Sad indeed.May her soul rest in peace.Mwe bantu.Gastritis killing a person?Who diagnosed her with Gastritis?
    Anyway,my heart is brocken so deeply.You know,te lady had the passion and taste for music.She had the feeling.I remember her calling me saying “PET?I have enough free airing time on ZNBC so if you like letting things happen…..You are on the track

  19. While its sad that she has passed on, I wonder if gastritis is so serious to claim a life. Or is it a tale on the condition of the delivery of healthcare in our beloved Zambia? MHSRIP


  21. Mwe Lesa were are we going as your children what have we done my God why are we dieng young my heart bleads reast in peace my friend til we met again

  22. Its so shocking to hear that somebody who was fine and able to perform in South Africa last week would be sick and die in a short time. I remember when she came to look for Chama at hone in 2006 and came to our room. It was so nice talking to her and especially when she sung Umoyo Siogula. I will miss you Lilly. M.Y.S.R.I.P

  23. Very sad to hear about Lily’s death. She was a great talent and would have taken Zambian music to another level. Her voice had passion and feeling which many of our contempory singers just dont have. This is a great loss for our country and my heart is with her family and friends at this very difficult. Lily may you please rest in peace and thank you very much for the enjoyment you gave us through your music in your short life.

  24. I like all your comments. It’s true Lilly T will be missed by many. He music was sweet and educative, especially the song titled ‘Osalila’, it’s so inspiring. # 31, when we wish for someone’s soul to rest in peace, we intercede for them, it’s a short prayer asking God to receive that person’s soul in heaven where there’s total rest, joy and peace. If one’s soul doesn’t go to God, it’s really restless!!!

  25. Its sad story indeed, talila seo. May the Almight God confort the family of Lily T in this trying moment and may her Saul Rest in Internal Peace. She will be greatly missed.

  26. Yours songs were Educative expecially takwaba umubi pa chalo inkama kubombesha I will surely miss you rest wel I cant belive it that you are no more or no longer live

  27. Sad she has gone. May God grant comfort to her family and friends during this time. We may not understand why she has gone but God knows it was the best time for her. So let us thank God that she came onto this earth touched our hearts, taught us lessons in song and left us longing for more.

    #49 There is nothing like a restless soul, the Bible clearly states that when we die we die and wait for the judgement of our Lord Jesus Christ that is when all the dead shall rise. And it does not mean that when we say rest in peace that the soul is restless or that we are interceding to god to take them to heaven. If you die a sinner you shall never enter the Kingdom of God.

  28. Gastritis is an inflammation of the lining of the stomach, and has many possible causes.[1] The main acute causes are excessive alcohol consumption or prolonged use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (also known as NSAIDs) such as aspirin or ibuprofen. Sometimes gastritis develops after major surgery, traumatic injury, burns, or severe infections. Gastritis may also occur in those who have had weight loss surgery resulting in the banding or reconstruction of the digestive tract. Chronic causes are infection with bacteria, primarily Helicobacter pylori. Certain diseases, such as pernicious anemia, chronic bile reflux, stress and certain autoimmune disorders can cause gastritis as well. The most common symptom is abdominal upset or pain. Other symptoms are indigestion, abdominal…

  29. That Picture on # 13 is for a lady from Ivory Coast and is seeking political assylum in Liberia, she is a scammer. I do not know why some people could associate themselves with such criminals.

  30. Other symptoms are indigestion, abdominal bloating, nausea, and vomiting. Some may have a feeling of fullness or burning in the upper abdomen.[2][3] A gastroscopy, blood test, complete blood count test, or a stool test may be used to diagnose gastritis.[4] Treatment includes taking antacids or other medicines, such as proton pump inhibitors or antibiotics, or avoiding hot or spicy foods. For those with pernicious anemia, B12 injections are given.[5

  31. #49 No amount for prayer for the dead can secure salvation for them. They should work it out while living. In any case, the dead are waiting for ressurection. Was Jesus’ tomb empty when he was raised? Are the graves really empty? That’s just food for thought

  32. Though some people are shocked to hear that she died from gastritis it is possible for people to die from this condition particulary if other conditions/complications arise, nevertheless it is sad to lose a loved and my prayers go to Lily T’s family and friends

  33. wud some 1 wth mch knowledge abt it , pliz highlight mo on the gastritis diesese its lyk a lot of our friendz onLT are a bit ignorant on the same ,thr are jst commenting any hw.

  34. While our local media were reporting the sad passing of our Lily T, most foriegn stationz were announcing the painful demize of Patrick Swayze of the famous “Dirty Dancing” and “Ghost moviez”. May the good Lord God Almighty give strength to the dear onez left behind.

  35. RIP my sister! U were such a talented young lady….so disciplined (unlike some girls wu think music is all about going on the stage na-niika ilemoneka )

  36. Gone too soon. at the age of 27? Well pity that gastitis has taken another life. is this not treatable. Dehydration is known to be the reason people die. We just like health facilities. Another journalist Isabel Chimangeni died of it up on arrival in the UK. she also died at a tender age. May their souls rest in peace.

  37. God gave and God has taken…blessed be his holy name.People let us try to live a clean life….coz some of the diseases killing people today are facillitated by the dirty lives we live. Lily T may your soul rest in peace!!Too sad for your family to lose you!!

  38. It is so sad and frightening… for real we all need to have Jesus in our lives coz we is our turn. MHSRIP. Will always miss you!

  39. It is always very sad when one dies but we should be rest assured that those that are dead already are in a much better place than our selves, let us mourn with hope and faith that we will be together again some day for they are just resting and just like Jesus Christ rose, they too will rise. Rest in Peace Lily T.

  40. If I was ever asked to pick Zambian music divas, Lily T would definately make the list and there are vey few that would be on the list with her. I not only loved her music, I definately took it for granted thinking that she will always be there to sing for us. Her music spoke to my soul, I actually felt her music, unlike some people whose names sound like monkey. My prayers go to her son and her family. Rest in God’s peace

  41. #77 from what I know gastritis is inflammation of the stomach lining which can be caused by a number of things including but not limited to the following, alcohol , medicines such as brufen and aspirin, infection with helicobacter pylori (a bacterial organism).etc.

  42. My baby daddy and I sat up the whole night tryin’ to digest the sad news. She was so gifted and very few people knew that she started off in church as the praise leader for the youth praise at bread of Life Church. That is why she could sing with a live band confidently. She was a natural when it came to synchronizing her voice with the instruments. All of it was natural. No funny skipping CD in the back ground and digital downloads…..all live music. The only true talent where music is concerned….other Zambian artists should emulate that. RIP african princess thank you for impacting our lives.

  43. I am deeply saddened by the sudden death of our dear sister Lily. I am a Malawian who enjoyed her music very much. I shall miss her music indeed and the whole music fraternity in Malawi will miss her nice beats. May her soul rest in peace

  44. I am so sad about this death. I remeber her as small girl in Longacres with my her aunt my dear friend who is also late. Your death has revived my friends memories. Lilly, I really mourn you dear.

  45. Too sad. she started her music when i had already left Zed but as a follower of Zambian music i know she has left too early a lot was to come.Glory to God in all situation.

  46. Bacteria Helicobacter Pylori can survive acidic conditions in the stomach.If you get this bacteria and you are not treated, you can have a severe form of gastrities.Please fellow Zambians, hygiene and i repeat adopt new ways of Hygiene.
    I was diagnosed with gastrities in Zambia in 99 and that was the worst pain one could imagine, but she shouldnt have died from that.I suffered myself a great deal of pain until a Russian Doctor on Cairo rd prescribed me with some anti acids, even though id suffer occasionally from gastrities, i discovered eating foods that are kept on the stove overnight, not following temperature conditions and poor hygiene will make one sick and that sickness is food poisoning, be aware!

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