Friday, September 20, 2024

Fomer UNIP MPs migrate to PF


Three former Members of Parliament (MPs) in Eastern province have officially resigned from the former ruling party UNIP to join the opposition Patriotic Front.

The three are former Chipangali MP, Lucas Phiri, former Chama North MP, John Chibanga and former Malambo MP Imange Muzidya Phiri, who defected alongside former Chipata Mayor, Patrick Chirwa.

In a revelation to ZANIS in Chipata, the three said they decided to join the opposition PF because their former party was dead as it allegedly had no leadership.

The former Chipangali MP, Mr Phiri, said he needed to belong to a party that was thinking of taking the country forward and it was the reason why he decided to join PF.

Mr Phiri observed that he would be doing a disservice to the people of Chipangali constituency, the province and the country if he stuck to UNIP because he needed to be in a party that would help people come out of poverty.

He said he would have loved to join the ruling MMD but alleged that the party lacked leaders who were hard working.

And Mr Chibanga accused the MMD of having failed the people of Chama, especially in the improvement of the road network.

He said people were still crossing crocodile infested streams because of lack of bridges which government has allegedly failed to build.

Mr Chibanga also said the ruling MMD had no policy on agriculture, adding that, the reduction of bags of fertilizer in a packs meant that farmers would fail to produce as expected.

He said Zambian peasant farmers were living as commercial families because they helped a lot of people from their produce at both family and national level.

Mr Chibanga said it was pointless for the ruling party which is in government to start reducing the number of bags in a pack of fertilizer instead of increasing it considering the economic hardships farmers were going through.

And welcoming the defectors, Eastern Province PF chairperson, Solomon Mbuzi, said the PF, together with its sister party, United Party for National Development (UPND), was happy to receive them.

Mr Mbuzi said the four had made right choices because politics should not be about amassing wealth for personal glory like what was allegedly being seen in the ruling party but a service to the people.



  1. Cousins in the expelled Western Prov MMD PEC take heed of these wise words from Phiri . “The former Chipangali MP, Mr Phiri, said he needed to belong to a party that was thinking of taking the country forward and it was the reason why he decided to join PF.

    Mr Phiri observed that he would be doing a disservice to the people of Chipangali constituency, the province and the country if he stuck to UNIP because he needed to be in a party that would help people come out of poverty”. SO MUDALA NAMAKANDO WHERE THERE IS UNIP BIKAMPAWO MMD. WUKASHWELA MWA MMD KA. ZWA MWATENI UKENE MWA PF_UPND PACT. Those that have ears let them hear those that have eyes let them see. MMD will go the UNIP way. Now all Visionaries are crossing over to the PACT. VIVA PACT, VIVA PF, VIVA UPND.

  2. viva pact..these guys have made the right decision…make sure u get thsoe seats come 2011..and decampaign unip still existing…hahahahahahaa…

  3. These are recycled chaps and i don’t think zambia needs them anymore. But again anything that has something to do with getting lead of MMD is welcome.

  4. Many more are coming but there is need to screen them. Nanga ku Chipangali kulibe fresh blood to take on the mental.

  5. Everyone is welcome to join the pact but it does not mean they will be leaders. They can serve the party at any level. Everyone is welcome to join, bring the votes to the pact. Some are called to serve while others to be served. its one big family…

  6. Iam waiting for Katele to make an announcement as soon as he comes out of ICU. VJ wants his old post back, so I dont know if KK will just do what the East has done.

  7. Opportunists, batampako bafi kala.where were all this time when sata was wondering in the wilderness with only his white henchman?

  8. Opportunists, batampako bafi kala.where were you all this time when sata was wondering in the wilderness with only his white henchman?

  9. Political prostitution at play and this wont help us as a country.These are the same guys who used to say ills about sata but he is now a hero.Ba pact be careful!

  10. #12 Deja Vu – Please do not put KK in politics. He is a statesman. He wants the best for Zambia. As for the MPs who defected to PF & UPND Pact are welcome but they are not threats to MMD. MMD will win 100% seats in Eastern province whether there is development or not. As to Western Province, I the Litunga am very disgusted by my people (SAKI & AKA).

    I think we should give SATA a chance as the ANC has given JZ who turned to be the best president in Africa with less than one year in office. VIVA Cobra!!! VIVA HH


  12. #16 LITUNGA. Which KK are you talking about. Me I meant Katele Kalumba, unless you telling that these initials are patented to one individual.

  13. #16 In any case I dont have the same feelings you have for who ever this KK you are refering to, there his statemanship may be to me as Chiluba is damned good president to some and not others.

  14. Its ok Twalafilila munsenga. I ll now tell RB to extend NCC tukwateko tu mangwe B4 tamulaisa bamwana satan. I should admit bane Natufilwa ukuteka bane Ka Zed because bamudala is very stubborn

  15. #13. Dr Guy Scot is not Sata’s henchman. In fact people should be proud of him. Guy is a strong white guy who is sticking his life out there for bettering poor and poverty stricken Zambian majority. Akapondo, what have you done for Zambia or what do you intend to do for Zambia in order for you call Honorable Guy Scot, an henchman. Guy Scot is an employer in Zambia and still fights on behalf of the poor majority. You should be appreciating some of these people who fighting from within Zambia while some of you are fighting from McDonalds abroad.

  16. #16. You positively, right. I also believe Sata can turn the country into an economic bee-hive of activity. This is because he has got the ambition to do so and he has been fighting relentlessly. His past is also full of hard work and results. I do not believe that just being young is the silver bullet for being fresh with ideas. One can be young and even educated but full of rubbish-eg George Kunda is young and educated but with no brains and wisdom. While on the other hand, RB is highly educated but with no intellect content, let alone wisdom. At large this is coz this bunch of crooks never had any leadership ambitions. They just woke up from the dead and found themselves presidents.

  17. …You intellegent and highly educated Zambians should be asking yourselves simple question about how King Cobra has managed to form up a party, manage a diverse section of office bearers from all tribes and races. From nothingness, made his party the second force in Zambia. You should also wonder about his physical energy. Whole this is because of his genuinely high ambitions to deliver people from poverty. He has got money. Hence, he’s not looking for a job like Rupiah Banda. SHALA BALELE.

  18. If these are the kind of people that PF will be proud of then God help Mother Zambia. I know Lucas from way back while he was at Secondary School. He is such a dull chap. This move is just to jump on the opportunity of getting back to parliament so that he can be entitled to gratuity. People let ‘s be careful. Change is only good if it can bring positive developments. From the way I see PF that is far fetched!!!!

  19. Lucas Phiri is the original chamillion. In a certain Zambian language, he is termed a ‘muselela kwa kaba.’ He has seen the wind direction changing, and he wants to try his chance, again!

  20. #25 Booolae. The fact that people have chosen to defect to PF does not necessarily mean that they will be ministers. What it means is that they want to identify themselves with the progressive party that is showing a sense of direction. You can’t deny them their freedom of choice. Cos that will amount to un-democratic behaviour which people are fighting against. In fact performance by individuals can be determined and enforced by the strict standards laid down by a given party. So, do not infringe peoples’ freedom of choice and movement.

  21. Booolae and Peter,

    Every vote counts! So we These three former MPs also have a floowing (large or small), but we in the Pact are getting those votes. Viva PF

  22. This is a good development. Like the sentiments that have been expressed on this blog ‘every vote counts’ so they are most welcome. We need to beat MMD hands down this time around. We do not want to give them any loophole for rigging because this time it would be impossible. VIVA PF VIVA UPND VIVA PACT!!!

  23. @ adviser!! Doz are stupid & backward questions. Make yo own research. There many reasöns dat can mek one be fired. We will soon show th exit 2011 z not far. Bootlickers accept reality and stand for the truth. VIVA PACT!!!!

  24. But Guy was fired over the swine tragedy. Please let us not bury our heads in the sand and end up with another 1991. The worst tragedy would be to repeat a mistake. Not that RB is my choice – no but the alternatives are worse than him. My argument is that Zambia can do better and I think we still have time before 2011 – if we are serious.

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