Friday, September 20, 2024

PF-UPND Pact is unstoppable and people driven-HH


UPND president Hakainde Hichilema

United Party for National Development President Hakainde Hichilema has maintained that the UPND-PF is people-driven and unstoppable.

Yesterday Namwala Member of Parliament Robbie Chizyuka warned that Zambia risks degenerating into a totalitarian dictatorship should the Patriotic Front (PF) and United Party for National Development (UPND) pact form government in 2011.

Mr Hichilema explains that maneuvers by the ruling party and its sympathies to weaken the pact will not work because the pact is about Zambians and not Mr. Sata and himself.

He explains that the UPNDPF pact was formed on high reasoning and principles of offering the Zambian people a government which will address and respond to the fight against corruption, promotion of good governance and equality before the law.[quote]

He says Chizyuka is on the payroll of government to weaken the pact but that won work saying Zambians are resolved to vote out the ruling mmd in 2011.

Mr Hichilema says MMD government failed to maintain schools, health infrastructure, roads and other critical sectors of the economy which would help the country attain the millennium development goals (MDGs.

He says Zambia are suffering because the president rupiah banda and his cabinet doesn’t understand how to development the country.

[QFM News Zambia]


  1. “He says Chizyuka is on the pay role of government to weaken the pact”

    That is a bold statement. Can Mr. Hakainde Hichilema prove it. Provide us with some evidence otherwise we shall dismiss this statement as mere useless gossip.

  2. PF-UPND Pact is unstoppable at insulting and anti-people driven-HH

    PF-UPND Pact is unstoppable at insulting and anti-people driven-HH

    PF-UPND Pact is unstoppable at insulting and anti-people driven-HH

  3. Dont worry HH, we are in for change. Forget about the chizyuka’s and them, they have already been sorted out! Too much wil never take us anywhere as a country but atleast come 2011, i know were to put my thumb. All the best zambians

  4. Let me repeat for the PF-UPND cadres here:

    ……these thugs are heading nowhere near state power.Their media freeze is nothing but mere urban constricted insulting talkshow without winning voter translation.FYI, every patriot is alive to the fact that risking a united and peace democratic country as Zambia with bitter deluded thugs is unpardonable treason.To inhibit their delusion talkshow would be blatant tyranny but revealed obliteration at the ballot will be the option then consolidation.We hear your argument.

  5. Its about time to sell the manifesto Mr President. However be warned that in the event you are not pact president we would rather go with RB than with your partner. Ba Sata’s style of leadership doesn’t belong to our era ‘ not to this century. We now want to start hearing issues of development and the unique package you have for the country should we send you to plot one. Please let your vice president or even better your spokesperson respond to Chizyuka and other people of his class. You will have all the dignity not to respond to every “manguam” who says something wrong or inaccurate about you. That should be the job of your juniors.Remember to engage the youths. Try to come up with programs that involve them in a direct manner. They should form your support base.

  6. HH you are a No brainer…kushishita! tonga cow..or maybe tonga chicken…! by the way what happened to mazoka’s legacy? If sata becomes president., the best you will get is minister of southern province!. remember sata is a seasoned player, for you to play ball with him, you must have big, rough and thick skinned balls.
    HH you be left on the side of the road…wait and watch while dreaming

  7. “it is unfortunate and disheartening that Mr Hichilema has lost the original vision of the founders of the UPND and has since sold the party to the PF”.

  8. WHEN Mr Hakainde Hichilema, otherwise known as HH, took over the leadership of the United Party for National Development (UPND) following the death of its founder, Anderson Mazoka, the expectations among party members were high that he was going to lead the party to greater heights. His educational background as a university graduate with a masters degree and reported financial muscle were the key factors in his favor.

  9. people lets face it HH is smart, he wants to be in govt and he knows on his own he wont manage so the best is to be in bed with PF, once in govt whatever position he can use it to launch his presidential bid. he is young so he can wait another 10 years while accumulating political experience. In the meantime his PACT will help rid of MMD. its an investment for him. it is a win win situation

  10. The manner in which HH bull-dozed his way to assume the leadership of the UPND raised some worries among some senior party officials. The officials warned their fellow party members about the political immaturity of Mr Hichilema and his intolerance to other views.HH’s claim to the top position of UPND was tribal.Mr Syacheye Madyenkuku, the recent defector to the PF-UPND Pact, together with Mapatizya Member of Parliament (MP) Ackson Sejani, are the ones who championed HH’s tribal campaign against Sakwiba Sikota, who was forced to resign to form his own party, the United Liberal Party(ULP).

  11. The reality of the warning by senior UPND officials has since come to pass. HH assumed the leadership of Zambia’s then second largest party without any obvious political credentials. While his predecessor, the late Mazoka, once held a position as a branch chairman in Bauleni Township, HH has never held any political position in his life.Not surprisingly; the performance of UPND under Mr Hichilema has been a political disaster. From the political heights that the party reached under the mature leadership of Mr Mazoka, UPND has since crash-landed into a tribal cabal of mostly Tonga-speaking people in the Southern Province.

  12. Recent election results are illustrative here. The election results, when measured in terms of consistency in performance, gain or loss, and convergence, show that the performance of the UPND presidential candidate (HH) and, by proxy, UNPD, has declined considerably since the 2001 elections.As shown in graph one, UPND was a formidable electoral machine under the leadership of the late Mazoka. In the 2001 elections, the performance of UPND, especially among presidential candidates, was almost at par with that of the MMD.The late president, Levy Mwanawasa, beat the UPND candidate with a very narrow margin.

  13. I wish to differ with most bloggers who believe that HH has diverted from the vision of the founders of the party. It is called evolution. Why do you think UNIP is not in power? the reason is that the party still believes in Nationalism, socialism etc. Those ideologies of the 60 s they dont apply anymore. This is a fast changing world and HH is a modern man who goes with change

  14. Observer we tired of you pls. Every Keep enjoying whatever youre getting from Banda. I wouldnt fill up LTs page so that poepl dont read my comment

  15. # 8,9 observer
    Are you Titus Dlamini Zulu or u can’t blog with your brains? you got line from the article in watch dog titled “How HH destroyed UPND”. Am i the only one blogging and not paid? bloggers iam becoming suspicious!!

  16. The political fortunes of UPND have considerably declined since HH took over the leadership of the party.There is a tragic decline in UPND’s share of the national vote.UPND had won 45 per cent of the national vote in the 2001 elections. At the time, Sata and his PF – with a mere six per cent of the national vote – were a non-factor in Zambian politics.

  17. #10. HH smart?? want to be in government?/ At what level ?? and at what cost to himself and his followers???
    I can tell you now, HH has signed a deal with the Devil himself..the best he can get out of sata is minister of southern province..otherwise he will be fired and ‘finished’….kushishita HH

  18. Under the leadership of HH, UPND’s share of the national vote under the United Democratic Alliance (UDA) declined to 26 per cent in the 2006 elections.As in the case of UPND, HH’s leadership of UDA was a political disaster.His political immaturity, greed and dictatorial tendencies forced seasoned politicians like Edith Nawakwi of the Forum for Democracy and Development (FDD) to quit the alliance.Against all advice, HH, now with an inflated ego, went ahead to contest the 2008 presidential by-election, following the death of president Mwanawasa.

  19. Jack #14 dont let this Observer disturb you. Iam a Lunda from Luapula and dont think he has lost vision. What this over obsessed anti PF-UPND confused chap Observer has forgotten is that opposition is there to form a balance in a democratic state. He surely must sleep with RB sister to be polite. We n eed opposition in whatever in a system like ours. If they form a pact so be it. Let the MMD form a pact as well. Even with New Generation or May her soul rest in eternal peace Her Late E> G Konnie.

    I rest my case with this Flogger!!!!

  20. #10. It isn such type of talk that will break the PACT. Who should HH wait for in 10 years. MCS is 73 years old. Next year he will be 84 plus 10 years he will be 83 years. surely you need to be postive even in your useless and reckless postings. I forgive you because you are just another PF thug from MCS school of THUGGERY fault of EMPTNESS with a major in BEMBA INSULTS. Im a sad Zambia

  21. His participation in the election further reduced UPND’s share of the national vote to 20 per cent, as shown in graph four.In contrast, the PF under Michael Sata has continued to grow and has overshadowed UPND as Zambia’s second largest political party.Overall, the Movement for Multi-party Democracy (MMD) has remained the strongest party in the country.Unlike both the PF and UPND, the MMD is the only truly national party with support across Zambia.PF is largely Northern-based, while UPND is now mostly still surviving in Southern Province.

  22. HH has no vision and viable strategy for the revival of his once great party.What is even more worrying is the ideological bankrupcy of HH. From a promising start when he assumed the leadership of UPND, HH has metamorphosised from a sleek, suave and intelligent young politician with a good grasp of business management into a dangerous, insulting political thug.This has earned him the unenviable name of ‘Prince Cobra’ – so gained because his superior in the PF-UPND Pact, ‘King Cobra’, is infamous for his language, and behaviour.

  23. As ‘Prince Cobra’, HH has also become a snake full of insults! The result is that the PF-UPND Pact has become an evil double-headed serpent that is devoid of an alternative programme to what the ruling MMD is offering the Zambian people.This double-headed serpent focuses more on insults than on developing a programme for growth and poverty reduction in Zambia.Under HH, UPND has become an empty shell of itself.

  24. …HH’s political immaturity, greed and ideological bankruptcy ruin UPND

    It is now all too obvious to the Zambian people that, while HH may not go financially bankrupt any time soon, he has become bankrupt in terms of ideas and ideals.This is alienating him from decent senior members of his party.During the hey days of UPND under the late Mazoka, the party used to publish rational alternative programmes to those of the ruling MMD.For instance, each time the Minister of Finance announced his budget in Parliament, UPND would come up with a ‘shadow’ national budget to challenge that of the ruling party.

  25. Observer number 3 says UPND-PF pact is unstoppable at insulting. I seek your honest heart, can I be educated about who was insulted, when and where. Convince me so that I can also know what insults were uttered by either HH or Sata.

  26. This is the essence of opposition politics. Opposition parties are supposed to operate like a government in waiting.In this, UPND under the late Mazoka distinguished itself as a serious opposition party in Zambia. But not any more. This is a tragic loss to the nation as UPND was widely seen as a credible alternative to the MMD.Under the current leadership of HH, all that UPND has done is to come up with a cocktail of insults, violence and expulsions.The recent victims of this cocktail are Tiens Kahenya and Major Robbie Chizhyuka! The party no longer has any rational alternative policies and shadow budgets.

  27. # 21 calm down, mina amate. you cant even do your maths properly. The 10 years example was a worst case scenario. always make such provisions in your life. Sata Might only go for 5 years and retire. The point is HH needs some political experience so him working under somoene wherever in Govt is beneficial to him

  28. This should be a source of serious concern to UPND supporters everywhere.HH is a vicious and greedy young snake with an exaggerated sense of importance.He does not smile in public. His face is in perpetual annoyance. This speaks volumes about the real character of this man. UPND insiders allege that their leader is intolerant to his colleagues’ opinions. He views any rival opinion as a threat to his fragile leadership of the party. He only surrounds himself with politically spineless stooges who are only too ready to swallow his political vomit.

  29. Is it any surprise that, following the death of Anderson Mazoka, such UPND luminaries as Bob Sichinga, Patrick Chisanga and Sakwiba Sikota quit?This has deprived the party of credible national leaders. To survive politically, HH, against the advice of some senior party officials, jumped into bed with the same man that he used to demonise. But clearly HH is the junior partner in the PF-UPND Pact.Despite all the pretence to the contrary, Mr Sata is the official Pact presidential candidate in 2011.

  30. This seems to be hurting to the mmd cadres. I like the way Lt has put up this issue. Have you observed that Banda is all in small letters? That is how this globetrotter is regarded everywhere. The statements we see coming from these mmd cadres here is a sign of panic. They have thrown all the mud they can at the Pact, and that has made it even stronger. Some of you are even asking for evidence of Robbie being on the payroll for mmd, Well, Sata gave you evidence that Thandiwe is a ghost worker, stealing from our government, what did you do? Nothing. So, if HH gives you evidence about Robbie, what will you do?


  32. There is no way that the Cobra can cede the leadership of the Pact to HH whose declining political fortunes he is fully aware of.The PF and the UPND are two totally different political parties with different political backgrounds, philosophies and manifestoes, although both parties are ideologically bankrupt under their current leaders.The PF is a party whose ideological direction is unclear.UPND was formed as a social democratic party.Following his alliance with Mr Sata, HH has been busy transforming UPND into a party ready to give up its genteel tradition for momentary expediency. HH himself has become so well versed in using unpalatable language that he is now outdoing Mr Sata.

  33. # 30, you cite three people leaving UPND, probably you want to know how many have left MMD? That will be a discussion you probably wouldn’t like to venture in.

  34. #7 You might have had a good point but you reduced yourself to a mere tribalist and a sorry read indeed. Zambia does not need people like you, I hope you are not in the country.

  35. This has killed the spirit of free and quality debate in the party for which UPND had become famous under the leadership of the late Mazoka. Apart from their fixation with removing the ruling MMD and President Rupiah Banda from power, the double-headed serpent leading the PF-UPND Pact has failed to tell the people of Zambia what they will do to reduce poverty, stimulate growth, create jobs, and achieve other goals.

  36. The PF-UPND Pact has no unified manifesto.It is difficult to imagine how parties that lack any common programme can work together to promote development. As the 2011 elections draw near, the people of Zambia, especially those in the Southern Province should begin to question the real motive behind the PF-UPND Pact. The support for UPND in the province is not based on the party’s policies but primodial loyalty. It should, however, be stressed that even in Southern Province, support for UPND can no longer be taken for granted. In the 2011 elections, there is no guarantee that the peace-loving people of Southern Province will be taken in by behavior of the UPND leader to vote for the party.

  37. As shown in the graphs, both President Banda and Mr Sata marginally increased their support in the province in the 2008 election, while UPND suffered a slight decline.The decline in support for UPND in Southern Province is likely to continue in the 2011 elections given the poor performance of many UPND MPs and UPND-run councils in the region. To conclude, UPND under HH is hurting and is clearly in need of new credible leadership. Under the leadership of HH, the party has lost its vision and national appeal to the extent that it has been reduced to a tribal outfit, mostly restricted to the Southern Province.(The author is a policy analyst at the Centre for Policy Initiatives, Pretoria, South Africa)

  38. DEFEAT 101

    These chronic losers never stops amusing me with their fantasy.They have been losing, have lost and will lose even worse off in 2011 elections and political rhetoric.Then fanatically on their way to Calvary, they will resort to stoning free-minded Zambians for being rejected at the ballot and shredding their borrowed campaign funds in vanity.But to their misfortune, selfless Zambians who have kept this country secured from such enemies will open their eyes that Zambia is a zero violence tolerating state.

  39. Plot 1# 21 Hold your ass. Why react like that. No need to be sarcastic here. We as patriotic Zedians are ready to go with whoever the PACT will settle for in 2011.

  40. DEFEAT 101

    Zambian Supreme Court throws out petition against Chiluba’s acquittal

    The Supreme Court of Zambia has thrown out a petition by an opposition Member of Parliament (MP) to have the Frederick Chiluba criminal case restored before the courts.

    Former President Chiluba was acquitted of all charges of theft by a lower court, the Lusaka Magistrates’ Court last year, in controversial circumstances.

    After the acquittal, several interest groups demanded that the state appeal to a higher court against the acquittal, but President Rupiah Banda said he would not allow any appeals against the judgement.

  41. So, if HH gives you evidence about Robbie, what will you do?

    If HH gives us evidence, we shall believe him on this statement “Chizyuka is on the pay role of government to weaken the pact”. If HH does not provide evidence, then he is a liar.

    It is funny because some of the people that support the pact are accustomed to lies like the lie they spread on the internet accusing me of writing evils on Mpombo but when challenged to prove it failed to do so. I guess the phrase “birds of the same feather flock together” does carry a great deal of weight after all.

  42. Pasting Government sponsored documents on the blog will not help. Give us your own independent views! This is why we say some of your are the Chifires in disguise!

  43. #26 deus mwale
    Don’t waste your time on observer he was just given a break down of the article in watch dog. he is merely posting. He has brains that can’t analyze a simple article or he is on MMD payslip. Some of those ignorant followers. So please simply ignore his postings they are just a repeat of what you might have already read.

  44. Observer or obsession what ever you call your self your mind is wondering too much. I feel pity for you get to church and get some healing…………..probably travel to Nigeria for some mental healing. How come you keep changing topics like mad d…………………….g

  45. # 44, will you answer the question? What have you done so far after being given evidence about ghost worker Thandiwe? The question was twofold and probably it would better to answer both for you credible in asking HH for evidence.

  46. observer what is your point man. i can bet noone is even reading your articles. do us a a favour and stop copying and pasting, use your brains dont behave like a parrot shining on other pipos work.

  47. “What have you done so far after being given evidence about ghost worker Thandiwe?”

    Simple, I believed the information Sata provided concerning Thandiwe being a ghost worker.

    Now we want evidence from HH otherwise we shall deem his statement as mere rubbish gossip. Maybe one of his empty statements like his 48 hour Dora Siliya ultimatum way passed expiration.

  48. Observer, have you seen that people know you for what you are, a phoney. You have pasted these statement on all threads. Please ba mudala, grow up and don’t get your debates from Jere.

  49. So you want evidence in form of what? The brown envelope used? Man, this is straight forward. Probably you would need to know who is credible between Robbie and HH. It is hands down, HH.

  50. #51,

    I have not sent you an invitation card to read what i enjoy seeing for the day.This is why i would not visit your blog if you dared me.


  52. “So you want evidence in form of what? The brown envelope used?”

    If there is/was a brown envelope used then yes, provide us with that. Sata showed us Thandiwe’s pay slip, why can stop HH from showing us that.

    Probably you would need to know who is credible between Robbie and HH. It is hands down, HH.

    It doesn’t matter who is more credible (in your opinion) between the two. What matters is the evidence. If the statement is true, it should not be so hard to prove it.

  53. chiztuka is just a plain simple idoit, why bother about him , expel him. Ask him to explain why the army gave him a quick discharge. Time to move on and leave mongrels to bark

  54. Observer, have you observed the response to your rantings? That, my dear if you were sane should send a red flag. You don’t need a psychiatric doctor to know that you have a problem. So, you might have a right to blog, but you have right to bore me to death with your crazy stuff.

  55. Capitalist, the evidence you need will never come in form of a paper or TV show, but Robbie’s rantings is evidence enough to a wise person.

  56. #35 miyoba,
    Am no tribalist, am a zambian born with a one zambia one nation mindset,i have always opposed MMD and i even never liked mwanawasa’s type of governmence. For your own information was UPND member upto the death of legend mazoka, when decided to step back and look for ‘quality’
    HH has clearly lost it, this guy brought in alot of positive thinking to zambia politics, all he needed to do was to grow his support base than to sign a deal with the devil….
    Now forming a pact with sata, HH reduced himself from tonga bull to tonga goat, and sata will further reduce him to tonga chicken..gat it! HH will be minister of southern province in sata’s goeverment…now thats what i call tonga chicken..maybe headles tonga chicken

  57. # 57 cabs
    Way to go!!! Need not waste time on losers. Responding to chizyuka is making him important.
    However his rantings cannot be completely ignored. He has a point on Sata. I share the major’s worries to some extent. MCS cannot be our president not now not ever. Maybe immediately after independence. Sata connot be allowed to go to state house. He is not just the right person for the job of that magnitude in this century. period!!!

  58. Why are we limiting the choice of leader of the Pact to just Sata and HH? Remember that the pact is people driven and the choice of candidate may shock you very soon. Lets wait and see.

  59. Mr. Observer what job do you do? You seem to have a lot of time at your disposal. Or is this actually your job defending the dying horses?

  60. It’s very clear how the MMD and it’s blind followers like Observer and Capitalist are threatened by the PACT. Well God bless Zambia and redeem us from this bunch of heartless thugs. The good thing is HH is too smart to be destracted by these evil men amd women. VIVA PACT, VIVA HH for 2011, VIVA the Cobra for supporting the PACT up to Plot 1. Zambian youth lets do ourselves a favour this time around. Wina azalila especially Observer.

  61. “Capitalist, the evidence you need will never come in form of a paper or TV show, but Robbie’s rantings is evidence enough to a wise person.”

    Definition of speculation: a hypothesis that has been formed by speculating or conjecturing (usually with little hard evidence).
    Definition of conjecture: reasoning that involves the formation of conclusions from incomplete evidence

    Robbie’s rantings as you would like to call them is not evidence that he is being paid by govt to destabilize the pact. It is simply speculation. We need evidence that can prove beyond reasonable doubt that Robbie has been paid by govt to destabilize the pact.

    Also note that Robbie is a Zambian citizen who is free to express an opinion.

  62. ‘HH’s crusade of promoting tribalism takes a hitch as Gladys Lundwe’s appointment cheers Lambas

    MMD members in Mpongwe have expressed happiness with President Rupiah Banda’s move to appoint another Lamba, Gladys Lundwe as Cabinet minister after dropping their area Member of Parliament (MP) Gabriel Namulambe.Some Mpongwe residents said the appointment of Ms Lundwe showed that the area was capable of producing national leaders.

  63. MMD member, Frederick Chintala said the appointment of Ms Lundwe was not only welcome, but also a progressive move, which deserves to be supported by all those who were interested in national development.“The president has constitutional powers to hire and fire because he has to be sure that he is surrounded by the right people who share his vision for the nation,” Mr Chintala said.

  64. He said there was no need for the people to be saddened by the dismissal of Mr Namulambe as Science, Technology and Vocational Training minister by the president because he was merely exercising his prerogative.President Banda dropped Mr Namulambe and replaced him with Brian Chituwo, who was Agriculture Minister and Ms Lundwe was appointed Lands Minister in a mini-Cabinet reshuffle.And a resident Mark Musanje called on Lambas to guard themselves from being used as pawns in a political game whose aim and purpose they did not understand.

  65. “Instead of calling fellow Zambian’s who have settled in this area derogatory names such as Bamwisa, a local word which translates into foreigner, it is important for all of us to ensure that the transformation of Mpongwe into a cosmopolitan food production centre is not derailed,” he said.
    Mr Musange appealed to all those holding leadership positions to see to it that they did not promote the division of the people on tribal lines.

  66. Capitalist, how ironic that you have not asked for evidence from Robbie that Zambia will degenerate into a totalitarian dictatorship if PF-UPND pact wins 2011 polls. That my friend tells us what you are and how your views are slanted. Will you now openly ask Robbie for the evidence? Probably that will redeem your credibility too.

  67. # 67 while it is true that Robbie has the right to express himself, he should remember that he falls under the umbrella of his party. he needs to follow his party’s direction. he needs not critsize his party in the media, i am sure his party has grievances procedures to follow if unhappy. alternatively he should clarify when making statements that he is doing it in his personal capacity and not as an UPND MP

  68. Frederick Chintala is a Lamba, but be reminded that his father is Ambassador in Russia. Probably that will help you were Chintala is coming from.

  69. “Capitalist, how ironic that you have not asked for evidence from Robbie that Zambia will degenerate into a totalitarian dictatorship if PF-UPND pact wins 2011 polls.”

    And why should I when I have taken that statement to be an opinion.

    “That my friend tells us what you are and how your views are slanted. Will you now openly ask Robbie for the evidence? Probably that will redeem your credibility too.”

    No I will not ask Robbie for evidence. Redeem my credibility to who? you??? I think I like my credibility where it is.

  70. #66Connie
    you have made my day!!! We youths are the inheritors of the future if we r not analytical o’right and intangle ourselves in tribal politics we will remain jobless and with surely a bleak future and our children will have no hope. HH is the right man at the moment whether your tonga, bemba, ngoni or lenje or whatever. The truth is you will benefit from jobs that the HH lead GRZ will create. Micheal Sata chilufya on the contrary is investor unfriendly and has the mindset of revenge. He will start chasing people around and set the wheel backwards and as usual the Zambian youth will again find himself in agony – jobless. Mobilize your fellow youths and preach love and goodness, brotherly wood for this is the future we long for when zedians will look at each other as brother and…

  71. I think Observer is a computer virus that has affected LT. He or she must be a bug on the LT computer system coz no one in their right mind can post what Observer is posting. Alesabaila!

  72. we can debate this issue night and day but what we need to know is that if the PACT is really people driven then MMD is gone. History will tell us of african independence revolutions, the breakup of USSR, the freedom of South Africa, etc no body thought it would happen. But once people rise anything is posible. MMD should not be afraid of change, they should instead adapt and make a respectiful exit if possible plan a respectful comeback. Change is imminent

  73. # 79, thank you for your observation. Where is UNIP today? Probably MMD must be reminded of what happened to UNIP which they are today.

  74. Can LT please limit the number of comments a blogger can contribute to a particular subject.
    We have chaps like bootlicker, veteran, observer, mr capitalist who continously yap on the blogs and any sane person skips their garbage.
    Please LT, give us a break from these characters as they just fill up the space with their S.H.I.T. and we are tired of them.

  75. plot 1 # 76, if you have followed what sata has been bemoaning you will find out that he is not anti foreign investors, he is against investors who come with $ 2000.00 and are given business permits. in return the employ labourers from the own countries to do manual labour which our local pepole can do.our home affairs even grants work permits for such kind of unskilled people.if such are done awy with ordinary zambians will get employment

  76. Arm chair critics abandones Detained PF MP moved to kamfinsa prison

    PF-UPND mouth diarhea Presidents and their arm chair critics-cadres abandones detained PF MP now moved to kamfinsa prison.The detained opposition Patriotic Front (PF) Nkana Member of Parliament (MP) Menya Musenge sponsored by the PACT and nine others to spark anarchy on the CB were yesterday taken to Kamfinsa State prison after police denied them bond.

  77. Both Copperbelt police chief Antoneil Mutentwa and Mr Musenge confirmed the development in an interview in Kitwe yesterday.Mr Mutentwa said Mr Musenge together with nine accused persons were taken to Kamfinsa Prison for security reasons.Mr Musenge, who was arrested on Saturday in connection with the riots at Chisokone market and the second class trading area last Thursday, stayed at Nkana East police station before he was taken to Kamfinsa without the help of the loud mouthed PACT leadership in site.

  78. This person NDOBO of Sun International ( Employee) has his routes from Aongola, I had launch with him a few days ago at his Sun Hotels so his is not a Zambian but a foreigner in fact he is just a useless monkey I will see him today again though this time @ 11.00 he is having launch in his ka small poorly arranged ka canteen ( and he really likes free food), he is condemining HH because himself did not even botha to further his education and all those @ SUN who are properly educated have good salaries,imagine how do you pay well just a mere grade 12.

  79. #28. You as such a hardcore in irresponsibilities.Is it not MCS who said that if he won the 2008 bye elections he would rule until 2013? How do you trust such a HOAX. Get down to earth and earn a real and stable life, iwe cikala! You can do more than just being a trbalists who supports MCS just becoz of ETHNIC judgement. Be resoluta

  80. In the hour of extreme need, the PACT has proved to be useless spineless noise gongs not worth depending on.Hardly 48 hours they have abandoned Munsenge. Police have refused to grant him bond and wanted him to appear in court first.“They have denied me bond because they want me to first appear in court tomorrow (today),” he said.Mr Musenge said police had slapped him with the charge of riotous conduct and causing damage to property, the charge that has also been given to others who were arrested earlier in connection with the same offence.

  81. The MP, who spent his first night in the cells at Nkana East police station, was transferred to Kamfinsa around 12:00 hours amid tight security.Before being taken to Kamfinsa, Mr Musenge was taken to Kitwe Central police station where he was bundled into a van together with other detainees.
    The media crew that rushed to Kitwe Central police around 11:00 hours found Mr Musenge inside the police station seating next to his own waste he defacated while officers blocked the entrance denying access to people who had gone to see the MP.

  82. And drama characterised the transfer of Mr Musenge to Kamfinsa when his sympathisers, including Mr Kambwili and Mr Mwila tried to protest the detention of their fellow MP.While the sympathisers waited outside the Central police station, police used the back entrance to whisk Mr Musenge away to Kamfinsa.The move was, however, spotted by a few people who immediately indicated to the rest that their man had been taken out.This prompted them to give chase to the vehicle that was carrying Mr Musenge but they lost it in the traffic.The sympathisers drove straight to Kamfinsa but did not find Mr Musenge, a situation that made them start asking questions as to where police had taken him.

  83. If Sata and HH are true leaders, they should go camp in the Kamfinsa jail until Musenge’s case is disposed.Otherwise, their skills in insults are proving to be useless and unhelpful.

  84. #83 isi miyaki
    Sata favours Taiwan to china and i listened to his interview last time on straight talk. He generalizes his hate for china and this has been his stance all along. Besides in the case that he hated investors that r not genuine this doesn’t mean he should blame the investor but the Gov’t that allows such evil. Sata can’t hold a genuine debate with anyone reasonable and clearly articulate issues at hand he would rather get upset and engage into vulgar language and fume like a cobra. This is not what we r looking for in a president especially in this century. We are looking for someone who is not going to feel inferior rather someone who can reason n’ discuss issues in a sober manner while making his stance clear for other to see sense in his message.

  85. #86..peace maker..mwaiche!,
    mwaiche i hoped you can see further than your nose, if it was true you were going to meet me today, i would ‘ve helped you my boy, since you have tried all sorts of treatments for your brains and nothing has worked, i would ‘ve given you some ndobo and taken you to witch doctor…maybe that would ‘ve take you off your dreamland..
    About sun a good organisation which pays south african worker far far far much more than zambia workers, why can’t HH ‘fight’ for better wages for zambian workers, he’s not saying he must make make zambia wrkers be paid the same like south africans,,, but at least narrow the diffence to acceptable levels…

    Am NOT against HH, i just feel for the poor tonga bull who has been converted to a…

  86. #86..peace maker..mwaiche!,
    mwaiche i hoped you can see further than your nose, if it was true you were going to meet me today, i would ‘ve helped you my boy, since you have tried all sorts of treatments for your brains and nothing has worked, i would ‘ve given you some ndobo and taken you to witch doctor…maybe that would ‘ve take you off your dreamland..
    About sun a good organisation which pays south african worker far far far much more than zambia workers, why can’t HH ‘fight’ for better wages for zambian workers, he’s not saying he must make zambia workers be paid the same like south africans,,, but at least narrow the diffence to acceptable levels…

    Am NOT against HH, i just feel for the poor tonga bull who has been converted to a…

  87. plot 1 i feel your pain my brother but what is on the table is what we have. what we have as alternatives is Sata and HH. stop looking for someone who is not there. And for you my brother Chapi i dont know why you are going on about PACT not being the for Musenge. If The PACT acts irrationally you will be the one calling it a bunch of thugs.You dont go to jail to dispose off a case. you do it in court. Let Musenge come to court then you can blame the PACT if it does not act. FOR NOW ITS YOU WHO LOOKS LIKE A THUG BY NOT FOLLOWING THE LAW

  88. # 95 Nelson Mandela, KK, Morgan tshvangarai, have 1 thing in common, they were caged for speaking out against evil adminstrations. You can cage a man, kill him if you want to, but you cant kill the revolution.

  89. #95 rodgers chongwe: You are not here so you cannot comment on this issue. Musenga was arrested on instructions from MMD who actually provided transport to ferry the Police and Musenge to Kamfisa. It is all abuse of power which ever way you look at it. Musenge as MP for the area went calm the situation not to incite or partake in the riots. ZANAMA have become a monsiter and if you were here you could think twice before making such biased comments.

  90. # 82 Mule,

    That is the dictorship we talk about about PF. You just want us banned because we just have an oppsing views to yours. I wonder if anyone will ever speak if your were to be in power. Just debate us and don’t call for our banning. We also have the right air our opposing views. There are more posts against MMD and nobody is calling for the banning or limiting comments for anyone. And you know why we are not doing that? Because our last name is Democracy and we respect debate and respect people views.

    Lets just debate and don’t call for putting restrictions on us unless you want to turn this site into a POST newspaper were their articles, comments, letter to the editor, editorial are all one sided. Anti-MMD. How boring!!

  91. Pact will only be stopable once they have to catch up with the reality of choosing the presidential candidate. As long as they shy away from the issue, yes they are unstopable. So if presidential nominations are schduled for say june 2011, pact will done away with around april 2011.

  92. You MMD cardres are in problems. You are ever trying to see whats happening in the PF always hoping for p roblems in the pact.unfortunately it is intact and you are kept guessing on who will become president of the pact. They wont tell you!! that is the strategy. You keep on talking about leadership style of MCS, if i may ask what leadership style does RB poses. Katwishi ,You can’t even elaborate his line of thinking. Please concentrate on reorganising your party before it is too late. There are resignations and expulsions day in and day out within the MMD and all you want to talk about is the Pact. They dont have any problems its you who are at sixes and sevens. Smell the coffee you ar sinking

  93. MMD ia party filled with intellectuals, but being led by one Bwezani who has no clue as to what is happening arround him The end result is what you see now: utter chaos in the MMD! The pact has got serious issues to address and a Presidential candidate (for now) is not priority. Be patient. The pact will deliver!!

  94. Is Observer & Veteran the same character? Because they both have a ferocious appetite for blog real estate, posting stuff that convinces no one but thyself. What a worst of talent!!

    As for HH, more talk about your developmental plans once you get to State House will be more helpful to your cause than useless tag-of-wars you engage in in the media. I hope Sata can learn a few things about being a leader, and more than a few if he wants to be President. For now, Sata has no business anywhere near state house. His thought process is that of a “cult” leader than a president—-my opinion!!!!

  95. What is the latest on the new passports, the last information was that they were going to expire on 31st Dec 2009 and some passport officers would be sent to some countries to conduct the passport renewal exercise. There is no update on the zambian immigration website. Does anyone have updates?

  96. Anyone who is dismissing the fact that Maj Chisushi is not on payroll is a son of a witch who can deny that his father is has witched a man people for his forward thinking and for accepting those who come in contact with this noble person. Observer spare us time my bother let me assure you, today starting from the inner circle of the security wings and civil servants they able to tell everything that this failed govt is doing in darkness or day light why they are fed up.Thats why the govt has embarked on promoting cadres in every sector civil services and foreign missions to try and stop the information getting out. The intimidation of the police has actually made the police to look like vigilants and cadres has the police. When PF youth Chairman said they will protect Fr Mwewa and their

  97. Contd: leaders it shows and speaks volumes that there is no police service and it is one by one nd God for us all. It is a shame for the party and its govt which created on the sound knowledge of democratic principles but today it is purely UNIP mantality because look at the people who are being promoted lusaka Provincial chairman he is still UNIP and many appointments and actions of youth league are UNIP driven . Thank you God Dr Katele Kalumba has come out to distant MMD from these thugs. Any assault on Fr Mwewa will cause tensions that Zambia has never faced.

  98. NDOBO, the person(HH) you call no brainer is richer than you. He has better qualifications and has been CEO for big organisations.

  99. He is very right…the pact is not about HH and SATA…ITS ABOUT SATA only!……so the Major is on GRZ payroll,tell me on whose payroll is mpombo?…or any mmd critic? If these chaps go with the idea of selling UPND to PF ,its PF who will win not UPND…Can anyone picture HH telling off Nsanda or GBM in a cabinet meeting?,…or as Acting President while SATA is away or something?…RIGHT,thats totally impossible…HH pls grow up….Your actions will surely destroy ZAMBIA…Levy tried by all means to prevent Sata becoming president,so did FTJ and even KK…all these leaders were and are not foolish,they know the type of person Sata is…At the moment HH ,you have the power to determine the desteny of our nation is in your hands

  100. Please HH tell the Nation on what you are going to do with your pact instead of attacking the hard working President RB. RB is doing a lot for this Nation. Only the blind cannot see

  101. #111 Obviously he is doing well in your pocket with his brown envelopes. You are right, only the blind can not see. Indeed, how can we have eyes to see your secret deals and stealing from us when you do it in the dark. And you now have the guts to call us blind? Give us a break

  102. Good afternoon

    Well, the electoral battle is on and both MMD and the PACT are out to get every single vote they can get. Some of the things that will be said by both parties will not always be true but are some statements are designed to delude simple minds and win their votes. This is when Zambians should stop being mere spectators and listeners but they must do their own research and challenge every politician’s viewpoint – whether HH, Sata or RB. LT Bloggers are fortunate to have such a forum where they can do so – but what about the rest? I hope they have other forums of debate.

    Let’s only pray to God that there wont be any violent eruptions in our country like there has been in Kenya, Zimbabwe or Nigeria. God bless Mother Zambia!

  103. The Pact can’t win the impending general elections because the people of Zambia are heavily divided unlike in 1991 where all sections of society, soldiers included opposed the ruling government. Guess what? The scale is tipping in favour of MMD. The Pact desperately wants the situation of 1991 but this will not happen because the MMD government has delivered on key economic indicators. They have delivered on the rule of law and not victimisation of citizens based on tribe. The Pact commentariat at the Post has ceased writing narratives on corruption because of a credible dossier circulating in the media. Key king makers such as Mbita Chitala, VJ Mwaanga, Gen Miyanda, Nakatindi and Sikota Wina are not supporting Michael Sata.

  104. RB will scoop 2011 without any difficulties. Post, the anti-government paper keeps on attacking our president. Leave the president alone. The President needs some rest. There are a lot of developmental projects going on in the rural areas and people are appreciating what RB is doing. It’s not a question of being in Plot 1

  105. #109 wiksin
    HH is richer than me?..yes! and so was BY.
    I tell you, i can see further you can. After the PACT is done and dusted, HH will be nowhere near those riches.
    HH is a tonga Bull WITHOUT balls, infact Sata has already converted him into a tonga chicken. The man has no stamina

  106. If there were awards to be given to MMD bootlickers, some bloggers here would have been called, ‘Sir Bootlicker’ by now!

  107. Does the PACT exhibit characteristics of a govt in waiting?

    It’s one thing to form a political party but another thing to be able to govern. Zambians want a proper govt to deliver development and services, not mere politics, some of which could be based on personal ambitions.

  108. #119 you are very right. The so called PACT is busy attacking our beloved hard working President RB instead of telling the Nation on what they are going to do. The President is diligent enough and he does not answer back because they want to capitalize on his comments. Come 2011 RB will be back in the office. We rally behind you his excellency

  109. #100 MMD Chief Bootlicker, I am not advocating for the banning of any blogger or what they stand for, but I feel there has to be a limit on the number of comments a blogger can make per topic.
    There is really not much logic in a single blogger making continous comments (copy and paste) without giving other bloggers a chance to respond or make their own comments. Debate is all about giving each other chance and not just shouting the loudest to be heard.
    Lets hope LT will take some action.

  110. Ati our hardworking president.kindly tell us what he has done for heim to be called galavanting apart from him running up and down admiring other pipos stadiums

  111. # 119 the point we are at as Zambians even a mad man can lead us. it is not about quality any more. unless we have devine intervention in the next 12 months, unfortunately the country will be left with 3 candidates to choose from. we all have seen our RB is not much of a president, he barely won the last elections. mainly it was due to emotions regarding the late president. Believe me if Zambians go with same emotions to remove him, no one will even see Sata for what he is. it will be all about change. The PACT has remedied the reason they failed to beat RB last elections, but has RB got anything in the bag?

  112. #119, The best MMD can do is to replace RB. Maybe, just maybe, there could be a ray of hope for them. as for the characteristics you talk about, believe me when itell you that no one is interested in them. ‘Change’ is what people are looking for right now.

  113. u intelligent pipo av always advised u that LT is pro MMD.Jus luk at da WAY is bn putin twity NDOBO and OBSERVER. so that they confuse small minded pipo.mwanya m******.we wnt change.akanwa kamilandu kalaibala,observer en ndobo.PACT BELT ON A STONE.

  114. The truth of the matter is that much of HH’s popularity among us the young ones stems from the fact that he is a youth to whom we can relate. Like an Obama figure. However, a presidential candidate’s popularity should not be only be based one one’s age, but also on one’s ability to achieve. Apart from his personal accomplishes at amassing wealth, HH strikes me as a failure in public office. This can be demonstrated from the gross mismanagement of the UPND party which, at the time he assumed presidency, enjoyed nation wide popularity second only to MMD (debatable!). In barely 10 years time, he has managed to reduce it’s popularity to third, with concentrated influence in Southern province! This trend does seem to favour Chizyuka’s contentions.

  115. The more you read and observe about this Politics thing, you got to admit that each party is worse than the other.

  116. The pact seems strong because they don’t have a presidential candidate. They are riding on a false idea of unity between North and South thus neglecting the East and West. The Tonga’s are hoping HH will lead the pact because he is Tonga but the claim the country needs a young, vibrant and educated leader to take it forward. The Bemba’s can only see Sata leading the pact because he is of Bemba origin though they claim Zambia needs experienced leadership. Soon the pact will have to choose a candidate and shatter their supporter’s dreams as only one can be chosen. Promises of being VP will not be honoured because everybody knows how Sata dribbled Levy in 1993. The president of the day cannot be forced to appoint someone a VP. The position of VP is his prerogative.

  117. To appease the Southerners, all Sata has to do is appoint any Tonga (even Gary Nkombo) and to appease Notherners all HH has to do is appoint any Bemba (even GBM), and bring turmoil to the pact. Furthermore, a VP can only be appointed from amongst MP’s. Which constituency will the VP stand in? Or will he be nominated? Oh dear! There is no light at the end of that tunnel.

  118. MMD Chief Bootlicker for god’s sake please this site is not for apes like you who where left behind by evolution from you looks and reason it is clear that you are far behind human evolution this site is for super apes look at the picturesand the reason of people like mukandeke those are the super apes not a back ward creature like you.

  119. I see no reason for a normal person to reveal the strategy to an opponent ,if you do not know the PACT leaders will not tell their pact president untill you MMD finish your NCC ( pocket consititution), only then we know whether your consitution will allow MC to stand.

  120. Kamwendo Munjila, now he is in Luanda. I wish it was his Challenger Jet the Cabinda rebels targeted with a missile and not the innocent Togolese footballers.

  121. Becks mwaiche..#127…am not pro MMD neither am i a PACT gangster,…i just feel that the country must not be sold out cheaply..especially to desperate thugs and chickens( tonga bulls without balls)

  122. Zambian people should be very careful, I am so sad at tribal comments that are going on, HH was quoted as said ‘RB has hurt the lamba people”. HH please think before you speak you are too smart to act tribal this will not help you get to plot one. We need back the HH of 2006 who spoke sense.

  123. HH, remember, when you do business with hooligans, you also become a hooligan. Can you really trust Sata? Really? Then look at his past, munene.

  124. The words people use to describe the Pact tells you who they are. PF cadres, PF thugs, now the new one is PACT gangster, wow. What is mmd? Nit wits, Pea brains, Vigilantes, Thieves, or what? It is like being a cadre is a bad thing. Check your dictionaries dolts.

  125. It is only tribal when it comes from the PACT but praise when it comes from MMD. What a pack of bull crap. When MMD incites villagers in game park to hound Sata, it is not tribal but reason, come on people.

  126. The PF UPND pact has not given any believable policies that can unseat the MMD Government in an election. Can the PACT give more compelling reasons for change of Government other than fighting Chinese investments which seems to be at the epicentre of the election manifesto of the PACT? Lest we forget, inflation in 1991 was over 200%, citizens were queuing for essential commodities like bathing soap, maize meal etc. State run shops like Mwaiseni, Niec were financially broke and could not be trusted by suppliers, but this no longer the case with new players like Shoprite. Before 1991 multilateral donors such as World Bank and IMF had ceased to lend money to Zambia. Only dishonest mobs refuse to acknowledge the achievements of MMD.

  127. #138 DEAR JOHN…..
    Maybe we should meet one day since you are RSA..and so am i. you might learn one or two things from me, my boy….donot get on to a boat when there’s no river…ok

  128. MMD is in trouble, they thought the PACT would not stand, now they are left with nothing but to insult HH every day. Viva HH, Viva Sata. 2011 mmd kuya bebele !!!!!! . Who ever is president I will vote for him period.

  129. #141, so you are saying FTJ was a genius and must be respected. What you have failed to mention is that, the MMD of today is not the MMD of 1991. This MMD is the exact UNIP of 1990. Mention two names in this MMD that was in 1991 apart from the Banda revered Katele Kalumba. The rest were in the peripheries or in UNIP during the helm of MMD. Now count how many are UNIP in MMD today. Even KK wants to join MMD today knowing that his party is back in business.

  130. The first and most important is to kick out MMD period. What else do you want. What do you think the opposition’s primary objective is?

  131. # 146 No, what’s important to kick out all these UNIP seedlings from power, irrespective of whatever they call themselves. African millet is millet. You can’t change it. We need new blood in. Young and energetic, exposed to the world and learned.

  132. ASK MWAMBA LUCHEMBE .. man you cant kick out UNIP seedling from power first sata himself is unip…and hichilema wants TO BE RECOGNISED AS HE moves with SATA.HH thinks he will let sata rule 2011 then later he will be a president of the pact..he is wrong..i tell you UNIP WILL NEVER GO OUT.

  133. UNIP AND MMD SAME…Somebody shakes when the wind blows Stories buried and untold
    Someone is hiding the truth..ZAMBIAN Faces filled with madness

  134. I can see on this blog, those against the PACT are not sleeping. Thanks HH for saying it louder, PF/UPND pact is pipo driven. I guess no well meaning Zambian can allow one political party to be in power for more 20 years. Twakana! We will defeat the MMD the same way we defeated UNIP in 1990 and like UNIP, the MMD will only be strong in the Eastern Province. Viva UPND/PF PACT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  135. Some kids where learning social studies and the teacher ask who your president. All kept quite and look at each other. Then teacher ask did you get my question. At the this point the boy in the corner stood up and shouted he is “Kamwendo Munjila, now he is in Luanda”. The teacher then ask how did you that? The boy before we broken off the xmas you told us that he was in Mfuwe watching animals. The teacher no I said RB the classed shouted in unision but the travel was in the second of week of December he was in Luiwa National Park and went to see the Litunga though it was not Koumboka. The teacher well done my pupils so you listen to my lesson- Amen you will pass your examination like the pupils in western/North-western

  136. #135 Anyone who classifies people according to a tribe becomes very tribalist, read all your statement has a tribe attached to the person you are talking about, except of course when you talk about Sata, you don’t.Why can’t you do the same with Sata?

    Interesting times fellow Zambians, for one I don’t not see any leadership material in Zambian politics.Unless, other candidates are still in hiding waiting for their party pronouncations. I used to hold Given Lubinda in high esteem, but when is he going to stand up and lead. His boss is over 65 yrs, had a heart attack, been in parliament since independence, etc why can’t he stand up and lead PF. Had high hopes for HH, but hes not a politician period.Brilliant as he can be as a businessman and farmer. He still has to mature in politics.

  137. wat is the meaning of peace wen people are suffering? we have suffered enough its time to face reality, and the reality is the PACT,,,, we know you MMD sponsered individuals,,,VIVA HH for entering into a pact with the PF was the best idea,, only people with prophetic eyes understand the idea behind the PACT,,

  138. Lets not rush to condemn. It is fact that compared to Sata HH is inexperienced, its fact that under his leadership UPND’s popularity has plummeted, its fact that Zambia has had many “experienced leaders” who presided over the it’s worst economic decline. The most logical explanation for the UPND’s declining popularity could be the exodus of very influential members following the demise of Andy Mazoka and the ensuing succession dispute. If HH had received the approval of Patrick Chisanga, Sakwiba, and Love Mutesa, we would have been talking about a very strong UPND. He miscalculated to think he could do without them. HH has grown since then and from his latest pronouncements, he is clearly more amenable to compromise. What he needs now is to go and mend bridges with the departed…

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