Friday, September 20, 2024

Professor Clive Chirwa’s statement on joining the UPND-PF pact


Over the weekend Professor Clive Chirwa announced his decision to join opposition UPND-PF after quitting the ruling MMD. Below is his full statement.


The resignation from MMD was a great relief and has opened up my route to joining Zambians who are serious about moving our people out of poverty for good. Based on the goals and policies for the regeneration of our country, I hereby decide to join the UPND in the struggle to liberate our people from the current inert government.

Yesterday afternoon the National Executive Committee (NEC) of UPND headed by President Hakainde Hichilema and I had a tele-conference meeting in which I opened up to them and gave them my reasons for joining their esteemed party. The UPND NEC welcomed me with open arms and the warmth they transmitted gave me great hope that at last I have joined a team that is committed to solving Zambia’s problems, a fundamental ethos of my campaign.

Today is a great day for me and my ambition to see Zambia occupy a place at the high table of international society where it dictates its future, where its people have ample food, good schools, best hospitals, best infrastructure and an economy magnetized by industrialization. That day is quickly approaching as UPND helps Zambia achieve that. The policies UPND is pursuing are right for Zambia and they are in keeping with what I have always said to my fellow Zambians in lectures, speeches and writings.

The pact between UPND-PF is strong and I joining them under the umbrella of UPND will strengthen it further. I believe my contributions to the pact will augment the already successful campaign strategy that is already bearing fruits. I believe the pact will scoop all nine provinces come 2011 and I am glad to be part of that.

May I therefore thank President Hakainde Hichilema and all the National Executive Committee members of UPND and assure them that I will do whatever is in my power to necessitate our victory in 2011.

May God Bless the UPND-PF pact.

Professor Efford CLIVE Mulubwa Kondwani CHIRWA


  1. oh! finally he has seen that RB and his minions are no way going to give in to democratic processes of going for conventions without manipulations

  2. Unapologetically I repeat, Clive Chirwa is a counterfeit politician and his cheerleaders thinking they gained political capital are just a manipulated counterfeit entity without a sense of a genuine political judgment. Politically Chirwa is a frog in pond among tadpoles where he is flattered on none provable value to his illusions. They are vulnerably longing for meaning and sense of connectedness in life which this counterfeit politician superficially presents them in hollow overzealous rhetoric. His candidacy offers neither webs of relationships for accountability nor the physical environment that can build a genuine connectedness, of solidarity with others, which in real sense and progressive politics is the essence of a winning political practices.

  3. Truth be told that though an engineering professor in the UK, Politically Clive Chirwa has proved the most removed political shopper from the day-to-day concerns of the average citizen despite being overzealous. Some of us have followed his automotive industrialization centered campaign message and sincerely say his politics leaves the individual alone adrifting in an often alien social and political universe. Evidently Chirwa is swung too far toward the radical individualistic pole too preoccupied with personal ambitions at variance to the social constructs prevalent and desirable.

  4. MMD is entering its 20th year democratic people’s self ruling mandate through 2011 because she has no credible self introspected issues driven opposition.MMD longs for a strong and credible opposition than could offer the checks and balancies but with regret, all that feel the void year after year are counterfeits merely thriving on insults not doing any voter conversion. After credible sagacious savvy Kambela Mazoka, Dean Mung’omba and Major Ngwawezi Kaunda, this country has been denied the blessing of a potential Government in waiting capable of carrying the mandate from MMD. It will have to take a voluntary Generation change in 2016 for power to change hands from MMD.What we have as opposition is nothing but a futureless circus of natural rejects lining for baseless wasteful.

  5. This said, we can only wish Chirwa all the best in his political shopping spree and dream of instantly landing a Presidential slot where he can stamp up for 2011. His over amplified MMD membership and so called resignation are inconsequential and too academic to seriously zero on. We wish we had seen him in action with issues on the Ground driving national and party courses other than struggling with his internet disjoint campaign rhetoric to a “counterfeit community” the Genuine is not.

  6. See how childish and un educated Senior shit zen has become. Alexander Kamalondo reincarnate. your heart is failing you!

  7. Senior shit zen, when clive gave you pound sterling to drive the election in nchanga chingola under the defector chimumbwa, he was in good books with you but alas, he just resigns and just look at his language, so clear, and yet your foul mouth is full of crap. we can easily see clive and his degrees working while you and your bootlicking are sinking.

  8. Senior Citizen, big words that don’t make any sense at all. MMD is a sinking ship,Titanic. Senior citizen if you have alittle bit of sense left in you, jump ship.

  9. All we can do is wish him all the best in the PACT.

    I certainly hope he doesn’t regret after the MMD scoops the 2011 elections but if he is to join the MMD, we are willing to accept him as the MMD is a democratic party.

  10. Following “The UPND NEC welcomed me with open arms and the warmth they transmitted gave me great hope that at last I have joined a team that is committed to solving Zambia’s problems, a fundamental ethos of my campaign“, I am glad that tribalists will soon accept that trying hard to smear mad at the mighty U(PND)-Team will not help them since Dr Clive Chirwa an Easterner and Bemba by speech has joined the 2011 would-be winning team.

    To the PF counterparts in the UPND-PF PACT, I hope they will begin checking themselves as to why they are not attracting credible people who are praising their manifesto. Anyhow, lets hope MMD continues to help theUPND grow countrywide at an alarming rate.
    Matt 6:33

  11. The guy has now comfused do you jump ship without providing guidance to your people?he has left us is true now i believe you are in the political what happens to the presidential ambitions now?have you abandoned them or now you want to challenge HH for the UPND presidency?

  12. The bulkiness of the concerns raised by the senior citizen do really highlight something here, though it may not be very visible to himself.such type of allusinations are self comforting but yet very misleading to oneself especially that one is preoccupied with ideologies that favor the MMD regime, one can be forgiven to say such people are totally alienated from the actual happenings on the ground in zed. it is very important to understand that soon the power will be in the hands of the many zedians to decide who they want to put at plot one. the time has come the mood is just right and the unity in the opposition is fantastic.

  13. Let truth be told, it is such people as this professor who are making ordinary people even pour scorn on ridicule on the clause of a degree by NCC. I wonder if he suffered Permanent Head Damage (Ph.D) when he got his doctoral degree. The facts are clear for all to see. This man supposedly joined or rather try to buy his way in Our party with the hope that he will be president. Surely how can an entire proffessor spend money on such a venture and even have the audacity to assemble a team. Surely you don’t need to be a professor to be know that NO PARTY anywhere in the world replaces its incumbent president, just because there is a professor knocking on the door. RB is the incumbent and he will lead MMD into 2011 elections. The convention is just a formality. continued..

  14. 13 Akapondo, I am glad that you are “now comfused” and “he has left” you “stranded” because this is the hard way you cadres ike to learn. I wrote to you countless times that Dr Clive Chirwa is an opportunist and you had to lose your head evento an extent of insulting me. I hope PF cadres will not be left strand when, if necessary, their leader will also endorse UPND president HH for PF-UPND PACT presidential candidate in 2011.

    I would like to repeat on thing, this battle is not for the timid but those who are prepare to accept reality.

    Have a blessed day you all as you ponder on Dr Chirwa C’s “May God Bless the UPND-PF pact” above.
    Matt 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and these things shall be added…

  15. The convention is just a formality and we plan to even get rid of it during the the term of the incumbency. The MMD party president position will only be available in 2016 and all these pretenders can try their luck then. I repeat loud. NO PARTY REPLACES Its INCUMBENT PRESIDENT DURING AN ELECTION YEAR. If this Prof Chirwa did know that , he did to enrol into primary school politics and get educated all over again. Politics is not aeronautical engineering. It is Politics sir and I must say you are very naive and just another Kavindele in the making.

    Like everybody has said we wish you well in your new home and I hope the warmth you feel is not the floor of the PF-UPND pact going up in smoke slowly and I hope you get out soon before carbon monoxide gets to you slowly

  16. UPND has a vision but HH seem not to provide that visios. He is leading UPND into oblivion if left unchecked.Make UPND competitive unlike clinging on to a losing presidential candidate. Go to the convention and elect office bearers who will lead UPND to victory in 2011.

  17. Senior Citizen nowadays it is a sign of being educated to keep it simple and short. Your discourses are verbiage to say the least. I am sure if you undertstand them yourself.

  18. sometimes degree don’t work, look at this man….his brains seem twisted with degrees..this is a man who is suppose to give overall directions to politicians, but look!

  19. Flashback! 07/01/08. President Mwanawasa said there was a certain Zambian based in the United Kingdom who thinks he should come back and become Republican president in 2011.

    “A few days ago, I was accosting a certain Zambian who has been in the UK for 20 years. He comes and he thinks all of us 12.5 million Zambians are not intelligent and capable of choosing a leader, but he must come like Jesus,” Let him catch up with what he has lost. As a Zambian who left Zambia a long time ago, he has lost Zambian domicility so he must acquire Zambian domicility. When he has acquired Zambian domicility, then let him talk about leadership. So many things have happened. When he left,he was a young boy but now Zambia is 20 years older.”

  20. People you should know that what ever we do is about choices no one has the right to tell me what i want to do or who should be my mate.i left Zambia for the Uk because it was my choice so we should respect other people’s thoughts. Thank you!

  21. Political opportunists never cease to amaze me.
    There is a saying in cibemba that, “wasensela ilyo kawa”.
    Prof Chirwa dropped on the Zambian political scene and criticised both the leadership and the MMD for not having a workable development plan, blah, blah, blah. He was refreshing to listen to when he talked about what could be done for Zambia to prosper.
    Alas, the man was invited to statehouse by the late Mwanawasa and he converted by joining the MMD through a branch in Mufulira so as to succeed LP Mwanawasa. Is this not opprtunism??
    Now Prof Chirwa has seen that he has no chance for presidency in the MMD and hence has placed his chances on the UPND. Mwapya baisa ba Chirwa.
    Let us wait and see.

  22. In simple and straight forward language, Clive Chirwa is a “political crosstitute” yet to learn Pol.101 and be taken serious where he migrates to.He is a flyer by-night too overzealous to risk with in the ranks with his doomed political fate floating on ego and flattery.MMD is not short of leaders to risk its gains with cruisematics.In his delusions, Chirwa believes having been in Russia and the UK for decades are magic bullets to land a ruling party Presidency.What would one say about a person who in solicitation was fanatical of the party and its policies at 11:59 am but on popular rejection of his blatant opportunism at 12:00 pm, he launches a smear campaign against the same party and policies he passionately sought embracing for his stamp.

  23. # 27 Senior Citizen, if u have not realised NOW like what Prof.Chirwa has done that MMD is a sinking Titanic the better…coz u like it or not MUYENDA & u will be confined to the abyss of history like UNIP.. wish u well in hell…

  24. Since Clive chirwa claims like HakaSata is also a predestined Presidential candidate in any party he goes to, we are keen to see how the two Predestined Presidential candidates now in UPND will handle it. To complicate the trajectory, there is an extension of the HakaSata PACT which will now become “HakaSataChirwa” with Sata as another predestined Presidential candidate.Its legion of Neo-liberalists, socialists and fanatics active in the LaRouche movement Utopia LYNDON LAROUCHE is peddling today.

  25. Well placed sources have revealved that 98% of MMD MPs are just waiting to receive their gratuity then they will defect to the PACT early next year. That leaves one to wonder who will campaing for RB. Mpombo, Magande, Namulambe, Situmbeko, Maureen Mwanawasa, Dickson Jere to a few are all joing the PACT next year. Only Mabenga and Kunda will remain with RB. But we all know that these a finished politicians. Senior citizine is talking to himself. He is halucinating. chirwa is smart. He has joined a winning team. That will put him in goverment and I can assure you, he is Presdo for 2016.

  26. Yaba ba Chirwa!! Does it mean that you will challenge HH for the presidency? will UPND cadres spare you or let alone vote for you at the expense of HH? Shade more light ba Professor.

  27. A political blood transfusion is needed in Zed. A healthy mix of those living and educated locally or abroad and minds open with an eye on the opportunities available to us on a global stage without losing sight of both urban and non urban needs of ALL. Most of all let’s see some fresh, young blood across the board. Funny how the young men who had little experience when they gained political opportunities in the sixties and seventies are now stubborn chaps who reckon the young have no place in the present (no place other than to listen to their foolish wisdom, that is). So fair play to Clive for making a decision. I remain to be convinced that any of the parties have the capacity to make way for the next generation….

  28. The chooice of UNPD for Clive is rocket science stuff!. He wants to be a president of the country…and he take aim at UNDP for the launch platform.. Well for starters HH is one ambitious guy…but again, Clive would play a role of king maker , and not trying to be the king as was the case with MMD stint,… and also as one mentioned, Clive can not even get close to VP or Deputy VIP in the pact…This is Zed politics…never a dull moment!!

  29. The UPND manifesto is the same one Clive Chirwa analysed together with other party manifestos three years ago before he decided to join MMD. What has changed now for him to speek in glowing terms about the UPND? OPPORTUNITY! It has got nothing to do with principles.

  30. WTF is senior citizen talking about???? His comments are way too long….& dull!!! Mwana cant you make your point in a simple manner?? Do you also sleep blogging because the moment anything bad happens is said about the MMD you are the 1st one on this blog redeeming them. Awe sure chinjeni imisango boss….

  31. The PF/UPND pact is like the Medusa of Greek mythology. The medusa was an ugly creature with many snake heads. Anyone who looked at it was turned to stone. The pact is full of ego maniacs who want to be President. It is a pity that another head has been added to the many heads. Sorry Prof, but you have blundered. As a member of MMD for only 3 years, it is clear that you never contributed to the manifesto that won the 2006 election, so why did you join and why have you left when a new manifesto has not been written. Under LPM who was scathing towards you, you remained a member, but no one has opposed you now and you quit?

  32. Zambian politics is a just a perfect stage for a comedy of errors.This development does not excite any suprise to me.Prof Clive belongs to this visionless generation of RB ,VJ,Sata, FTJ,KK,NGONDO,MIYANDA ,HH & NAWAKWI.Its high time Zedians realised that meaningfull development will only come to Zambia when this clueless generation dies(God forbid it)

  33. What has Clive done for his parents who are walloping in poverty?What is it that we refer him to?Abash remote controlled political events.Clive just like late teta said you shall be bruised politically ideally

  34. In January this year Prof. resigned from MMD to join UPND and cited many reasons for his leaving the party such as corruption, failure to improve manufacturing industry, agriculture, kneeling to donors for help, failing to improve the education system in the country, and for failing to reduce poverty.

    He said he was a happy member of UPND a party that respects its members and said he would help the PACT to win 2011 elections.

    Clive what have you done for zambia? What are you doing and what are going to do? That is what the people of zambia want to hear. You have been away fir twenty years and never braught any investment to Zambia but this time you claim you can do that. We don’t want to hear you say that we investors. The problem with you learned guys you think you can fool…

  35. clive chirwa has a vision…develop our current dependency on others to self reliance in every aspect….he just couldnt do it on the MMD platform…..UPND-PF provides the best platform right….he may not necessarily be president but he will definitely contribute…
    bonse bafikala…am urging you to read the book CAPITALIST NIGGER…and get educated…ba swine

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