Friday, September 20, 2024

George Kunda is mentally unstable and a danger to society-UPND presidential spokesperson


Vice president, George Kunda

The United Party for National Development (UPND) has demanded that vice president, George Kunda steps down on medical grounds, alleging that he is suffering from a panic mental disorder that has led to his biomedical insanity state.

Reacting to Mr Kunda’s statement yesterday that UPND Members of Parliament want to expel their president Hakainde Hichilema for failing the party and replace him with Mazabuka Central Member of Parliament Garry Nkombo, with his Siavonga counterpart , Douglas Siakalima as his deputy, Mr Siakalima alleged that Mr. Kunda has lately been suffering from an obsessive disorder which makes him very unfit to ran the nation in the absence of president Rupiah Banda who left the country for China yesterday.

He has since appealed to president Banda to remove Mr. Kunda from his position as vice president alleging that he is mentally unstable and a danger to society. Speaking during a press briefing in Lusaka this morning, Mr Siakalima said the vice president has lately been making a number of unwarranted statements against the UPND because the ruling MMD is stiff scared of the UPND and the pact as a whole.

Meanwhile Mr. Siakalima who is the UPND presidential spokesperson says UPND leader, Hikainde Hichilema is unstoppable and that no war, law or man ill stop him. He said Mr. Hichilema is well prepared to take on any challenge that might come his way because he is properly advised and surrounded by people who are confident in his works.

And speaking at the same briefing, Mazabuka Central Member of Parliament, Garry Nkombo said the vice president is bringing the nation into ridicule by failing to comply with the standards of his dignified office. He describes Mr Kunda as a liar and a man who has sown a seed of discontentment in the UPND, but assures him that seed will not grow because the party is cemented on its own values and principles.

Mr Kunda yesterday said some UPND MPs are discontented that Mr Hichilema has offloaded the party to the Patriotic Front (PF) leader Michael Sata where Mr Hichilema has been sidelined. Mr Kunda said the UPND members of Parliament are allegedly preparing to hound out Mr Hichilema and replace him with Mazabuka Central MP Gary Nkombo while Siavonga MP Douglas Siakalima will assume the position of deputy president.

Mr Kunda made the revelations to some MMD cadres and Government officials after his arrival at the Livingstone International Airport.



  1. You feel sorry for the new vesion of UNIP (MMD). They are desparate to do/say anything to buy votes. The pact wins. Sorry Mr Capitalist. Kuya bebele.

  2. #1 That would be a sizeable chunk of the Zambian population and would render us economically unviable. The opposition have not learnt from the Chiluba/Sata saga and continue to peddle politics of insults. UPND i.s panicking because a lot of people in the South are not happy with the PACT. The opposition is in disarray. I just hope for their sake, RB does not call an early election after his trip to China

  3. Looks like it is all out war and all politicians in Zambia have just gone mad. Is this what hunger for power does to people? I think it is sad that UPND have gotten themselves caught in the insults. Am sure Kunda is just playing politics and looks like UPND have decided to dance.

    Am sure next time he will say HH is G A Y, not that it is true, but to just want to hear HH deny it publicly just for fan, kind of put him on the defensive all the time. UPND need to read into these MMD mind games and stay sober. Kunda and FTJ are MMD’s rabbit Dogs that would do the dirty work for RB while making RB look noble, why the rest look petty.

  4. No offence to the thousands of Zambians on ARVs but it`s difficult when one is on ARVs. You can never tell when encephalitis starts to kick in.

  5. Politics of insults, we are tired! as a country, we are not going forward because too much time is being spent on exchanging insults. Instead of talking development, leaders are busy attacking each other’s personal lives and looks. Petty!

  6. #1. your comment is offensive. issues of ARV’s are so sensitive that you cannot just open your foul mouth and pour out that nonsense. the issue here is GK, his failure to live up to the demands of his office has nothing to do with other people who are on ARV’s.

  7. :d/
    Honestly this is the problem in Zambia the guy says that the other party is doing this and you decide to attack him on a personal level.

    This is what the opposition keeps doing insulting others if those same other people decide to respond then its off to court why. Why not argue you point and say there is no such thing going on in the party???

    Seriously the longer RB stays quite the more he will end up looking like a st simply because the name calling wont stop. people live like this through out the country with a lot of problems the more name calling the more they will think you think of your self as high and might, and you know what happens people lose interest.

  8. Though am the last person who is supposed to say this but i have no doubt that this guys infection has messed up his glial cells,no wonder the chilandalande mode he is in.

  9. There is seriously something wrong with George Kunda.Who told him all those lies.Its embarassing to note that both Garry Nkombo and Siakalima have distanced themselves from the VEEPS claims making him look foolish as one with wishfull halucinations!

  10. Nice strategy mighty UPND!! Put your president out of the GK nonsense. HH doesn’t have to respond to the likes of george kunda the man is sick in the head. Make sure your president is not involved in petty MMD politics. Mr Siakalima we want to hear more of u defending HH. I have just learnt that you are the presidential spokesperson. Nice nice nice this is the way forward. No more useless visionless MMD. 45 years of independence our infrastructure is still dilapidated. Children still sitting on floor no desks some no classrooms at all sitting under trees. HH 2011.

  11. Batata ba No.1, you are drawing the country’s fight against HIV/AIDS backwards. One of the weapons in this fight is avoiding stigmatisation. People should be more open about their status so that they can be given medication and this reduces spread of HIV/AIDS. People with HIV/AIDS are human like others, and it should be treated as a disease just like the other killers diarrhoea and malaria. This is the basis of Zambia’s fight against HIV/AIDS and all Zambians should support it. Or are you Zambian?

  12. Viva pact. These people desparate they would do anything to cause chaos in the pact. Their only hope is to see that the pact breaks up having failed with their NCC. Who cares who is president? All we want to see is the back of these guys with Chiluba going back to court. Simples!

  13. No matter what RB, Kafupi and the red Lipped snake do or say, MMD is going come 2011. I am a vote and most of you broggers are not, because you are out of the country, you don’t even know what is going on on the grass-root.

  14. #18 and 19. One can only live for so long with the virus and still be able to perform/function to their optimum. You are telling me you know very little about the virus.

    Google it you two! When you google make sure it`s in a language you can easily understand or come back to me I`ll help.

    Remember ka Teta? Ukusabaila!


  16. The day when UPND learnt to insult like their father Sata, they vowed to outdo the grandmaster. And that has been their undoing. Now it is shameful to associate with UPND. The fast decay of UPND, what an insult to the legacy of Kambela Mazoka! But I still respect Gary anyway, he is a shade more dignified than baby Sata HH, and presents himself as someone who can fit into Mazoka’s big shoes. I just wish that George Kunda was not just politicking as usual. This HH is a nausea.

  17. You don`t have to be on ARVs defend it.. its a shame that some pipo think that ARVs issue is joking matter..I can chellenge some of you.. that at least one close friend or family memeber is on ARVs…you are the same cowards who don`t know your HIV status…you will need the ARVs soon too…you never

  18. #11 You are quite right. What Zambia needs to do is get rid of all those people on ARVs and vote in Sata who will change the country forever in 90 days.

  19. #1 Kunka mulilo-
    Issues of ARV s are indeed sensitive. Thise on ARV s ae as human as you and are entitled to lead. Check your head before you write rubish.

  20. #30 Sooy Meant to say THOSE .I am not on ARV s but I sympathise with those on ARV s as they didn t choose to be in that Situation.

  21. #3 No need to be upset unless naimwe akashishi nakafika kumutwe. There is no looking back batata. Mushipe. When bonking chilawama.

  22. Looks like a strategy by MMD

    G Kunda is politicking. He’s probably enjoying making UPND dance. If you notice, he attacks HH because he is equally educated, trying to make him look foolish for teaming with an illiterate.

    Sata has been left to FTJ who is his match.

    I foresee this two pronged attack going on till 2011. G Kunda knows what he is doing. His role seems to be to destabilise UPND. FTJ’s is to sort out Sata, while RB rounds the country seeing chiefs etc, playing the wise guy.

    VJ is a political strategist. It’s possible he’s one of the advisors to all these guys. Kafupi too, the political engineer.

    What UPND, PF and the PACT need is to read through these attacks. Otherwise they are fighting smoke, not the fire. But HH is a rookie, politically.

  23. iye katalina iwe, thank you my toy drink. ulishina? ati shani ku derby lelo? i responded to your comment mune, on the other story, check the other news where you posted wawumfwa? nalikutemwa sana iwe, if i wasnt married mune, ahh nga naliyisa kukufwaya ku derby. awe i wont lie zambian women amatako vali kwati, chi body chena mwalikwata. but am married, but even my wife alikwata body bane, problem pregnancy means vane there will come a point when nikaleka ukulyapo, but surprisng ever since she found out, ale fwaya ukuchita lynose. awe katwishi bane. deuces ka katalina, my ka bibi biscuit. mwaah. nizee. :)>-

  24. #33 – kunda mulilo, do not tease people about the way they will die, i beleive AIDS is not the worst death someone can suffer. Naiwe you will DIE! and thats a fact bra. Your comments and others made above teasing pipo on ARV’s are i.d.i.o.t.i.c & extremely childish. I really hope you arent in your 20’s or 30’s or older, please i hope otherwise it is very sad indeed. So please grow up man.

  25. Its just to bad UPND had to respond to his shallow comments. UPND and the PACT must realise that they are above such nonsense and not respond or respond with positive action and not regressive words. Let GK act cheap!

  26. kunka,am 23,and have been on arvs for ten years. i contracted hiv at birth.i have managed to live a normal life bcoz of my few years i have achieved so much.i dnt endulge in self pity over my status.but want to let you knw blessed is you who is neither infected or affected. but a time will come when u will appreciate arvs.

  27. amalwelwe guys is not something to laugh about. how many of you here have gone for tests?? dont think just because you used condom or do not make love then u cant have it. its possible to contract it through other means even without you knowing bane, i hope you will all get the last laugh. ine my wife is pregnant and in the uk before u decide to have baby they do tests, i also had to be tested. bane am negative and proud but it doesnt mean that the next guy who is positive is less human than you. awe am never this annoyed pa site but nafinkalipa. stay safe guys. deuces :)>-

  28. Luanshya born George Kunda is so very SICK. he needs to be admitted to a syca hospital. If the MMD don’t contain him now very soon he shall insult RB. Wait.

  29. #10. What is widsom in political context? How do you measure wisdom? Can someone please respond to this. Because as far as I am concerned, I can easily apply wisdom to someone who is not wise as long as I have justification. Can we measure wisdom? If yes, what are the parameters for a wise person??

  30. This man is a vice president and is on national duty, in case he has forgotten. How do you go to Southern Province and the first thing you do is attack an opposition leader? And when the opposition responds, your cadres will be all over the news threatening rape and violence. GK should grow up. When on national duty, avoid partisan politics. If he was at an MMD function, this would be understandable. But this man is busy wasting our money making useless statements. Get back to work already!

  31. the response from siakilima and nkombo does not help. it actually shows the veep is telling the truth. they have not addressed the issue the veep raised. are they are happy that HH has sold out to PF, thats the crux of the matter. now instead of saying the truth they attack GK personally. it will not help them look at how post coverred HH’s response. you can see they are settting him up also read their editorial yesterday and today they are now saying all politicians are not serious!!! what a turnaround!!! all you PF illiterates and chickens in UPND, you will soon be crying. ba chimbwe no plan

  32. Chi G.K Uletekanya Mwaice! That is why everyone have came to kow that am supplying you with ARV.Twalachija drug.Remember iam in China.but ulenchita disapointi iwe.Why?.i Thought u re a loya kanshi naleibepa.Wabemilomo

  33. Iwe #26 Telling an elderly person the truth that he is VERY SICK is not an insult.
    Ok, is he not sick- in your eyes? Say the truth.

  34. i guess this is the easiest to sif these leaders.insults will never make anybody a good leader.let me quickly point out this,a good leader is one who is able to handle presure unlike this crop of leaders we have today.responding to anything?

  35. Desparation at its best! PF/UPND Pact watch out. More desparate moves from MMD on the way. GK playing games. He used to be a serious man. GK should never now be expected to be himself. He is confirming MMD’s exit.Let the Pact MPs be more resolute.

  36. Yeah don`t look down upon those living on ARV`s remember that every s.e.x act is a gamble and chances are that in 24 hours half of us bloggers might get lucky…so who knows what that lucky might entail:-?

  37. #34 Ba Kunka. :d:d:d:d:d. Awe mwansekesha mwe. Ati when bonking:d:d:d

    Awe cacine calilowa mwe. I have just been doing it. Got to agree with you. Sad but true. The rate of HIV infection is high among blacks even in the US and UK. Sad but true.

  38. Iwe Walai Mputi, ukunka amano, why are you insulting ba mulamu so? We do not need pornography pa site, leave it to ARABEE.

  39. Simple guys. Stop bonking.:d:d
    Yaba nefine nafyo mwe.Ukuwamisha! Mukese mudala wandi. Come and see how these ministers bonk here in Ndola mudala. I bet Chiluba knows better. :d:d:d:d

  40. The MMD should be loving this ever unfolding drama. GK is continually and effectively rocking the HH boat. That is politics. The issue of ARV’s is abit personal and discussing it on this forum might be unfair. However, we must all know that there are some leaders who could be importing the drug directly from abroad. If they are importing then ZRA has records of such people. Do we remember Sata challenging his fellow Presidential aspirants in 2006 to take an HIV test- who was refering to???? GK will have the last laugh!

  41. #54 Mo taimu. Stop bonking. If have especially with fisolola, start counting your days. You will be gone. Ine safe kuno ku Ndola.

  42. Matenda may come in so many different ways…………. as long as you dont put your partner in the pockets when going for work or ku church, you are also in for it………. muletekanya pakulanda. How many women and men have done ubuchende, do you tamba them when they are ********? Just go for test than finger pointing. He is better than u!!!!

  43. Indeed politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it whether it exists or not, diagonising it incorrectly, and applying the wrong remedy. Being in politics is like being a football coach. You have to be smart enough to understand the game, and dumb enough to think its important.

  44. #54 Mo taimu. Stop bonking. If you have already especially with fisolola, start counting your days. You will be gone. Ine safe kuno ku Ndola.

  45. King Solo, # 48, gentleman, you started well with your gist, then you insult your fellow countrymen/women, ati chickens and illiterates. Aren’t you done already!

  46. the only way to reduce risk yamalwelwe is to start dating avasungu avanakashi, mwawumfwa balumendo?. and before you start pontaling, thiis is supported by statisitcs. just google stattisics showing the demographs of people with aids according to race. deuces bane:)>-

  47. i am not saying that you will not get sick if you only bonk avasungu but am saying the probablity is less. deuces:)>-

  48. If you are in America you will agree with me that HIV/AIDS is more in black communities in the UK and in America. Argue however you want but facts are facts. Limbi mudala Kunka ali right. Uku Bonkin`ga guys munashe.

  49. # 62-Shikalume Kalyonso-Bonking is not bad that bad.Research has shown that an average of two bonking in a week can odd an average of one year to your life and afterall the bible says don`t be scared of what can only kill the body but that which can kill the soul…..Nizee.:)>-

  50. # 66-Walai abasungu bufi naiwe think of isolated populations like aborigines and eskimos they are the safest.Try a red indian:-?

  51. Fellow Zedians! this vp of ours is SICK.. THE MEDICATIONS ARE DRIVING HIM CRAZY! MR. capitalist and the LUSAKATIMES ARE ALL mmd Puppets!

  52. #26 Zambiatta. If someone is the age of Kunda, VJ, Teta (at the time of his death), and the rest, there is no excuse for them to be infected with HIV. It`s rare in the west that someone in their late 50s to 60s will go out bonking like africans do. That is the time you stick with your wife/husband come rain or shine.

    Tell you what, I have no sympathy for a person in their 50-60s dieing of HIV/AIDS especially if they are african because you know it only takes one mistake to contract it.

    My opinion.

  53. Between the lines in # 66 i mean it is not a crime doing what nature has brought us but it becomes one when one abuses the privaledge.:-?

  54. This “He has since appealed to president Banda to remove Mr. Kunda from his position as vice president alleging that he is mentally unstable and a danger to society” from the mighty UPND Team s serious and deserves attention by the appointing authority. Maybe Western or Luapula Province can now secure a Vice President job for Zambia.

    Keep well all and be blessed.
    Matt 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you.

  55. avanakashi avasungu. it was just an error.awe guys avasungu they are a blessing, their skin so soft, awe ine they have got to my head mwe. deuces bane:)>-

  56. # 71 , i feel very sorry for you. You do not say that because you never know what tomorrow brings, even yourself you could be infected. You do not know what your husband, wife, boy friend or girl friend doing when you are not there. Am very sorry for you. Can you please apology and come back to be a normal person please?

  57. #46 sichi powers thanks.. I only hope bloggers could stop behaving like GK too. Some bloggers are advising pact leaders to be mild and not insult back but they themselves respond with insults to other bloggers. What’s the problem with acting what you preach? Lets desist from insults and blog constructively. Some voters in zed have access to LT and WD therefore can learn something from our constructive responses to various issues affecting the country.

  58. Between the lines in # 68 i mean it is not a crime doing what nature has brought us but it becomes one when one abuses the privaledge:-?

  59. #77 Musukuma. That`s why I said it`s more rampant in Africa and among blacks in the west.. If you are 50-60 why go out bonking (man or woman)? Mind you we are on about Kunda who you expect to be with his wife or vice versa. I bet you wont see it will ya? Other than African leaders, give me one president or prime minister who we know is HIV positive!

    You are the people who still go on about ubucende bwa mwaume! Tool!

  60. Forget about presidency, heavily embattled polygamus Sata told

    VARIOUS members of the clergy and non-governmental organisations (NGOs) have called on heavily embattled polygamous Patriotic Front (PF) leader Michael Sata to reconsider his presidential aspirations in view of revelations by former president Frederick Chiluba that he is a polygamist.

    International Fellowship of Christian Churches president, Simon Chihana said morality of leadership demanded that a leader should only be married to one wife.

    Bishop Chihana said it was wrong for leaders to have multiple partners because that suggested that one was lacking in leadership abilities.
    He advised people vying for national offices to avoid getting involved in questionable relationships.

  61. ARVs, Decotex ni zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz but mwandini its TRUE=))=))=))=))=))=))=)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):))=))=))=))=))=))=))=))=))=))=))=))=))=)):d/:d/:-h:-h=))=))=)):))=)):((:((:((:d:d

  62. Evangelical Youth Alliance president, Moses Lungu said the Bible in the New Testament was clear on the fact that leaders should only be married to one wife if they were to serve the people better.

    He sad going by the New Testament, which today’s Christians follow, it was wrong for Mr Sata to have more than one wife.

    Reverend Alfred Banda of Lusaka said a leader should have one wife and it was wrong and questionable for Mr Sata to have two wives as alleged by Dr Chiluba.

    Mission Press director, Miha Drevensek said in an interview that “the whole issue is too dirty and I do not want to issue any comment.”

    Ndola Diocese vicar-general Father Raphael Chanda, when contacted yesterday, refused to comment on the matter.

  63. How I like Mr Siakalima’s reported “Meanwhile Mr. Siakalima who is the UPND presidential spokesperson says UPND leader, Hikainde Hichilema is unstoppable and that no war, law or man ill stop him. He said Mr. Hichilema is well prepared to take on any challenge that might come his way because he is properly advised and surrounded by people who are confident in his works.” This is what MMD and PF cadres should know in the light of heightened 2011 campaigns of president HH of the mighty UPND that in 2008 after the announcement in Ndola.

    I look forward to reading from PF’s MC Sata over Mr Siakalima’s above statements.

    Keep well all and be blessed.
    Matt 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you.

  64. Vision 2011 Coalition executive director Patrick Mukosha challenged Mr Sata to deny the revelations by Dr Chiluba.

    Dr Chiluba at a Press briefing on Sunday said Mr Sata had fathered two children outside marriage with a Bank of Zambia employee in Ndola.

    New Life Ministries overseer Nelly Chikwanda said Zambia was a Christian nation and that all those seeking high political offices should ensure that Godly standards were maintained.

    Speaking on behalf of some Ndola-based church leaders, Bishop Chikwanda said those seeking to lead God’s people as Republican president should realise that leading a Christian nation demanded accountability.

    Former United Church of Zambia Copperbelt Presbytery bishop Committee Njase said Zambia was declared a Christian nation and all those seeking…

  65. And former PF secretary general Edward Mumbi has said he will petition Mr Sata’s presidency because the character of the opposition leader was questionable.

  66. iwe ka toy drink ka katalina, ah i like you iwe. what do u do uko ku derby mune?awe ine if i go back ku zed i will be masterbating fye, better safe than never bane. good thing am married also. the govtn needs to start prmoting masterbation on tv and adverts. its a safe tool to combat ama hiv etc. it just takes fwa fwa fwa, wawumfwa na yino, and u go on with your day.deuces bane:)>-

  67. #84 Maestro. We know you are MMD. A tonga f oo l who thinks he can be clever. Bwamber bobe people in Zambia do not talk about HH alone you tool. There is no way HH alone is going to win an election in Zambia.

    We know you have aka bwamber akanono but really that is not an excuse for your fo olishness. Please Mr MMD (UNIP) leave the pact alone. Your si l ly tricks will never work.

    You and ka tata ka Chiluba should be very good mates. Mabolo yobe. That is what happens when a person has been bonking his mother like you do.

  68. #84 Maestro. We know you are MMD. A tonga f oo l who thinks he can be clever. Bwamber bobe people in Zambia do not talk about HH alone you tool. There is no way HH alone is going to win an election in Zambia.

    We know you have aka bwamber akanono but really that is not an excuse for your fo olishness. Please Mr MMD (UNIP) leave the pact alone. Your si l ly tricks will never work.

    You and ka tata ka Chiluba should be very good mates. Ma b olo yobe. That is what happens when a person has been bonking his mother like you do.

  69. Maestro thank God akabwamber kobe takema because you would have been suffering with HIV like your brother chi VJ.

    Mwapusukeni tata! Ala muletola nobwapona. Tebumbi bwali! Now lieave us alone Maestro. Go and wank you will feel better. We know that`s all you do. Kaboke iwe.

  70. # 80, thanks anyway, wish we can chat privatly so that i can tell you how i lost my mother, and she was 72. through blood she got when she was sick,
    So, that is why am saying you never know what tomorrow brings.
    Otherwise, you are right ,one per each one, but do not laugh any one with HIV or Aids.

  71. One way developed countries have controlled AIDS spread is by refusing visas to those travelling to their countries. Obama only recently lifted a ban on HIV positive people travelling to USA. There was an official ban since the 1980s. The UK does not have an official ban but it is possible the medical tests they do in Lusaka before they grant you a visa screen out those with HIV.

    This could be one reason AIDS is not so rampart in developed countries. And you cant blame them for protecting their people.

    Sad that HIV/AIDS is prevalent in Zambia. It’s also sad that quite a lot of people choose not to change their lifestyle and behaviour, thinking it cannot happen to them. Prevention is better than cure.

  72. People with no brains laugh at those infected with HIV.stigmatization is promoted by insecure muppets!I am not infected but I am really upset with some bloggers’ insensitivity.

  73. Chances are you are HIV positive if you`ve been bonking. Live with it mug boy!

    Ask yourself why blacks are the worst hit! Tool!

  74. # 91 ba walai yashupa iyo strategy when you go ku Zambia.Kanshi tata mukafwaye akabale nangu akadish to use in the process.Lol:-?

  75. Vitali there is no excuse for your father to be HIV positive at 60 when he is still married.
    #96 UK Zed Observer well said mate. Look at the behaviour of Africans when they are in position. They bonk even people who are married.
    Sorry guys but no excuse for me. You have to be an idi o t to feel sorry for people like VJ. Honestly!

    Chacine blacks were cursed! Keep you trousers on you tool! Keep your pants on like the Americans will say.

  76. #98 Vitali. Feeling sorry for yourself is not excuse. If you are HIV positive and you know it, it is a jailable offence to go out there and continue bonking. Yet your country has no such laws protecting women (in most cases) from this.

  77. Kunka Mulilo, uli mpumbafu? shani insele so? write what you want, but insults like those at # 92-94 are not acceptable. Learn to differ, it is healthy. Remember, your way is not always the right way.

  78. #95. Musukuma. I feel sorry for your mother. What a shame! Officially and up to now in the UK, blood should not by law be screened for HIV before a transfusion. Trust me I know what I am talking about.
    That is where government should play a part. Yes there is no law regarding this but blood products still are screened for HIV. I have to tell you that, there are a number of people who have genuinely died in Zambia because they got given a blood product of they looked after their child who was HIV positive-obviously doing evrything for them.

    But honestly VJ, Chiluba, Kunda, Teta, and many more politicians can never be put in the same category as your mother. Never!

  79. #105. I do apologise. I am sorry and I mean it in egnlish not apology wachina Zambia of Africa.

    Sorry I just hate you Maestro. We know you are MMD happy to see the opposition in disarry so that you continue being paid. Sorry but the fact is the pact will always be there and it is wining.

  80. Please forgive the VP each time is in southern province finds nothing to talk about except attacking HH. Shame on him.

  81. #105. I do apologise. I am sorry and I mean it in english not apology wachina Zambia or Africa.

    Sorry I just hate you Maestro. We know you are MMD happy to see the opposition in disarry so that you continue being paid. Sorry but the fact is the pact will always be there and it is wining.

    Yaba ama pint yafika mumutwe nomba. Guys I am going to bonk.:d

    Hold your fire! My missus. Can`t and will never swap her for anything.

  82. Kunka Mulilo,
    I hear you man. Only a real man can apologize. Many of us “here” are away from home, so when we meet online, let us offer some constructive criticism, even a light moment to brighten someone’s day. Also we can learn from other bloggers. Now bring a white chicken for your apology!

  83. Hello Guys! mwalanda sana pamalwele, thats good people can talk about it and people should learn to take resposibility. I know its a personal thing and it has touched some souls but u know what, its time we started talking about thids stuff. Abenge ama politicians pa Zed balwele and they are killing young girls that selfish. On GK I have no comment but abamona na balanda! Lets talk about removing Bwezani from office for now please!

  84. Kunka Mulilo,
    I never called you names. Just re-visit the thread. I was asking you. It was and still is in a question form. The answer is yours. If any one asked me, “Are you white?” my answer will be , No! bushe uli chipuba? eeh or awee? so I just wanted an answer from you.

  85. #5 Papa J
    Doing the dirty work for another used to be the ambit of Mr Sata. He did this for Chiluba for a very long time, now I wonder who is doing what for who?

  86. #1. People living with HIV/AIDS are human. Your statements are irritating and I suppose you have not been affected. We have medical doctors who are HIV positive but have continued treating people. We have lawyers who are HIV positive and they are busy representing people in courts. We have teachers who are HIV positive and have continued to share their knowledge with students. We have pilots who are HIV positive and they have continued their work. The list goes on and on. ARVs are saving lives and bringing hope to many. Please apologise for your comments.

  87. #35 UK Observer. I like your analysis. I only hope that you are not reading too much intelligence in what perhaps may be just the natural run of events in the political world where imbwa eats imbwa.Chiluba said that as President for 10 years, he had a lot of info about his ministers. I suppose that was from the shushushu. Now can one imagine what a man like Sata could do if he was privy to all that information? If Zambians want to roast, give this man the vote.

  88. I am not ashamed to mention that I am on ARVs and my quality of life has changed dramatically. I have been on ARVs for 13 years. Before that I thought I would die in 6 months. I am working and able to support my family and I regularly send money to relatives in Zambia. I have bought houses and plots in Zambia. I have obtained a masters degree while on ARVs and now I am doing my PhD and I still think like any other person! This is life!

  89. I could even go and stand as an MP! There is hope with HIV or not. And those who have died from it are brave. I do not fear death because no one will live forever. We are just passing. We have to continue developing new ways of preventing those who are not infected. Prevention is the key but we also need to support those who are already living with it. Stigma will only act as an obstacle. Positive living + ARVs – Stigma = Life

  90. Walai mputi business
    Glad to hear your wife is expecting, but l have always thought you’re gay because you often admire men. I hope now you’ll become a little more responsible firstly by dumping your obscen name and secondly stop posting insults on the blog.

  91. Stop making fun about us living with HIV. There is nothing fun about it. Today its me and one day…Anyway I do not wish anyone to be infected but those who pass silly comments will one day realise. You cannot even tell from the physical structure of the body that one is infected. And mind you it can even take 10 to 20 years for symptoms to show. It all depends on your immune system and your lifestyle. You might say ‘no I do not have unprotected sex’. This is not the issue, have a heart!

  92. I would not have joined in this blogging, but I think that it is important to say certain things here concerning HIV/AIDS. The first reported cases in the States were in 1981, but can you imagine how many people elsewhere in the poorer countries had already been infected and died. The great majority of blood donors in Zambia until 1990 were prisoners, soldiers, police men etc and blood was not tested for HTLV3 but syphilis only. The great majority of recipients of this blood were fertile young women (pregnancy anaemia, miscariages and ectopic pregnancy) and children with malaria. take away promiscuity, no matter what, we would still have had an epidemic. It is knowledge that will help eradicate the virus. Knowledge of status and pathogenesis. Stop stigmatism.

  93. I know of friends who have contracted the virus with only one and the first encounter with their partners in a marriage relationship. I know of several who were infected through blood transfusions. Right now there is an epidermic of hepatitis B in Zambia which nobody talks about. Hepatitis is more infectious than HIV and has the same route of transmission. Elsewhere in the western world Hepatitis C is creeping in. These diseases can affect ANYONE, yes anyone, really. There will be more emerging viruses to contend with. We better learn how to fight together. The nature of these things is that one may offer immunity against another. Who knows, the world may one day need HIV positive people. Measles and the common cold wiped out 30 million native Americans!

  94. Saint but why is it high among blacks in America and uk? Stop these pathetic excuses and just accept that you blacks think bonking makes you a man. It started with homosexual in the west but here we are.

  95. It is not a pathetic life #126. I have come to terms with it. I enjoy life like any other person and i am actually helping people like you to change your attitude. Yes it is a bonus life which I cherish. I have no problem and I am not asking for your mercy. Yes, I will die but with diginity. I have no fear at all. 13 years on ARVs is not a joke but a gift of life for me. Thank you for your insults # 126.

  96. Patriot dont be petty. Sata is not the first man, especially African to have children with another woman. Our fore fathers and mothers lived in harmony of having more than one woman without AIDS, until a white man came and told them that, it is primitive to do so and brought the disease to justify the consequences. Let’s face the truth in Europe and the USA it is the settlement/payment that the men part away with when they divorce that scarces them and the evidence of another woman as reason makes it worse. By nature men will always be men and so far they have tried to be monogamous, for some it works and others it does not. What matters is the treatment, if your first wife permits and the children are well catered for. I would rather my husband takes a wife than changing ladies often.

  97. There was a time when even contracting bilharzia was stimatising. Had there not been such stigma, people would have been seeking help early, get their injections sooner before more snails are infected. There must be sensitivity and emotional empathy for those who have fallen victim. Some women are assaulted by their husbands who have just come from a night out with somone else. They have no escape. We need to help each other and that is what has made the human race so successful on earth- cooperation.

  98. I have buried my friends who had the same attitude like you. Some were living in denial and others gave up because of people like you. It is not only about bonking, this is an intricate issue as the SAINT has put it. Have a laugh and make fun of me but one day you will know that you are not a stone.

  99. For #130 Magicspeg, I will answer you but only if you withdraw #133. I will explain to you why black people are more affected.

  100. #132 Chama continue bonking and you will be gone in no time. I hate people who put the blame on whites for their sins. So a White man came and got VJ to bonk? Chiluba, Teta, Kunda? Right? There are well behaved people in Zambia who are in their 50-60s and are still HIV negative. Just don’t be like VJ, Chiluba or Kunda and you will live long. Stop being thick for nothing.

  101. Hey whats up with Zambian leaders 😮 They are not impressing anyone with these personal attacks on each other.Let this generation of politicians retire.We are tired of these people who don’t develope Zambia but just insult and steal money. From Chiluba- Sata-RB-HH all useless.Next president should be under 45yrs.someone fresh. Viva Zambian youth

  102. The SAINT you have made my day. If we could have people who reason like you on HIV/AIDS issues, we could win the battle. Nevertheless, there is hope that one day it will be history. Even if that day I will be in my grave it does not matter. My skeleton will dance to the music! I will be proud that I played a part to support my peers living with the deadly HIV virus that causes AIDS.

  103. Dj you have no clue what you are on about. Just don’t bonk if you are married. In the army in Zambia, the more you bonk the more of a man you are! Mukapwa bashetani. Imilomo red.

  104. Thanks DJ and I trust that you will live to the ripe old age where you will see your children’ children. we are working very hard at finding a cure. To every dark cloud, there is a silver lining and for the first time in scientific history we are about to understand virology such that we are nearly there in making drugs that will cure viral illnesses. Hang on. It will not be long. HIV is not going to be the last, there will be more novel viruses coming out of the forests which we are plundering, but we will be ready for them.

  105. Got to laugh at these blacks. Cure for HIV? Cancer is a priority you mugs. HIV only affects miserable people like VJ so why worry? Keep dreaming!

  106. I wish ppo who “live” on this blog would not behave like the same ppo they condemn all the time. Bringing issues (stigma) we are all fighting against on such public domain shows immaturity. In conclusion, this blog is not fit for mature ppo and mature ppo should not waste time on it.

  107. One cannot imagine that just over 50 years ago people died from simple bacterial infections such as streptoccocal infections and syphilis. Today we have an arsenal of antibiotics that can do what the German physician and Nobel Laurette, Paul Ehrlich could only dream of. We have real ‘magic bullets.’

  108. Remember this positing Magicspeg fro Akapondo!
    small little dick,i might have hurt you badly.for you to go in such a rage of will die of hate i want to die young and leave that ugly thing you call your wife at the mess of your thirsty *** lustful friends to be excercising new styles on.what realy bit your ass from my postings.anyway i dont respond to boys who get excited when they look at their testicles and get exclted when they see that they have grown in size a are a disgrace unto yourself.i now see the reason why your mother absconded giving birth after siring are even lucky she should have smoulthered you in you infacy. Nexttime i’ll scotch your ass with a cigarrete but.i wont exchange insults with you half brain

  109. That is it, I am out of here. I have tried my best to educate. “Being ignorant is not so much a shame, as being unwilling to learn.”
    Benjamin Franklin

  110. It’s rare in the west for one to die of HIV/AIDS in their 60s you mugs. Say what ever you want. VJ, Chiluba, Teta and GK should still be young and vibrant people. Stop bonking!

  111. Kunka Mulilo may you be delivered from satanic demons n have a good day.

    As for Mr George Kunda, let him know when to represent his two GRZ positions n operate as a President.

    Matt 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you.

  112. I knew I was dealing with LT mods. Just seen all posts. You guys think you are clever-not! If you’re clever don’t post on LT. They look at pc. You heard it from magic. Naya muku bonka bena nine chale baiche.

  113. Magicspeg is HIV positive and is bitter because he was infected in Africa. So, this should not upset many people. The most homophobic people tend to have attraction to men, which they deny by being phobic.

  114. Some people a so qualified that they can just call someone ‘mentally ill’ and others are busy blaming it on ARVs and HIV. It is about competencies and being able to deliver. We have to embrace diversity for us to develop. Discrimination on the grounds of HIV or disability should not be tolerated. Politics of insults will not bear any fruits. It will be lucrative for us to focus on developmental issues. But some people come drunk and others are on the influence of drugs when positing their comments. Be objective, innovative and proactive. Red lips or yellow lips, people have to be constructive. Yes, some are frustrated but we need to be diplomatic and tactiful sometimes.

  115. Some people are addicted to the internet and will comment on any issues. Yes, it is a right but we have to make this site informative and educative. Exchanging insults is not a solution. It is interesting though to note that some people living abroad are still reasoning like homo sapiens sapiens.

  116. Magic when dealing with MMD cadres like Maestro, Patriot, Mr Capitalist, Nine Chale (Maestro), make sure you let them win. They are the core of LT.They are the people running LT.

    I never get involved.

    But you are right my brother. HIV will wipe out Africans. As for people deluding themselves about a cure-nah! Not when people infected in the UK are less than a hundred thousand 50% of whom are blacks and the other 25% being peope from the eastern block.

    America`s black population has more than 50% infected. Magic you are right-bonking in blacks.

  117. Magicspeg. Unfortunately has a woman I dont bonk. Am a happily married zambian woman to Ghanian Muslim. My husband is a faithful, kind, loving and understanding man any woman would wish to have. He comes home from work with flowers, looking forward to finding me and the children well catered for and would not make issues if dinner is made or not, would be the kitchen to help me. And if in the near future he walked up to me and said he wants to take another wife. Then that would be another chapter to begin in our life, as it is when one wants to do something, nothing can stop it as history has shown.

  118. So the acting presido has got there without ever having been elected . Interesting…. History repeating itself so soon…?
    ..This public denial by these two UPND mp’s that George Kunda has implicated in a plot has created a PR disaster for the MMD . It obviously shows that G K is peddling lies.

    ….As for the haters that have crawled out of the woodwork and onto this thread , isn’t it ironic that the politics of vitriol and jealousy exhibited by our leaders are being reflected in some of us? ..It is interesting to note that the UK flag has now taken over from the US flag in leading the pack of f.o.ols……:-?



  121. Mr Tembo, in which of my statement did I ever mentioned that muslim men do not cheat, am talking about my loving and caring husband. And basing it on what he has demonstrated to me so far? what it means to be a good man and muslim too. Allowed to marry up to four wives, if you can manage to look after and love them equally. Beside as much as I luv Ghana where he comes from, we are permanent residents in the UK, it is not my duty to correct LT for not putting the right flag as my e-mail states You must be jealous ba brother that I have found peace and stability in him. Am enjoying my fufu and groundnut soup cooked by husband cheers????

  122. Mr Tembo, beside real respected muslim men would not even use the kind of language and insults you peddling here. Get real, it is my duty to praise a good husband that provide well for his family, treats me like a Queen, worship the ground I walk on and ever faithful. In return I remain loyal to him and I mean it in every sense benefiting a noble husband. Ubupuba even when you overseas as you say.

  123. kwena chalila lelo pa LT,nama Muslims manje,now i know why these Muslims bomb each other,from simple conversations like these,one will go and assemble an improvised bomb and massacre his/her fellow moslem,what an excuse for religion
    #169 shani mune,,uk has taken over big time

  124. Ba Saint na Ba DJ. While it is wrong to discrimanate against people with HIV, we should bear in mind that 90% of these cases are self inflicted. We know that this plague is everywhere but still continue doing what we should not be doing. Even in the olden days people were warned on the evils sleeping around lest they get the slimming disease. Out of “IGNORANCE” this threat was taken seriously and as a result there was little or no sexually transmited infections in those days. But with the advent of education you blew away the MYTH that kept us a live and now you are reaping the wirl wind.Epo mpelele

  125. I just get amazed at the number of Zambians who DO NOT KNOW THE MEANING of the word INSULT. It may have to do with a confusion with a vernacular direct translation. They simply see insults where there are none at all. It is like pornography. Some people always see this where the rest of us see none at all. It shows we’re talking different languages.

  126. ### 173 I did’t not use any insults on here.. ‘am just telling you well esterblished facts with the realm of the Muslim faith.. ‘am a very proud Muslim and values my faith highly.. besides we see women in close scales to dogs!! so don’t tell me that this one muslim man of yours is any different! what kind of a muslim is he? i bet you got no idea! permanet residence, you will be back in accra or mwansabombwe as soon as the Torry or BNP gets in power.. no muslims will be allowed in the uk! housewife, my assy! stay with your catholism.. and besides you got no idea of the muslim faith!!

  127. You guys, do not take the UPND statement about Gerge Kunda’s madness as a simple political gymick. The Republican VP, now acting as President is suffering from verbal diarrhea! MMD panics the moment he opens his mouth (which itself is in quite a shape!!).
    Imagine that he honestly announced that he had uncovered a plot where UPND would expell HH because he had joined the PACT, and replace him with Gary Nkombo as President and Douglas Haakalima as Vice. He is ignoring the fact that RB has publicly announced that he is looking for aVP!!
    He is just scared to shit about the pact such that he can coin the most ridiculous lies just to try and break it BUT he is in the process exposing his mental state!

  128. ### 173 ”worship the ground I walk on and ever faithful. In return I remain loyal to him and I mean it in every sense benefiting a noble husband. Ubupuba even when you overseas as you say.” Which part of our holy book is this from?? are you a muslim? because my assy tells me you are not! a true muslim man can never follow your butt. you are just lost and you got no idea of what is meant by being Muslim!! if you worked in my shop in kamwala.. i would fire you because you a dem retarded assy!!
    Did you marry him because your student/asslum visa expired and you want to hold on to the uk?? Zambia is no visa free and i wonder why he married you.. do you know how many kids/wifes he got back in Ghana… African women! you come to Europe and all you are proud of is being married to a…

  129. Mr Tembo never in your life time I would think of working in your ka teba shop to get peanuts, not even my immediate family. Am a degree holder working as a social worker, My husband has masters and works for the council. We met both having work permits, until our permanent status. I married him beacuse from the onset He presented himself wanting a relationship to do with marriage, commitment, love, understanding and respect not t. Believe me you I have been to Ghana and speak the language, no wife is there. stop misleading people, alot of muslim men do worship and appreciate there wives. Beside my family has a doctor, 2 ACCA holders,soon to be mechanical engineer and lawyer. we not dull chaps like you busy reaping off the ordinary zambians through selling them fake goods. Get a life fool

  130. OK people Mr Tembo and Chama please cool down. Let us go back to the article about the VP vs UPND. We lose nothing by ignoring. My brother and sister let us unite. Thank you.

  131. ## 181 Now you seem to have jumped ship! education! well we are all docs in my family! and besides my family invests heavly in your country(Zambia).. and please next time don’t bring on issues of Islam, you don’t even got a clue about!! social worker, wow! that amazing!

  132. This is where I agree with abasungu. If I have got a PhD, why should my cousin be excited, why should my brother be excited about it? It`s me and not them!

  133. Ba DJ. chachine dumayandi ya kwata amano, not that person disgusing himself as Tembo, now claiming to have invested pa zed.

  134. I see why Geroge Kunda rules this country!

    When asked to discuss important national issues, educated Zambians wave their tuma degrees, masters and Doctrates instead of advising the nation on good governance. Shame on you!!!

    No wonder TOTAL *****S and their impi of kaponyas finally rule this country – while you Degree holders are busy in front of the mirror, making yourselves look good.

    Tuma degrees twa mazi!!!

  135. Kunda is a sick man period! When did telling someone about his sickness become an insult? When you are a public leader that which is private becomes public. If Kunda does not want his sickness to be discussed let him resign and lead a private life.

  136. The diagnosis of AIDS dementia complex is a serious one. In actual fact, by definition, these people die within 6 months. The man whom people call sick is still going on, that means that the diagnosis is wrong. If you want to attack his views as Vice President, please attack his views and not his person. That is where the problem is in Zambian politics today. For example, if some one criticises the pact for its lack of direction, why don’t the adherents of the pact show their direction? Instead of doing so they go for the person. This is gutter politics.

  137. The SINILE RED-LIPPED PYTHON! Its incredulous even to hear him speak! He’s absolutely mad! I don’t need a medical opinion!

  138. Because HH is hurt he responds with an insult. But the insult goes beyond the target to those HH hopes to rule. What kind of a leader would HH then be?

    Whether it is out of hot headedness or anger, HH’s reaction surely proves how wrong he is to be a leader. He can’t lead Zambia amongst whom are the weak, poor, sick, HIV people. Thank you Mr. Kunda for revealing the true character of Mr. HH. H e has surely lost my vote!

  139. Seen, so who do you think your vote will go to. The usual abyss!!!!!!, FT kafupi? or may be bashi mpundu again? Albeit you get to disqualify HH for a simple human reaction. The fact that he is able to stand with his balls strong and say what is on his mind at the veep shows his selflessness and courage. The days of Kafupi, he will be invisible in a matter of a second or so.
    people even if its in the name of discrimination, this man as Ba Sata put it, is red lipped and shuddering before the camera. He cant even pick the right words for a sentence but talk about…, satanism and whatever. Anyway, lif is lived a day at a time and h is doing a year at a time.

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