Sunday, December 22, 2024

How can the NCC and our Law makers be so wrong and backward.


NCC Delegates Deliberating

By Chanda Phiri-ex microblogger

Watching the first British prime ministerial debate on BBC world on DSTV, I was left with one question in my mind. How can our National Constitution Conference (NCC) delegates get it so wrong and appear archaic and backward in the way they have shredded the Mung’omba draft Constitution?  How in the world has Zambia spent so much money to allow a small  group of people to produce an archaic document and claim that it will stand the test of time?  It is really amazing to see what a rotten system can do to even the best minds.
There are a lot of vital clauses that the NCC has shredded and I will reserve them for a future blog by others more capable  than me, but today, I have an issue on one of them and let me upack it. To begin with let me quote a story on Lusakatimes on Saturday, January 16, 2010 titled “NCC rejects articles aimed at making MPs vulnerable to recall

“THE National Constitutional Conference (NCC) has rejected articles in the Mung’omba draft Constitution which would subject members of the National Assembly to a recall when they are not performing to the expectations of their electorate.The conference voted unanimously to have Article 188 and Article 189 deleted as they could promote anarchy in the country….”

Please note that this was a unanimous decision and all political parties are guilty of this crime except perhaps the Patriotic Front which is not taking part in this public spectacle.

This is what the the people whose forefathers gave us the kind of constitution the NCC want to perpetuate had to say in a live Debate when asked how they intended to re-establish the credibility of MPs in the eyes of the electorate, after all the scandals.

… I want to do three things to change the system. First of all, I want to give the right of recall to constituents. If your MP is misbehaving and is guilty of corrupt practices and parliament doesn’t act, you should have the right to recall that MP. The second thing we’ve got to do is give people the right to petition parliament so that your issues can be raised in parliament and that’s what we propose to do. Thirdly, and this is quite fundamental, and I don’t think David will support us on that, but I hope Nick will, we’ve got to reform the House of Commons and the House of Lords. We need a new House of Commons, a new House of Lords. We will have a referendum to elect members of parliament with more than 50% of the vote, and to have a House of Lords that is elected rather than hereditary or unaccountable. These are the changes we need…”- Gordon Brown, British Prime Minster

“Listen, none of this will make any difference if we allow this rotten system in Westminster to carry on where MPs have jobs for life, where they basically only need to get 20, 30% of your votes in their areas, then no questions asked, they don’t even need to bother until the next time there’s an election. There is a direct correlation between the hundreds of Labour and Conservative MPs who have got these safe seats, these jobs for life, and the levels of abuse in expenses.”-Nick Clegg leader of the Liberal Democrats

These are touch words uttered by people who have realised how flawed the system they have dumped on their former colonies has caught up with them. I say this because our constitution despite many changes still at the core reflect the traits of the one we inherited. People fail to realise that the colonial system was meant to disadvantage the locals and our politicians are using the same instruments to disadvantage anybody who does not sing their songs. In Britain one would argue that their system was meant to disadvantage those who were not in the elite circle. ( I know I will be attacked on this one, I swear, but sorry I have issues with Monarchs)

Thanks to the Zambian public for being way far ahead of their British Counterparts. They picked up on this problem long time ago and made sure that the Mung’omba draft Constitution had measures to curb such abuses.

What is upsetting is for the NCC to eat our hard earned taxes and shred what the people wanted and give us an archaic document. How can they be so wrong in this age of abundant knowledge and common sense. I bet most of these law markers have employees in one form or another. Are they telling us that if any of them gave their employee a five year contract and that employee stopped performing, would they continue to pay his or her wages? This is really common sense stuff and why can’t they see it?

[pullquote]MPs, the President included, are employed by the people. And if they are not performing, the people have the right to fire them even before the contract expires. What is evil and anarchy about that?[/pullquote]

MPs, the President included, are employed by the people. And if they are not performing, the people have the right to fire them even before the contract expires. What is evil and anarchy about that?

I have seen the economic indicators of our economy and they are good. But lets not mistake them for our good governance because they are nothing to do with the greatness of our leaders. They are all to do with China’s GDP that has kept our copper prices high. China’s GDP is 60% construction and I smell another housing bubble in the works and if that happens, God forbid, the copper price will nose dive and there will be no growth to talk about for Zambia. All the Infesters, oh sorry Investors will flee and all we shall be left with is our people.

That is why it is paramount that we invest in our people and the first step is a right constitution that will create fairness, equality and liberate our people to compete on the world stage. The World is flat and the world market is open to all and it is only the well prepared and motivated people who will take advantage. Zambians can compete with anybody anywhere in the world given an equal platform and it is incumbent upon our politicians to ensure that they deliver this for Zambians. True freedom and fairness. These two can unlock the potential of our entrepreneurs.

There are small countries like Israel that don’t have resources and yet what they have archived by just investing in people is extra ordinary. A must read book for our leaders, if they ever read, is a book by Dan Senor and Saul Singer, called Start-Up Nation: The Story of Israel’s Economic Miracle.

In conclusion, our valuable resource is our land and our people. We need to educate them, we need to free them from petty people holding our generation down because they want to protect their mediocre standards. Our children will no longer just compete with our next door Kasai neighbours in the north and Zimbabweans in the South. They shall be competing against the world!


  1. TChanda Phiri,

    You better revert back to your microblogging because your language and intellectual deficiecy is evidently denying you the very dignity of being a macrobloger you are after. Take it here in the words of a wiseman that there is no way you can make a leader listen to you if you call them demeaning and insulting names.

  2. Doesnt Israel get an annual $5bn grant from the USA for free? Please give us another example. I would rather you pointed to Singapore. At least their island nation is not been built on charity!

  3. in the words of a wiseman, “your articles have become more and more rancorous with time, and if you imagine that someone will be beneficiary reading your articles and change “for the better”, you are taking your own imagination too seriously.

  4. This is yet another wasted time on an article which nothing but a load of incredible diatribe in which you let your anger run free through your words. And yet like other articles on public issues, you have lamentably failed to see your surrender to hatred and anger two dangerous variables in human reasoning.

  5. You are attacking with little intellectual effort to drive your fallacy home.The wiseman say “perhaps we should forgive this mistake from you and assume that it is a product of genuine ignorance on your part as an overzealous cadre. We all know that you are fully convinced that you have presented a devastatingly logical argument against the people’s representative on the NCC.

  6. #2 if you are given another example is that when you will belive that investing in people is important? I think you have missed the point

    As for #1, 3, 4, I urge the author to just ignore this Veteran/Senior Citizen and now Wisdom. I wonder why you keep changing your ID. Can’t you just blog under one ID. It just shows how crooked you are and this article stubs at your very heart. Remember, your day will come. Trees never grow to reach heaven. Everything comes down at some point. Enjoy while it lasts. My Party never took party in this useless NCC for obvious reasons. We are now being vindicated. Read the post for more info

  7. A total waste of time as the micro/macro blogger is out of touch.Come back home.The fairness you talk about ‘to compete on the world stage’ can not be orchestrated by any constitution.Infact,can we have some economists(particularly those with a dispensation in iternational trade/economics) on this blog shed some light for microblogger chanda that those same elite coountries,britain included have continued to support a trade bias towards themselves and drag their feet on reform in international trade dynamics,even with the advent of ‘fair tade schemes’.
    Constitution making takes a very long time i some cases and by the way britain has no written constitution(can we have some constitutional lawyers shed even more light on this).I think logging just afetr watching a TV debate abroad

  8. Obviously by spweiing these diatribes you feel this is not offensive enough, so you are crowniing yourself for more insulting articles. Be advised that “this kind of writing achieves absolutely nothing because it leads people to discussing your insults instead of discussing any of the contents of your article”. Good luck in your macrobloggiing!

  9. #2
    Spot on.Infact to be specific Israel,Pakistan and Egypt get 75% of the total US international aid and the rest is shared among the remaing other countries in need.He did mention the Israeli diasporans dotted across the world.

  10. …and then suddenly feeling well resourced to blog i this maner Chanda is a bit rich.
    however,you have some of my sympathies on the general thrust of your message

  11. Senior Citizen/Veteran/Wisdom?, you’ve totally and shamelessly degenerated into a gaping ässhole on this blog. Why don’t you debate on the issues at hand rather than start $hiting all over the place?
    And for the others, this article does not ONLY mention Israel, it has some important observations on the conduct of the NCC.

  12. The NCC has been a waste of time and resources, and we better realise this soonest. We have had almost all the major clauses on which the majority of Zambians agreed being thrown out, examples are the presidential running mate, cabinet outside parliament, making basic needs and a passport a right and the power to recall an MP. Surely, why are we so perpetually optimistic? The referendum is all hogwash because it will only be on the 50%+1 clause. Let’s face it. This constitution will not last.

    And just recently, these guys purchased microphones for over K1.8bn when they are suposed to be winding down business. Who leases a building for 6 months and purchases equipment on behalf of his landlord in the 5th month of his tenure? And some silly cows had the audacity to support such bull!

  13. This is how we waist manee. Usless conventions and workshops, seminars and travelshows. GRZ officails are part of this scam. It is a legalised scame. The new way of stealing GRZ resources. Seminars and workshops whose cost is same a building a new school.

  14. The NCC is a cavern of thieves. Oxygen thieves. They have not introduced a single new clause but, to justify the massive allowances, they have busied themselves with Tipex. Where they fail to comprehend the Mungomba report they simply apply copious amounts of Tipex.

  15. The NCC is an extension of the MMD cancereous tumor.How can you have a damn constitution that denies citizens basic human rights.In Zambia even having a decent meal is a preserve of the few.For how long will the docile people of Zambia suffer befor it registers in their thick heads that its time to rise against this draconian system an d say NO!! Whats the use of having a constitution that perpetuates corruption, abuse of human rights and misrule.To all those who talk of Mwanawasa’s legacy,this is the devils legacy left you by that godless lawyer,may his soul roast in hell!!

  16. It is extremely sad that Zambians will be given a constitution that does not ensure accountability (in terms of performance) in the leadership but one that embraces mediocrity. Jesus, when are you coming??

  17. :d A sad situation so to say where immediately people are elected into power, they right away deemed into gods and want to be worshpped. There is a fundamental need to change this trend as it steals the rights of the electorate. Those people MUST be beggars from the electorates because they the electorates are the masters. Therefore, why shouldn’ t they be fired by the people who elected them if they are not performing to expection of the people and deliver what they want?

  18. It is a great pity that we seem to be doomed to be followers of our former colonial master and western thinking. Our NGOs are at the forefront of insisting that we be imitators and not originators. For example, the very attitude that the modern media has developed in its relation to leaders and elders is not African but western. It was unthinkable in our culture to call elders by their first names, but as good imitators we have swallowed this practice hook, line and sinker. Chanda Phiri, there is more to follow. We shall always sit back and watch what others are doing and then change as they do.

  19. A story is told that one day in heaven, God called His children to give them gifts as they requested. The white race asked for knowledge to be scientific and to build great super structures and be inventive. God granted that. The Asian asked for knowledge to be adept at business skills and to be able to make as much money as possible even where no one else sees a market. God granted that. Then, the black African came and said, “I will just follow these two wherever they go and whatever they do.”

  20. Saint you *****icus. What form of government rule do you think Rupiah is advancing? Its even worse than colonialism. At least the colonialist gave something back to the natives. What has Rupiah advanced/initiated so far? Corruption and wako ni wako, period. So we are meant to follow this pile of S.H.I.T. You guys are absolute b.a.s.t.a.r.d.s . You people simply don’t care about the poor and Zambia as a whole. All you care about is your pockets being lined by the so called investors. Be rest assured the end is near.

  21. This is an excellent blog. Especially insightful is the nature of the British system and small details that disenfranchise ordinary people.

  22. I think there are good points that have been raised in the article.The first comment is an example of the typical zambian mind set that lacks intellectual capacity when posed with food for thought,you see it through there words that they are not coherent to the subject at hand.If #1 doesn’t understand that a right to food shelter and water are basic needs that the NCC has recently rejected,how will zambia ever take care of its own citizens?Accountability has also been rejected,I believe he’s made a good point on that the model of our constitution is based on the old British one which protects the elite and political criminals.We need a constitution for the people not for one section of society. Please do pass a law to get rid of cadres our politics are cheap but they make it look…

  23. To the Saint # 21:

    Can you give me a definition of insult, because in zambian politics it seems any criticism is an insult to our leaders. These so called leaders we elect, they dont have to answer to us do they?It seems so in zambia because we say respect our elders, we are docile and accept anything. there are no standards being set except those witholding us from freeing our individual self from the chains of zambian society to achieve equality. So if the president comes and knocks on my gate at my house, i open the door and tell him to “****-Off”. Should i be arrested for insulting him (leaving me wondering what harm i’ve caused),or do i have the right on my own property to exercise my absolute freedom?

  24. We are sick and tired of reading comments from people who dont think and analyse issues before passing their comments. I don’t see anything wrong with Chanda Phiri’s article. Only people like you can say to the contrary. Chanda, please don’t give up. We are dealing with people who know very little of what is going on in the country and the world. What is the point of coming up with the NCC? To whom are they answerable? Zambians will never have a better consititution in a thousand years because of selfishness in our leaders. Mwanawasa, was a lawyer and from time to time we pleaded with him to help this country come up with a people driven consititution but all he did was come up with a NCC. What is this? What are they doing apart from deleting good stuff?

  25. That is why Gery Rawhlings of ghana shot all who were in the way of good governace. Now ghana is a star african counrty. Maybe we need that in Africa as a model.

  26. The some bloggers are completely out of topic.It is worth not to participate like the PF did in regard to the NCC.
    Somehow the type of blogging and articles being published by LT simply reflects the level at which the domant mindset and perceptions are within us. Still a centuary behind….

  27. Wisdom (#5) … I do not see how NCC commissioners who were selected by the Secretary to the Cabinet and other MMD officials can be said to be “the people’s representatives on the NCC.”

  28. This article has made me cry:(( why should we live like this in a country so blessed with land, fresh water, fertile soils, minerals, tourism and peace and lovely beautiful people. Please my dear Zambians sometimes I tend to doubt maybe it is just our colour or God has put a punishment on us but no it isn’t any of this. We are so selfish and bad towards ourselves. What will our future generation think of us when everything is finished and the investors have all gone? Ifupuba!!!!!!!? I really want to make a difference in my country and this should the responsibility of every upright Zambians. Zambian Govt needs to invest in the people. these old people have failed and they are an embarrassment even to to talk about them. s.tupid leaders.

  29. #20 Hichimbale
    These leaders become gods because of poverty. poverty is really a bad weapon in African politics. you see people dancing and hero worshipping Rupiah, it is all because of poverty. Having the idea that if I dance and sing praise maybe they will give me something or food. And this what is happening in Zambia right now. The family basket is at K2.5 million for a family of five. Now how many people in Zambia get that much? It is really sad and the situation is not improving but worsening.
    I love My Zambia. Peace to all and God Bless Zambia.
    NB we will never fight poverty with a hoe this tool has failed many years since 1964.

  30. Wisdom
    Kwena Senior citizen you are a later down chap. Zambai shall be saved kanshi that what you meant at bakakunsale bu fake diplomat ku CANADA

  31. #2 mbulawa
    if you talk about grants. How much has Zambia received so far from donor aid since 1991? even Israel is better because the grant comes from one source unlike Zambia who receives from different aid sources. and wisdom # 3,1,4 please learn to appreciate the writer for he has not attacked your leader Rupiah Banda. i even wonder what you are doing in America. I am sure you are one of the people eating taxpayer money at the embassy in New york

  32. ~o) it could be the coffee but I am beginning to stir the clause the right to bare arms. For this people are taking us for granted.

  33. This article is out of touch considering how the author started on the headline and ended up diluting it with others issues, i wonder if he even did research on this NCC topic.The only point i could pick up and support is the recall of MP’s who are not performing,it could make sense though it can cost more money in by election.

  34. Wonderfully written article! Simply bringing out the bread and butter issues!
    Good analysis with relation to recent UK TV debate. Wind of change in the air.
    That was an eye opener to many, as UK follows America’s style of exposing leaders’
    intellectual capacities. Who was the winner? The so called under-dog and not the “popular”
    daily bread. Change does not come easy for those in the comfort zone (Politicians) as General Rawlings learnt from first hand experience. Sadly the majority must sacrifice for the comfort of their leaders. Any sinilarities to Animal Farm?
    Remember, that there are three groups of people in this world:
    1. Those who want to make things happen,
    2. Those who make things happen
    3. Those who wonder what happened!
    Now which group are the Zambians (Africans)…

  35. The main article is misleading. Another case of self-lothe for Africans. Don’t confuse the sole opinion of a Prime Minister who is facing an election and whose opinion is not yet tested by the UK Parliament with NCC legitimate process which was subjected to a debate in multi-party process. You missed this fact and therefore you are NOT credible.

  36. i think this is a very good subject for debate, and there is no need for us to insult one another over our difference of opinions.

  37. But Chanda people in the UK vote for educated people who understand issues. There is no threat to government if debate is held at an intellectual level. In Zambia, we want to remove educated leaders and replace them with Standard 3 drop outs. Zambians are easily swayed by uneducated call boys and kaponya’s. Our government can be hijacked and derailed by thugery.

    So whilst i support that MP’s should be recalled, it may be dangerous to the future of our nation if charismatic thugs can overwhelm people and get them to remove educated politicians and replace them with call boys.

    Whites just dont behave like this!

  38. Very true! Whites dont regress. They progress. Today, their Prime Ministers will have Bachelors Degree’s and tomorrow they will have MBA’s. Soon after, it will be PhD’s. In Zambia we go from Bachelors degree to Grade 5 dropout! South Africa just removed an educated Mbeki and replaced him with an uneducated Zuma who has poor morals! Africa is doomed!

  39. We Africans are easily swayed by sweet talk. You can overthrow an African government with nonsense and bull. All you need is to sound sweet like you can relate to them and voila! you’re in government!

  40. In the UK, we’ll be voting on 6th May. We vote based on issues. Our politicians debate based on issues. They campaign based on issues. The electorate follows issies.

    This is not the casse with Zambian politicians and voters.

  41. #9
    Sharp Shooter- What has USA’s aid got to do with our self inflicted poverty? You buy useless things at the expense of physical development and you want to bring in countries which are run by inteligent governments unlike yours run by recent tree dwellers.

  42. Dull, dull. These guys at NCC who are laughing at the poor must be taught a lesson when MMD gets out of power. Grab everything from then until they account for each and evry item and see if they will laugh again.

  43. I think iliteracy is a big problem in ZAMBIA i think civic education is desperately needed in Zambia especially rural areas. EVen though we blame kaponya’s for voting for SATA and PF it’s because they are addressing their issues so they believe they should vote for someone who will bring some change. BUT KUMUSHI AWE SHUWA, look at milanzi those people are there en masse to see the president in his helicopter, with their bare feet and tattered clothing. THEY DON’T EVEN THINK THEY HAVE A RIGHT TO BE DISSATISFIED WITH THE SITUATION, IT’S TRULY TRULY SAD,the kaponya is even better off:(

  44. Imwe baba a chanda, ivo va ma recall ivo ni vakubazungu, kwatu ni ku Zambia ku mafilika, teyeni umipila panshi

  45. I think that Mr Chanda wanted to say something useful, but it has failed to come out. What exactly are you saying sir?

  46. Very very good article Mr Chanda. As for you miss Goody #51 instead of just ticking others contributions write an article yourself we see ubukali bobe.

  47. Any right thinking and forward minded Zambian can see that NCC is a hogwash full of ineptude and lack of free thinking. The committee is not thinking outside the box but their thought processes are guided by their appointing authorities whom they have to please. (all becoz of the hefty moola lol):-?:(

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