Friday, September 20, 2024

No politics at Kulamba ceremony, says Chief Gawa Undi


The Chewa Royal Establishment in Katete district of Eastern province has banned wearing of political attires at this year’s Kulamba ceremony which takes place on Saturday this week.

Speaking in an interview with ZANIS in Katete today, Paramount Chief Kalonga Gawa Undi’s senior Induna, Joseph Chikuta, said the Chewa Royal Establishment has banned the wearing of political attires at the ceremony to avoid adulterating the purpose of the ceremony.

Mr. Chikuta said the establishment has learnt in the past that mixing culture with politics especially during campaign periods could trigger differences among political rivals.
He said once political differences occur at ceremonies, the purpose of the cultural event is defeated.

He said the establishment wanted to strongly uphold the purpose of the ceremony and not to create a campaign stage for politicians.

Kulamba ceremony of the Chewa people in Zambia, Malawi and Mozambique, which is cerebrated annually, takes place this Saturday in Katete district at paramount chief Kalonga Gawa Undi’s Mkaika palace.

Acting President Rupiah Banda, in the company of several senior government officials, is expected to grace the ceremony.

Senior government officials from Mozambique and Malawi are also expected to be in attendance.

Last year, the ceremony was graced by late Zambian President Levy Mwanawasa, Malawian President Mbingu Wa Mtarika and Mozambique’s Armando Guebuza.

Meanwhile, preparations for the ceremony at the arena are almost complete and preliminary activities will start on Wednesday.



  1. Too late gawa, not with the zedian politics. Already RB is coming in blue and white attire conspicous of one MMD party. So just forget until you begin inviting non politicians at your ceremonies as guest of honor, then you will see the politiking reduce.

  2. cheers again this chief has scored the first for not aligning himself to a polictical part as we have seen with the many chiefs like Mwanachingwala

  3. by means that RB will be attending the ceremony its he is campaigning
    for his useless MMD and he will make sure that the chief does it for him.

  4. If they want they can go unless they only want to go as VIP its not restricted as to who comes it just depends where in the crowed you want to be RB is Acting president you might have head of state from Moz and Malawi and they shall be treated as such unless you want them to come with there opposition party members aswell so they can seat in the same tent.

  5. Chief mwanachingwala is greed, selffish and everything. Please dont let RB use party colours. Invite opposition leaders as well. It is true you wont manage to control mmd characters such as Vj, Teta, Mulongoti and the rest obviously they will campaign if they could use LPM’s body to campaign around the country what will stomp them.

  6. #2 what do you do for a living? It looks like you just spend most of your time on this wedsite. Do you even cook? I wonder!!!

  7. Great, the wise one from the East.
    But you have to convince the wiser one, Mpezeni, Lover of Politicians, the brown envelope and women.

  8. This makes Chief Gawa Undi definitely stand out. This Chief should be given as an example. Politicians can be invited but its wrond fior chiefs to align themselves to these greedy OLD FOOLS.

  9. Let is not make the world revolve around politics.
    Unless someone knows it to be any different, as far as I know one does not require an invitation to attend a traditional ceremony.

    If RB, Sata or HH were to attend; I am sure as prominent members of Zambian society they will be treated with the respect they deserve.

    As for claims RB is campaigning, let it be remembered the Gawa is RB’s Paramount Chief, if he were Lozi and this were Mutomboko would people still be talking about campaigning?

  10. Dont invite Sata by all means because he wont differentiate between the ceremony and his political rally.You know what he did at Levy’s body viewing in eastern province.He is the only Zambian leader without a brain.
    Well done chief

  11. I wish i was in Zambia, Chief Gawa is hiding his joy, he is excited by RB candidature i hope he is prepared to take ma bans to prson when old RB shall be inside.

  12. Chief, well said. Hope Chief Mwanachingwala learns something from you. Chiefs are above politics since they are custodians of all people. The same applies for clergymen. They must be above politics. This why Dr Never Mumba has failed miserably…

  13. It’s indeed a bad dream. RB has just been nominated by MMD NEC to MMD Presidential candidate. Come November 2008,You dream may be true Hon Mumbo looking at the way things are moving now.What do you expect the likes of people once politically finished but now resurrected:- VJ,Gen Tembo,AKa,Zukas, and all the chaps once fired or dropped by the late Mwanawasa are in the forefront supporting RB. Two more things:-1.Does RB understand 5th National Development Plan?2.Did the late Levy knew that he would die before the end of his term? His thanking of the mourners at his funeral leaves too many questions than answers. Its a wait and see situation.

  14. Imwe bantu mwee, what has chief Mwanachingwala done this time.Do you know that he is one of the few brave traditional leaders who has managed to convince indian investors to build another multi billion sugar plantation project in Mazabuka, VIVA chief.

  15. Please chief dont invite Sata because he wont differentiate between his own political rally and this event.The man doesnt even know what body viewing is and turned it to a political campaign.You are aware of what he did in eastern province please dont allow him again.Sata can only be described in one word-MAD. After that he blamed everyone else.Such is the madness of the man with his mad followers

  16. Banda was born in Gwanda, Southern Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe); his parents had come from Northern Rhodesia to find employment prior to his birth, and he was sponsored by a local Dutch Reformed Church preacher (and later, the family of B. R. Naik) to continue his education into adulthood. He became involved in politics when he joined the youth wing of the United National Independence Party in 1960. Banda married his wife, Hope Mwansa Makulu, in 1966 and the couple has five sons together.

  17. Kalonga Gawa Undi is a source of wisdom. I personaly have never heard this Man taking sides in politics. Our chief you always make me feel proud of beind Chewa.

    Not utu tumbi to ma small chiefs utu sabailafye.

  18. If by any chance your pregnant wife gave birth in the air lets whilst travelling between UK and Australia, would you say that your wife gave birth to a stateless bird? Fascinating!

  19. May I end the day with one of my favourite quotes:

    ‘The surest way to know that one is mad is if he insists that he is not’


    #34 cheers man of course #27 as well.


  20. I fear RB is going to win. He a graduate with a B.A Economics degree when I was a corrupt constable in the early 1960,s. RB was Executive Chairman for RDC ( fore-ruuner to ZIMCO)+ General Manager -NAMBOARD when I was jailed for theft of money from someone in the cells and RB was Foreign Affairs Minster when I was a Ward Chairman in a and now I want to go fishing in a Boat…..and He even married a beautiful Bemba woman …Okay just vote for RB

  21. Its good thinking from the gawa. by the way what of those chiefs not yet installed will they be their. work fast chief or else will think you are also part of the brown envelope scam. Let Sata with boat go and he will be drowned, and HH he will go back to run Manda Hill as Manager. I thought he has shares in the shopping complex. Vote RB

  22. Nizoona no politics at ceremonies, but how will you prevent people from wearing political gear? Are they going to be undressed especially Nyau yolemba?

  23. Nyau yolemda is the most respectable nyau or gule wamkulu. It will be nice to have no politics at traditional ceremonies

  24. Uyu chifi aliko nenzelu. Chipatans are all getting blinded at the possibility of chi ‘kwalolomwela’ RB matobo. No politiks. mwamvela. pasopo!!!!

  25. Here is a real decent chief from the east. Not those partisan luapula chiefs like Mwata Kazembe and Chief Puta, who eventually end up having an elected MP lose his seat because of their biasness during elections.

    They should just ensure that Sata is Kept away because he has no sense of occasion.He will want to divert attention to his ugly self.
    Imagine a man who wants to follow a corpse all over the country for political reasons.If he realy wanted to view Levys body while didnt he just get a chair and seat by Levy open coffin at Mulungushi the whole day.


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