Friday, September 20, 2024

Farmers in Kafue happy with FSP


Farmers in Kafue have commended the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives for increasing the number of farmer beneficiaries in the district under the Fertilizer Support Programme for this year’s farming season.

Gabon Nakatete Cooperative Block Chairman Jackson Kandoko told ZANIS in Kafue today that members are happy with the decision by government to increase the number of beneficiaries as that has been their cry for the past two farming season.

Beneficiaries under the FSP in the district has increased from 1880 to 3240 farmers .

Mr Kandoko said the farmers are happy that late president Dr Levy Mwanawasa had laid a foundation for the agriculture in the country which has seeing peasant farmers produce more.

He said there is need for the current president and whoever takes office after the 30th October polls to continue with the same programme..

Mr Kandoko said peasant farmers are willing to work hard and stamp out hunger in their areas if supported with affordable farm inputs.

He has called on the District Agriculture Committee to speed up the process of allocating the packs to respective farmer groups so that they can start collecting inputs as many of them are already paying for fertilizer and seed packs to the cooperative.


  1. RB for Presdo if you want to continue reaping such benefits. The other pretenders will take all this way from the people.

  2. Farming is the only right and truthful way of living (read Genesis 1:29). Give dem farmers all de support dem need and don’t forget de weed farmers too, a weh we woulda do without dem!

  3. Good policy by govt though why bring it when the elections are just around the corner. Very tricky indeed. RB is very corrupt “kuyabebele” with yo UNIP tricks of lining up sweets into the bush for a small girl to be following with a vew of defiling her.
    Abashi Bukaponya and Viva Econoic Empowerment under HH.
    Bamo ifilamba fikafuma

  4. I don’t understand why people wait for the government to give them fertilizer, when they can make their own.

    Compost and worm castings can be made by the farmer, on the farm. Compost is simply decayed organic matter that is added to the soil, and is a very light fertilizer. However, unlike chemical fertilizers, they build instead of deplete the soil. Worm castings are pure plantfood, which also adds organic matter to the soil. Worm castings can be made with any large container, with enough worms and added organic material.

    Both add to the soil to give it longevity. At least it reduces the dependence on non-organic fertilizers.

  5. And green manuring through nitrogen fixing plants like legumes. At the same time, green manure plants provide soil cover which prevents erosion.

  6. Country men ladie and gentlemen we need to be serious at least for once, RB is not a presidential material,Objectively voting HH is a best candidate,but going by the prevailing levels of Poverty with my total conviction SATA pa Bwato is a man we all need. Viva Zambia

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