Friday, September 20, 2024

Chief calls for more food


Two chiefs in Chadiza District have appealed to government for relief food to help cushion hunger in their chiefdoms.

Chief Zingalume and Chief Mlolo of the Chewa people told ZANIS in a joint interview that the hunger situation in their respective areas was worrying and needed government’s urgent attention.

The chiefs said if not addressed soon, the situation will deteriorate further because most people will not have enough energy to prepare their fields for this farming season.

They said the 100 metric tones of relief maize which government gave the district two months ago did little to arrest starvation as most households were left out.

The traditional rulers said conditions attached to relief maize distribution which only targeted the aged, orphaned, disabled, and the chronically sick was discriminatory as hunger was a cross-cutting problem in their chiefdoms.

They said although the categorised group was most affected, it was important for government to appreciate that every family in their areas needed to benefit from relief maize.

They disclosed that some families that were fortunate had to walk long distances to the Boma in order to pick maize residual from hammer mills.

They said whoever will become president after the 30th October presidential poll should seriously consider the appeal for relief food as a matter of urgency as the situation was very worrying.

Meanwhile the two chiefs said they will not declare support for any presidential candidate because their role was to run the affairs of their chiefdoms.

They said they will maintain a neutral stance and leave the political arena to politicians.



  1. Thats a total lie. those chiefs just want RB to give them more. Mwanya he’s using public funds, you’l also fall in the same mess if you don’t know.

  2. How can a Chewa Chief vote for Satana…….Dont insult these Chiefs

    They know Sata is an empty Vessel

    Ofcourse they will vote RB.

  3. The chiefs are just lazy. Why dont they migrate if they can’t manage the land… duh!

    RB should just give them sugar for zigolo and energy. The problem is that Zambians will treat this as corruption.

    RB for Plot 1.

  4. Feed the whole country for free. These chiefs have just received Pajeros and Sata wants to refund them the money they have already paid. Zambia is a very rich country indeed

  5. If you cnt afford to buy food how are you going to buy fuel for you pajero’s? VOTE SATA VIVA SATAMANIA, NORTH SATA,SOUTH SATA,WEST SATA,EAST SATA (IN SHORT NEWS SATA)

  6. “They said whoever will become president after the 30th October presidential poll should seriously consider the appeal for relief food as a matter of urgency as the situation was very worrying. Meanwhile the two chiefs said they will not declare support for any presidential candidate because their role was to run the affairs of their chiefdoms.They said they will maintain a neutral stance and leave the political arena to politicians.”
    Thanks Chiefs from Eastern Province for ecHi-ecHi and immediately he win on 30th October, 2008, he will certainly bring you the food and other farming incentives for your next faming season. In fact, I am positive HH will do something 4 u even b4 the election.

  7. we have talked a lot about elections such that we ar even tired!There4,im imviting all those who are interested to join me in praying for peace to continue prevailing in our country especialy at this time of elections,Starting 2moro the 22nd up to 28th at 21:00hrs
    Venue whereva u ar going 2b at 21:00hrs.Let us observe time.Thank you

  8. RB, what these people in mlolo/tafelansoni/vubwi and other surrounding villages need are farming inputs and not relief food. As far as i can remember, the last farming season was good. These are some of the people you should have target for free fertiliser instead of giving fertiliser to unproductive cadres. By giving people relief food as opposed to free farming inputs, GRZ is just encouraging laziness. I happen to have been worked with communities in villages in all districts of Zambia, so I know the people would prefer inputs to relief food. HAS GRZ FORGOTTEN ABOUT BUILDING CAPACITIES AT VILLAGE/DISTRICT/PROVINCIAL Levels?

  9. All these fun politicians will make suffer, they don’t know what is involved in farming. but there is a young man who understands farming. viva HHHHH

  10. Fanmail # 21, I’m with you. The future belongs to those who prepare for it now. SATAN and NYAMA SOYA have already lived their future , there’s NO more future for them to Cheat us about.

    VOTE HH… ZAMBIA FORWARD, that’s the future we are talking about.

  11. My advice to the chiefs is to ask their subjects to VOTE for HH. He is a farmer and understands farming very well. He will provide not only relief food for now, but also facilitate long term measures for production so that Chiefs stop begging. Villagers will be empowered to cultivate enough under the UPND governmentas it is the only party that understands argriculture BETTER.

    Stop…Stop…begging Vote HH

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